This layer contains the Automotive Grade Linux UI/Framework/Demo and can be built on-top of OE and meta-agl. It provides the image 'agl-demo-platform' . Dependency is "meta-agl"

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The meta-agl-demo layer depends upon:

Recipe name Version Description
agl-cluster-demo-platform 1.0 An AGL small image just capable of allowing a device to boot.
agl-cluster-demo-platform-flutter 1.0 An AGL small image just capable of allowing a device to boot.
agl-cluster-demo-qtcompositor 1.0 An AGL small image just capable of allowing a device to boot.
agl-demo-control-panel 1.0+gitX AGL demo control panel
agl-demo-platform 1.0 An AGL small image just capable of allowing a device to boot.
agl-demo-platform-crosssdk 1.0 Cross SDK of demo AGL Distribution for IVI profile
agl-demo-platform-html5 1.0 DEMO platform of AGL HTML5 profile
agl-image-ivi 1.0 An AGL small image just capable of allowing a device to boot.
agl-image-ivi-crosssdk 1.0 Cross SDK of minimal AGL Distribution for IVI profile
agl-ivi-demo-base 1.0 An AGL small image just capable of allowing a device to boot.
agl-ivi-demo-base-flutter 1.0 An AGL small image just capable of allowing a device to boot.
agl-ivi-demo-control-panel 1.0 AGL demo control panel image
agl-ivi-demo-platform 1.0 An AGL small image just capable of allowing a device to boot.
agl-ivi-demo-platform-crosssdk 1.0 Cross SDK of demo AGL Distribution for IVI profile
agl-ivi-demo-platform-flutter 1.0 An AGL small image just capable of allowing a device to boot.
agl-ivi-demo-platform-html5 1.0 DEMO platform of AGL HTML5 profile
agl-kvm-demo-platform 1.0 An AGL small image just capable of allowing a device to boot.
agl-qemu-runner 1.0 AGL simple QEMU runner script
agl-service-audiomixer 2.0+gitX Audio Mixer Service Daemon
agl-service-hvac 2.0+gitX Demo HVAC Service Daemon
agl-service-radio 2.0+gitX Demo Radio Service Daemon
agl-telematics-demo-platform 1.0 An AGL small image just capable of allowing a device to boot.
base-files-guest-fstab 1.0.0 Container guest extention for fstab
bluez-glib 1.0+gitX GLib BlueZ interface library
btwilink-disable-conf 1.0 btwilink module disabling modprobe configuration
camera-gstreamer 1.0+gitX Camera gstreamer demo application
can-dev-helper 1.0 Systemd unit for CAN device helper
cef 108.0.5359.125.5359+git
chromium 91.0.4472.114.ose17.agl+git Chromium webruntime for webOS
cluster-dashboard 1.0+gitX Instrument Cluster Dashboard application
cluster-demo-config 1.0 AGL cluster demo configuration file
cluster-demo-network-config 1.0 Setting files for cluster network for the AGL Demonstrator
cluster-gauges-qtcompositor 1.0+gitX Minimal cluster demo gauges that can be used standalone
cluster-receiver 1.0+gitX Instrument Cluster receiver application
connman-glib 1.0+gitX GLib Connman interface library
dashboard 2.0+gitX Dashboard application
demo-i2c-udev-conf 1.0 USB attached I2C demo hardware udev configuration
depot-tools-wam-native git A collection of tools for dealing with Chromium development
distro-build-manifest 1.0 Distribution build manifest
flite 1.06 The Flite+hts_engine is an English TTS System.
flite-voicedata 1.05 HTS voice.
