BSP layer for the NVIDIA Jetson family of SoMs and development kits, based on L4T and JetPack

Setup information

Git repository web repo

Last commit: 3 years, 1 month ago (hardknott branch)



The meta-tegra layer depends upon:

Recipe name Version Description
argus-samples 32.5.1 NVIDIA Argus API sample programs
arm-trusted-firmware 1.3-l4t-32.5.2 ARM Trusted Firmware - L4T distribution
bootlogo-custom 1.0 Deploy a custom boot screen for L4T bootloader
bootlogo-prebuilt 32.5.2
cboot-extlinux 1.0 Generate an extlinux.conf for use with cboot
cboot-prebuilt 32.5.2
cboot-t18x 32.5.2 cboot bootloader for Tegra186
cboot-t19x 32.5.2 cboot bootloader for Tegra194
cuda-command-line-tools 10.2.89-1 Dummy recipe for bringing in CUDA command-line tools
cuda-compiler 10.2.89-1 Dummy recipe for bringing in CUDA compilation tools
cuda-compiler-check-native 1.0 CCACHE_COMPILERCHECK wrapper for CUDA
cuda-cudart 10.2.89-1 CUDA package cuda-cudart
cuda-cufft 10.2.89-1 CUDA package cuda-cufft
cuda-cuobjdump 10.2.89-1 CUDA package cuda-cuobjdump
cuda-cupti 10.2.89-1 CUDA package cuda-cupti
cuda-curand 10.2.89-1 CUDA package cuda-curand
cuda-cusolver 10.2.89-1 CUDA package cuda-cusolver
cuda-cusparse 10.2.89-1 CUDA package cuda-cusparse
cuda-driver 10.2.89-1 CUDA package cuda-driver
cuda-gdb 10.2.89-1 CUDA package cuda-gdb
cuda-libraries 10.2.89-1 Dummy recipe for bringing in CUDA libraries
cuda-memcheck 10.2.89-1 CUDA package cuda-memcheck
cuda-misc-headers 10.2.89-1 CUDA package cuda-misc-headers
cuda-npp 10.2.89-1 CUDA package cuda-npp
cuda-nvcc 10.2.89-1 CUDA package cuda-nvcc
cuda-nvcc-headers 10.2.89-1 CUDA package cuda-nvcc-headers
cuda-nvdisasm 10.2.89-1 CUDA package cuda-nvdisasm
cuda-nvgraph 10.2.89-1 CUDA package cuda-nvgraph
cuda-nvml 10.2.89-1 CUDA package cuda-nvml
cuda-nvprof 10.2.89-1 CUDA package cuda-nvprof
cuda-nvprune 10.2.89-1 CUDA package cuda-nvprune
cuda-nvrtc 10.2.89-1 CUDA package cuda-nvrtc
cuda-nvtx 10.2.89-1 CUDA package cuda-nvtx
cuda-samples 10.2.89-1 CUDA sample programs
cuda-target-environment 1.0 SDK environment setup for CUDA targets
cuda-toolkit 10.2.89-1 Dummy recipe for bringing in CUDA tools and libraries
cudnn NVIDIA CUDA Deep Neural Network library
deepstream-5.1 5.1.0-1 NVIDIA Deepstream SDK
egl-wayland 1.1.6 Wayland EGL external platform library
eglexternalplatform 1.1 EGL external platform interface
gstreamer1.0-omx-tegra 1.0.0-r32.5.2 OpenMAX IL plugins for GStreamer (Nvidia-specific)
gstreamer1.0-plugins-nvarguscamerasrc 1.0.0-r32.5.2 NVIDIA nvarguscamerasrc GStreamer plugin
gstreamer1.0-plugins-nvcompositor 1.14.0-r32.5.2 NVIDIA compositor GStreamer plugin
gstreamer1.0-plugins-nvdrmvideosink 1.14.0-r32.5.2 NVIDIA DRM video sink GStreamer plugin
gstreamer1.0-plugins-nveglgles 1.2.3-r32.5.2 NVIDIA EGL/GLES GStreamer plugin
gstreamer1.0-plugins-nvjpeg 1.14.0-r32.5.2 NVIDIA accelerated JPEG GStreamer plugin
gstreamer1.0-plugins-nvtee 1.14.0-r32.5.2 NVIDIA video tee GStreamer plugin
gstreamer1.0-plugins-nvv4l2camerasrc 1.14.0-r32.5.2 NVIDIA v4l2camerasrc GStreamer plugin
