This layer allows to develop and install GNSS-SDR in a variety of embedded platforms.

Setup information

Git repository web repo

Last commit: 6 years, 10 months ago (krogoth branch)


  • Carles Fernandez-Prades email
Recipe name Version Description
armadillo 7.800.2 C++ linear algebra library
base-dev-image 1.0 A console-only image with a development/debug environment suitable for building UHD installed.
gflags 2.2.0 The gflags package contains a C++ library that implements commandline flags processing. It includes built-in support for standard types such as string and the ability to define flags in the source file in which they are used
glog 0.3.4 The glog library implements application-level logging. This library provides logging APIs based on C++-style streams and various helper macros.
gnss-sdr 0.0.9 GNSS-SDR: An open source software defined GNSS receiver
gnss-sdr-demo-image 1.0 A console-only image with a development/debug environment suitable for building GNURadio out of tree blocks installed.
gnss-sdr-dev-image 1.0 A console-only image with a development/debug environment suitable for building GNURadio out of tree blocks installed.
gnss-sdr-minimal-image 1.0 A spartan image with the GNSS-SDR binary and required environment
gnuradio-demo-image 1.0 A console-only image with a development/debug environment suitable for building GNURadio out of tree blocks installed.
gnuradio-dev-image 1.0 A console-only image with a development/debug environment suitable for building GNURadio out of tree blocks installed.
gnuradio-image 1.0 A console-only image with a development/debug environment suitable for building GNURadio out of tree blocks installed.
gnuradio-video-demo-image 1.0 A console-only image with a development/debug environment suitable for building GNURadio out of tree blocks installed.
gr-iio 0.3 IIO blocks for GNU Radio
hdf5 1.8.19 HDF5 is a data model, library, and file format for storing and managing data
lapack 3.7.0 Linear Algebra PACKage
libad9361-iio 0.1 This is a simple library used for userspace, which manages multi-chip sync, on platforms (FMCOMMS5) where multiple AD9361 devices are used.
libiio 0.8+gitX Library for interfacing with IIO devices
matio 1.5.11 MATLAB MAT File I/O Library
packagegroup-gnss-sdr 1.0
python-six 1.10.0 Python 2 and 3 compatibility library
uhd-dev-image 1.0 A console-only image with a development/debug environment suitable for building GNURadio installed.