Yocto layer for images and extra recipes for Gumstix products. This layer complements the meta-gumstix BSP layer.

Setup information

Git repository

https://github.com/gumstix/meta-gumstix-extras.git web repo

Last commit: 11 years ago (dora branch)



The meta-gumstix-extras layer depends upon:

Recipe name Version Description
e2eaudiotest 0.1 Audio Loopback Tool for Testing
gumstix-console-image 1.0 A basic console image for Gumstix boards.
gumstix-test-image 1.0 A basic console image for Gumstix boards.
gumstix-xfce-image 1.0 A basic console image for Gumstix boards.
mozjs 17.0.0 SpiderMonkey is Mozilla's JavaScript engine written in C/C++
omap3-writeprom 1.0 Writeprom script for omap3 boards with EEPROM on there expansionboard - see http://www.elinux.org/BeagleBoardPinMux#Vendor_and_Device_IDs
picodlp-control 0.1 Small application to control the pico DLP over I2C
polkit 0.111 PolicyKit Authorization Framework
polkit-group-rule-datetime 1.0 Create usergroup datetime. All members off this group are allowed set date/time/timezone via system dbus
polkit-group-rule-network 1.0 Create usergroup network. All members off this group are allowed to modify networkmanager settings
polkit-group-rule-shutdown 1.0 All members off sudo group are allowed to modify login1 settings
raw2rgbpnm git Convert raw Bayer images to netpbm format
spidev-test 0.1 SPI Loopback Tool for Testing
uart-loop-test 0.1 UART Loopback Tool for Testing