Official BSP layer for Renesas RZ/A1 platforms

Setup information

Git repository web repo

Last commit: 9 years, 10 months ago (fido branch)



The meta-renesas-rza1 layer depends upon:

Recipe name Version Description
balto-console-demo-image 1.0 A demo image for BALTO board with ssh server and web server
balto-directfb-demo-image 1.0 A demo image for BALTO board with DirectFB, SDL 1.2, ssh server and web server
balto-qt4e-demo-image 1.0 An image that will launch into the demo application for the embedded (not based on X11) version of Qt.
balto-qtgame-demo 1.0 A demo image for BALTO board with QT4.8, ssh server and web server
balto-webdemo 1.0 Balto web demo
dfb3d 1.7.0+gitX DirectFB Wavefront .obj viewer
dfbsee 0.7.4+gitX DirectFB image viewer and video player
libav 9.17 Open source audio and video processing tools and librairies
linux-baltoboard 3.14+gitX RZ/A1 Linux Kernel
linux-rza1 3.14+gitX RZ/A1 Linux Kernel
qt-in-industrial-embedded-smarthome 0.0+gitrX Demos from the industrial embedded segment
qt-in-industrial-embedded-smarthome-e 0.0+gitrX Demos from the industrial embedded segment
qt-in-use-image 1.0
qte-in-use-image 1.0
qtgame 0.0+gitrX Game from QT 4.4.3 tutorial 14
qtgame-e 0.0+gitrX Game from QT 4.4.3 tutorial 14
rza1-console-demo-image 1.0 A demo image for RSKRZA1 board with ssh server and web server
rza1-directfb-demo-image 1.0 A demo image for RSKRZA1 board with DirectFB, SDL 1.2, ssh server and web server
rza1-qt4e-demo-image 1.0 An image that will launch into the demo application for the embedded (not based on X11) version of Qt.
rza1-qtgame-demo 1.0 A demo image for RSKRZA1 board with QT4.8, ssh server and web server
sthttpd 2.27.0 A simple, small, portable, fast, and secure HTTP server
u-boot-baltoboard v2015.01+gitX Universal Boot Loader for embedded devices
u-boot-rza1 v2015.01+gitX Universal Boot Loader for embedded devices
balto Balto Board RZ/A1H
balto-xip Balto Board RZ/A1H
rskrza1 RSKRZA1 board
rskrza1-xip RSKRZA1 board