SHR applications
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Last commit: 11 years, 11 months ago (danny branch)
Recipe name | Version | Description |
aceofpenguins | 1.3 | The Ace of Penguins is a set of Unix/X solitaire games based on the ones available for Windows(tm) but with a number of enhancements that my wife says make my versions better :-) The latest version includes clones of freecell, golf, mastermind, merlin, minesweeper, pegged, solitaire, taipei (with editor!), and thornq (by Martin Thornquist). |
advancedcaching | | Advanced Geocaching Tool for Linux - Towards paperless geocaching! |
atd-over-fso | 0.70 | Lightweight At Daemon working on top of org.freesmartphone.otimed |
atrack | 0.0.81+svnrX | Embedded linux APRS tool |
babiloo-efl | 2.0.9-bzrrX | EFL Dictionary Viewer. It supports dictionaries in SDictionary and StarDict format. |
babiloo-efl | 2.0.9-10 | EFL Dictionary Viewer. It supports dictionaries in SDictionary and StarDict format. |
chroneo | 1.0.2+svnrX | A Stopwatch and Timer application |
e-wm-config-illume2-shr | 1.2+gitrX | illume2 SHR config |
e-wm-menu-shr | 1.2+gitrX | illume SHR config |
e-wm-sysactions-shr | 1.2+gitrX | illume SHR sysactions config |
e-wm-theme-illume-gry | 0.4+gitrX | gry* illume theme - a fast, shiny illume theme |
e-wm-theme-illume-neo | 0.2+gitrX | nEo illume theme - a very fast, high contrast illume theme |
e-wm-theme-illume-niebiee | 0.2+gitrX | Extremely blue Illume theme - Niebiee |
e-wm-theme-illume-shr | 1.2+gitrX | illume SHR theme |
e-wm-theme-illume-sixteen | 0.2+gitrX | illume SHR theme |
e-wm-theme-sowka | 0.2+gitrX | Sówka e-wm theme |
ecalc | 0.0.4+gitrX | A simple calculator which is elementary-themed |
elementary-theme-gry | 0.9+gitrX | gry* elementary theme - a fast, shiny elementary theme |
elementary-theme-neo | 0.6+gitrX | nEo elementary theme - a very fast, high contrast elementary theme |
elementary-theme-niebiee | 0.2+gitrX | Extremely blue elementary theme - Niebiee |
elementary-theme-o2 | 0.2+gitrX | o2 theme for the elementary toolkit - it looks like om2007.2 |
elementary-theme-sixteen | 0.2+gitrX | elementary SHR theme |
elementary-theme-sowka | 0.2+gitrX | Sówka elementary theme |
emtooth2 | 0.1+svnrX | A bluetooth/bluez manager written in elementary for embedded systems. Second version written now in Vala |
epiano | 0.3.1 | A _very_ simple virtual piano written in edje. Will be replaced by something cool soon :) |
estardict | 0.7 | EstarDict is a offline dictionary reader |
evopedia | 0.4.2+gitrX | evopedia is an offline Wikipedia viewer |
ffalarms | 0.4+gitrX | Finger friendly alarms |
ffphonelog | 0.1+gitrX | Finger friendly phonelog |
gtk-theme-clearlooks-gtkrc | 1.0 | gtkrc u-a for clearlooks gtk theme |
gtk-theme-e17lookalike | 0.1.1+gitrX | A gtk theme that looks like e17 |
gtk-theme-neo | 0.3+gitrX | nEo GTK theme - a very fast, high contrast GTK theme |
guitartune | 0.36+svnrX | guitar tuner for openmoko phones |
gwaterpas | 0.3 | Gwaterpas |
icon-theme-neo | 0.3+gitrX | nEo icon theme - a high contrast icon theme which looks especially well when using all the other nEo themes |
iliwi | | Iliwi connects you to WiFi networks |
intone | 0.70+gitrX | intone is a mplayer frontend for openmoko phones |
jefliks | 0.0.3+gitrX | This project is a try to write real tiny and fast XMPP/Jabber client for handheld devices, supported by Enlightment Foundation Library. It use Elementary widget toolkit and Iksemel library to make it possible. |
libphone-ui | 0.0.1+gitrX | A generic framework for phone ui |
libphone-ui-config | 0.0.2+gitrX | Config files for generic phone ui framework |
libphone-ui-shr | 0.0.1+gitrX | SHR default module for the Phone UI daemon |
libphone-utils | 0.0.2+gitrX | phone-utils library |
libsensmon | 0.1+gitrX | Library for easy-accessing the sensors supported by sensmon |
libshr-glib | 2011.03.08.2+gitrX | GLib-based DBus bindings for |
minneo | 1.0.2+svnrX | A classic Memory game for mobile devices |
mokoeightball | 0.2+svnrX | Magic 8 Ball |
mokojeweled | 0.1+gitrX | A bejeweled clone in Elementary |
mokomaze | 0.5.5+git8 | Classic game where you control a steel ball by tilting a wooden labyrinth |
mplayer | 0.0+1.0rc3+svnrX | Open Source multimedia player. |
neolight | 1.4.0+svnrX | An application to turn your mobile device into a flashlight |
