This is a layer where we backport recipes and bbclasses from newer Yocto (with minimal modifications needed to make it compatible with the old one we're using). That way when upgrading to newer Yocto we just delete all meta-luneos-backports-* layers and we shouldn't loose anything. Instead of searching for all backported changes in meta-luneos layer and separating luneos modifications to bbappend when the main recipe is already elsewhere in upstream.
Git repository web repo
Last commit: 11 years, 10 months ago (danny branch)
Recipe name | Version | Description |
activitymanager | 2.0.0-110 | Open webOS component to manage all running activities. |
adapterbase | 3.0.0-0.2 | A base class library for browser plugins loaded by Open webOS |
app-services | 3.0.0-1 | JavaScript services for apps |
browser-adapter | 3.0.0-0.4 | NPAPI browser plugin to isis-browser |
browserserver | 3.0.0-0.7.2+wop+gitrX | Web rendering daemon for the isis-browser |
c-ares | 1.9.1 | c-ares is a C library that resolves names asynchronously. |
cjson | 1.8.0-35 | Open webOS edition of the open-source json-c library |
cmake | 2.8.7 | A cross-platform, open-source make system |
cmake-modules-webos-native | 1.0.0~rc4-13 | CMake modules used by webOS |
cmake-native | 2.8.7 | A cross-platform, open-source make system | | 4.0.0-0.21+wop+gitrX | Enyo 1.0 Browser application |
configurator | 2.0.0-48 | Creates the database schema for Open webOS apps |
connman-adapter | 0.1.0+gitrX | Connman service adapter for Open webOS |
connman-qt | 0.2.2+gitrX | Qt bindings for the connman dbus API |
cordova | 2.3.0+wop+gitrX | PhoneGap is a web platform that exposes native mobile device apis and data to JavaScript. |
core-apps | 3.0.0-2+wop+gitrX | Core applications that are part of Open webOS |
cpushareholder-stub | 2.0.1-2 | Stubbed implementation of the webOS CPU shares scripts |
crash-handler | 0.6+gitrX | Tim Bird's experimental crash_handler program. |
db | 4.8.30 | Berkeley DB v4. |
db8 | 2.0.0-62 | A userspace service that provides access to the Open webOS database |
devshell | 1.0 | Runs a shell in an environment as emitted by BitBake to execute tasks |
enyo-1.0 | 1.0-128.2+wop+gitrX | Enyo 1.0 JavaScript application framework |
fbprogress | 2.0.0-22 | Utility for drawing progress to the frame buffer |
filecache | 2.0.0-55 | Open webOS daemon to cache filesystem requests |
foundation-frameworks | 1.0-1.0.1 | Loadable foundation frameworks for apps and services |
glibcurl | 0.7.3-5 | Open webOS edition of the open-source glibcurl library |
hunspell | 1.3.2 | Hunspell spell checker and morphological analyzer |
isis-fonts | 1.0.0-0.1 | Isis-fonts package from isis-project |
jemalloc | 0.20080828a-0webos9-11 | Open webOS edition of the open-source FreeBSD memory allocation library |
keyboard-efigs | 3.0.0-2+wop+gitrX | Open webOS default virtual keyboard |
leveldb | 1.9.0 | LevelDB is a fast key-value storage library that provides an ordered mapping from string keys to string values |
libpalmsocket | 2.0.0-30 | Palm Socket Library with SSL Support |
libpbnjson | 1.3.0-9 | Palm's Better Native JSON library |
librdx-stub | 2.0.0-9 | Stubbed version of the webOS Remote Diagnostics Library |
librolegen | 2.0.0-16 | Library for dynamically generating webOS system bus role files for webOS JavaScript services |
libsandbox | 2.0.0-16 | libsandbox is a collection of APIs for separating running programs |
libwebos-gui | 1.0.0+gitrX | webOS graphics library |
loadable-frameworks | 1.0-1.0.1 | Loadable frameworks component for the core applications |
luna-applauncher | 3.0.0-1.00+wop+gitrX | Just Type application for Open webOS |
