TanoWrt is an operating system distribution based on the Linux kernel and focused on running in embedded systems, including real-time systems. This layer provides OpenEmbedded metadata for TanoWrt Linux distribution by Tano Systems. TanoWrt distribution is based on packages and fixes (patches) from the official OpenWrt distribution.

Git repository

https://github.com/tano-systems/meta-tanowrt.git web repo


meta-tanowrt web subdirectory

Last commit: 5 years ago (rocko branch)



The meta-tanowrt layer depends upon:

Recipe name Version Description
apcupsd 3.14.14 Apcupsd a daemon for controlling APC UPSes
base-files-scripts 1.0 Subpackages from base-files from OpenWrt core
bootchart2 0.14.8+gitX Booting sequence and CPU,I/O usage monitor
busybox 1.30.1 Tiny versions of many common UNIX utilities in a single small executable
busybox-inittab 1.30.1 inittab configuration for BusyBox
cfg80211 1.0 Wireless configuration API
cgi-io 1.0 CGI utility for handling up/downloading of files
collectd 5.10.0 Collects and summarises system performance statistics
comgt 0.32 3G/GPRS datacard management utility
cpulimit 0.2+gitX Cpulimit
cross-localedef-native linaro-2.26 Cross locale generation tool for glibc
cross-localedef-native linaro-2.25 Cross locale generation tool for glibc
curl 7.65.1 Command line tool and library for client-side URL transfers
ddns-scripts 2.7.8 Dynamic DNS Client scripts (with IPv6 support)
diagslave 3.2 FieldTalk Modbus Diagnostic Slave Simulator
dnsmasq 2.80 Lightweight, easy to configure DNS forwarder and DHCP server
dos2unix 7.3.4 Convert text file line endings between CRLF and LF
dropbear 2019.78 A lightweight SSH and SCP implementation
eapol-test 2.9+gitX 802.1x authentication test utility
eudev 3.2.7 eudev is a fork of systemd's udev
firewall3 git OpenWrt firewall configuration utility
fstools git OpenWrt filesystem utilities
glibc linaro-2.26 GLIBC (GNU C Library)
glibc linaro-2.25 GLIBC (GNU C Library)
glibc-initial linaro-2.26 GLIBC (GNU C Library)
glibc-initial linaro-2.25 GLIBC (GNU C Library)
glibc-locale linaro-2.26 Locale data from glibc
glibc-locale linaro-2.25 Locale data from glibc
glibc-mtrace linaro-2.26 mtrace utility provided by glibc
glibc-mtrace linaro-2.25 mtrace utility provided by glibc
glibc-scripts linaro-2.26 utility scripts provided by glibc
glibc-scripts linaro-2.25 utility scripts provided by glibc
hostapd 2.9+gitX User space daemon for extended IEEE 802.11 management
htop 2.2.0 Interactive process viewer
iperf2 2.0.10 Iperf is a tool to measure maximum TCP bandwidth, allowing the tuning of various parameters and UDP characteristics
iproute2 5.0.0 TCP / IP networking and traffic control utilities
ipset 6.38 Administration tool for IP sets
iptables 1.6.2 Tools for managing kernel packet filtering capabilities
irqbalance 1.6.0 IRQ usage balancing for multi-core systems
iw 5.4 nl80211 based CLI configuration utility for wireless devices
iwinfo git Library for accessing wireless device drivers
jsmin 1.0 The JavaScript Minifier
jsonpath git OpenWrt JSON parsing utility
klish 2.1.4 Kommand Line Interface Shell
kmod-atm 1.0 ATM support
kmod-br-netfilter 1.0 Bridge netfilter support modules
kmod-bridge 1.0 802.1d Ethernet Bridging
kmod-cfg80211 1.0 Linux wireless LAN (802.11) configuration API
kmod-cgroups 1.0 Control Group support
kmod-crypto-aead 1.0 CryptoAPI AEAD support
kmod-crypto-ecb 1.0 Electronic CodeBook CryptoAPI module
kmod-crypto-hash 1.0 CryptoAPI hash support
kmod-crypto-manager 1.0 CryptoAPI algorithm manager
kmod-crypto-null 1.0 Null CryptoAPI module
kmod-crypto-sha1 1.0 SHA1 digest CryptoAPI module
kmod-fs-autofs4 1.0 AUTOFS4 filesystem support
kmod-fs-configfs 1.0 Kernel module for configfs support
kmod-gre 1.0 GRE support
kmod-ifb 1.0 Intermediate Functional Block support
kmod-ip6tables 1.0 IPv6 modules
kmod-ipt-conntrack 1.0 Basic connection tracking modules
kmod-ipt-conntrack-extra 1.0 Extra connection tracking modules
kmod-ipt-core 1.0 Iptables core
kmod-ipt-ipopt 1.0 Modules for matching/changing IP packet options
kmod-ipt-ipset 1.0 IPset netfilter modules
kmod-ipt-nat 1.0 Basic NAT targets
kmod-ipt-physdev 1.0 The iptables physdev kernel module
kmod-iptunnel 1.0 IP tunnel support
kmod-l2tp 1.0 Layer Two Tunneling Protocol (L2TP)
kmod-lib-crc-ccitt 1.0 CRC-CCITT support
kmod-mac80211 1.0 Linux 802.11 Wireless Networking Stack
kmod-mii 1.0 MII library
kmod-mppe 1.0 Microsoft PPP compression/encryption
kmod-nf-conntrack 1.0 Netfilter connection tracking
kmod-nf-conntrack-netlink 1.0 Connection tracking netlink interface
kmod-nf-conntrack6 1.0 Netfilter IPv6 connection tracking
kmod-nf-ipt 1.0 Iptables core
kmod-nf-ipt6 1.0 Ip6tables core
kmod-nf-nat 1.0 Netfilter NAT
kmod-nf-reject 1.0 Netfilter IPv4 reject support
kmod-nf-reject6 1.0 Netfilter IPv6 reject support
kmod-nfnetlink 1.0 Netlink-based userspace interface
kmod-ppp 1.0 PPP modules
kmod-pppoa 1.0 PPPoA support
kmod-pppoe 1.0 PPPoE support
kmod-pppol2tp 1.0 PPPoL2TP support
kmod-pppox 1.0 PPPoX helper
kmod-pptp 1.0 PPtP support
kmod-sched-connmark 1.0 Traffic shaper conntrack mark support
kmod-sched-core 1.0 Traffic schedulers
kmod-slhc 1.0 Serial Line Header Compression
kmod-tun 1.0 Universal TUN/TAP driver
kmod-udptunnel4 1.0 IPv4 UDP tunneling support
kmod-udptunnel6 1.0 IPv6 UDP tunneling support
kmod-usb-core 1.0 Support for USB
kmod-usb-gadget 1.0 Kernel support for USB Gadget mode
kmod-usb-gadget-eth 1.0 Kernel support for USB Ethernet Gadget
kmod-usb-ledtrig-usbport 1.0 USB port LED trigger
kmod-usb-lib-composite 1.0 USB lib composite
kmod-usb-net 1.0 Kernel modules for USB-to-Ethernet convertors
kmod-usb-net-cdc-ether 1.0 Support for CDC ethernet connections
kmod-usb-net-cdc-mbim 1.0 Kernel module for MBIM Devices
kmod-usb-net-cdc-ncm 1.0 Support for CDC NCM connections
kmod-usb-net-huawei-cdc-ncm 1.0 Support for Huawei CDC NCM connections
kmod-usb-net-ipheth 1.0 Apple iPhone USB Ethernet driver
kmod-usb-net-kalmia 1.0 Samsung Kalmia based LTE USB modem
kmod-usb-net-pl 1.0 Prolific PL-2301/2302/25A1 based cables
kmod-usb-net-qmi-wwan 1.0 QMI WWAN driver
kmod-usb-net-rndis 1.0 Support for RNDIS connections
kmod-usb-net-sierrawireless 1.0 Support for Sierra Wireless devices
kmod-usb-serial 1.0 Support for USB-to-Serial converters
kmod-usb-serial-ipw 1.0 Support for IPWireless 3G devices
kmod-usb-serial-option 1.0 Support for Option HSDPA modems
kmod-usb-serial-sierrawireless 1.0 Support for Sierra Wireless devices
kmod-usb-serial-wwan 1.0 Support for GSM and CDMA modems
kmod-usb-wdm 1.0 USB Wireless Device Management
kmod-wireguard 1.0 WireGuard kernel module
lemon 1.0 LEMON LALR(1) parser generator
libconfuse 3.2.2 Library for parsing configuration files.
libconfuse 2.7 Library for parsing configuration files.
libldns 1.7.0 A library to simplify DNS programming
libnl 3.5.0 A library for applications dealing with netlink sockets
liboping 1.9.0 Octo's ping library
libroxml git This library is minimum, easy-to-use, C implementation for xml file parsing.
libroxml 2.3.0 This library is minimum, easy-to-use, C implementation for xml file parsing.
libubox 2.0.0+gitX C utility functions for OpenWrt
libwebsockets 3.2.0+gitX Canonical libwebsockets.org websocket library
libwebsockets 2.4.2+gitX Canonical libwebsockets.org websocket library
libxml2 2.9.9 XML C Parser Library and Toolkit
linux-libc-headers 4.19 Sanitized set of kernel headers for the C library's use
linux-libc-headers 4.12 Sanitized set of kernel headers for the C library's use
linux-tano-yocto 4.19.44+gitX Linux kernel
linux-tano-yocto-rt 4.19.44-rt0+gitX Linux kernel
lldpd 1.0.4+gitX A 802.1ab implementation (LLDP) to help you locate neighbors of all your equipments
lldpd 1.0.4 A 802.1ab implementation (LLDP) to help you locate neighbors of all your equipments
lldpd 1.0.3 A 802.1ab implementation (LLDP) to help you locate neighbors of all your equipments
lldpd 1.0.1 A 802.1ab implementation (LLDP) to help you locate neighbors of all your equipments
lsb-release 1.4 lsb_release script implementation for OpenWrt
lua-socket git Networking extension library for Lua
lua5.1 5.1.5 Lua is a powerful light-weight programming language designed for extending applications.
luabitop 1.0.2 C extension module for Lua 5.1/5.2 which adds bitwise operations on numbers
lualogging 1.3.0 A simple API to use logging features in Lua
luasrcdiet 1.0.0 LuaSrcDiet
luasyslog 1.0.0-2 Addon for lualogging to log to the system log on unix systems
luci 1.0 OpenWrt LuCI web user interface
luci-app-commands 1.0 LuCI Shell Command Module
luci-app-ddns 1.0 LuCI Support for Dynamic DNS Client (ddns-scripts)
luci-app-firewall 1.0 Firewall and Portforwarding application
luci-app-ledtrig-rssi 1.0 LuCI Support for ledtrigger rssi
luci-app-ledtrig-usbport 1.0 LuCI Support for ledtrigger usbport
luci-app-mosquitto 1.0 LuCI Support for Mosquitto
luci-app-mwan3 1.0 LuCI support for the MWAN3 multiwan hotplug script
luci-app-nlbwmon 1.0 Netlink based bandwidth accounting
luci-app-openvpn 1.0 LuCI Support for OpenVPN
luci-app-opkg 1.0 LuCI OPKG package management application
luci-app-qos 1.0 Quality of Service configuration module
luci-app-snmpd 1.0 Net-SNMP LuCI interface
luci-app-statistics 1.0 LuCI Statistics Application
luci-app-tn-lldpd 1.2.1+gitX LuCI support for LLDP daemon
