This layer provides RetroArch front-end and libretro cores emulators recipes for use with OpenEmbedded and/or Yocto.
Setup information Mailing list
Git repository web repo
Last commit: 2 years, 10 months ago (kirkstone branch)
- Bartłomiej Burdukiewicz email
The meta-libretro layer depends upon:
The meta-libretro layer recommends:
Recipe name | Version | Description |
2048-libretro | 2021+gitX | Port of 2048 puzzle game to the libretro API. |
3dengine-libretro | 2021+gitX | 3D Engine for libretro GL with additional features (camera/location/etc). Should be compatible from libretro 3D/GLES 2.0 and up. |
81-libretro | 2021+gitX | ZX81 emulator |
atari800-libretro | 2021+gitX | Atari 8-bit/800/5200 emulator |
bash-launcher-libretro | 2021+gitX | Bash launcher |
beetle-gba-libretro | 2021+gitX | Nintendo Gameboy Advance emulator |
beetle-lynx-libretro | 2021+gitX | Atari Lynx emulator |
beetle-ngp-libretro | 2021+gitX | Neo Geo Pocket(Color) emulator |
beetle-pce-fast-libretro | 2021+gitX | PC-Engine emulator |
beetle-pcfx-libretro | 2021+gitX | PCFX emulator |
beetle-psx-libretro | 2021+gitX | Sony PlayStation emulator |
beetle-saturn-libretro | 2021+gitX | Sega Saturn emulator |
beetle-supergrafx-libretro | 2021+gitX | SuperGrafx TG-16 emulator |
beetle-vb-libretro | 2021+gitX | Nintendo Virtual Boy emulator |
beetle-wswan-libretro | 2021+gitX | Wonderswan emulator |
bk-libretro | 2021+gitX | BK-0010/0011/Terak 8510a emulator |
bluemsx-libretro | 2021+gitX | MSX/MSX2/Colecovision emulator |
bsnes-libretro | 2021+gitX | Super Nintendo emulator |
caprice32-libretro | 2021+gitX | Amstrad CPC emulator |
cool-retro-term | 1.2.0 | Terminal emulator which mimics the look and feel of the old cathode tube screens |
cpupower | 1.0 | Shows and sets processor power related values |
desmume-libretro | 2021+gitX | Nintendo DS emulator |
desmume2015-libretro | 2021+gitX | Nintendo DS emulator |
dinothawr-libretro | 2021+gitX | Dinothawr - standalone libretro puzzle game |
dolphin-emu | 2021+gitX | Dolphin is a GameCube / Wii emulator |
dolphin-launcher-libretro | 2021+gitX | Native Dolphin emulator launcher |
dolphin-libretro | 2021+gitX | Nintendo GameCube / Wii emulator |
dosbox-libretro | 2021+gitX | MS-DOS emulator |
dosbox-pure-libretro | 2021+gitX | MS-DOS emulator |
fbalpha2012-cps1-libretro | 2021+gitX | Capcom CPS1 emulator |
fbalpha2012-cps2-libretro | 2021+gitX | Capcom CPS2 emulator |
fbalpha2012-libretro | 2021+gitX | FB Alpha multi-arcade emulator |
fbalpha2012-neogeo-libretro | 2021+gitX | SNK NeoGeo emulator |
fbneo-libretro | 2021+gitX | FB Neo multi-arcade emulator |
fceumm-libretro | 2021+gitX | Nintendo Entertainment System emulator |
firmware-libretro | 20210531 | |
flycast-libretro | 2021+gitX | Sega Dreamcast/Naomi emulator |
fmsx-libretro | 2021+gitX | MSX/MSX2 emu - fMSX port for libretro |
freechaf-libretro | 2021+gitX | ChannelF emulator for libretro |
freeimage | 3.18.0 | FreeImage tool used by WhatsApp Purple |
freeintv-libretro | 2021+gitX | Intellivision emulator for libretro |
frodo-libretro | 2021+gitX | Frodo - Commodore 64 emulator |
fuse-libretro | 2021+gitX | ZX Spectrum emu - Fuse port for libretro |
gambatte-libretro | 2021+gitX | Gameboy Color emu - libgambatte port for libretro |
gearsystem-libretro | 2021+gitX | Sega 8 bit emu - Gearsystem port for libretro |
genesis-plus-gx-libretro | 2021+gitX | Sega Mega Drive / Genesis emulator |
genesis-plus-gx-wide-libretro | 2021+gitX | Sega Mega Drive / Genesis emulator |
gme-libretro | 2021+gitX | Dinothawr - standalone libretro puzzle game |
gpsp-libretro | 2021+gitX | |
gw-libretro | 2021+gitX | Game and Watch simulator |
handy-libretro | 2021+gitX | Atari Lynx emulator - Handy port for libretro |
hatari-libretro | 2021+gitX | Atari emulator - Hatari port for libretro |
kodi-game-libretro | ||
kodi-game-libretro-pcsx-rearmed | ||
kronos-libretro | 2021+gitX | Saturn & ST-V emulator - Kronos port for libretro |
libglvnd | 1.3.1 | libglvnd is a vendor-neutral dispatch layer for arbitrating OpenGL API calls between multiple vendors. |
