Texas Instruments board support (official)

Setup information

Git repository

git://git.yoctoproject.org/meta-ti web repo

Last commit: 10 years, 8 months ago (dylan branch)



The meta-ti layer depends upon:

Recipe name Version Description
abefw 1.0.14 Firmware for OMAP4 and OMAP5 ABE
am33x-cm3 Cortex-M3 binary blob for suspend-resume
beaglebone-capes 1.0 Userspace setup for beaglebone capes
beaglebone-getting-started 1.0 BeagleBone Getting Started Guide
beaglebone-tester 1.0 BeagleBone tester scripts
bonescript 1.0 Scripting tools for the BeagleBoard and BeagleBone
boot-monitor 2.0 Boot Monitor - TI ARM Boot monitor code
cmem git The cmem component supports contiguous memory allocation from userspace
cmem-mod git Kernel module for contiguous memory allocation from userspace
gadget-init 1.0 Units to initialize usb gadgets
gstreamer-ti svnr962 GSTREAMER Plugin (gstreamer-ti) for TI ARM/DSP processors
libdrm 2.4.41 Userspace interface to the kernel DRM services
libgles-omap3 libGLES for the omap3
libgles-omap3 libGLES for the omap3
libgles-omap3 libGLES for the omap3
libgles-omap3 libGLES for the omap3
libgles-omap3 libGLES for the omap3
libgles-omap3 libGLES for the omap3
libgles-omap3 libGLES for the omap3
libgles-omap3-x11 libGLES for the omap3 (X11)
linux 3.3.7 Linux 3.3 stable kernel release
linux-am335x-psp 3.2 Linux kernel for TI33x devices from PSP
linux-keystone 3.10.10 Linux kernel for TI Keystone devices
linux-keystone-rt 3.10.10 Linux RT kernel for TI Keystone devices
linux-mainline 3.2.28 Linux kernel for TI processors
linux-omap 2.6.37 Linux kernel for OMAP processors
linux-omap-psp 2.6.37 Linux kernel for OMAP3 EVM from PSP, based on linux-omap3 kernel
linux-omap4 3.4 Linux Kernel
linux-omapl138-psp 2.6.37 Linux Kernel
linux-ti-glsdk 3.8.13 Linux kernel for TI devices supported by the GLSDK product
linux-ti-staging 3.8.13 Linux kernel for TI devices
linux-ti-staging 3.12.10 Linux kernel for TI devices
linux-ti33x-psp 3.2.28 Linux Kernel
omap3-sgx-modules Kernel drivers for the PowerVR SGX chipset found in the omap3 SoCs
omap3-sgx-modules Kernel drivers for the PowerVR SGX chipset found in the omap3 SoCs
omap3-sgx-modules Kernel drivers for the PowerVR SGX chipset found in the omap3 SoCs
omap3-sgx-modules Kernel drivers for the PowerVR SGX chipset found in the omap3 SoCs
omap3-sgx-modules Kernel drivers for the PowerVR SGX chipset found in the omap3 SoCs
omap3-sgx-modules Kernel drivers for the PowerVR SGX chipset found in the omap3 SoCs
omap3-sgx-modules Kernel drivers for the PowerVR SGX chipset found in the omap3 SoCs
omap3-sgx-modules-x11 Kernel drivers for the PowerVR SGX chipset found in the omap3 SoCs (for X11)
omap5-sgx-ddk-um-linux Userspace libraries for omap5 sgx
omapdrm-pvr 1.9.2253347 Kernel drivers for the PowerVR SGX chipset found in the omap5 SoCs
omapfbplay 0.0+r0+gitr34293052c5a2ae328eac6903512e6b4ce19b5639 Simple libav-based player that uses the omapfb overlays
omapfbplay-cmem 0.0+r0+gitr34293052c5a2ae328eac6903512e6b4ce19b5639 Simple libav-based player that uses the omapfb overlays
omapfbplay-dce 0.0+r0+gitr34293052c5a2ae328eac6903512e6b4ce19b5639 Simple libav-based player that uses the omapfb overlays
omapfbplay-xv 0.0+r0+gitr34293052c5a2ae328eac6903512e6b4ce19b5639 Simple libav-based player that uses the omapfb overlays
packagegroup-ti-test 1.0 Extended task to get System Test specific apps
