This layer has bbappends for binutils in 'kirkstone' to extend the ld linker. The functions are there to allow adding a header in the linker. It adds the following commands. ASCII (size) <string> ASCIZ <string> CRC32 CRC32 CRC32 POLY (POLYNOME)(START,END) CRC32 POLYI (POLYNOME)(START,END) CRC32 TABLE CRC64 ECMA CRC64 ISO CRC64 POLY (POLYNOME)(START,END) CRC64 POLYI (POLYNOME)(START,END) CRC64 TABLE TIMESTAMP DEBUG ON DEBUG OFF

Git repository web repo

Last commit: 2 years, 1 month ago (master branch)


  • Ulf Samuelsson (Maintainer) email


The meta-binutils layer depends upon: