Arago/TI-SDK distribution

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meta-arago-distro web subdirectory

Last commit: 3 weeks, 1 day ago (master branch)


Recipe name Version Description
arago-feed-config 1.0 Arago feed configuration
arago-gpl-notice 1.0 Script to warn users of GPLv3 content on the target file system at boot time
bootstrap-initrd 1.0 Prebuilt initramfs with apps for bootstraping new board
bt-enable 1.0 Bluetooth enable script
build-essential 1.0
initscript-telnetd 1.0 Initscripts for telnetd
meta-toolchain-arago-tisdk 1.0 Meta package for building a installable toolchain
meta-toolchain-arago-tisdk-server 1.0 Meta package for building a installable toolchain
packagegroup-arago-base 1.0 Base tools that are recommended for most images
packagegroup-arago-base-tisdk-server-extra 1.0 Additional packages beyond console packages shared by TI SDKs
packagegroup-arago-bootstrap 1.0 Task to install additional utilities for initial board bringup
packagegroup-arago-console 1.0 Extended task to get more basic and console apps
packagegroup-arago-gst 1.0 Task to add gstreamer and gstreamer plugins
packagegroup-arago-gst-sdk-target 1.0 Task to build and install header and libs in sdk
packagegroup-arago-initramfs 1.0 Minimal boot requirements
packagegroup-arago-misc 1.0 Task to install additional miscellaneous packages
packagegroup-arago-tisdk-addons 1.0 Task to install additional utilities/demos for SDKs
packagegroup-arago-tisdk-addons-sdk-target 1.0 Task to install headers and libraries related to addons into the SDK
packagegroup-arago-tisdk-amsdk-sdk-host 1.0 Task to install additional scripts and applications into the SDK
packagegroup-arago-tisdk-connectivity 1.0 Task to install wireless packages into the target FS
packagegroup-arago-tisdk-connectivity-sdk-target 1.0 Task to install wireless headers and libraries into the SDK
packagegroup-arago-tisdk-crypto 1.0 Task to install crypto packages into target FS
packagegroup-arago-tisdk-crypto-sdk-target 1.0 Task to install crypto dev packages in SDK
packagegroup-arago-tisdk-graphics 1.0 Task to install graphics packages
packagegroup-arago-tisdk-graphics-sdk-target 1.0 Task to install graphics packages on sdk target
packagegroup-arago-tisdk-gtk 1.0 Task to add Gtk embedded related packages
packagegroup-arago-tisdk-gtk-sdk-target 1.0 Task to install Gtk dev packages in SDK
packagegroup-arago-tisdk-multimedia 1.0 Task to add multimedia related packages
packagegroup-arago-tisdk-multimedia-sdk-target 1.0 Task to build and install header and libs into sdk
packagegroup-arago-tisdk-sysrepo 1.0 Netopeer2 and Sysrepo packagegroup
packagegroup-arago-toolchain-tisdk-target 1.0 Task to build and install header and libs into the sdk
systemd-telnetd 1.0 telnetd
ti-world 1.0 TI World packagegroup
tisdk-base-image 1.0 Arago TI SDK base image with test tools
tisdk-bootstrap-base-image 1.0 Arago TI SDK bootstrap base image for initramfs
tisdk-bootstrap-image 1.0 Arago TI SDK bootstrap image usable for board bringup
tisdk-core-bundle 1.0 Installer package for TI SDK - NOT for direct use on target
tisdk-default-image 1.0 Arago TI SDK full filesystem image
tisdk-jailhouse-image 1.0 Arago TI SDK full filesystem image
tisdk-jailhouse-inmate 1.0 Arago TI SDK super minimal base image for initramfs
tisdk-readme 1.0 Package that will install a README file into the SDK prebuilt-binaries directory
tisdk-thinlinux-image 1.0 Arago TI SDK Thin Linux image
tisdk-tiny-image 1.0 Arago TI SDK super minimal base image for initramfs
tisdk-tiny-initramfs 1.0 Arago TI SDK super minimal base image for initramfs
tisdk-uenv 1.0 Package that will install a uEnv.txt file into the SDK prebuilt-binaries directory
wayland-ivi-extension 2.2.0 Wayland IVI Extension