Chicken toolchain support
Git repository web repo
Last commit: 7 years, 11 months ago (master branch)
Recipe name | Version | Description |
chicken | 4.12.0 | A compiler that translates Scheme source files to C, and an interpreter |
chicken-cross-canadian-i686 | 4.12.0 | A compiler that translates Scheme source files to C, and an interpreter (cross-canadian for i686 target) |
chicken-egg-9p | 0.9 | 9p networked filesystem protocol implementation. Includes high-level client and server code library |
chicken-egg-abnf | 7.0 | Parser combinators for Augmented BNF grammars (RFC 4234). |
chicken-egg-accents-substitute | 0.6 | Substitute accented characters in strings |
chicken-egg-advice | 0.3 | advise' functionality |
chicken-egg-aes | 1.5 | A self-contained implementation of the AES / Rijndael encryption algorithm |
chicken-egg-agrep | 1.5 | Approximate grep. |
chicken-egg-alist-lib | 0.2.11 | SRFI-69-like library for alists |
chicken-egg-amb | 2.1.6 | The non-deterministic backtracking ambivalence operator |
chicken-egg-anaphora | 0.7 | Unhygienic anaphoric macros and hygienic named macros |
chicken-egg-animation | 0.3.3 | Utility for creating animations from a series of images |
chicken-egg-ansi-escape-sequences | 0.4 | Procedures to generate ANSI escape sequences |
chicken-egg-apropos | 2.2.0 | Chicken apropos |
chicken-egg-args | 1.5.1 | Command-line argument handling, on top of SRFI 37 |
chicken-egg-arrays | 0.3 | Functional arrays and sets |
chicken-egg-async-io | 0.2.0 | Asynchronous I/O |
chicken-egg-atom | 0.1.2 | Atom 1.0 feed reader and writer |
chicken-egg-autocompile | 1.0 | Automatically compile Scheme scripts on demand |
chicken-egg-autoform | 0.2 | Generates HTML forms out of database structures |
chicken-egg-autoform-jquery | 0.1 | JQuery-based Javascript validators for autoform |
chicken-egg-autoload | 3.0 | Load modules lazily |
chicken-egg-awful | 0.42.0 | awful provides an application and an extension to ease the development of web-based applications. |
chicken-egg-awful-path-matchers | 0.0.1 | Path matchers for awful |
chicken-egg-awful-sql-de-lite | 0.6.0 | sql-de-lite support for awful |
chicken-egg-awful-sse | 0.2 | Server-Sent Events module for Awful |
chicken-egg-awful-ssl | 0.2 | SSL support for awful |
chicken-egg-awful-ssql | 0.1.0 | Enable SSQL mode for awful's database-support eggs |
chicken-egg-awful-static-pages | 0.1.4 | Tool to generate static pages out of awful applications |
chicken-egg-awk | 1.8 | The SCSH/PLT 'awk' macro |
chicken-egg-banterpixra | 0.1 | A tool to generate syntax diagrams (in SVG format) from BNF-esque grammars |
chicken-egg-base64 | 3.3.1 | Encoding and decoding of base64 strings |
chicken-egg-basic-sequences | 2.0 | Basic sequence procedures |
chicken-egg-begin-syntax | 0.0.1 | Inline macro operations |
chicken-egg-bencode | 1.2.2 | Bencoding parser and serializer |
chicken-egg-berkeley-db | 2.2.3 | Bindings to BerkeleyDB |
chicken-egg-big-chicken | 0.4 | A convenience module that re-exports most non-standard libraries |
chicken-egg-binary-heap | 2.0 | Binary heap. |
chicken-egg-binary-parse | 1.3 | Reading variable number of bits from a sequential input stream |
chicken-egg-bind | 1.5.3 | Automatically generate bindings from C/C++ declarations |
chicken-egg-bindings | 7.0.4 | Pattern matching with destructuring bindings |
chicken-egg-bitcoin | 0.0.3 | bitcoind JSON-RPC API client |
chicken-egg-bitstring | 1.34 | Binary pattern matching |
chicken-egg-blob-record | 1.2 | A facility for representing records as blobs. |
chicken-egg-blob-utils | 1.0.3 | Blob Utilities |
chicken-egg-bloom-filter | 1.1.6 | Bloom Filter |
chicken-egg-blowfish | 1.1 | Blowfish |
chicken-egg-box | 2.3.2 | Boxing |
chicken-egg-breadcrumbs | 1.0 | Breadcrumbs for web pages |
chicken-egg-buffer-ports | 0.6 | Ports on arbitrary memory buffers |
chicken-egg-byte-blob | 1.19 | Byte array utility procedures for blobs. |
chicken-egg-byte-blob-stream | 1.5 | Lazy byte blobs |
chicken-egg-c3 | 1.5 | Implements C3 class linearization for TinyCLOS |
chicken-egg-cairo | 0.1.16 | Chicken bindings for Cairo, a vector graphics library |
chicken-egg-call-with-environment-variables | 0.1.7 | Set up and take down environment vars |
chicken-egg-call-with-sqlite3-connection | 0.1.3 | sqlite3 call-with-connection abstraction with timeout and finalizer |
chicken-egg-callable-data-structures | 1.0.1 | "Callable" data structures |
chicken-egg-cells | 2.1.3 | Implementation of typed cells to replace general set! operators |
chicken-egg-cgi | 1.1 | An implementation of the CGI protocol as described in RFC 3875. |
chicken-egg-channel | 0.0.3 | A reactive channel implementation inspired by lamina for Clojure ( |
chicken-egg-char-set-literals | 0.3 | A reader extension providing Gauche style literals for SRFI-14 char-sets |
chicken-egg-charconv | 1.3.6 | Character encoding utilities |
chicken-egg-charplot | 0.5 | The SLIB character plotting library |
chicken-egg-check-errors | 2.0.0 | Argument checks & errors |
chicken-egg-chickadee | 0.10.2 | chicken-doc web server |
chicken-egg-chicken-belt | 0.0.9 | A utility belt for managing your Chicken coop |
chicken-egg-chicken-doc | 0.4.7 | Explore Chicken documentation locally |
chicken-egg-chicken-doc-admin | 0.4.6 | Administer Chicken documentation locally |
chicken-egg-chicken-doc-html | 0.3.0 | Generate HTML from (svn)wiki SXML |
chicken-egg-chickumber | 0.13 | A wire-server for cucumber |
chicken-egg-chunk-vector | v0.1.1 | A dyn-vector like library capable of storing other srfi-4 vectors inside a dense array. |
chicken-egg-cis | 1.2 | Compact integer sets. |
chicken-egg-civet | 0.3.6 | An XML-based template processor. |
chicken-egg-ck-macros | 0.1.1 | Composable macros based on the CK abstract machine |
chicken-egg-clojurian | 0.0.6 | Syntax and utility functions inspired by Clojure |
chicken-egg-cluckcheck | 0.0 | A Chicken Scheme port of the QuickCheck unit test framework |
chicken-egg-cmaes | 1.0 | The CMA-ES library for non-linear function minimization. |
chicken-egg-cock | 0.9.3 | In-source documentation: deprecated for hahn |
chicken-egg-coerce | 2.0.0 | Type Identity & Coercion |
chicken-egg-color | 1.0 | The SLIB color library |
chicken-egg-colorize | 0.4.2 | Colorize programming code as HTML |
chicken-egg-combinator-birds | 0.3 | Raymond Smullyan's combinator birds |
chicken-egg-combinatorics | 0.3.8 | Combinatorics |
chicken-egg-combinators | 1.2.1 | Combinators |
chicken-egg-comparators | 0.1 | SRFI-128: Comparators (reduced) |
chicken-egg-comparse | 0.2.3 | Schemely parser combinators |
chicken-egg-concurrent-native-callbacks | 0.8 | Invoke callbacks from other native threads |
chicken-egg-condition-utils | 1.1.1 | SRFI 12 Condition Utilities |
chicken-egg-connman | 0.9 | Manage ConnMan using the D-Bus API |
chicken-egg-continuations | 1.4.1 | Continuations as a separate datatype |
chicken-egg-contracts | 2.0.5 | Design by contract |
chicken-egg-cooperative | 0.1.1 | Coroutines and Finite State Machines |
chicken-egg-coops | 1.93 | An featureful object system |
chicken-egg-coops-utils | 1.0.1 | coops-utils |
chicken-egg-correios | 0.1 | Correios post office shipping calculation library |
chicken-egg-couchdb | 0.3.5 | Apache CouchDB client library |
chicken-egg-couchdb-view-server | 0.5 | A Scheme view server for Apache CouchDB |
chicken-egg-crc | 1.0.2 | Computes CRC checksum |
chicken-egg-crunch | 0.7.9999 | A restricted statically typed subset of Scheme |
chicken-egg-crypt | 0.4.3 | Secure password hashing through the Unix crypt() function |
chicken-egg-crypto-tools | 1.3 | Useful cryptographic primitives |
chicken-egg-csp | 1.3 | Solve constraint satisfaction problems |
chicken-egg-csv | 5.3 | Parsing and formatting of comma-separated values (CSV). |
chicken-egg-csv-xml | 0.10.2 | Parsing comma-separated values |
chicken-egg-data-generators | 3.2.0 | Automatic generation of sample data. Useful for testing or other occasions where you just need a way to quickly generate data |
chicken-egg-datatype | 1.4 | A facility for creating and deconstructing variant records (from EOPL) |
chicken-egg-datatypes | 1.3.3 | Creating concrete-, abstract- and object-types |
chicken-egg-dbc | 1.0.4 | Design by contract |
chicken-egg-dbi | 0.3 | An abstract database interface. |
chicken-egg-dbus | 0.95 | A binding for libdbus, the IPC mechanism |
chicken-egg-dbus2 | 0.95 | A binding for libdbus, the IPC mechanism |
chicken-egg-debug | 0.3.16 | Some trivial debugging macros |
chicken-egg-debugger-protocol | 0.2 | Low-level interface to debugger-protocol |
chicken-egg-define-record-and-printer | 0.1.4 | Trivial macro to define records and appropriate printers |
chicken-egg-define-structure | 2.2 | QobiScheme-compatible define-structure |
chicken-egg-defstruct | 1.6 | A more convenient form of define-record |
chicken-egg-describe | 0.1 | Describe objects in detail |
chicken-egg-describe-coops | 0.1.1 | Describe coops (and regular) objects in detail |
chicken-egg-dict | 2.8.0 | rfc2229 client api |
chicken-egg-digraph | 1.17 | Directed graph in adjacency list format. |
chicken-egg-directory-utils | 1.0.3 | directory-utils |
chicken-egg-disjoint-set | 1.0 | Disjoint set datastructure |
chicken-egg-dissector | 1.7.7 | An object inspector for Chicken |
chicken-egg-doctype | 2.1 | Exports strings corresponding to standard XML (XHTML, HTML) doctypes |
chicken-egg-dollar | 2.0.4 | FFI convenience macro |
chicken-egg-dot-locking | 0.2 | advisory locking mechanism based on standard file operations |
chicken-egg-dsssl-utils | 2.0.1 | dsssl-utils |
chicken-egg-dummy-user | 0.1 | Simulates user input for testing interactive command-line applications. |
chicken-egg-dyn-vector | 1.13 | Dynamic (dense) vectors based on SRFI-43. |
chicken-egg-easy-args | 0.6.0 | Handle command-line options as parameters |
chicken-egg-easyffi | 1.99.7 | Generates bindings from C/C++ declarations |
