Name |
robot-state-publisher |
Version |
1.14.1-1 (0577015db6173478593e03b8ba191887328cf15f) |
Summary |
Description |
This package allows you to publish the state of a robot to <a href="">tf</a>. Once the state gets published, it is available to all components in the system that also use <tt>tf</tt>. The package takes the joint angles of the robot as input and publishes the 3D poses of the robot links, using a kinematic tree model of the robot. The package can both be used as a library and as a ROS node. This package has been well tested and the code is stable. No major changes are planned in the near future. |
Section |
devel |
License |
Homepage |
Recipe file |
Layer |
meta-ros1-melodic (dunfell branch) |
Inherits |
- cmake
- distutils-base
- distutils-common-base
- python-dir
- pythonnative
- ros1_distro
- ros_catkin
- ros_component
- ros_distro
- ros_distro_melodic
- ros_faulty_solibs
- ros_opt_prefix
- ros_superflore_generated
Dependencies |
- catkin
- catkin-native
- cmake-native
- kdl-parser
- libeigen
- ninja-native
- orocos-kdl
- python
- python-native
- rosconsole
- roscpp
- rostime
- sensor-msgs
- tf
- tf2-kdl
- tf2-ros
- urdfdom-headers
- virtual/i686-oe-linux-compilerlibs
- virtual/i686-oe-linux-gcc
- virtual/libc