homescreen 1.0+gitX Home Screen application
html5-aquarium 1.0+gitX AGL HTML5 Aquarium Demo
html5-background 1.0+gitX AGL HTML5 Background
html5-dashboard 1.0+gitX AGL HTML5 dashboard Application
html5-examples 1.0+gitX AGL HTML5 Examples
html5-homescreen 1.0+gitX AGL HTML5 Homescreen
html5-hvac 1.0+gitX AGL HTML5 HVAC Application
html5-jitsi 1.0+gitX AGL HTML5 Jitsi
html5-launcher 1.0+gitX AGL HTML5 Launcher Application
html5-mediaplayer 1.0+gitX AGL HTML5 media player Application
html5-mixer 1.0+gitX AGL HTML5 mixer Application
html5-settings 1.0+gitX AGL HTML5 settings Application
html5-youtube 1.0+gitX AGL HTML5 Youtube
hts-engine 1.10 hts_engine is software to synthesize speech waveform from HMMs trained by the HMM-based speech synthesis system (HTS).
hvac 2.0+gitX HVAC application
kms-conf 1.0 kms configuration file for the qt eglfs platform
kuksa-certificates-agl 1.0 AGL certificates for KUKSA.val, the KUKSA Vehicle Abstraction Layer
kuksa-client 0.4.0+gitX Python client for KUKSA.val, the KUKSA Vehicle Abstraction Layer
kuksa-databroker 0.4.0+gitX KUKSA.val databroker, the KUKSA Vehicle Abstraction Layer
kuksa-databroker-agl 1.0 AGL options for KUKSA.val databroker
kuksa-databroker-agl-demo-cluster 1.0 AGL cluster demo configuration for KUKSA.val databroker
kuksa-dbc-feeder 0.4.0+gitX DBC feeder for KUKSA.val, the KUKSA Vehicle Abstraction Layer
kuksa-val 0.4.0+gitX KUKSA.val, the KUKSA Vehicle Abstraction Layer
kuksa-val-agl 1.0 AGL demo signal overlay for KUKSA.val, the KUKSA Vehicle Abstraction Layer
kuksa-val-agl-demo-cluster 1.0 AGL cluster demo configuration for KUKSA.val, the KUKSA Vehicle Abstraction Layer
kuksa-vss-init 1.0 Initialize the Kuksa VSS data to some constant values
launcher 1.0+gitX AGL Launcher Application
libmp4v2 2.1.0+gitX The MP4v2 library provides an API to create and modify mp4 files
libqtappfw 2.0.1+gitX AGL Qt AppFW Library
libvncserver 0.9.14 library for easy implementation of a RDP/VNC server
lin-config 0.1+gitX lin-config tool for the sllin driver module
mediaplayer 2.0+gitX Media Player application
messaging 1.0+gitX Messaging application
nss-agl-driver-db 0.1 Custom nss db hosting the kuksa certificates
ondemandnavi 2.0+gitX Navigation application.
ondemandnavi-config 1.0 AGL Reference On Demand Navigation application config.
openjtalk 1.09 Open JTalk is a Japanese text-to-speech system.
openjtalk-voicedata 1.6 MMDAgent Voice Data.
output-udev-conf 1.0 Input device output assignment udev configuration
packagegroup-agl-cluster-demo-platform 1.0 The software for demo platform of AGL cluster profile
packagegroup-agl-cluster-demo-qtcompositor 1.0 The software for AGL Cluster Demo Qtwayland Compositor
packagegroup-agl-demo 1.0 The software for AGL IVI DEMO profile
packagegroup-agl-demo-cluster-support 1.0 Extra software and configuration for cluster demo with AGL IVI profile demo platform
packagegroup-agl-demo-platform 1.0 The software for DEMO platform of AGL IVI profile
packagegroup-agl-demo-platform-flutter 1.0 The software for Flutter Demo platform of AGL IVI profile
packagegroup-agl-demo-platform-html5 1.0 The software for DEMO platform of AGL IVI profile
packagegroup-agl-demo-preload 1.0 Extra software and configuration for tradeshow demo with AGL IVI profile demo platform
packagegroup-agl-image-ivi 1.0 The middlewares for AGL IVI profile
packagegroup-agl-ivi-connectivity 1.0 The middlewares for AGL IVI profile
packagegroup-agl-ivi-graphics 1.0 The middlewares for AGL IVI profile
packagegroup-agl-ivi-identity 1.0 The middlewares for AGL IVI profile
packagegroup-agl-ivi-multimedia 1.0 The middlewares for AGL IVI profile
packagegroup-agl-ivi-multimedia-hardware 1.0 The middlewares for AGL IVI profile
packagegroup-agl-ivi-navigation 1.0 The software for application framework of AGL IVI profile
packagegroup-agl-ivi-services 1.0 The minimal set of services to support AGL IVI demo
packagegroup-agl-kuksa-val-databroker 1.0 KUKSA.val databroker packages
packagegroup-agl-kuksa-val-server 1.0 KUKSA.val server packages
packagegroup-agl-networking 1.0 The networking for AGL
packagegroup-agl-source-han-sans-ttf-fonts 1.0 The Source Han Sans ttf fonts for AGL
packagegroup-agl-speech-services 1.0 The set of packages for AGL Speech Subsystem
packagegroup-agl-telematics-demo-platform 1.0 The software for AGL telematics profile demo platform
packagegroup-agl-ttf-fonts 1.0 The ttf fonts for AGL
phone 1.0+gitX Phone application
psplash-portrait-config 1.0 Systemd unit override for psplash portrait mode for the AGL Demonstrator
python3-anytree 2.8.0 Powerful and Lightweight Python Tree Data Structure
python3-argparse-addons 0.7.0 Additional Python argparse types and actions.