chicken-egg-edn | 0.5.1 | EDN data reader/writer |
chicken-egg-efax | 0.1 | Library for using the eFax service to send faxes over the internet |
chicken-egg-egg-pack-sources | 0.3.1 | A tool to fetch eggs and dependencies sources |
chicken-egg-egg-tarballs | 0.5.0 | Creates tarballs for eggs in henrietta cache |
chicken-egg-eggdoc | 1.3.1 | An egg documentation tool |
chicken-egg-eggdoc-svnwiki | 0.3 | Render eggdoc source to svnwiki syntax |
chicken-egg-elliptic-curves | 1.0.2 | Arithmetic and Cryptography on Elliptic Curve Groups over Finite Fields |
chicken-egg-embedded-test | 17018.2 | A simple framework for unit tests that allows them to be embedded directly in programs' code. |
chicken-egg-endian-blob | 1.7 | Endian-specific procedures for converting blobs to numeric values and vectors. |
chicken-egg-endian-port | 3.0.2 | An I/O port that supports different endian formats. |
chicken-egg-environments | 1.53 | User defined evaluation environments |
chicken-egg-er-macros | 1.5.1 | Explicit-renaming macros with pattern matching |
chicken-egg-error-utils | 1.0.3 | Error Utilities |
chicken-egg-ersatz | 1.25 | A template engine inspired by Jinja2 and Jingoo. |
chicken-egg-estraier-client | 0.3.2 | A pure Scheme Hyper Estraier client library |
chicken-egg-ethernet | 0.3 | A library to parse and unparse Ethernet frames |
chicken-egg-exif | 0.7 | Binding to libexif, reading EXIF meta data from digital camera images. |
chicken-egg-expand-full | 1.0.3 | Full macro expansion |
chicken-egg-expat | 1.4 | An interface to James Clark's Expat XML parser |
chicken-egg-ezxdisp | 2.9 | A simple 2D and 3D graphics library for X11 |
chicken-egg-f-operator | 3.0.0 | Shift/Reset Control Operators. |
chicken-egg-fancypants | 0.4.1 | Automatic ASCII smart quotes and ligature handling for SXML |
chicken-egg-fast-generic | 0.4 | fast-generic functions |
chicken-egg-fast-loop | 0.4 | Fast extensible looping macros |
chicken-egg-fastcgi | 1.1.2 | Bindings for the FCGX API of libfcgi |
chicken-egg-feature-test | 0.1 | Foreign feature testing |
chicken-egg-filepath | 1.5 | Cross-platform file path manipulation. |
chicken-egg-flsim | 4.0 | Definition and code generators for a simple applicative language for numerical simulation. |
chicken-egg-fluids | 1.1 | fluid variables - an alternative to SRFI-39 |
chicken-egg-fmt | 0.808 | Combinator Formatting |
chicken-egg-fnmatch | 1.0.1 | Test filenames against shell wildcard patterns using fnmatch |
chicken-egg-foof-loop | 8.1 | Extensible looping macros (originally based on Alex Shinn's) |
chicken-egg-forcible | 0.3.8 | Thread- and exception aware, lazy-looking synchronization with timeouts - extending srfi-45 |
chicken-egg-foreigners | 1.4.1 | Foreign helper macros for Chicken 4 |
chicken-egg-format | 3.1.6 | Common-Lisp style formatted output |
chicken-egg-format-compiler | 17017.1 | Format procedures to generate output based on format strings. |
chicken-egg-format-compiler-base | 17017.2 | Base of the format procedures to generate output based on format strings. This egg should not be used directly: the format-compiler egg should be used instead. |
chicken-egg-format-graph | 1.8 | Prints a graph in various formats. |
chicken-egg-format-textdiff | 1.14 | Output text diff scripts in different formats |
chicken-egg-formular | 5.2 | Process CGI email forms. |
chicken-egg-fox | 1.1 | string formatting |
chicken-egg-fps | 1.1.4 | Functional PostScript |
chicken-egg-free-gettext | 1.5.1 | Binary-compatible flexible gettext reimplementation |
chicken-egg-ftl | 0.8 | Interface based sequence library |
chicken-egg-ftp | 1.4 | Simple FTP client |
chicken-egg-gap-buffer | 1.1 | Gap buffer. |
chicken-egg-gather-egg-information | 1.0.0 | A replacement for CHICKEN core's gather-egg-information which works with both old and new henrietta-cache cache formats |
chicken-egg-gdbm | 1.4 | GNU DBM interface |
chicken-egg-genturfahi | 1.0.4 | lo ke pe'a jajgau ratcu ke'e genturfa'i |
chicken-egg-getopt-long | 1.16 | Command line option parsing. |
chicken-egg-git-egg-author | 0.7 | A small egg to make life easier for git-using authors of Chicken eggs |
chicken-egg-gl-math | 0.8.2 | A small gamedev-oriented math library |
chicken-egg-gochan | 2.1 | golang channels in CHICKEN |
chicken-egg-gopher | 1.0 | Basic Gopher protocol interface |
chicken-egg-graph-bfs | 1.13 | Breadth-first search in a graph. |
chicken-egg-graph-cycles | 1.11 | Enumerate all simple cycles in a graph. |
chicken-egg-graph-dfs | 1.11 | Depth-first search in a graph. |
chicken-egg-graph-dominators | 1.5 | Find immediate dominators in a directed graph. |
chicken-egg-graph-scc | 1.11 | Compute strongly-connected components (SCC) of a graph. |
chicken-egg-graph-separators | 1.4 | Determine the separation vertices of a graph. |
chicken-egg-graph-ssa | 1.3 | Compute static single assignment form of a graph. |
chicken-egg-graphviz | 0.8.2 | Some Graphviz abstractions |