signgp 1.0 Tool to sign omap3 x-loader images
ti-biosutils 1_02_02 TI DSP/BIOS Utilities
ti-c6accel 1_01_00_06 TI C6Accel - DSP Software Libraries on ARM
ti-cgt470 4_6_6 TI ARM Code Generation Tools
ti-cgt6x 7_2_7 TI DSP Code Generation Tools
ti-cgt6x 6_1_20 TI DSP Code Generation Tools
ti-codec-engine 2_26_02_11 Codec Engine for TI ARM/DSP processors
ti-codecs-omap3530 4_00_00_00 TI Codecs and Server Combo for OMAP3530
ti-dmai 2_10_00_01+svnrX Davinci Multimedia Application Interface (DMAI) for TI ARM/DSP processors
ti-dspbios 5_41_11_38 TI DSP/BIOS v5 Kernel
ti-dsplink 1_65_00_03 DSPLINK Inter-Processor Communications (IPC) for TI ARM/DSP processors
ti-edma3lld 01_11_01_04 TI EDMA3 Low Level Driver (LLD)
ti-framework-components 2_26_00_01 TI Framework Components
ti-hdvpss TI HDVPSS
ti-ipc 3.00.00 This support the communication between processors in a multi-processor environment and communication to peripherals. This communication includes message passing, streams, and linked lists. These modules work transparently in both uni-processor and multi-processor configurations.
ti-ipc 1_24_00_16 TI Inter Process Ccommunication (IPC) Mechanisms (for Uni- and Multi- Processor Configurations)
ti-linuxutils 2_26_01_02 MFP Linux utils for TI ARM/DSP processors
ti-local-power-manager 1_24_02_09 TI Local Power Manager (LPM)
ti-msp430-chronos 1_05_00_00 eZ430 Chronos Tools - MSP430 Development Kit/Watch
ti-ocf-crypto-module 1.0 Builds Crypto module used by OCF-Linux driver in OpenSSL example applications
ti-pru-sw-edma-driver 1.00.00 Builds eDMA module used by eDMA libraries for PRU sw example applications
ti-sysbios 6_33_00_19 TI SYS/BIOS v6 Kernel
ti-syslink 2_00_00_78 SYSLINK Inter-Processor Communications (IPC) for TI ARM/DSP processors
ti-xdais 6_26_01_03 TI eXpress DSP Algorithm Interface Standard (XDAIS) specification
ti-xdctools 3_23_00_32 TI XDCtools (RTSC - Real Time Software Components - http://rtsc.eclipse.org)
u-boot 2013.01.01 Mainline u-boot bootloader
u-boot 2011.12 U-Boot - the Universal Boot Loader
u-boot-am180x 2010.12 u-boot bootloader for AM180x devices
u-boot-am33x 2013.01.01 u-boot bootloader for ARM MPU devices
u-boot-am33x 2011.09+git U-Boot - the Universal Boot Loader
u-boot-am3517 2011.09 u-boot bootloader for ARM MPU devices
u-boot-am37x 2012.04.01 u-boot bootloader for ARM MPU devices
u-boot-beagleboard 2011.09 U-Boot - the Universal Boot Loader
u-boot-glsdk 2013.01.01 u-boot bootloader for TI devices supported by the GLSDK product
u-boot-keystone 2013.01 u-boot bootloader for Multi-Core BU devices
u-boot-ti-staging 2013.10 u-boot bootloader for TI devices
u-boot-ti-staging 2013.01.01 u-boot bootloader for TI devices
uim 0.0 User Mode Initialization Manager for wl12xx devices
vpe-vpdma 1b8 VPE VPDMA firmware and test program
x-load 1.5.1 x-load bootloader loader
x-load 1.46+r0+gitrfc6d5be15c703d21aef0ae0b8c02177721f0445f x-load bootloader loader
am180x-evm TI AM180x EVM board
am335x-evm TI AM335x EVM
am3517-evm TI Sitara AM3517 EVM
am37x-evm TI AM37x EVM
am437x-evm TI AM437x EVM
beagleboard http://beagleboard.org/ board
beaglebone http://beagleboard.org/bone board
dra7xx-evm TI DRA7xx EVM
k2e-evm TI Keystone 2 K2E EVM
k2hk-evm TI Keystone 2 K2HK EVM
k2l-evm TI Keystone 2 K2L EVM
omap3evm TI OMAP3 EVM
omap5-evm TI OMAP5 uEVM
pandaboard OMAP4430 Panda