neomis | 1.1.0+svnrX | A computer version of the well-known electronic game named Simon |
numberx | 1.0.0+svnrX | NumberX is a mathematical puzzle game that will challenge your mental math abilities! |
numptyphysics | 0.2+svnrX | Numpty Physics is a drawing puzzle game in the spirit (and style?) of Crayon Physics using the same excellent Box2D engine. |
om-neon | 1.0.0+svnrX | Simple image viewer |
omext | 0.2 | Openmoko extensionhandler |
omhacks | 0.15.1+gitrX | C library of useful functions to control OpenMoko hardware. |
openmoko-gps | 0.0.1+svnrX | A tiny GPS output parser for the Openmoko platform. |
openmoocow | 0.0.3+gitrX | OpenMooCow makes your phone (nearly) become a cow! |
packagegroup-shr | 2.0 | SHR Fat Image Feed |
packagegroup-shr-feed | 1.0 | SHR Feed |
packagegroup-shr-minimal | 2.0 | SHR Lite Image Feed |
packagegroup-shr-systemd | 1.0 | Systemd services needed for shr images |
phonefsod | ||
phoneui-apps | 0.0.0+gitrX | The PhoneUI app starters |
phoneui-shr-theme-neo | 0.1+gitrX | nEo phoneui-shr theme - a very fast, high contrast phoneui-shr theme |
phoneui-shr-theme-niebiee | 0.1+gitrX | Extremely blue libphone-ui-shr theme - Niebiee |
phoneui-shr-theme-o2 | 0.1+gitrX | o2 theme for libphone-ui-shr - it looks like om2007.2 |
phoneui-shr-theme-sowka | 0.1+gitrX | Sówka libphone-ui-shr theme |
phoneuid | 0.0.0+gitrX | SHR Phone UI Daemon |
pisi | 0.5.3 | PISI is synchronizing information |
podboy | 1.7.4+svnrX | A podcast aggregator/player |
python-phoneutils | 0.0.2+gitrX | Python Bindings for libphone-utils |
rtmom | 0.1.3 | Elementary based client for Remember the Milk written in Python. |
sensmon | 0.21+gitrX | Vala application for monitoring raw sensor values on the handheld |
shr-config | 0.0.2+gitrX | Central settings app for FSO/SHR distros |
shr-e-gadgets | 0.0.0+gitrX | An e17 module for a lot of needed shr-gadgets |
shr-image | 2.0 | |
shr-image-all | 2.0 | |
shr-installer | 0.0.2+gitrX | EFL frontend for packagekit |
shr-launcher | 0.0.1+svnrX | shr-launcher is a home app/launcher for openmoko phones |
shr-lite-image | 2.0 | |
shr-settings | 0.1.1+gitrX | Modular settings application for SHR based on python-elementary |
shr-specs | 2011.03.08.2+gitrX | The SHR DBus API Specification |
shr-splash | 1.2+gitrX | SHR splash screen |
shr-splash-theme-dontpanic | 1.2+gitrX | SHR splash screen - DON'T PANIC theme |
shr-splash-theme-handy | 1.2+gitrX | SHR splash screen - handy theme |
shr-splash-theme-logo | 0.1+gitrX | SHR splash screen - SHR logo theme |
shr-splash-theme-niebiee | 1.2+gitrX | SHR splash screen - extremely blue Niebiee theme |
shr-splash-theme-openmoko | 1.0+gitrX | SHR splash screen - OM2009 theme |
shr-splash-theme-simple | 1.2+gitrX | SHR splash screen - simple SHR theme |
shr-splash-theme-tux | 0.1+gitrX | SHR splash screen - SHR Tux theme |
shr-theme | 0.0.2+gitrX | Standard icon theme for the SHR distribution |
shr-theme-efenniht | 0.0 | efenniht shr theme - Efenniht was devised to be clean and neutral. Its name (which means equinox) comes from the chromatic duality that was decided at the very beginning, with a dark theme (black and orange) and a bright one (white and blue) to be developed so that more people feel comfortable using it. Efenniht uses few animations, discrete contrasts between shades of gray and fine lines (colored) that outline the selected elements. |
shr-theme-gry | 0.1 | gry* - a fast, shiny theme |
shr-theme-neo | 0.2 | nEo shr theme - a very fast, high contrast shr theme |
shr-theme-niebiee | 0.1 | Niebiee - extremely blue theme for SHR (metapackage) |
shr-theme-o2 | 0.1 | o2 theme suit for shr - it looks like om2007.2 |
shr-theme-sixteen | 0.1 | Sixteen SHR theme |
shr-version | 1.1.oe-core.0 | |
shr-wizard | 0.0.0+gitrX | An e17 module and a python app for the SHR first run wizard |
spojegui | 0.4.2+svnrX | GUI for CLI program ( for searching public transport connections in Czech Republic. |
thone | 0.7 | Terminal phone for OpenMoko/FSO |
ubx-utils | 0.0.0+gitrX | Various Utilities for UBX GPS |
vagalume | 0.8.3 | client |
valacompass | 0.11+gitrX | Compass written in vala that uses the hmc5843 compass and the lis302dl accelerometer |
ventura | 0.2+svnrX | ventura is a web browser for openmoko phones |