gstreamer1.0-plugins-nvvidconv 1.14.0-r32.5.2 NVIDIA video converter GStreamer plugin
gstreamer1.0-plugins-nvvideo4linux2 1.14.0-r32.5.2 NVIDIA v4l2 GStreamer plugin
gstreamer1.0-plugins-nvvideosinks 1.14.0-r32.5.2 NVIDIA video sinks GStreamer plugin
gstreamer1.0-plugins-tegra 1.14.0-r32.5.2 Dummy recipe for Tegra gstreamer plugins metapackage
gstreamer1.0-plugins-tegra-binaryonly 32.5.2
kern-tools-tegra-native 0.2+gitX Tools for managing Yocto Project style branched kernels
kernel-bup-payload 1.0 Generates a bootloader update payload for use with nv_update_engine when using a kernel with bundled initramfs
l4t-graphics-demos 32.5.1
l4t-nvidia-glheaders 32.5.1
l4t-usb-device-mode 1.0 Configuration for setting up L4T USB device mode gadgets
libcublas CUDA package libcublas
libdrm-nvdc 32.5.2 NVIDIA DRM compatibility library
libglvnd 1.3.2 libglvnd is a vendor-neutral dispatch layer for arbitrating OpenGL API calls between multiple vendors.
libnvidia-container-tools 0.9.0 NVIDIA container runtime library
libnvvpi1 1.0.15 Vision Programming Interface(VPI) is an API for accelerated computer vision and image processing for embedded systems.
libv4l2-minimal 1.18.0 libv4l2 from v4l-utils, minimally built
libv4l2-nvvidconv-wrapper 1.0.1 Wrapper for libv4l2_nvvidconv to work around STREAMOFF segfault issue
libvisionworks NVIDIA VisionWorks Toolkit is a CUDA accelerated software development package for computer vision (CV) and image processing.
libvisionworks-sfm NVIDIA VisionWorks Plus (SFM) contains platform specific optimized libraries, including SFM, a library of computer vision primitives and algorithms with framework optimizied for NVIDIA platforms built on top of NVIDIA Visionworks and extends its API
libvisionworks-tracking NVIDIA VisionWorks target tools
linux-tegra 4.9.201+gitX Linux kernel
nativesdk-cuda-environment 1.0 SDK environment setup for CUDA toolchain
nativesdk-packagegroup-cuda-sdk-host 1.0 Host packages for CUDA SDK toolchain
nsight-systems-cli 2020.5.3.17 NVIDIA Nsight Systems is a multi-core CPU sampling profiler that provides an interactive view of captured profiling data, helping improve overall application performance.
nv-tegra-release 32.5.2
nvbufsurface-headers 5.1.0-1 nvbufsurface API headers from Deepstream SDK sources
nvgstapps 32.5.2 NVIDIA GStreamer applications
nvidia-container-runtime 3.1.0 NVIDIA container runtime
nvidia-container-toolkit 1.0.5 NVIDIA container runtime hook
nvidia-docker 2.2.2 nvidia-docker CLI wrapper
python3-tensorrt 7.1.3-1 Python bindings for TensorRT
setup-nv-boot-control 1.0 Script and systemd service to set up the boot control configuration file needed for tegra redundant boot support
tar-l4t-workaround-native 1.0 tar wrapper script for handling zstd suffix
tegra-argus-daemon 32.5.2 nvargusdaemon initscript/service
tegra-binaries 32.5.2 NVIDIA L4T binaries
tegra-binaries-patches 32.5.2 Recipe to stash patches to be applied to L4T files
tegra-bluetooth 1.0 Scripts and configuration files for setting up the integrated Bluetooth module on Tegra SoMs that have one.