luna-init | 2.0.0-1.03 | Initialization and font setup files used by luna-sysmgr |
luna-prefs | 2.0.0-1.01 | Open webOS preferences manager |
luna-service2 | 3.3.0-148 | Open webOS Luna System Bus library, daemon, and utilities |
luna-sysmgr | 3.0.0-3+wop+gitrX | Open webOS System Manager |
luna-sysmgr-common | 3.0.0-3+wop+gitrX | Library containing common parts of luna-sysmgr and webappmanager |
luna-sysmgr-ipc | 2.0.0-1.01 | Open webOS IPC library used by luna-sysmgr |
luna-sysmgr-ipc-messages | 2.0.0-1.02+wop+gitrX | Public headers for multiprocess support in LunaSysMgr |
luna-sysservice | 2.0.1-1.04 | Provides image manipulation, preference, timezone and ringtone services for Open webOS components |
luna-systemui | 2.0.0-1.02+wop+gitrX | WebOS user interface support module |
luna-universalsearchmgr | 2.0.0-1.00 | Open webOS Just Type daemon |
luna-webkit-api | 2.0.0-1.01+wop+gitrX | Public APIs for keyboard and field functionality in WebKit and LunaSysMgr |
mjson | 1.0.1 | M's JSON parser is a small library completely written in plain ISO C which handles documents described by the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) data interchange format. |
mojoloader | 1.0-9 | JavaScript loader for foundation frameworks and other loadable libraries |
mojolocation-stub | 2.0.0-2 | Location stub service |
mojomail-common | 2.0.0-99 | Common Email Service Library used by other email services |
mojomail-imap | 2.0.0-99 | IMAP sync transport for Open webOS |
mojomail-pop | 2.0.0-99 | POP3 email transport service for Open webOS |
mojomail-smtp | 2.0.0-99 | SMTP transport service for sending emails |
mojoservice-frameworks | 1.0-1.0 | Loadable frameworks for sync services |
mojoservicelauncher | 2.0.0-71 | Open webOS component responsible for launching the node.js services |
mtdev | 1.1.2 | Multitouch Protocol Translation Library |
nodejs | 0.4.12-0webos3-34 | Node.js event-based server-side JavaScript engine |
nodejs-module-webos-dynaload | 2.0.0-11 | A module for nodejs that allows dynamic loading and execution of Javascript files |
nodejs-module-webos-pmlog | 2.0.0-10 | A module for nodejs that allows Javascript access to the Open webOS logging system |
nodejs-module-webos-sysbus | 2.0.0-25 | A module for nodejs that allows Javascript access to the Open webOS system bus |
novacomd | 2.0.0-123 | NovaCOMd -- Daemon for NovaCOM (device and host) |
npapi-headers | 3.0.0-0.4 | The header files used to develop NPAPI plugins and browsers |
nyx-lib | 5.1.0-66 | Open webOS portability layer - library |
nyx-modules | 5.1.0-87+wop+gitrX | webOS portability layer - device-specific modules |
nyx-utils | 1.0.0~rc1-1 | Command line utilities for the Open webOS Platform Portability Layer |
ofono-qt | 1.5.0+gitrX | Qt bindings for the ofono dbus API |
org.webosinternals.ipkgservice | 2.0.0+gitX | Package management service for Open webOS |
org.webosinternals.preware | 2.0.0+gitrX | Preware is a webOS on-device homebrew installer. |
org.webosinternals.service.update | 0.1.0+gitrX | Update management service for Open webOS |
org.webosinternals.service.upstartmgr | 0.1.0+gitX | Upstart management service for Open webOS | | 0.0.1+gitrX | Calendar app re-written from scratch for Open webOS | | 0.2.0+gitrX | webOS Ports First Use application | | 1.0.6+gitrX | Memos app re-written from scratch for Open webOS | | 1.0.0+gitrX | PDF viewer application based on Mozilla's pdf.js | | 0.1.0+gitrX | Phone app written from scratch for Open webOS | | 0.3.0+gitrX | Settings app written from scratch for Open webOS |