chicken-egg-groc | 1.3 | Generic interface for two-dimensional graphics output. |
chicken-egg-hahn | 0.9.3 | In-source documentation |
chicken-egg-hardwood | 0.4 | An actor model library, inspired by Erlang |
chicken-egg-hashes | 1.1.3 | Miscellaneous Hash Functions |
chicken-egg-heap | 0.4.12 | Mutable heap with priority-queue operations and O(1) membership-testing |
chicken-egg-heap-o-rama | 0.1 | ... |
chicken-egg-henrietta | 1.1 | Serve extensions over HTTP |
chicken-egg-henrietta-cache | 1.1 | Fetch and cache extensions from various sources for Henrietta to consume |
chicken-egg-high-load-scheduler | 0.2 | enhanced scheduler |
chicken-egg-hmac | 7.0.1 | HMAC provides a HMAC using the message-digest interface. |
chicken-egg-holes | 1.4 | partial expressions as procedures with named parameters |
chicken-egg-honu | 2.2 | A parser for honu' syntax |
chicken-egg-hopefully | | Simple software transactional memory. |
chicken-egg-hostinfo | 1.4.1 | Look up host, protocol, and service information |
chicken-egg-hpack | 0.1 | A HTTP/2 header compression library for Chicken |
chicken-egg-html-form | 1.5 | HTML form constructor. |
chicken-egg-html-parser | 0.5.7 | A permissive, scalable HTML parser. |
chicken-egg-html-tags | 0.11 | Procedures to generate [X]HTML code |
chicken-egg-html-utils | 0.10 | Procedures to ease the generation of some frequently used [X]HTML/SXML structures |
chicken-egg-htmlprag | 0.16.2 | A permissive HTML parser |
chicken-egg-http-client | 0.12 | High-level HTTP client library |
chicken-egg-http-session | 2.9 | Facilities for managing HTTP sessions |
chicken-egg-hyde | 0.21.0 | A static website compiler |
chicken-egg-hyperscene | 0.3.1 | Scene graph and spatial partitioning |
chicken-egg-iconv | 1.9 | Character-set conversions |
chicken-egg-iexpr | 1.9 | Parser for I-expressions (SRFI-49). |
chicken-egg-imlib2 | 0.18 | Chicken bindings for the Imlib2 image library |
chicken-egg-imperative-command-line-a | 0.5.0 | A simple, imperative-style command-line parser |
chicken-egg-impromptu | 0.1.6 | Spawn $EDITOR to update association list for CLI scripts |
chicken-egg-inclub | 0.2 | Brute-force include for multi-file programs |
chicken-egg-ini-file | 0.3.4 | Read & write INI configuration files |
chicken-egg-inline | 1.9 | Use compiled code inside interpreter scripts |
chicken-egg-inotify | 0.3 | Bindings to inotify |
chicken-egg-input-classes | 1.0 | Type classes and transformer functions for input streams used by lexgen/abnf and related libraries. |
chicken-egg-input-parse | 1.1 | input-stream tokenizing and parsing routines. |
chicken-egg-install | 1.0.1 | install utilities |
chicken-egg-intarweb | 1.6.1 | A more convenient HTTP library |
chicken-egg-interfaces | 0.3 | Simple interface/implementation abstraction |
chicken-egg-internet-message | 6.0 | Parser combinators for Internet Message Format (RFC 5322). |
chicken-egg-internet-timestamp | 3.3 | Parser combinators for internet timestamps (RFC 3339). |
chicken-egg-interp1d | 1.12 | One-dimensional numerical interpolation. |
chicken-egg-interval-digraph | 4.1 | Directed graph based on adjacency intervals. |
chicken-egg-introspect | 0.1 | Module introspection |
chicken-egg-ioctl | 0.2 | ioctl system call interface |
chicken-egg-ir-macros | 1.7.1 | Implicit-renaming macros with pattern matching |
chicken-egg-irc | 1.9.8 | A simple IRC client |
chicken-egg-isaac | 0.1.0 | Bindings to the ISAAC CSPRNG |
chicken-egg-isbn | 0.8 | ISBN lib for handling book identifier numbers and public isbn databases |
chicken-egg-iset | 2.0 | Integer sets |
chicken-egg-javahack | 0.5 | A simple interface to Java(tm) |
chicken-egg-jsmin | 2.1 | Implementation of Douglas Crockford's JavaScript minifier in CHICKEN Scheme |
chicken-egg-jso | 0.2 | A lightweight prototype object system |
chicken-egg-json | 1.5 | A JSON library |
chicken-egg-json-abnf | 6.0 | Parser combinators for JavaScript Object Notation (JSON). |
chicken-egg-kanren | 5.505 | A declarative applicative logic programming system. |
chicken-egg-kd-tree | 5.1 | K-D tree implementation. |
chicken-egg-kvlists | 1.0.6 | Provides keyword/value list (or key-value list, for short) operations. |
chicken-egg-lalr | 2.4.3 | An efficient LALR(1) parser generator |
chicken-egg-landauer | 0.0.2 | Use the Landauer limit to calculate my program's entropy. |
chicken-egg-latch | 0.2 | evaluating expressions just once |
chicken-egg-lazy-lists | 0.9 | implementation of lazy lists |
chicken-egg-lazy-seq | 0.0.7 | Clojure-like lazy sequences |
chicken-egg-ldap-bind | 0.0.1 | Implements LDAP bind for authentication using OpenLDAP |
chicken-egg-level | 3.0.0 | Provides a high-level API to leveldb implementations |
chicken-egg-level-sexp | 1.0.0 | Automatically read and write s-expressions to a level implementation |
chicken-egg-levenshtein | 1.0.2 | Levenshtein edit distance |
chicken-egg-lexgen | 7.1 | Lexer combinators. |
