Adds support for a deployment mechanism of Yocto's images based on swupdate project

Setup information

Git repository web repo

Last commit: 4 years, 11 months ago (warrior branch)


  • Stefano Babic (Maintainer) email


The meta-swupdate layer depends upon:

Recipe name Version Description
initscripts-swupdate-usb 1.0 Different startup scripts
librsync 2.1.0+gitX librsync is a library for calculating and applying network deltas, with an interface designed to ease integration into diverse network applications.
libubootenv git+gitX U-Boot libraries and tools to acces environment
libubootenv 0.1 U-Boot libraries and tools to acces environment
luafilesystem 1.0+gitX
luasocket 0.0+gitX
rescuegui 1.0+gitX Simple GUI for SWUpdate in rescue mode
swupdate git Image updater for Yocto projects
swupdate 2019.04 Image updater for Yocto projects
swupdate-gui-image 1.0 Root filesystem for swupdate as rescue system including GUI
swupdate-image 1.0 Root filesystem for swupdate as rescue system
tekui 1.12