For MinnowBoard Max, please use the intel-corei7-64 machine provided by meta-intel and not this layer - this layer supports the original MinnowBoard only.

BSP for the MinnowBoard v1, a board targeting the small and low-cost embedded market for the developer and maker community, based on an Intel Atom E640T processor coupled with an Intel EG20T Platform Controller Hub (Tunnel Creek + Topcliff = Queens Bay).

Setup information Mailing list

Git repository

git:// web repo

Last commit: 9 years, 7 months ago (fido branch)



The meta-minnow layer depends upon:

Recipe name Version Description
emgd-driver-bin 1.18 EMGD 1.18 xserver binaries
gst-va-intel 1.0 GStreamer Video Acceleration Add-ons for Intel BSPs
gstreamer-vaapi 0.4.3 VA-API support to GStreamer
gstreamer-vaapi-0.10 0.5.8 VA-API support to GStreamer
gstreamer-vaapi-1.0 0.5.8 VA-API support to GStreamer
libva 1.3.1 Video Acceleration (VA) API for Linux
libva 1.0.16 Video Acceleration (VA) API for Linux
libva-intel-driver 1.3.2 VA driver for Intel G45 & HD Graphics family
linux-yocto 3.10.65+gitX Yocto Kernel
va-intel 1.0 Video Acceleration Add-ons for Intel BSPs
xf86-input-evdev 2.6.0 X.Org X server -- event devices (evdev) input driver
xf86-input-synaptics 1.6.3 X.Org X server -- synaptics touchpad input driver
xserver-xorg 1.9.3 The X.Org X server
minnow MinnowBoard v1 (Intel Atom E640T). For the MinnowBoard MAX (Intel Atom E38xx), please use the meta-intel intel-corei7-64 BSP:
minnow-emgd MinnowBoard v1 (Intel Atom E640T). For the MinnowBoard MAX (Intel Atom E38xx), please use the meta-intel intel-corei7-64 BSP: