webOS Open Source Edition (OSE) offers a strong development environment that enables easy collaboration with other platform developers, as well as distinctive built-in user features.
Git repository web repo
meta-webos web subdirectory
Last commit: 4 years, 5 months ago (dunfell branch)
Recipe name | Version | Description |
activitymanager | 3.0.0-11 | webOS component to manage all running activities. |
appinstalld2 | 1.0.0-17 | Application Install Service |
applicationinstallerutility | 3.0.0-2 | The Application Installer Utility supports the installing and removing of applications on a HP webOS device. |
audiod | 1.0.0-23 | webOS Audiod daemon and utilities |
auto-luna-surface-manager | ||
avoutput-adaptation-layer-api | 1.0.0-1 | AVOutputd adaptation layer (AVAL) API definition and test harness |
avoutput-adaptation-layer-mock | 1.0.0-2 | AV API implementation library mock |
avoutputd | 1.0.0-5 | Service which controls audio and video output |
bareapp | 1.0.0-16 | Bare (no-enyo) test application |
bluetooth-sil-api | 1.0.0-19 | webOS Bluetooth SIL API |
bluetooth-sil-bluez5 | 0.1.0-46 | webOS Bluetooth SIL implementation for bluez5 |
bluez5-conf | 1.0.0 | Machine specific configuration files for bluez5 |
bootchart2blacklisted | 0.14.8+gitX | Booting sequence and CPU,I/O usage monitor |
bootd | 2.0.0-13 | Bootd single-shot launching service |
cmake-modules-webos-native | 1.6.3-3 | CMake modules used by webOS | | 1.3.99+gitX | IoTivity webapp sample application |
com.example.service.iotivity | 1.3.99+gitX | IoTivity sample Node JS service |
com.palm.service.devmode | 1.0.0-5 | JS service for Developer Mode | | 1.0.0-32 | Enact Based Web Browser | | 0.1.0-11 | General System Launcher application | | 1.0.0-6 | webOS OSE sample app for flow | | 0.1.0-4 | General System Launcher application | | 1.1.0-10 | General Settings application | | 1.0.0-16 | Enact test application | | 1.0.0-16 | webOS OSE test application | | 1.0.0-16 | WebRTC | | 1.0.0-16 | YouTube Test Application | | 0.1.0-5 | General System Launcher application | | 1.0.0-8 | Ai service for voice/face/gesture recognition |
com.webos.service.audiooutput | 1.0.0-2 | Service which controls audio output |
com.webos.service.bluetooth2 | 1.0.0-42 | webOS Bluetooth management service | | 1.0.0-11 | Camera service framework to control camera devices |
com.webos.service.contextintentmgr | 1.0.0-11 | Node-red based context intent manager (CIM) |
com.webos.service.flowmanager | 1.0.0-6 | webOS Flow manager |
com.webos.service.hfp | 1.0.0-17 | Bluetooth HFP(Hands Free Profile) support service |
com.webos.service.intent | 1.0.0-8 | Intent Manager |
com.webos.service.location | 1.0.0-79 | location framework which provides location based services implementing location handlers, plugins, and Luna location service |
com.webos.service.mediacontroller | 1.0.0-14 | Mediacontroller service |
com.webos.service.memorymanager | 1.0.0-38 | Memory Manager |
com.webos.service.pdm | 1.0.1-24 | Physical Device Manager handles physical devices using netlink events |
com.webos.service.power2 | 1.0.0-4 | Power manager service handles device suspend/resume/display states |
com.webos.service.swupdater | 1.0.0-22 | webOS update agent |
com.webos.service.tts | 1.0.0-12 | webOS text to speech service |
com.webos.service.videooutput | 1.0.0-13 | Service which controls video output |
configd | 1.2.0-7 | webOS Configuration Service |
configd-data | 1.0.0-1 | webOS Configuration Service data |
configurator | 3.0.0-4 | Creates the database schema for webOS apps |
cpushareholder-stub | 2.0.1-2 | Stubbed implementation of the webOS CPU shares scripts |
crashd | 1.2.5-4 | Crash reporting daemon |
db8 | 3.2.0-9 | A userspace service that provides access to the webOS database |
ecryptfs-utils | 111 | The eCryptfs mount helper and support libraries |
enact-dev-native | 2.5.1 | enact-dev command-line tools used by webOS |
enact-framework | 3.2.5 | Enact framework standard override used for Enact apps |
