Demo layer for meta-tensorflow

Setup information

Git repository

git:// web repo


meta-demo web subdirectory

Last commit: 3 years, 6 months ago (kirkstone branch)



The meta-tensorflow-demo layer depends upon:

Recipe name Version Description
core-image-x11-ts-demo 1.0 A very basic X11 image with a terminal
face-detection 0.1 A demo of human face recognition
minigo 0.0+gitX A minimalist Go engine modeled after AlphaGo Zero, built on MuGo
minigo-models 0.0+gitX A minimalist Go engine modeled after AlphaGo Zero, built on MuGo
python3-google-api-core 1.8.2 Google API client core library
python3-google-cloud-bigtable 0.32.1 Google Cloud Bigtable API client library
python3-google-cloud-core 0.29.1 Google Cloud API client core library
python3-googleapis-common-protos 1.5.9 Common protobufs used in Google APIs
python3-grpc-google-iam-v1 0.11.4 GRPC library for the google-iam-v1 service
vien 1.0 Neural Machine Translation Based on Tensorflow