libshake | 0.3.2 | Simple, cross-platform haptic library. |
libslipr | git | A general purpose TCP-IP emulator library |
mame-libretro | 2021+gitX | |
mame2000-libretro | 2021+gitX | |
mame2003-libretro | 2021+gitX | |
mame2003-plus-libretro | 2021+gitX | |
mame2010-libretro | 2021+gitX | |
mame2015-libretro | 2021+gitX | |
mame2016-libretro | 2021+gitX | |
masen-libretro | 2021+gitX | High-accuracy NES and Famicom emulator |
masen-s-libretro | 2021+gitX | Mesen-S is a cross-platform SNES emulator for Windows & Linux built in C++. |
melonds | git | DS emulator, sorta |
melonds-libretro | 2021+gitX | MelonDS - Nintendo DS emulator |
meow-pc98-libretro | 2021+gitX | Neko Project 2 (PC98 emulator) port for libretro/RetroArch |
mgba-libretro | 2021+gitX | Nintendo GameBoy Advance emulator |
moonlight-libretro | 2021+gitX | GameStream client for RetroArch |
mrboom-libretro | 2021+gitX | Mr.Boom - 8 players Bomberman clone for libretro. |
mupen64plus-libretro | 2021+gitX | Nintendo 64 emulator |
neocd-libretro | 2021+gitX | Neo Geo CD emulator for libretro |
nestopia-libretro | 2021+gitX | NES emu - Nestopia (enhanced) port for libretro |
np2kai-libretro | 2021+gitX | PC98 emu - Modified Neko Project II port for libretro |
nxengine-libretro | 2021+gitX | Cave Story engine clone - NxEngine port for libretro |
o2em-libretro | 2021+gitX | Odyssey 2 / Videopac emu - O2EM port for libretro |
oberon-libretro | 2021+gitX | Emulator for the Oberon RISC machine |
opera-libretro | 2021+gitX | 3DO emu - 4DO/libfreedo port for libretro |
packagegroup-libretro-arcade | 1.0 | Libretro Arcade cores |
packagegroup-libretro-atari | 1.0 | Libretro Atari cores |
packagegroup-libretro-cores | 1.0 | Libretro cores package group |
packagegroup-libretro-dreamcast | 1.0 | Libretro Dreamcast cores |
packagegroup-libretro-extra | 1.0 | Libretro extra cores package group |
packagegroup-libretro-gba | 1.0 | Libretro GameBoy Advanced cores |
packagegroup-libretro-gbc | 1.0 | Libretro GameBoy Color cores |
packagegroup-libretro-n64 | 1.0 | Libretro Nintendo 64 cores |
packagegroup-libretro-nds | 1.0 | Libretro Nintendo Dual Screen (DS) cores |
packagegroup-libretro-nes | 1.0 | Libretro Nintendo Entertainment System cores |
packagegroup-libretro-ngc | 1.0 | Libretro Nintendo GameCube cores |
packagegroup-libretro-pc | 1.0 | Libretro PC cores |
packagegroup-libretro-pc98 | 1.0 | Libretro Nintendo 64 cores |
packagegroup-libretro-ps2 | 1.0 | Libretro PlayStation 2 cores |
packagegroup-libretro-psx | 1.0 | Libretro PlayStation (One) cores |
packagegroup-libretro-saturn | 1.0 | Libretro Sega Saturn cores |
packagegroup-libretro-sms | 1.0 | Libretro Sega Master System |
packagegroup-libretro-snes | 1.0 | Libretro SNES cores |
packagegroup-libretro-wii | 1.0 | Libretro Nintendo Wii cores |
packagegroup-standalone-emulators | 1.0 | Standalone emulators package group |
parallel-n64-libretro | 2021+gitX | N64 emu - Highly modified Mupen64Plus port for libretro |
pcsx-rearmed-libretro | 2021+gitX | Sony PlayStation emulator |
pcsx2-libretro | 2021+gitX | PCSX2 - The Playstation 2 Emulator. |
picodrive-libretro | 2021+gitX | Sega 8/16 bit emu - picodrive arm optimised libretro core |
pokemini-libretro | 2021+gitX | Pokemon Mini emulator - PokeMini port for libretro |
ppsspp-libretro | 2021+gitX | PlayStation Portable emu - PPSSPP port for libretro |
prboom-libretro | 2021+gitX | Doom/Doom II engine - PrBoom port for libretro |
prosystem-libretro | 2021+gitX | Atari 7800 ProSystem emu - ProSystem port for libretro |
puae-libretro | 2021+gitX | P-UAE Amiga emulator port for libretro |
px68k-libretro | 2021+gitX | SHARP X68000 Emulator |
quasi88-libretro | 2021+gitX | NEC PC-8801 emu - Quasi88 port for libretro |
quicknes-libretro | 2021+gitX | NES emulator - QuickNES Port for libretro |
race-libretro | 2021+gitX | RACE NGPC emulator |
recalbox-emulationstation | 7.0 | |
reicast-libretro | 2021+gitX | Dreamcast emulator - reicast |