event-monitor | 1.1.0-7 | Event Monitoring Service for generic notifications |
event-monitor-network | 1.0.0-5 | Event Monitoring for Network service |
filecache | 2.0.1-3 | webOS daemon to cache filesystem requests |
g-camera-pipeline | 1.0.0-15 | g-camera-pipeline is a player which uses GStreamer |
g-media-pipeline | 1.0.0-21 | G media pipeline is a media pipeline which uses GStreamer |
gator | 6.7+gitX | DS-5 Gator daemon |
googleapis | gitX | Public interface definitions of Google APIs |
gphotofs | 0.5 | FUSE filesystem module to mount camera |
grpc | 1.14.1 | A high performance, open source, general-purpose RPC framework. Provides gRPC libraries for multiple languages written on top of shared C core library (C++, Node.js, Python, Ruby, Objective-C, PHP, C#) |
gtkmm-utils | 0.4.1 | C++ utility and widget library based on glibmm and gtkmm |
ilib-qml-plugin | ||
ilib-webapp | 14.6.0-11 | iLib code and locale data |
imemanager | ||
iotivity | 1.3.99+gitX | IoTivity framework and SDK sponsored by the Open Connectivity Foundation. |
iotivity-node | ||
jemalloc | 0.20080828a-0webos9-2 | webOS of the open-source FreeBSD memory allocation library |
leveldb-tl | 0.1.6 | LevelDB Template Library |
libbson | 0.98.0+gitX | A BSON utility library |
libgoogleassistant | 1.0.0-7 | Google assistant engine library |
libhangul | 0.1.0+gitX | Hangul input method library |
libnsbmp | 0.1.0 | BMP Library |
libpbnjson | 2.15.0-2 | Palm's Better Native JSON library |
libpmscore | 1.0.0-3 | pmscore handles device states |
librolegen | 2.1.0-3 | Library for dynamically generating webOS system bus role files for webOS JavaScript services |
libsandbox | 2.0.0-2 | libsandbox is a collection of APIs for separating running programs |
libtimedautomata | 0.0.1-4 | Timed Automata library for Event translation |
libwebosi18n | 1.0.1-4 | libwebosi18n library can be used by non-QT C++ components for localization |
loc-utils | 1.0.0-14 | Utility library used in Location Framework |
localization-tool-native | ||
ls2-helpers | 1.0.0-1 | Luna service C++11 helpers library |
luna-downloadmgr | 4.0.0-5 | The Download Manager service supports the downloading and uploading of files to and from a HP webOS device. |
luna-init | 2.0.1-4 | Initialization, setup, and font files used by luna-sysmgr and luna-sysservice |
luna-prefs | 3.0.0-5 | webOS preferences manager |
luna-prefs-data | 3.0.0 | Preferences Manager data for qemux86 |
luna-service2 | 3.21.2-6 | webOS Luna System Bus library, daemon, and utilities |
luna-service2-security-conf | 1.0.2-16 | webOS LS2 security configuration |
luna-surfacemanager | ||
luna-sysservice | 4.4.0-8 | Provides preference, timezone and ringtone services |
maliit-framework-webos | ||
media-resource-calculator | 1.0.0-5 | Media Resource Calculator for webOS |
mojoloader | 1.1-3 | JavaScript loader for foundation frameworks and other loadable libraries |
mojoservicelauncher | 3.0.2-6 | webOS component responsible for launching the node.js services |
nmeaparser | 1.0 | NMEA Parser Class Library |
node-gyp-native | 6.1.0+gitX | Node.js native addon build tool |
node-gyp-packages-native | 0.12.2 | Dependent packages and registry for node-gyp |
nodejs-module-nan-native | 2.14.1 | A module for nodejs nan |
nodejs-module-node-red | 0.18.7 | Loadable node-red module for nodejs services |
nodejs-module-usocket | 0.2.1 | A module for nodejs usocket |
nodejs-module-webos-dynaload | 3.0.2-3 | A module for nodejs that allows dynamic loading and execution of Javascript files |
nodejs-module-webos-pmlog | 3.0.1-5 | A module for nodejs that allows Javascript access to the webOS logging system |
nodejs-module-webos-service | 1.0.1-4 | Loadable Node.js module for webOS services |
nodejs-module-webos-sysbus | 3.0.1-6 | A module for nodejs that allows Javascript access to the webOS system bus |
notificationmgr | 1.0.0-13 | Notification Manager |
nyx-lib | 7.3.0-6 | webOS portability layer - library |
