This layer provides RetroArch front-end and libretro cores emulators recipes for use with OpenEmbedded and/or Yocto.

Setup information Mailing list

Git repository web repo

Last commit: 3 years, 11 months ago (dunfell branch)


  • Bartłomiej Burdukiewicz email


The meta-libretro layer depends upon:


The meta-libretro layer recommends:

Recipe name Version Description
2048-libretro 2021+gitX Port of 2048 puzzle game to the libretro API.
3dengine-libretro 2021+gitX 3D Engine for libretro GL with additional features (camera/location/etc). Should be compatible from libretro 3D/GLES 2.0 and up.
81-libretro 2021+gitX ZX81 emulator
atari800-libretro 2021+gitX Atari 8-bit/800/5200 emulator
bash-launcher-libretro 2021+gitX Bash launcher
beetle-gba-libretro 2021+gitX Nintendo Gameboy Advance emulator
beetle-lynx-libretro 2021+gitX Atari Lynx emulator
beetle-ngp-libretro 2021+gitX Neo Geo Pocket(Color) emulator
beetle-pce-fast-libretro 2021+gitX PC-Engine emulator
beetle-pcfx-libretro 2021+gitX PCFX emulator
beetle-psx-libretro 2021+gitX Sony PlayStation emulator
beetle-saturn-libretro 2021+gitX Sega Saturn emulator
beetle-supergrafx-libretro 2021+gitX SuperGrafx TG-16 emulator
beetle-vb-libretro 2021+gitX Nintendo Virtual Boy emulator
beetle-wswan-libretro 2021+gitX Wonderswan emulator
bk-libretro 2021+gitX BK-0010/0011/Terak 8510a emulator
bluemsx-libretro 2021+gitX MSX/MSX2/Colecovision emulator
bsnes-libretro 2021+gitX Super Nintendo emulator
caprice32-libretro 2021+gitX Amstrad CPC emulator
cool-retro-term 1.1.1 Terminal emulator which mimics the look and feel of the old cathode tube screens
desmume-libretro 2021+gitX Nintendo DS emulator
dinothawr-libretro 2021+gitX Dinothawr - standalone libretro puzzle game
dolphin-emu 2021+gitX Dolphin is a GameCube / Wii emulator
dolphin-launcher-libretro 2021+gitX Native Dolphin emulator launcher
dolphin-libretro 2021+gitX Nintendo GameCube / Wii emulator
dosbox-libretro 2021+gitX MS-DOS emulator
dosbox-pure-libretro 2021+gitX MS-DOS emulator
duckstation-libretro 2021+gitX Sony PlayStation emulator
fbalpha2012-cps1-libretro 2021+gitX Capcom CPS1 emulator
fbalpha2012-cps2-libretro 2021+gitX Capcom CPS2 emulator
fbalpha2012-libretro 2021+gitX FB Alpha multi-arcade emulator
fbalpha2012-neogeo-libretro 2021+gitX SNK NeoGeo emulator
fbneo-libretro 2021+gitX FB Neo multi-arcade emulator
fceumm-libretro 2021+gitX Nintendo Entertainment System emulator
firmware-libretro 20200808
flycast-libretro 2021+gitX Sega Dreamcast/Naomi emulator
fmsx-libretro 2021+gitX MSX/MSX2 emu - fMSX port for libretro
freechaf-libretro 2021+gitX ChannelF emulator for libretro
freeimage 3.18.0 FreeImage tool used by WhatsApp Purple
freeintv-libretro 2021+gitX Intellivision emulator for libretro
frodo-libretro 2021+gitX Frodo - Commodore 64 emulator
fuse-libretro 2021+gitX ZX Spectrum emu - Fuse port for libretro
gambatte-libretro 2021+gitX Gameboy Color emu - libgambatte port for libretro
gearsystem-libretro 2021+gitX Sega 8 bit emu - Gearsystem port for libretro
genesis-plus-gx-libretro 2021+gitX Sega Mega Drive / Genesis emulator
genesis-plus-gx-wide-libretro 2021+gitX Sega Mega Drive / Genesis emulator
glslang 8.13.3743+gitX OpenGL / OpenGL ES Reference Compiler
gme-libretro 2021+gitX Dinothawr - standalone libretro puzzle game
gpsp-libretro 2021+gitX
gw-libretro 2021+gitX Game and Watch simulator
handy-libretro 2021+gitX Atari Lynx emulator - Handy port for libretro
hatari-libretro 2021+gitX Atari emulator - Hatari port for libretro
kodi-game-libretro 2.2.0-Matrix Libretro compatibility layer for the Kodi Game API
kodi-game-libretro-pcsx-rearmed PCSX ReARMed game client for XBMC
kronos-libretro 2021+gitX Saturn & ST-V emulator - Kronos port for libretro