chicken-egg-linden-scheme | 0.2.0 | Parametric 2L-systems |
chicken-egg-linenoise | 0.7 | A minimal, zero-config, BSD licensed, readline replacement. |
chicken-egg-list-comprehensions | 0.1 | Some list-creating routines |
chicken-egg-list-of | 0.1 | Simple list-comprehensions |
chicken-egg-list-utils | 1.1.1 | list-utils |
chicken-egg-llrb-syntax | 0.1 | Expands LLRB code customized to data structures. Pure and mutating versions. |
chicken-egg-llrb-tree | | LLRB tree general and customized to key types. |
chicken-egg-locale | 0.6.13 | Provides locale operations |
chicken-egg-locals | 2.0 | local declarations a la ML |
chicken-egg-log5scm | 1.1.2 | Logging library based on Common Lisp's log5 |
chicken-egg-lognum | 1.2 | Logarithmic number system. |
chicken-egg-logpro | 1.17 | Tool for analyzing log files to extract PASS/FAIL status |
chicken-egg-lookup-table | 1.13.5 | Simple Lookup Table |
chicken-egg-loop | 1.4 | The Common Lisp LOOP macro |
chicken-egg-loops | 1.0.4 | Some simple looping macros |
chicken-egg-loopy-loop | 0.5.4 | Alex Shinn's LOOP macro |
chicken-egg-low-level-macros | 3.4.2 | Low-level macros with pattern matching |
chicken-egg-lowdown | 0.1.0 | A pure Chicken Markdown parser |
chicken-egg-lru-cache | 0.5.3 | LRU cache |
chicken-egg-lua | 0.4 | Embed Lua interpreter into Scheme applications |
chicken-egg-lz4 | 0.2 | A wrapper around the LZ4 compression library. |
chicken-egg-make | 1.8 | The PLT 'make' macro |
chicken-egg-manual-labor | 0.1.1 | Generate static HTML manual from wiki docs |
chicken-egg-markdown-svnwiki | 0.2.1 | Convert Markdown to svnwiki |
chicken-egg-mat5-lib | 2.5 | Reading and writing Level 5 MAT-File format. |
chicken-egg-matchable | 3.7 | Hygienic MATCH replacement |
chicken-egg-mathh | 3.0.0 | ISO C math functions and constants |
chicken-egg-mbox | 4.0 | Routines for parsing Unix mbox files. |
chicken-egg-md5 | 3.1.0 | Computes MD5 (RFC1321) checksums |
chicken-egg-mdcd | 0.5 | Inline Markdown documentation for your code with REPL support and generated files for public export. |
chicken-egg-medea | 0.1.8 | A JSON parser (and emitter) built with comparse |
chicken-egg-memcached | 1.3 | Client interface to the Memcached protocol. |
chicken-egg-memoize | 0.1 | Procedures memoization |
chicken-egg-message-digest | 3.1.1 | Message Digest Support |
chicken-egg-micro-benchmark | 0.2.1 | easily create micro-benchmarks |
chicken-egg-mini-kanren | 1.0 | Provides canonical miniKanren language - |
chicken-egg-miniml | 1.11 | Interpreter for a simple ML-like language. |
chicken-egg-miscmacros | 2.96 | Various helper macros |
chicken-egg-missbehave | 0.20 | Behaviour Driven Scheme |
chicken-egg-modular-arithmetic | 1.0.2 | Modular Arithmetic on Finite Fields |
chicken-egg-module-declarations | 0.0.3 | Module declarations |
chicken-egg-monad | 4.1 | Monads |
chicken-egg-moremacros | 1.4.0 | More misc macros |
chicken-egg-mpd-client | 1.13 | Interface to Music Player Daemon |
chicken-egg-msgpack | 0.4 | MessagePack implementation for CHICKEN |
chicken-egg-multi-methods | 2.0.2 | Multi-methods as a simple variant of generic functions |
chicken-egg-multidoc | 2.3.2 | Converts SXML to various document formats. |
chicken-egg-multipart-form-data | 0.1 | Reads & decodes HTTP multipart/form-data requests. |
chicken-egg-mw | 0.2.2 | Expanded Mediawiki API interface |
chicken-egg-mw-core | 0.2.3 | Core interface to Mediawiki API |
chicken-egg-mysql-client | 0.9 | A MySQL client library. |
chicken-egg-natural-sort | 0.1 | Natural sorting procedures |
chicken-egg-ncurses | 1.6 | An interface to the UNIX ncurses package |
chicken-egg-neo4j | 0.1.3 | neo4j REST client |
chicken-egg-netstring | 0.0.4 | Parsing and writing <a href="">netstrings</a> |
chicken-egg-neurolucida | 1.16 | Output Neurolucida XML files in various formats. |
chicken-egg-neuromorpho | 1.12 | Access the NeuroMorpho database. |
chicken-egg-nondeterminism | 1.2 | Nondeterministic computations |
chicken-egg-npdiff | 1.16 | Compute the longest common subsequence of two sequences |
chicken-egg-nrepl | 0.2 | Simple networked REPL over TCP |
chicken-egg-null | 0.1 | The null egg |
chicken-egg-number-limits | 2.0.1 | Limit constants for numbers |
chicken-egg-numbers | 4.6.1 | Full numeric tower support |
chicken-egg-numspell | 0.5 | Spelling Numbers as English in Scheme |
chicken-egg-oauth | 0.2 | OAuth 1.0, 1.0a, RFC 5849 |
chicken-egg-object-graph | 1.2 | Graph description generator for graphs of arbitrary objects. |
chicken-egg-oblist | 1.2 | Obtain list of all interned symbols and variables |
chicken-egg-octave | 0.4 | Interface to GNU/Octave |
chicken-egg-openal | 0.91 | OpenAL 1.1 bindings |
chicken-egg-opengl-glew | 0.9.3 | Bindings to OpenGL core profile with extension loading with GLEW |
chicken-egg-openssl | 1.7.0 | Bindings to the OpenSSL SSL/TLS library |
chicken-egg-operations | 0.5 | The object system used in T |
chicken-egg-options | 0.2 | Options a la ML |