tegra-boot-tools 2.5.2 Boot-related tools for Tegra platforms
tegra-bootfiles 32.5.2
tegra-bootpart-config 1.0 Boot partition layout configuration file for tegra210 targets
tegra-brcm-patchram 32.5.2
tegra-bup-payload 1.0 Install tegra bup payload file in the location expected by nv_update_engine
tegra-cmake-overrides 1.0.2 Replacement modules for CMake to fix issues with FindCUDA
tegra-configs 32.5.2 Miscellaneous configuration files provided by L4T
tegra-configs-alsa 32.5.2 Sound configuration files provided by L4T
tegra-eeprom-tool 1.3.0 Tegra ID EEPROM tools
tegra-firmware 32.5.2
tegra-flashvars 32.5.2 Machine-specific variables for tegraflash
tegra-helper-scripts-native 32.5.2 Flash helper scripts
tegra-libraries 32.5.2
tegra-minimal-init 1.0 Minimal initramfs init script
tegra-minimal-initramfs 1.0 Minimal initramfs image for Tegra platforms
tegra-mmapi 32.5.1 NVIDIA Tegra Multimedia API headers subset for Argus, nvosd, and nvbuf APIs
tegra-mmapi-samples 32.5.1 NVIDIA Tegra Multimedia API sample programs
tegra-nv-boot-control-config 32.5.2
tegra-nvphs 32.5.2 nvphs startup files
tegra-nvphs-base 32.5.2 NVIDIA Power Hinting Service
tegra-nvpmodel 32.5.2 nvpmodel startup files
tegra-nvpmodel-base 32.5.2 nvpmodel tool and configuration files
tegra-nvs-base 32.5.2 NVIDIA sensor HAL daemon
tegra-nvs-service 32.5.2 nvs-service startup files
tegra-nvstartup 32.5.2 nvstartup initscript/service
tegra-redundant-boot 32.5.2 Startup files for Tegra bootloader redundancy support
tegra-redundant-boot-base 32.5.2
tegra-redundant-boot-rollback 32.5.2
tegra-tools 32.5.2 Miscellaneous tools provided by L4T
tegra-udrm-probeconf 1.0 Adds a modprobe config for tegra_udrm
tegra-wifi 1.0 Configuration files for WiFi on Tegra platforms
tegra186-flashtools-native 32.5.2
tegra210-flashtools-native 32.5.2
tensorrt 7.1.3-1 NVIDIA TensorRT (GPU Inference Engine) for deep learning
tos-prebuilt 32.5.2
tos-trusty 32.5.2 Construct a trusted OS image with ATF and Trusty
trusty-l4t 32.5.2 Trusty secure OS - L4T distribution
u-boot-bup-payload 1.0 Generates a bootloader update payload for use with nv_update_engine when using U-Boot on tegra186 platforms.
u-boot-tegra 2021.01+gX Universal Boot Loader for embedded devices
xserver-xorg-video-nvidia 32.5.2
jetson-agx-xavier-devkit Nvidia Jetson Xavier dev board
jetson-agx-xavier-devkit-8gb Nvidia Jetson Xavier 8GB machine variant
jetson-nano-2gb-devkit Nvidia Jetson Nano 2GB development kit
jetson-nano-devkit Nvidia Jetson Nano dev board
jetson-nano-devkit-emmc Nvidia Jetson Nano dev board with eMMC module
jetson-tx1-devkit Nvidia Jetson TX1 dev board
jetson-tx2-devkit Nvidia Jetson TX2 dev board
jetson-tx2-devkit-4gb Nvidia Jetson TX2 4GB variant
jetson-tx2-devkit-tx2i Nvidia Jetson TX2i dev board
jetson-xavier-nx-devkit Nvidia Jetson Xavier NX development kit with
jetson-xavier-nx-devkit-emmc Nvidia Jetson Xavier NX development kit with QSPI+eMMC
jetson-xavier-nx-devkit-tx2-nx Nvidia Jetson TX2 NX module installed in the Xavier NX carrier