build a media platform for web using Webkit for Wayland and components around it

Setup information

Git repository web repo

Last commit: 7 years, 1 month ago (jethro branch)


  • Wouter lucas van Boesschoten email


The meta-wpe layer depends upon:

Recipe name Version Description
c-ares 1.12.0 c-ares is a C library that resolves names asynchronously.
cmake 3.6.1 Cross-platform, open-source make system
cmake-native 3.6.1 Cross-platform, open-source make system
curl 7.32.0 Command line tool and library for client-side URL transfers.
freetype 2.4.6 Freetype font rendering library
graphite2 1.2.4 Font rendering capabilities for complex non-Roman writing systems
gstreamer1.0 1.10.4 GStreamer 1.0 multimedia framework
gstreamer1.0-meta-base 1.0 Gstreamer1.0 package groups
gstreamer1.0-omx 1.2.0 OpenMAX IL plugins for GStreamer
gstreamer1.0-omx 1.10.4 OpenMAX IL plugins for GStreamer
gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad 1.10.4 Plugins for the GStreamer multimedia framework 1.x
gstreamer1.0-plugins-base 1.10.4 Plugins for the GStreamer multimedia framework 1.x
gstreamer1.0-plugins-good 1.10.4 Plugins for the GStreamer multimedia framework 1.x
gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly 1.10.4 Plugins for the GStreamer multimedia framework 1.x
gyp 0.1+gitX GYP is a Meta-Build system: a build system that generates other build systems
harfbuzz 1.0.1 Text shaping library
libepoxy 1.4.3 OpenGL function pointer management library
libmng 2.0.3 Development files for the Multiple-image Network Graphics library
libprovision 2.0.gitrX Provisioning support library
netflix 4.2.3+gitX Netflix native application
opencdm 1.0.gitrX Open Content Decryption Module.
openwebrtc git A flexible cross-platform WebRTC client framework based on GStreamer.
packagegroup-westeros 1.0 Westeros packages
packagegroup-wpe 1.0 Web Platform for Embedded Packagegroup
packagegroup-wpeframework 1.0 Web Platform for Embedded Framework Packagegroup
playready 1.0.gitrX Microsoft PlayReady DRM implementation.
webdriver-wpe 1.0+gitrX WebDriver for WPE
westeros 1.0+gitrX This receipe compiles the westeros compositor component
westeros-render-dispmanx 1.0+gitrX This receipe compiles the westeros compositor dispmanx render module for Raspberry Pi
westeros-simplebuffer 1.0+gitrX This receipe compiles the westeros compositor simplebuffer component
westeros-simpleshell 1.0+gitrX This receipe compiles the westeros compositor simple-shelk component
westeros-sink 1.0+gitrX This receipe compiles the westeros compositor gstreamer sink element
westeros-soc-drm 1.0+gitrX This receipe compiles the westeros gl component for drm supported platforms, currently the HiKey board
westeros-soc-rpi 1.0+gitrX This receipe compiles the westeros compositor components for RaspberryPi: westeros-gl, westeros-egl
wpe-eglfs-image 1.0 A small image just capable of allowing a device to boot.
wpe-framework-image 1.0 A small image just capable of allowing a device to boot.
wpe-image 1.0 WPE rootfs image
wpe-initramfs-image 1.0 A small image just capable of allowing a device to boot.
wpe-westeros-image 1.0 A small image just capable of allowing a device to boot.
wpebackend 0.1
wpebackend-mesa 0.1
wpebackend-rdk 0.1
wpeframework 3.0+gitrX Web Platform for Embedded Framework
wpeframework-dialserver 3.0+gitrX WPE Framework DIAL Server plugin
wpeframework-netflix 3.0+gitrX WPE Framework Netflix plugin
wpeframework-plugins 3.0+gitrX WPE Framework common plugins
wpeframework-provisioning 3.0+gitrX WPE Framework Provisioning plugin
wpeframework-spotify 3.0+gitrX WPE Framework Spotify Proof-of-Concept plugin
wpeframework-ui 3.0+gitrX WPE Framework User Interface
wpelauncher 0.1
wpewebkit 20170728+gitX WPE WebKit port pairs the WebKit engine with the Wayland display protocol, allowing embedders to create simple and performant systems based on Web platform technologies. It is de