The meta-labgrid layer provides support for integrating the labgrid exporter into your device.

Setup information

Git repository web repo

Last commit: 5 years, 9 months ago (warrior branch)



The meta-labgrid layer depends upon:

Recipe name Version Description
python3-aiohttp 3.0.6 http client/server for asyncio
python3-aiohttp-jinja2 0.14.0 jinja2 template renderer for aiohttp.web (http server for asyncio)
python3-argh 0.26.1 Pattern matching and various utilities for file systems paths.
python3-async-timeout 2.0.0 Timeout context manager for asyncio programs
python3-autobahn 17.10.1 WebSocket client & server library, WAMP real-time framework
python3-cbor 1.0.0 An implementation of RFC 7049 - Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR).
python3-graphviz 0.9 Graphviz protocol implementation
python3-idna-ssl 1.0.1 Patch ssl.match_hostname for Unicode(idna) domains support
python3-labgrid git Embedded systems control library for development, testing and installation
python3-lz4 0.11.1 python bindings for the lz4 compression library by Yann Collet
python3-multidict 4.1.0 Multidicts are useful for working with HTTP headers, URL query args etc.
python3-powerrelay git REST API to control GPIO chips
python3-py-ubjson 0.11.0 Universal Binary JSON encoder/decoder
python3-snappy 0.5.1 Python library for the snappy compression library from Google
python3-trafaret 1.2.0 Ultimate transformation library that supports validation, contexts and aiohttp.
python3-trafaret-config 2.0.2 This is a wrapper that loads yaml and checks config using trafaret while keeping track of actual lines of file where error has happened.
python3-txaio 2.8.2 Compatibility API between asyncio/Twisted/Trollius
python3-u-msgpack-python 2.4.1 A portable, lightweight MessagePack serializer and deserializer written in pure Python.
python3-watchdog 0.8.3 Filesystem events monitoring
python3-xmodem 0.4.5 XMODEM protocol implementation
python3-yarl 1.1.1 Yet another URL library