chicken-egg-packedobjects | 0.78 | cross platform bit-stuffing based on Packed Encoding Rules |
chicken-egg-packrat | 1.4 | A packrat parsing library |
chicken-egg-parley | 0.9.2 | A readline replacement written in scheme based on linenoise. |
chicken-egg-pastiche | 0.26 | A small awful app implementing a pastebin service |
chicken-egg-patch | 1.14 | Simple source patch utility |
chicken-egg-pathfinder | 0.2 | Find files in search path |
chicken-egg-pathname-expand | 0.1 | Pathname expansion |
chicken-egg-pdf | 1.0.3 | A library for PDF generation. |
chicken-egg-peep | 0.4.1 | Explore the compiler's symbol database |
chicken-egg-persistent-hash-map | 0.0.5 | A persistent (as in immutable) hash map implementation. |
chicken-egg-php-s11n | 1.0.3 | Serialization/unserialization of PHP data types. |
chicken-egg-pigeon-hole | 0.2.3 | A mailbox constrained by capacity. |
chicken-egg-pilgrim | 0.0.3 | Barebones http kernel |
chicken-egg-pledge | 0.0.1 | Bindings for OpenBSD's pledge(2) |
chicken-egg-pll | v1.6.2 | A simple Prolog implementation in Scheme, using the AMB operator |
chicken-egg-pool | 0.3 | A set of functions to manage pools in a thread-safe manner |
chicken-egg-pop3 | 1.5 | Mail retrieval via the POP3 protocol |
chicken-egg-posix-extras | 0.1.6 | Things the posix unit forgot |
chicken-egg-posix-semaphore | 0.5.1 | POSIX Semaphores |
chicken-egg-posix-utils | 1.0.1 | posix-utils |
chicken-egg-postgresql | 3.9.4 | Bindings for PostgreSQL's C-api |
chicken-egg-prcc | 0.3 | Prcc is a PEG-like combinator parser library by packrat parsing |
chicken-egg-procedural-macros | 2.0 | Procedural-macros made easy |
chicken-egg-procedure-decoration | 2.0.2 | Procedure Decoration API |
chicken-egg-progress-indicators | 0.4 | text-mode progress-indicators |
chicken-egg-prometheus | 2.0.2 | The Prometheus prototype-based object system |
chicken-egg-protobj | 0.4 | A prototype-delegation object model |
chicken-egg-protobuf | 1.1.2 | Protocol buffer serialization |
chicken-egg-protolk | 0.5 | Flexible Scheme objects with message passing and prototypes |
chicken-egg-pthreads | 0.1 | Maintain and talk to a pthread pool. |
chicken-egg-pty | 1.7 | Easy Pseudo-Terminal Interface |
chicken-egg-punycode | 1.0.0 | Represents unicode with the limited ASCII subset supported by DNS (RFC3492) |
chicken-egg-qrencode | 0.1.1 | QR Code encoding - Bindings to libqrencode |
chicken-egg-r6rs-bytevectors | 1.0.1 | R7RS implementation of R6RS Bytevectors |
chicken-egg-r7rs | 0.0.5 | R7RS compatibility |
chicken-egg-rabbit | v1.1 | Rabbit stream cipher |
chicken-egg-random-bsd | 0.2 | FreeBSD random number generator |
chicken-egg-random-mtzig | 4.0 | An implementation of the MT19937 random number generator with Marsaglia and Tang's Ziggurat algorithm to generate random numbers from a non-uniform distribution. |
chicken-egg-random-swb | 1.12 | A random number generator based on the subtract-with-borrow (SWB) method. |
chicken-egg-random-test | 1.9 | Some simple randomness tests for a sequence of numbers. |
chicken-egg-rb-tree | 5.2 | A sorted dictionary data structure based on red-black trees. |
chicken-egg-readline | 4.1.3 | An interface to the GNU readline library |
chicken-egg-record-variants | 0.5.1 | Optimized record access |
chicken-egg-records | 1.3 | Procedural record-type interface |
chicken-egg-refdb | 1.05 | Tool for converting and maintaining a gnumeric spreadsheet as a set of flat text files. |
chicken-egg-regex | 1.0 | Compatibility library for old regular expression API |
chicken-egg-regex-case | 1.2 | Provides an easy to use <code>case</code> construct for regular expression matching |
chicken-egg-regex-literals | 1.0.4 | A reader extension providing precompiled regular expression literals of the form #/[a-z0-9]+/i |
chicken-egg-rest-bind | 0.5 | Generates wrappers to REST-like HTTP APIs. |
chicken-egg-rfb | 0.3 | Implementation of the Remote Frame Buffer protocol |
chicken-egg-rfc3339 | 0.1.1 | RFC3339 datetime parser |
chicken-egg-rfc822 | 1.7 | Parse Internet Message Format |
chicken-egg-ripemd | 1.1.1 | RIPE Message Digest |
chicken-egg-rope | 0.0.6 | Heavyweight alternative to strings |
chicken-egg-rpc | 1.1.2 | A flexible peer-to-peer RPC system. |
chicken-egg-rss | 1.6 | A RSS parser |
chicken-egg-s | 1.0 | Convenient string manipulations |
chicken-egg-s11n | 0.9.7 | Serialization of arbitrary data. |
chicken-egg-s48-modules | 0.4.1 | basic Scheme48 module syntax |
chicken-egg-salmonella | 2.7 | A tool for testing eggs |
chicken-egg-salmonella-diff | 1 | A tool to diff salmonella log files |
chicken-egg-salmonella-feeds | 0 | A tool to generate atom feeds out of salmonella log files |
chicken-egg-salmonella-html-report | 1.6 | A tool to generate HTML ouput out of salmonella log files |
chicken-egg-sandbox | 1.8 | A safe evaluation environment |
chicken-egg-sassy | 0.2.4 | A portable 32-bit assembler for x86 processors |
