Arago/TI-SDK distribution

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meta-arago-distro web subdirectory

Last commit: 10 years, 6 months ago (dora branch)



The meta-arago-distro layer depends upon:

Recipe name Version Description
arago-amsdk-image 1.0
arago-base-image 1.0
arago-base-tisdk-image 1.0
arago-console-image 1.0
arago-core-tisdk-image 1.0
arago-gpl-notice 1.0 Script to warn users of GPLv3 content on the target file system at boot time
arago-qt5-test-image 1.0
arago-test-image 1.0
gadget-init 1.0 Scripts to initialize usb gadgets
initscript-telnetd 1.0 Initscripts for telnetd
ipc-test-fw Firmware images to test IPC
linux-arago 2.6 Linux kernel (non-existent) for Arago fake machine
meta-toolchain-arago-tisdk 1.0 Meta package for building a installable toolchain
oe-layersetup 1.0 Package that contains a script to setup oe-core development environment
packagegroup-arago-base 1.0 Basic task to get a device booting
packagegroup-arago-base-tisdk 1.0 Additional packages beyond console packages shared by TI SDKs
packagegroup-arago-console 1.0 Extended task to get more basic and console apps
packagegroup-arago-gst 1.0 Task to add gstreamer and gstreamer plugins
packagegroup-arago-gst-sdk-target 1.0 Task to build and install header and libs in sdk
packagegroup-arago-qt5 1.0 Task to add Qt embedded related packages
packagegroup-arago-qte 1.0 Task to add Qt embedded related packages
packagegroup-arago-test 1.0 Extended task to get System Test specific apps
packagegroup-arago-test-addons 1.0 Task to install additional utilities/demos for test image
packagegroup-arago-tisdk-addons 1.0 Task to install additional utilities/demos for SDKs
packagegroup-arago-tisdk-addons-sdk-host 1.0 Task to install sources for additional utilities/demos for SDKs
packagegroup-arago-tisdk-addons-sdk-target 1.0 Task to install headers and libraries related to addons into the SDK
packagegroup-arago-tisdk-amsdk 1.0 Task to install additional packages only used in the Arago SDK
packagegroup-arago-tisdk-amsdk-sdk-host 1.0 Task to install additional scripts and applications into the SDK
packagegroup-arago-tisdk-connectivity 1.0 Task to install wireless packages into the target FS
packagegroup-arago-tisdk-connectivity-sdk-host 1.0 Task to install wlan and bluetooth sources into the SDK
packagegroup-arago-tisdk-connectivity-sdk-target 1.0 Task to install wireless headers and libraries into the SDK
packagegroup-arago-tisdk-crypto 1.0 Task to install crypto packages into target FS
packagegroup-arago-tisdk-crypto-sdk-host 1.0 Task to install crypto sources in SDK
packagegroup-arago-tisdk-crypto-sdk-target 1.0 Task to install crypto dev packages in SDK
packagegroup-arago-tisdk-graphics 1.0 Task to install graphics binaries
packagegroup-arago-tisdk-graphics-sdk-target 1.0 Task to install graphics binaries on sdk target
packagegroup-arago-tisdk-matrix 1.0 Task to include Matrix v2
packagegroup-arago-tisdk-matrix-sdk-host 1.0 Task to install Matrix v2 and associated applications sources in the SDK
packagegroup-arago-tisdk-multimedia 1.0 Task to add multimedia related packages
packagegroup-arago-tisdk-multimedia-sdk-host 1.0 Task to add multimedia related sources into the SDK
packagegroup-arago-tisdk-multimedia-sdk-target 1.0 Task to build and install header and libs into sdk
packagegroup-arago-tisdk-qt5 1.0 Task to add Qt embedded related packages
packagegroup-arago-tisdk-qte 1.0 Task to add Qt embedded related packages
packagegroup-arago-tisdk-qte-sdk-host 1.0 Task to add Qt embedded related sources into the sdk
packagegroup-arago-toolchain-tisdk-target 1.0 Task to build and install header and libs into the sdk
parse-ip 1.0 Script to parse ip address during boot and make it available to the host system using shared partitions
softap-udhcpd-config 1.0 Configuration files for SoftAP with udhcpd
ti-tisdk-setup 1.0 Package containing scripts to setup the development host and target board
tisdk-install 1.0 Contains script to properly extract and update various files
tisdk-readme 1.0 Package that will install a README file into the SDK prebuilt-binaries directory
tisdk-rootfs-image 1.0
tisdk-server-rootfs-image 1.0
tisdk-uenv 1.0 Package that will install a uEnv.txt file into the SDK prebuilt-binaries directory
arago Unified/fake Arago machine configuration for TI/Arago ARMv5 platforms
arago-armv5 Unified/fake Arago machine configuration for TI/Arago ARMv5 platforms
arago-armv7 Unified/fake Arago machine configuration for TI/Arago ARMv7 platforms