Recipes that depend on DISTRO_FEATURES "vulkan"

Git repository web repo

Last commit: 3 years ago (honister branch)


  • Joel Winarske (layer) email
Recipe name Version Description
assimp 5.0.1 Open Asset Import Library is a portable Open Source library to import various well-known 3D model formats in a uniform manner.
filament-samples-vk git+X Lightweight 3D Render Engine Samples
filament-vk git+X Lightweight 3D Render Engine
glslang 11.7.1 OpenGL / OpenGL ES Reference Compiler
glslang 11.6.0 OpenGL / OpenGL ES Reference Compiler
rpi-vk-driver git VK driver for the Raspberry Pi (Broadcom Videocore IV)
rpi3-vkquake3 git Quake III Vulkan implementation.
sascha-samples git Examples and demos for the new Vulkan API.
spirv-headers 1.5.4+gitX Machine-readable files for the SPIR-V Registry
spirv-tools 2021.4 The SPIR-V Tools project provides an API and commands for processing SPIR-V modules
swiftshader git SwiftShader
vk-layer-perfdoc git Vulkan layer
vkcube git Spinning Vulkan Cube
vkmark git Vulkan Benchmark
vkquake git Vulkan Quake port based on QuakeSpasm.
vkquake3 git Quake III Vulkan implementation.
vkrunner git A shader script tester for Vulkan .
vulkan-extensionlayer 1.2.182 Vulkan Extension Layer
vulkan-headers Vulkan Header files and API registry
vulkan-loader 3D graphics and compute API common loader
vulkan-tools Vulkan Utilities and Tools
vulkan-validationlayers 1.2.198 Vulkan Validation Layers
vulkan-validationlayers 1.2.182 Vulkan Validation Layers