libglvnd 1.3.1 libglvnd is a vendor-neutral dispatch layer for arbitrating OpenGL API calls between multiple vendors.
libplist 2.2.0 A library to handle Apple Property List format whereas it's binary or XML
libusbmuxd 2.0.2 This daemon is in charge of multiplexing connections over USB to an iPhone or iPod touch.
mame-libretro 2021+gitX
mame2000-libretro 2021+gitX
mame2003-libretro 2021+gitX
mame2003-plus-libretro 2021+gitX
mame2010-libretro 2021+gitX
mame2015-libretro 2021+gitX
mame2016-libretro 2021+gitX
masen-libretro 2021+gitX High-accuracy NES and Famicom emulator
masen-s-libretro 2021+gitX Mesen-S is a cross-platform SNES emulator for Windows & Linux built in C++.
melonds-libretro 2021+gitX MelonDS - Nintendo DS emulator
meow-pc98-libretro 2021+gitX Neko Project 2 (PC98 emulator) port for libretro/RetroArch
mgba-libretro 2021+gitX Nintendo GameBoy Advance emulator
mrboom-libretro 2021+gitX Mr.Boom - 8 players Bomberman clone for libretro.
mupen64plus-libretro 2021+gitX Nintendo 64 emulator
neocd-libretro 2021+gitX Neo Geo CD emulator for libretro
nestopia-libretro 2021+gitX NES emu - Nestopia (enhanced) port for libretro
np2kai-libretro 2021+gitX PC98 emu - Modified Neko Project II port for libretro
nxengine-libretro 2021+gitX Cave Story engine clone - NxEngine port for libretro
o2em-libretro 2021+gitX Odyssey 2 / Videopac emu - O2EM port for libretro
oberon-libretro 2021+gitX Emulator for the Oberon RISC machine
opera-libretro 2021+gitX 3DO emu - 4DO/libfreedo port for libretro
packagegroup-libretro-arcade 1.0 Libretro Arcade cores
packagegroup-libretro-atari 1.0 Libretro Atari cores
packagegroup-libretro-cores 1.0 Libretro cores package group
packagegroup-libretro-dreamcast 1.0 Libretro Dreamcast cores
packagegroup-libretro-extra 1.0 Libretro extra cores package group
packagegroup-libretro-gba 1.0 Libretro GameBoy Advanced cores
packagegroup-libretro-gbc 1.0 Libretro GameBoy Color cores
packagegroup-libretro-n64 1.0 Libretro Nintendo 64 cores
packagegroup-libretro-nds 1.0 Libretro Nintendo Dual Screen (DS) cores
packagegroup-libretro-nes 1.0 Libretro Nintendo Entertainment System cores
packagegroup-libretro-ngc 1.0 Libretro Nintendo GameCube cores
packagegroup-libretro-pc 1.0 Libretro PC cores
packagegroup-libretro-pc98 1.0 Libretro Nintendo 64 cores
packagegroup-libretro-psx 1.0 Libretro PlayStation (One) cores
packagegroup-libretro-saturn 1.0 Libretro Sega Saturn cores
packagegroup-libretro-sms 1.0 Libretro Sega Master System
packagegroup-libretro-snes 1.0 Libretro SNES cores
packagegroup-libretro-wii 1.0 Libretro Nintendo Wii cores
packagegroup-standalone-emulators 1.0 Standalone emulators package group
parallel-n64-libretro 2021+gitX N64 emu - Highly modified Mupen64Plus port for libretro
pcsx-rearmed-libretro 2021+gitX Sony PlayStation emulator
pcsx2-libretro 2021+gitX PCSX2 - The Playstation 2 Emulator.
picodrive-libretro 2021+gitX Sega 8/16 bit emu - picodrive arm optimised libretro core
pokemini-libretro 2021+gitX Pokemon Mini emulator - PokeMini port for libretro
ppsspp-libretro 2021+gitX PlayStation Portable emu - PPSSPP port for libretro
prboom-libretro 2021+gitX Doom/Doom II engine - PrBoom port for libretro
prosystem-libretro 2021+gitX Atari 7800 ProSystem emu - ProSystem port for libretro
puae-libretro 2021+gitX P-UAE Amiga emulator port for libretro
px68k-libretro 2021+gitX SHARP X68000 Emulator
quasi88-libretro 2021+gitX NEC PC-8801 emu - Quasi88 port for libretro
quicknes-libretro 2021+gitX NES emulator - QuickNES Port for libretro
race-libretro 2021+gitX RACE NGPC emulator
recalbox-emulationstation 7.0
redream-libretro 2021+gitX Dreamcast emulator - redream port for libretro
reicast-libretro 2021+gitX Dreamcast emulator - reicast
