This layer imports a lot of lua packages and builds them with the luarocks package manager with an adopted config file to use the Yocto toolchain compiler
Git repository
Last commit: 8 months, 2 weeks ago (nanbield branch)
- Christian Hohnstädt email
Recipe name | Version | Description |
lua-argparse | 0.7.1 | A feature-rich command-line argument parser |
lua-busted | 2.1.2 | Elegant Lua unit testing. |
lua-cjson | | A fast JSON encoding/parsing module |
lua-cliargs | 3.0 | A command-line argument parser. |
lua-curl | 0.3.13 | Lua binding to libcurl |
lua-dkjson | 2.8 | David Kolf's JSON module for Lua |
lua-evdev | 2.2.1 | Lua library for using Linux evdev & uinput interfaces |
lua-fcgi | 1.2 | A Lua module for writing FastCGI applications |
lua-inotify | 0.5 | Inotify bindings for Lua |
lua-inspect | 3.1.3 | Lua table visualizer, ideal for debugging |
lua-ldoc | 1.5.0 | A Lua Documentation Tool |
lua-ltui | 2.7 | A cross-platform terminal ui library based on Lua |
lua-lyaml | 6.2.8 | libYAML binding for Lua |
lua-markdown | 0.33 | Markdown text-to-html markup system. |
lua-mediator-lua | 1.1.2 | Event handling through channels |
lua-mosquitto | 0.4.1 | Lua bindings to libmosquitto |
lua-netlink | 0.1.2 | Netlink event library |
lua-openssl | 0.9.0-0 | OpenSSL binding for Lua |
lua-penlight | 1.13.1 | Lua utility libraries loosely based on the Python standard libraries |
lua-protobuf | 0.5.0 | protobuf data support for Lua |
lua-s6ftrig | 0.0.4 | LUA s6ftrig - Handle S6 Service Events |
lua-say | 1.4.1 | Lua String Hashing/Indexing Library |
lua-term | 0.07 | Terminal functions for Lua |
luacheck | 1.0.0 | A static analyzer and a linter for Lua |
luaexpat | 1.3.3 | XML Expat parsing |
luafilesystem | 1.8.0 | File System Library for the Lua Programming Language |
lualogging | 1.8.2 | A simple API to use logging features |
luamqtt | 3.4.3 | luamqtt - Pure-lua MQTT v3.1.1 and v5.0 client |
luaposix | 36.2.1 | Lua bindings for POSIX |
luarocks-native | 3.9.2 | LuaRocks is the package manager for the Lua programming language |
luasocket | 3.1.0 | Network support for the Lua language |
luassert | 1.9.0 | Lua Assertions Extension |
luasystem | 0.2.1 | Platform independent system calls for Lua. |