nyx-modules | 7.1.0-9 | webOS portability layer - qemux86-specific modules |
nyx-modules-qemux86 | 1.0.0-3 | webOS portability layer - qemux86 nyx module |
nyx-utils | 1.5.0-5 | Command line utilities for the webOS Platform Portability Layer |
openwnn-webos | 1.0.0-3 | A Japanese IME library (input method editor for typing Japanese) |
org.ocf.webossample.occlientbasicops | 1.0 | IoTivity native sample application. |
org.ocf.webossample.ocserverbasicops | 1.0 | IoTivity native sample application. |
packagegroup-webos-devel | 1.0 | Components useful to developers added to webOS OSE -devel images |
packagegroup-webos-extended | 1.0 | meta-webos components used in webOS OSE |
packagegroup-webos-internal | 1.0 | Internal components used in webOS OSE |
packagegroup-webos-test | 1.0 | Components for testing added to webOS OSE -devel images |
pacrunner | 0.9 | Proxy daemon |
pdm-plugin | 1.0.1-9 | Pdm-plugin to support Physical device manager for webOS OSE |
pmklogd | 2.0.0-2 | Kernel logging daemon |
pmlogctl | 3.0.0-2 | webOS logging control application |
pmlogdaemon | 3.1.0-7 | webOS logging daemon |
pmloglib | 3.3.0-6 | webOS logging library |
pmloglib-private | 3.3.0-2 | webOS logging library - private interface |
pms-support-reference | 1.0.0-2 | Reference power manager plugin |
pmtrace | 1.0.0-8 | lttng-ust tracepoints wrapper library and performance tools |
protobuf | 3.6.1+gitX | Protocol Buffers - structured data serialisation mechanism |
protobuf-c | 1.3.1+gitX | Protocol Buffers - structured data serialisation mechanism |
ptmalloc3 | 1.0 | Multi-thread malloc implementation |
pulseaudio | 9.0-25 | Sound server for Linux and Unix-like operating systems |
pyzy | 0.1.0+gitX | The Chinese PinYin and Bopomofo conversion library |
qml-webos-bridge | ||
qml-webos-components | ||
qml-webos-framework | ||
qt-features-webos | ||
qtwayland-webos | ||
rdxd | 4.0.2-11 | Remote diagnostics daemon and utilities |
sam | 2.0.0-48 | System Application Manager |
serviceinstaller | 2.0.0-2 | An extensible object oriented component used to add service components to webOS |
settingsservice | 1.0.22-5 | Settings Service |
settingsservice-conf | 1.0.0-6 | Settings Service Configs |
sleepd | 2.0.0-7 | Sleep scheduling policy daemon |
sp-measure | 1.3.5+gitX | A library for measuring resource consumption (CPU, memory) |
sp-memusage | 1.3.2+gitX | A collection of memory usage monitoring tools and scripts |
sqlcipher | 3.4.2 | Open Source Full Database Encryption for SQLite |
sunpinyin | 2.99+3.0.0-rc1+gitX | Pinyin input method library |
uchardet | 0.0.1 | uchardet is a C language binding of the original C++ implementation of the universal charset detection library by Mozilla. |
umediaserver | 1.0.0-24 | webOS uMediaserver daemon and utilities |
umediaserver-configs | 1.0.0-10 | umediaserver configs installation |
umi | 1.0.0-9 | AudioOutputd adaptation layer (UMI) API definition and test harness |
videooutput-adaptation-layer-api | 1.0.0-4 | Vidououtputd Adaptation Layer (VAL) API definition and test harness |
videooutput-adaptation-layer-mock | 1.0.0-3 | VAL API implementation library mock |
vmwgfx-layout | 0.1+gitX | Simple setlayout command tool for vmwgfx drm driver |
wam | ||
wca-support | 1.0.0-4 | webOS connman adapter support library |
wca-support-api | 1.0.0-4 | webOS connman adapter support API |
webos-connman-adapter | 1.1.0-25 | webOS component for managing network connections using connman |
webos-fontconfig-files | 1.0.0-5 | Private configuration files for fontconfig |
webos-fonts | 1.0.0-10 | Fonts used by webOS |
webos-image | 1.0 | webOS OSE image |
webos-image-devel | 1.0 | webOS OSE developer/test image |
webos-initscripts | 3.0.0-52 | Systemd service files for system services |
webos-qt-sdk | ||
webos-wayland-extensions | 1.0.0-40 | Wayland protocol extensions for webOS |
webruntime | ||
webruntime | ||
xulrunner | 3.6.27 | XULRunner Open Source Project |
webos | webOS OSE |