python3-can-j1939 2.0.6 An implementation of the CAN SAE J1939 standard for Python.
python3-deprecation 2.1.0 A library to handle automated deprecations
python3-graphql-core 3.2.3 GraphQL implementation for Python
python3-jsonpath-ng 1.5.3 A final implementation of JSONPath for Python that aims to be standard compliant, including arithmetic and binary comparison operators and providing clear AST for metaprogramming.
python3-py-expression-eval 0.3.14 Python Mathematical Expression Evaluator
python3-qtpy 2.4.0 Abstraction layer for PyQt5/PySide2/PyQt6/PySide6
python3-qtwidgets 1.1 Custom Qt5 Python Widgets
python3-setuptools-git-versioning 1.7.4 Use git repo data for building a version number according PEP-440
qemu-config-agl-cluster-demo-platform 1.0 Setting files for agl-cluster-demo-plaform guest VM
qemu-config-agl-cluster-demo-platform-flutter 1.0 Setting files for agl-cluster-demo-plaform-flutter guest VM
qemu-config-agl-demo-platform 1.0 Setting files for agl-demo-plaform guest VM
qemu-config-agl-ivi-demo-platform-flutter 1.0 Setting files for agl-ivi-demo-plaform-flutter guest VM
qemu-config-vmnet0 1.0 Setting files for QEMU networking for guest VMs
qemu-set-display 0.1+gitX Helper tool to enable the secondandary vnc displays
qt-cluster-receiver 1.0+gitX Instrument Cluster receiver application
qtquickcontrols2-agl 1.0+gitX AGL demo custom QtQuickControls2 widgets
qtquickcontrols2-agl-style 1.0+gitX AGL QtQuickControls2 style customizations
qtwayland-config 1.0.0 QtWayland config file.
radio 1.0+gitX Radio application
rtl-sdr 0.5.3 Turns a Realtek RTL2832U-based DVB dongle into a SDR receiver
settings 2.0+gitX Settings application
simple-can-simulator 1.0 Simulator that generates CAN messages of a driving car
sllin 0.1+gitX slLIN driver module
sw-gpsd-udev-conf 1.0 Sierra-Wireless MC7xxx modem gpsd udev configuration
tbtnavi 2.0+gitX AGL Reference Navigation Cluster Streaming application
usb-can-udev-conf 1.0 USB CAN adapter udev configuration
videoplayer 1.0+gitX Video Player for AGL Demonstration
vss 3.1.1 Vehicle Signal Specification
vss-agl 3.1.1 Vehicle Signal Specification with AGL overlays
vss-tools 3.1 COVESA Vehicle Signal Specification tooling.
wam ose58.agl WAM
weston-agl-driver-conf 1.0 Weston systemd configuration to run as agl-driver user
weston-terminal-conf 1.0 AGL user session
window-management-client-grpc 2.0+gitX Window management gRPC application