chicken-egg-scbib | 1.5 | Scientific bibliography management. |
chicken-egg-schelog | 3.6 | Dorai Sitaram's embedding of logic programming into Scheme |
chicken-egg-scheme0-pe | 1.0 | Partial evaluator for the Scheme0 language. |
chicken-egg-scheme2c-compatibility | 1.7 | Scheme->c compatibility package |
chicken-egg-schemeweb | 0.2 | A literate programming processor for scheme, similar to CWEB |
chicken-egg-scron | 0.2 | A very simple cron program |
chicken-egg-scsh-process | 0.7.1 | |
chicken-egg-scss | 0.5.0 | An SCSS emitter with extensions |
chicken-egg-sdbm | 0.1.1 | SDBM clone |
chicken-egg-sedna | 3.3.55 | An interface to the Sedna XML database management system. |
chicken-egg-selenium | 0.6 | Chicken bindings for selenium |
chicken-egg-send-grid | 2.0.1 | Provides a simple interface to the SendGrid mailer service. |
chicken-egg-sendfile | 1.7.32 | Sending a file over the network |
chicken-egg-sequences | 0.6 | Generic sequence operators |
chicken-egg-serial | 0.7 | Serialnumber arithmetic as described in rfc1982 |
chicken-egg-server-test | 0.5 | Utilities to help testing servers |
chicken-egg-sets | 17015.1 | Functions useful for working with sets |
chicken-egg-setup-helper | 2.0.0 | Installation/Setup Shortcut Routines |
chicken-egg-sexp-diff | 0.2.1 | S-Expression diff algorithm |
chicken-egg-sfht | 3.0 | A dictionary data structure based on counting Bloom filters. |
chicken-egg-sha1 | 3.1.0 | Computes SHA1 (FIPS-180-1) checksums |
chicken-egg-sha2 | 3.1.0 | Computes 256-, 385- and 512-bit SHA2 checksums |
chicken-egg-shell | 0.3 | Convenient shell-command invocation |
chicken-egg-sicp | 0.13.2 | Support for SICP |
chicken-egg-sigma | 2.5 | An image gallery generator. |
chicken-egg-signal-diagram | 4.1 | Signal function combinators. |
chicken-egg-silex | 1.4 | An efficient and powerful lexer generator |
chicken-egg-simple-cells | 1.2.1 | Implementation of typed simple-cells to replace general set! operators |
chicken-egg-simple-configuration | 0.3 | Configurations made easy |
chicken-egg-simple-contracts | 1.3.1 | Design by contract for procedures |
chicken-egg-simple-exceptions | 0.6 | Some user-friendly exception routines |
chicken-egg-simple-logging | 17005.3 | Procedures for generating logs of run traces of programs |
chicken-egg-simple-sha1 | 0.4 | A fast and simple SHA1 implementation with minimal dependencies |
chicken-egg-simple-tests | 2.3 | Some simple testing routines |
chicken-egg-simple-units | 1.2.5 | Simple Units |
chicken-egg-siphash | 0.0.3 | The SipHash family of hash functions |
chicken-egg-slatex | 20090928.1 | Typesetting Scheme code from (La)TeX |
chicken-egg-slice | 1.2 | A slicer procedure for lists, strings and vectors |
chicken-egg-slime | 1.2 | SWANK server providing basic SLIME support. |
chicken-egg-smsmatrix | 0.1 | Library for using the SMSMatrix gateway services for sending SMS and fax messages |
chicken-egg-smtp | 4.0 | Parser combinators and state machine for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (RFC 5321). |
chicken-egg-snowdigest | 1.0.1 | Computation of message digests (CRC32, MD5, SHA-1, ...) |
chicken-egg-snowtar | | TAR file format packing and unpacking. |
chicken-egg-sodium | 0.3.0 | Bindings to the Sodium crypto library (libsodium) |
chicken-egg-soil | 1.5.0 | Lightweight, simple library for loading image files into OpenGL-friendly format. |
chicken-egg-sp | 0.3 | A simple parser generator |
chicken-egg-sparse-vectors | 0.4 | Arbitrarily large vectors |
chicken-egg-special-case | 0.1 | Optimizing Special Cases Abstractly |
chicken-egg-specialized-io | 1.5 | Fast I/O procedures specialized for different types |
chicken-egg-speech-dispatcher-client | 0.0.1 | Implementation of Speech Dispatcher's SSIP protocol |
chicken-egg-spiffy | 5.4.1 | A small but powerful web server |
chicken-egg-spiffy-cookies | 1.1 | Procedures for managing cookies |
chicken-egg-spiffy-directory-listing | 0.1 | Flexible directory listing for Spiffy |
chicken-egg-spiffy-dynamic-handlers | 0.1 | Deprecated Spiffy extensions for dynamically generating pages |
chicken-egg-spiffy-request-vars | 0.18 | Provides easy access to variables from HTTP requests |
chicken-egg-spiffy-sexpr-log | 0.2 | Symbolic expression log format for Spiffy |
chicken-egg-spiffy-uri-match | 0.3 | uri-match integration for spiffy |
chicken-egg-sqdb | 0.0.3 | Simple key-value store on top of SQLite |
chicken-egg-sql-de-lite | 0.6.6 | SQLite 3 interface |
chicken-egg-sql-null | 1.1 | A convenience extension for representing SQL NULL values |
chicken-egg-sqlite3 | 3.7.0 | Bindings to version 3.x of the SQLite API |
chicken-egg-sqlite3pth | 0.2.3 | Run SQLite queries asynchronously in pthreads. Supports calling Scheme from SQLite's VFS to supply database block storage. |
chicken-egg-srfi-101 | 0.0.2 | SRFI 101 |
chicken-egg-srfi-102 | 1.0.3 | Procedure Introspection (From Draft SRFI 102) |
chicken-egg-srfi-113 | 0.8 | Sets and Bags. |
chicken-egg-srfi-116 | 1.3 | Immutable Lists. |