luci-app-tn-logview 0.9.0+gitX Log viewer LuCI application
luci-app-tn-mstpd 1.2.0+gitX LuCI support for MSTP daemon
luci-app-tn-netports 2.0.2+gitX Network ports status LuCI application
luci-app-tn-netports-hotplug 1.0.2 Hotplug scripts for the Network ports status LuCI application
luci-app-tn-shellinabox gitX LuCI Support for shellinabox
luci-app-tn-snmpd 0.9.0+gitX LuCI support for SNMP daemon
luci-app-tn-ttyd gitX LuCI Support for ttyd
luci-app-tn-vsftpd 1.0.0+gitX LuCI support for VSFTP server
luci-app-tn-watchdog 0.9.0+gitX LuCI support for watchdog configuration
luci-app-uhttpd 1.0 LuCI uHTTPd Webserver Configuration
luci-app-vnstat2 1.0 LuCI Support for vnStat 2
luci-base 1.0 LuCI core libraries
luci-bwc 1.0 Very simple bandwidth collector cache for LuCI realtime graphs
luci-compat 1.0 LuCI compatibility libraries
luci-lib-ip 1.0 Lua library for IP calculation and routing information
luci-lib-ipkg 1.0 Legacy opkg interface class
luci-lib-iptparser 1.0 Iptables listing parser class
luci-lib-jsonc 1.0 Lua binding for JSON-C
luci-lib-nixio 1.0 NIXIO POSIX library
luci-mod-admin-full 1.0 LuCI Administration - full-featured for full control
luci-mod-network 1.0 LuCI Network Administration
luci-mod-status 1.0 LuCI Status Pages
luci-mod-system 1.0 LuCI Administration - Global System Settings
luci-proto-3g 1.0 LuCI support for 3G
luci-proto-ncm 1.0 LuCI support for NCM
luci-proto-ppp 1.0 LuCI support for PPP/PPPoE/PPPoA/PPtP
luci-proto-qmi 1.0 LuCI support for QMI
luci-proto-wireguard 1.0 Support for WireGuard VPN
luci-theme-bootstrap 1.0 LuCI Bootstrap Theme
luci-theme-material 1.0 LuCI Material Theme
luci-theme-openwrt 1.0 LuCI OpenWrt.org Theme
luci-theme-tano 0.0.9+gitX LuCI Theme by Tano Systems
lucihttp 1.0 LuCI HTTP utility library
make-ext4fs git Standalone fork of Android's make_ext4fs utility
mbusd 0.4.1+gitX Open-source Modbus TCP to Modbus RTU (RS-232/485) gateway
modpoll 3.6 FieldTalk Modbus Master Simulator
mosquitto 1.6.7 Open source MQTT v3.1/3.1.1 implemention
mstpd 0.0.8+gitX Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol Daemon
mtd-utils 2.0.2+X Tools for managing memory technology devices
mwan3 2.7.13 Multiwan hotplug script with connection tracking support
net-snmp 5.8 Various tools relating to the Simple Network Management Protocol
netdata 1.15.0+gitX Real-time performance monitoring
netifd git OpenWrt Network interface configuration daemon
nlbwmon 1.0 LEDE Traffic Usage Monitor
odhcp6c git OpenWrt DHCPv6 client
odhcpd git OpenWrt DHCP/DHCPv6(-PD)/RA Server & Relay
openvpn 2.4.7 A full-featured SSL VPN solution via tun device.
