Enlightenment UI support

Git repository

git://git.openembedded.org/meta-openembedded web repo


meta-efl web subdirectory

Last commit: 11 years, 4 months ago (dylan branch)



The meta-efl layer depends upon:

Recipe name Version Description
azy 1.0.0+svnrX Azy is a library meant for implementing rpc clients and servers in a simple manner.
cpu 0.0.1+svnr82070 E17 cpu module
diskio 0.0.1+svnrX E17 diskio module
e-tasks 0.0.2+gitrX e-tasks is a todo program for Openmoko phones
e-wm 0.17.3 The Enlightenment Window Manager Version 17
e-wm 0.17.0+svnrX The Enlightenment Window Manager Version 17
e-wm-illume-dict-pl 1.0+gitrX Polish dictionary for Illume keyboard
e-wm-theme-b-and-w 0.0+svnrX b-and-w theme was default E17 theme before alpha3 and some people still prefers it.
e-wm-theme-illume-efenniht 0.0+svnrX efenniht illume theme - Efenniht was devised to be clean and neutral. Its name (which means equinox) comes from the chromatic duality that was decided at the very beginning, with a dark theme (black and orange) and a bright one (white and blue) to be developed so that more people feel comfortable using it. Efenniht uses few animations, discrete contrasts between shades of gray and fine lines (colored) that outline the selected elements.
ecore 1.7.7 Ecore is the Enlightenment application framework library
ecore 1.7.4+svnrX Ecore is the Enlightenment application framework library
edb Edb is the Enlightenment database library
edbus 1.7.7 DBus and HAL convenience wrappers for EFL
edbus 1.7.4+svnrX DBus and HAL convenience wrappers for EFL
edbus2 1.7.99+svnrX DBus convenience wrappers for EFL
edje 1.7.7 Edje is the Enlightenment graphical design & layout library
edje 1.7.4+svnrX Edje is the Enlightenment graphical design & layout library
edje-viewer 0.0.0+svnrX Edje_Viewer is just that.
eet 1.7.7 EET is the Enlightenment data storage library
eet 1.7.4+svnrX EET is the Enlightenment data storage library
eeze 1.7.7 Eeze is a library to simplify the use of devices
eeze 1.7.4+svnrX Eeze is a library to simplify the use of devices
efreet 1.7.7 The Enlightenment freedesktop.org library
efreet 1.7.4+svnrX The Enlightenment freedesktop.org library
eina 1.7.7 Eina is the Enlightenment data library
eina 1.7.4+svnrX Eina is the Enlightenment data library
eio 1.7.7 Enlightenment Input Output Library
eio 1.7.4+svnrX Enlightenment Input Output Library
elementary 1.7.7 EFL based widget set for mobile devices
elementary 1.7.4+svnrX EFL based widget set for mobile devices
elementary-theme-efenniht 0.0+svnrX efenniht elementary theme - Efenniht was devised to be clean and neutral. Its name (which means equinox) comes from the chromatic duality that was decided at the very beginning, with a dark theme (black and orange) and a bright one (white and blue) to be developed so that more people feel comfortable using it. Efenniht uses few animations, discrete contrasts between shades of gray and fine lines (colored) that outline the selected elements.
elfe 0.0.1+svnrX E17 elfe module
elmdentica 0.9.9+svnrX A indenti.ca client for E
embryo 1.7.7 The Enlightenment C-like scripting language for Edje
embryo 1.7.4+svnrX The Enlightenment C-like scripting language for Edje
emotion 1.7.7 The Enlightenment multimedia library
emotion 1.7.4+svnrX The Enlightenment multimedia library
emprint 0.0.1+svnrX Emprint is a utility for taking screenshots of the entire screen, a specific window, or a specific region.
engrave 0.0.0+svnrX Engrave is an Edje Editing Library
enjoy 0.0+svnrX Enjoy music player
entrance 0.0.4+svnrX Login manager for Enlightenment
epdf 0.1.0+svnrX Epdf is the glue between EFL and libpoppler
epeg 0.9.0+svnrX Epeg is a small library for handling thumbnails.
ephoto 0.1.0+svnr82070 E17 ephoto module
ethumb 1.7.7 EFL based thumbnail generation library
ethumb 1.7.4+svnrX EFL based thumbnail generation library
evas 1.7.7 Evas is the Enlightenment canvas API
evas 1.7.4+svnrX Evas is the Enlightenment canvas API
evas-generic-loaders 1.7.7 Evas generic loaders
evas-generic-loaders 1.7.4+svnrX Evas generic loaders
eve Enlightenment Web Browser
exalt 0.9+svnrX Exalt is a network manager for the windows manager Enlightenment DR17.
exalt-client 0.0.1+svnrX E17 exalt-client module
expedite 1.7.7 Expedite is a comprehensive benchmarking suite for Evas
expedite 1.7.4+svnrX Expedite is a comprehensive benchmarking suite for Evas
exquisite 0.0.1+svnrX A psplash replacement for display
exquisite-theme-illume 1.0+svnrX
flame 0.0.3+svnrX E17 flame module
forecasts 0.2.0+svnr82070 E17 forecasts module
illume-keyboards-shr 0.0+gitrX
imlib2 1.4.5+svnrX A graphic library for file loading, saving, rendering, and manipulation.
libeflvala 2011.01.13.1+svnrX Vala meets the Enlightenment Foundation Libraries
libeweather 0.0.0+svnrX EFL-based weather widget library
lightmediascanner 0.4.4 Lightweight media scanner meant to be used in not-so-powerful devices
mcnavi 0.3.4 Free GPS navigation for car and outdoor with OpenStreetMap maps
meta-toolchain-efl 1.0 Meta package for building a installable toolchain
news 0.1.0+svnrX E17 news module
packagegroup-efl-sdk 1.0 Efl Software Development Kit
packagegroup-efl-standalone-sdk-target 1.0 Efl Software Development Kit
packagegroup-x11-illume 1.0 The Illume Windowing Environment -- install this task to get the Enlightenment Window Manager + the Illume environment.
places 0.1.0+svnrX E17 places module
python-ecore 1.7.0+svnrX python-ecore bindings
python-ecore 1.7.0 python-ecore bindings
python-edbus 1.7.0+svnrX python-edbus bindings
python-edbus 1.7.0 python-edbus bindings
python-edje 1.7.0+svnrX python-edje bindings
python-edje 1.7.0 python-edje bindings
python-elementary 1.7.0+svnrX python-elementary bindings
python-elementary 1.7.0 python-elementary bindings
python-emotion 1.7.0+svnrX python-emotion bindings
python-emotion 1.7.0 python-emotion bindings
python-evas 1.7.0+svnrX python-evas bindings
python-evas 1.7.0 python-evas bindings
rage Rage is a media center application based on EFL
rain 0.0.3+svnrX E17 rain module
screenshot 0.3.0+svnr82070 E17 screenshot module
terminology 0.3.0 Enlightenment Terminal Emulator
terminology 0.2.0+svnrX Enlightenment Terminal Emulator
uptime 0.0.2+svnr82070 E17 uptime module
webkit-efl 1.9.3+svnrX Webkit browser engine, EFL edition