org.webosports.service.licenses | 0.1.0+gitrX | License management service for the webOS ports project |
packagegroup-webos-extended | 1.0 | meta-webos components used in Open webOS |
packagegroup-webos-internal | 1.0 | Internal components used in Open webOS |
packagegroup-webos-ports-development | 1.0 | Development components use by the webOS ports project |
packagegroup-webos-ports-extended | 1.0 | Basic set of components use by the webOS ports project |
packagegroup-webos-telephony | 1.0 | Telephony components use by the Open webOS ports project |
packagegroup-webos-temp | 1.0 | Temporary additions to Open webOS images |
packagegroup-webos-test | 1.0 | Test components used in Open webOS |
packagegroup-webos-upstart | 1.0 | Upstart components use by the Open webOS project |
pmcertificatemgr | 2.0.0-27 | Provides certificate storage and wrapper API on openssl certificate manipulation functions |
pmklogd | 2.0.0-10 | Kernel logging daemon |
pmlogconf | 2.0.0-16 | Open webOS logging daemon configuration |
pmlogctl | 2.0.0-11 | Open webOS logging control application |
pmlogdaemon | 2.0.0-102 | Open webos logging daemon |
pmloglib | 2.2.0-25 | Open webOS logging library |
pmstatemachineengine | 2.0.0-13 | Open webOS library for implementing finite state machines |
powerd | 4.0.0-19 | Power policy daemon |
powerstat | 0.01.17 | Powerstat measures the power consumption of a laptop using the ACPI battery information. |
ptmalloc3 | 1.0 | Multi-thread malloc implementation |
qmake-webos-native | 4.8.3-4 | Open webOS edition of the qmake makefile configurator from Qt4 |
qt-palm-plugin | 0.1.0+gitrX | Qt QPA plugin for Open webOS rendering |
qt-webos-plugin | 0.1.0+gitrX | Qt QPA plugin for Open webOS offscreen rendering |
qt4-webos | 4.8.3-4 | Open webOS edition of the Qt4 cross-platform application framework |
rdx-utils-stub | 2.0.0-1 | Stubbed implementation of the webOS Remote Diagnostics Utilities |
serviceinstaller | 2.0.0-1.01 | An extensible object oriented component used to add service components to webOS |
sleepd | 1.1.1-14 | Sleep scheduling policy daemon |
smartkey-hun | 3.0.0-4 | Implementation of the Open webOS SmartKey spell checking service using hunspell |
storaged | 2.1.0-5 | Mass Storage Mode Manager |
token-generator | 1.0 | Generate needed tokens for Open webOS on device boot |
underscore | 0.6.0-8 | The underscore.js utility-belt library for JavaScript made into an Open webOS loadable framework |
upstart | 0.3.11 | Event driven system init |
upstart-getty | 1.0 | tty configuration for upstart |
uriparser | 0.7.7 | RFC 3986 compliant URI parsing library |
vboxguestdrivers | 4.2.6 | VirtualBox Linux Guest Drivers |
wakelockd | 0.1.0+gitrX | Wakelock handling daemon for proper suspend/resume integration |
webappmanager | 3.0.0-3+wop+gitrX | WebAppMgr is responsible for running Enyo applications on webOS |
webkit-supplemental | 2.0.0-0.5 | WebKit supplemental features for Open webOS |
webkit-webos | 1.3-0.54 | Open webOS edition of the WebKit web rendering engine |
webos-connman-adapter | 1.0.0-9 | Open webOS component for managing network connections using connman |
webos-image | 1.0 | Reference Open webOS image |
webos-image-devel | 1.0 | Reference Open webOS image |
webos-initscripts | 2.0.0-123 | Event-driven startup scripts for system services |
webos-ports-dev-image | 1.0 | Reference Open webOS image |
webos-ports-image | 1.0 | Reference Open webOS image |
webos-shutdownscripts | 2.1.0-36 | Open webOS shutdown scripts |
webos-telephonyd | 0.1.0+gitrX | Open webOS Telephony daemon |
yajl | 1.0.12 | Yet Another JSON Library - A Portable JSON parsing and serialization library in ANSI C |