openvpn-easy-rsa 3.0.6 CLI utility to build and manage a PKI CA
openvpn-easy-rsa 3.0.1 CLI utility to build and manage a PKI CA
openwrt-image-full 1.0 TanoWrt Minimal Complete Image
packagegroup-tanowrt-base 1.0 Normal TanoWrt system requirements
packagegroup-tanowrt-cgroup 1.0 Cgroup support packages
packagegroup-tanowrt-full 1.0 Extras TanoWrt system requirements
packagegroup-tanowrt-minimal 1.0 Minimal complete TanoWrt system requirements
packagegroup-tanowrt-noweb-base 1.0 Normal TanoWrt system requirements without web-interface
packagegroup-tanowrt-noweb-full 1.0 Extras Openwrt system requirements without web-interface
packagegroup-tanowrt-perftools 1.0 Performance testing utilities
packagegroup-tanowrt-wifi 1.0 WiFi support packages
po2lmo 1.0 OpenWrt LuCI po2lmo utility
procd git procd is the new OpenWrt process management daemon written in C
procd-inittab 1.0 Inittab configuration for procd
psplash-tn 0.1+gitX Userspace framebuffer boot logo based on usplash
qos-scripts 1.3.1 QoS scripts
qperf 0.4.11-gitX Measure socket and RDMA performance
qrencode 4.0.2 C library for encoding data in a QR Code symbol
relayd git OpenWrt IPv4 pseudo-bridge routing daemon
resolveip 1.0 Simple DNS resolver with configurable timeout
rpcd git OpenWrt UBUS RPC server
rpcd-mod-luci 1.0 LuCI rpcd module
rpcd-mod-rrdns 1.0 Rapid reverse DNS rpcd module
rrdtool 1.0.50 High performance data logging and graphing system for time series data.
rssileds 1.0 RSSI real-time LED indicator
schedtool-dl 1.0 schedtool-dl (scheduler test tool) for deadline scheduler
shellinabox 2.21+gitX Shell In A Box implements a web server that can export arbitrary command line tools to a web based terminal emulator.
smstools3 3.1.21 SMS Gateway software
sockperf 3.6-gitX Tool for network performance measurement written in C++
sshpass 1.06 Non-interactive ssh password auth
strace 4.26 System call tracing tool
syslog-fc 0.9.1+gitX Syslog File Converter
tanowrt-image-base 1.0 TanoWrt Minimal Complete Image
tanowrt-image-full 1.0 TanoWrt Minimal Complete Image
tanowrt-image-minimal 1.0 TanoWrt Minimal Complete Image
tanowrt-image-netgw 1.0 TanoWrt Minimal Complete Image
tanowrt-image-noweb-base 1.0 TanoWrt Minimal Complete Image
tanowrt-image-noweb-full 1.0 TanoWrt Minimal Complete Image
ttyd 1.5.2+gitX
ubox git OpenWrt system helper toolbox
ubus git OpenWrt system message/RPC bus
uci git Library and utility for the Unified Configuration Interface for OpenWrt
uclient git libubox HTTP client library
ugps git OpenWrt GPS daemon
uhttpd git Tiny HTTP server
umbim git OpenWrt MBIM modem utility
umdnsd git OpenWrt MDNS daemon
uqmi git OpenWrt uqmi utility
urandom-seed 1.0 /etc/urandom.seed handling for OpenWrt
urngd 1.0.2+gitX OpenWrt non-physical true random number generator based on timing jitter
usbmode git usbmode - usb_modeswitch replacement
usbreset 1.0 Utility to send a USB port reset to a USB device
usbutils 007 Host side USB console utilities
usign git OpenWrt tiny signify replacement
ustream-ssl git Small stream SSL library
vim-xxd-native 1.0 XXD utility
vnstat2 2.6 Console-based network traffic monitor
vsftpd 3.0.3 Very Secure FTP server
wireguard-module 0.0.20200215 WireGuard is an extremely simple yet fast and modern VPN
wireguard-tools 1.0.20200206 WireGuard is an extremely simple yet fast and modern VPN
wireless-regdb 2019.06.03 Wireless Central Regulatory Domain Database
wwan 1.0 Generic OpenWrt 3G/4G proto handler
xl2tpd 1.3.12 Xelerance version of the Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) daemon
xtables-addons 3.3 non-mainline-kernel netfilter extensions
xtables-addons 3.2 non-mainline-kernel netfilter extensions
xtables-addons 3.0 non-mainline-kernel netfilter extensions
xtables-addons 2.14 non-mainline-kernel netfilter extensions
qemuarm arm_versatile_926ejs
qemuarm-screen arm_versatile_926ejs
qemux86 a common x86
qemux86-64 a common x86-64
qemux86-64-screen a common x86-64
qemux86-screen a common x86