Name openobex
Version 1.5
Description The Openobex project is an open source implementation of the Object Exchange (OBEX) protocol.
Section libs
License GPLv2 & LGPLv2.1
Recipe file recipes-connectivity/obex/
Layer meta-oe (jethro branch)
  • autotools
  • binconfig
  • pkgconfig
  • siteconfig
  • siteinfo
  • autoconf-native
  • automake-native
  • bluez5
  • gnu-config-native
  • libtool-cross
  • libtool-native
  • pkgconfig-native
  • virtual/i586-oe-linux-compilerlibs
  • virtual/i586-oe-linux-gcc
  • virtual/libc
  • virtual/libusb0



Patch Status
openobex-1.5/disable-cable-test.patch Unknown
openobex-1.5/libusb_crosscompile_check.patch Unknown
openobex-1.5/separate_builddir.patch Pending

Other branches

This recipe in other branches of meta-oe:

Branch Recipe
master openobex 1.7.2
styhead (Yocto Project 5.1) openobex 1.7.2
scarthgap (Yocto Project 5.0) openobex 1.7.2
nanbield (Yocto Project 4.3) openobex 1.7.2
mickledore (Yocto Project 4.2) openobex 1.7.2
langdale (Yocto Project 4.1) openobex 1.7.2
kirkstone (Yocto Project 4.0) openobex 1.7.2
honister (Yocto Project 3.4) openobex 1.7.2
hardknott (Yocto Project 3.3) openobex 1.7.2
gatesgarth (Yocto Project 3.2) openobex 1.7.2
dunfell (Yocto Project 3.1) openobex 1.7.2
zeus (Yocto Project 3.0) openobex 1.7.2
warrior (Yocto Project 2.7) openobex 1.7.2
thud (Yocto Project 2.6) openobex 1.7.2
sumo (Yocto Project 2.5) openobex 1.7.2
rocko (Yocto Project 2.4) openobex 1.7.2
pyro (Yocto Project 2.3) openobex 1.7.2
morty (Yocto Project 2.2) openobex 1.5
krogoth (Yocto Project 2.1) openobex 1.5
jethro (Yocto Project 2.0) openobex 1.5 (this recipe)
fido (Yocto Project 1.8) openobex 1.5
dizzy (Yocto Project 1.7) openobex 1.5
daisy (Yocto Project 1.6) openobex 1.5
dora (Yocto Project 1.5) openobex 1.5
dylan (Yocto Project 1.4) openobex 1.5
danny (Yocto Project 1.3) openobex 1.5