resize-helper | 1.0 | Resize root filesystem to fit available disk space |
retro-cpufreq-tune | 1.0 | qml-forward-gallery autostart service |
retro-image-full | 1.0 | RetroArch full image |
retro-image-full-bundle | ||
retro-image-minimal | 1.0 | RetroArch minimal image |
retro-image-standard | 1.0 | RetroArch standard image |
retro-menu | 2021+gitX | Retro menu launcher for retro distribution. Written in Qt / QML. |
retro-repart-conf | 1.0 | System partition layout configuration for system-repart |
retro8-libretro | 2021+gitX | PICO-8 implementation with SDL2 and RetroArch back-ends |
retroarch | 1.10.3-gitX | Cross-platform, sophisticated frontend for the libretro API |
retroarch-assets | 2021+gitX | Assets needed for RetroArch |
retroarch-autoconfig | 2021+gitX | RetroArch joypad autoconfig files |
retroarch-cg-shaders | 2021+gitX | Libretro Cg shaders |
retroarch-database | 2021+gitX | RetroArch Database containing cheatcode files, content data files, etc. |
retroarch-glsl-shaders | 2021+gitX | Retroarch GLSL shaders |
retroarch-libretro-info | 2021+gitX | RetroArch additional headers with info about libretro cores |
retroarch-overlays | 2021+gitX | RetroArch overlay collection |
retroarch-service | 2.3 | RetroArch systemd service |
retroarch-slang-shaders | 2021+gitX | Vulkan GLSL RetroArch shader system |
retroflag-picase | 1.0+gitX | RetroFlag Pi-Case Safe Shutdown |
rtkit | 0.13 | Realtime Policy and Watchdog Daemon |
sfml | 2.5.1+gitX | Simple and Fast Multimedia Library |
smsplus-gx-libretro | 2021+gitX | Sega Master System & Game Gear emu - SMSPlus (enhanced) port for libretro |
snes9x-libretro | 2021+gitX | Snes9x - Portable Super Nintendo Entertainment System (TM) emulator. |
snes9x2002-libretro | 2021+gitX | Snes9x 2002. Port of SNES9x 1.39 for libretro (was previously called PocketSNES). Heavily optimized for ARM. |
snes9x2005-libretro | 2021+gitX | Snes9x 2005. Port of SNES9x 1.43 for libretro (was previously called CAT SFC). |
snes9x2010-libretro | 2021+gitX | Snes9x 2010. Port of Snes9x 1.52+ to Libretro (previously called SNES9x Next). Rewritten in C and several optimizations and speedhacks. |
stella2014-libretro | 2021+gitX | Atari 2600 emulator - Stella port for libretro |
superflappybirds-libretro | 1.0 | Super Flappy Birds - Multiplayer Flappy Bird Clone |
swanstation-libretro | 2021+gitX | Sony PlayStation emulator |
tgbdual-libretro | 2021+gitX | Gameboy Color emu - TGB Dual port for libretro |
theodore-libretro | 2021+gitX | Thomson MO/TO system emulator |
tyrquake-libretro | 2021+gitX | Quake 1 engine - Tyrquake port for libretro |
uzem-libretro | 2021+gitX | The Uzebox is a retro-minimalist homebrew game console. It is based on an AVR 8-bit general purpose microcontroller made by Atmel. |
vba-next-libretro | 2021+gitX | Optimized port of VBA-M to Libretro. |
vbam-libretro | 2021+gitX | Visual Boy Advance - A fork of VBA-M with libretro integration |
vecx-libretro | 2021+gitX | Vectrex emulator - vecx port for libretro |
vemulator-libretro | 2021+gitX | A port of the SEGA Visual Memory Unit emulator VeMUlator for libretro. |
vice-libretro | 2021+gitX | C64 emulator - port of VICE for libretro |
vice-x128-libretro | 2021+gitX | C64 emulator - port of VICE for libretro |
vice-x64sc-libretro | 2021+gitX | C64 emulator - port of VICE for libretro |
vice-xcbm2-libretro | 2021+gitX | C64 emulator - port of VICE for libretro |
vice-xcbm5x0-libretro | 2021+gitX | C64 emulator - port of VICE for libretro |
vice-xpet-libretro | 2021+gitX | C64 emulator - port of VICE for libretro |
vice-xplus4-libretro | 2021+gitX | C64 emulator - port of VICE for libretro |
vice-xscpu64-libretro | 2021+gitX | C64 emulator - port of VICE for libretro |
vice-xvic-libretro | 2021+gitX | C64 emulator - port of VICE for libretro |
virtualjaguar-libretro | 2021+gitX | Atari Jaguar emu - Virtual Jaguar (optimised) port for libretro |
xmil-libretro | 2021+gitX | Libretro port of X Millennium Sharp X1 emulator |
yabause-libretro | 2021+gitX | Sega Saturn emu - Yabause (optimised) port for libretro |