resize-helper 1.0 Resize root filesystem to fit available disk space
retro-image-full 1.0 RetroArch full image
retro-image-minimal 1.0 RetroArch minimal image
retro-image-standard 1.0 RetroArch standard image
retro-menu 2021+gitX Retro menu launcher for retro distribution. Written in Qt / QML.
retro-repart-conf 1.0 System partition layout configuration for system-repart
retro-user 1.0 Retro default user
retro8-libretro 2021+gitX PICO-8 implementation with SDL2 and RetroArch back-ends
retroarch 1.9.0-gitX Cross-platform, sophisticated frontend for the libretro API
retroarch-assets 2021+gitX Assets needed for RetroArch
retroarch-autoconfig 2021+gitX RetroArch joypad autoconfig files
retroarch-cg-shaders 2021+gitX Libretro Cg shaders
retroarch-database 2021+gitX RetroArch Database containing cheatcode files, content data files, etc.
retroarch-glsl-shaders 2021+gitX Retroarch GLSL shaders
retroarch-libretro-info 2021+gitX RetroArch additional headers with info about libretro cores
retroarch-overlays 2021+gitX RetroArch overlay collection
retroarch-service 2.2 RetroArch systemd service
retroarch-slang-shaders 2021+gitX Vulkan GLSL RetroArch shader system
retroflag-picase 1.0+gitX RetroFlag Pi-Case Safe Shutdown
rtkit 0.13 Realtime Policy and Watchdog Daemon
sfml 2.5.1+gitX Simple and Fast Multimedia Library
smsplus-gx-libretro 2021+gitX Sega Master System & Game Gear emu - SMSPlus (enhanced) port for libretro
snes9x-libretro 2021+gitX Snes9x - Portable Super Nintendo Entertainment System (TM) emulator.
snes9x2002-libretro 2021+gitX Snes9x 2002. Port of SNES9x 1.39 for libretro (was previously called PocketSNES). Heavily optimized for ARM.
snes9x2005-libretro 2021+gitX Snes9x 2005. Port of SNES9x 1.43 for libretro (was previously called CAT SFC).
snes9x2010-libretro 2021+gitX Snes9x 2010. Port of Snes9x 1.52+ to Libretro (previously called SNES9x Next). Rewritten in C and several optimizations and speedhacks.
spirv-tools 2020.6 The SPIR-V Tools project provides an API and commands for processing SPIR-V modules
stella2014-libretro 2021+gitX Atari 2600 emulator - Stella port for libretro
superflappybirds-libretro 1.0 Super Flappy Birds - Multiplayer Flappy Bird Clone
tgbdual-libretro 2021+gitX Gameboy Color emu - TGB Dual port for libretro
theodore-libretro 2021+gitX Thomson MO/TO system emulator
tyrquake-libretro 2021+gitX Quake 1 engine - Tyrquake port for libretro
uzem-libretro 2021+gitX The Uzebox is a retro-minimalist homebrew game console. It is based on an AVR 8-bit general purpose microcontroller made by Atmel.
vba-next-libretro 2021+gitX Optimized port of VBA-M to Libretro.
vbam-libretro 2021+gitX Visual Boy Advance - A fork of VBA-M with libretro integration
vecx-libretro 2021+gitX Vectrex emulator - vecx port for libretro
vemulator-libretro 2021+gitX A port of the SEGA Visual Memory Unit emulator VeMUlator for libretro.
vice-libretro 2021+gitX C64 emulator - port of VICE for libretro
vice-x128-libretro 2021+gitX C64 emulator - port of VICE for libretro
vice-x64sc-libretro 2021+gitX C64 emulator - port of VICE for libretro
vice-xcbm2-libretro 2021+gitX C64 emulator - port of VICE for libretro
vice-xcbm5x0-libretro 2021+gitX C64 emulator - port of VICE for libretro
vice-xpet-libretro 2021+gitX C64 emulator - port of VICE for libretro
vice-xplus4-libretro 2021+gitX C64 emulator - port of VICE for libretro
vice-xscpu64-libretro 2021+gitX C64 emulator - port of VICE for libretro
vice-xvic-libretro 2021+gitX C64 emulator - port of VICE for libretro
virtualjaguar-libretro 2021+gitX Atari Jaguar emu - Virtual Jaguar (optimised) port for libretro
xmil-libretro 2021+gitX Libretro port of X Millennium Sharp X1 emulator
yabause-libretro 2021+gitX Sega Saturn emu - Yabause (optimised) port for libretro