chicken-egg-srfi-117 | 1.2 | List Queues. |
chicken-egg-srfi-121 | 1.6 | SRFI-121: Generators |
chicken-egg-srfi-127 | 1.2 | SRFI-127: Lazy Sequences |
chicken-egg-srfi-128 | 0.7 | SRFI-128: Comparators (reduced) |
chicken-egg-srfi-133 | 1.3 | SRFI-133: Vector Library (R7RS-compatible) |
chicken-egg-srfi-25 | 1.2 | Multidimensional arrays |
chicken-egg-srfi-27 | 3.1.8 | Sources of Random Bits |
chicken-egg-srfi-29 | 2.3.2 | Localization |
chicken-egg-srfi-34 | 0.6 | SRFI-34: Exception Handling for Programs |
chicken-egg-srfi-37 | 1.3.1 | A simple and flexible command-line option parsing facility |
chicken-egg-srfi-38 | 0.5 | A Chicken version of the SRFI-38 reference implementation |
chicken-egg-srfi-4-comprehensions | 1.4 | SRFI-42 Comprehensions for SRFI-4 Vectors |
chicken-egg-srfi-4-utils | 1.13 | Utility functions for SRFI-4 vectors. |
chicken-egg-srfi-40 | 0.4 | A library of streams |
chicken-egg-srfi-41 | 1.2.4 | SRFI 41 (Streams) |
chicken-egg-srfi-42 | 1.73 | SRFI-42 (Eager comprehensions) |
chicken-egg-srfi-45 | 3.1.1 | Primitives for Expressing Iterative Lazy Algorithms |
chicken-egg-srfi-60 | 0.3 | Integers as bits |
chicken-egg-srfi-63 | 0.4 | Homogeneous and heterogeneous arrays |
chicken-egg-srfi-7 | 0.1 | SRFI-7: Feature based program configuration language |
chicken-egg-srfi-71 | 1.1 | SRFI-71: Extended LET-syntax for multiple values |
chicken-egg-srfi-78 | 1.0 | SRFI-78: Lightweight testing |
chicken-egg-srfi-9-ext | 1.0.4 | srfi-9-ext |
chicken-egg-srfi-95 | 1.4 | Sorting and merging |
chicken-egg-srfi-99 | 1.4.4 | SRFI-99 record types |
chicken-egg-srfi-modules | 0.2 | Provides modules for SRFIs usually exported by the chicken' module |
chicken-egg-ssax | 5.0.7 | Oleg Kiselyov's XML parser |
chicken-egg-ssql | 0.2.3 | SQL as S-expressions |
chicken-egg-ssql-record | 0.2 | A simple egg to avoid SSQL boilerplate code when prototyping |
chicken-egg-stack | 2.1.5 | Provides LIFO queue (stack) operations |
chicken-egg-stalin | 0.11.9 | An aggressively optimizing Scheme->C compiler |
chicken-egg-stargate | 0.1 | Provide access to HBase via the Stargate REST API |
chicken-egg-static-modules | 1.8 | ML-style module system for statically-typed languages. |
chicken-egg-statvfs | 1.1.0 | Wrapper for the statvfs C function. |
chicken-egg-strictly-pretty | 1.4 | Algebraic pretty printer. |
chicken-egg-string-utils | 1.2.4 | String Utilities |
chicken-egg-striped-zebra | 0.2 | An API for using the Stripe payment system. |
chicken-egg-stty | 0.2.6 | stty-style interface to termios |
chicken-egg-sublevel | 4.0.0 | Namespaced access to leveldb implementations |
chicken-egg-suffix-tree | 2.0 | An implementation of the suffix tree data structure. |
chicken-egg-suspension | 0.4 | Serialized limited continuations |
chicken-egg-svn-egg-author | 0.1.4 | A small egg to make life easier for svn-using authors of Chicken eggs |
chicken-egg-svnwiki-sxml | 0.2.13 | Parse svnwiki to sxml |
chicken-egg-sxml-fu | 0.3.1 | SXML transformations ruleset library |
chicken-egg-sxml-informal | 0.4 | SXML ruleset for HTML forms |
chicken-egg-sxml-modifications | 0.1.1 | The sxml-modification bits of sxml-tools from the SSAX project at Sourceforge |
chicken-egg-sxml-serializer | 0.4 | Serialize SXML to XML and HTML |
chicken-egg-sxml-templates | 0.2.2 | A simple facility for subtituting values into SXML expressions |
chicken-egg-sxml-transforms | 1.4.1 | The SXML transformations (to XML, SXML, and HTML) from the SSAX project at Sourceforge |
chicken-egg-sxpath | 0.2 | The sxpath bits of sxml-tools from the SSAX project at Sourceforge |
chicken-egg-symbol-utils | 1.0.2 | symbol-utils |
chicken-egg-syn-param | 0.2 | Operators with Extended Parameter Syntax |
chicken-egg-synch | 2.1.3 | Synchronization Forms |
chicken-egg-sysexits | 0.1.1 | Preferable exit codes |
chicken-egg-syslog | 1.2 | Interface to the syslog-functions |
chicken-egg-syslog-port | 0.1.1 | Port interface to syslog |
chicken-egg-system | 0.7 | load and compile groups of files |
chicken-egg-tabexpand | 1.7 | Tab Character Expansion in Scheme |
chicken-egg-tagged-netstring | 0.0.1 | Parsing and writing tagged netstrings ( |
chicken-egg-tcp-server | 1.2 | A simple generic multithreaded tcp-server |
chicken-egg-templort | 0.0.2 | barebones templating engine |
chicken-egg-termbox | v0.11 | Library for writing text-based user interfaces |
chicken-egg-test | | Yet Another Testing Utility |
chicken-egg-test-generative | 0.0.4 | Allows quickcheck like testing for pure code with the test egg |
chicken-egg-testdrive | 1.7 | A simple driver program for continuous integration scripts. |
chicken-egg-testeez | 0.3.1 | Simple Test Mechanism for Scheme |
chicken-egg-thread-utils | 1.0.3 | Thread Utilities |
chicken-egg-tiger-hash | 3.1.0 | Tiger/192 Message Digest |
chicken-egg-timed-resource | 1.0.2 | Resource w/ Timeout |
chicken-egg-tiny-prolog | 2.0 | Tiny PROLOG interpreter. |
chicken-egg-tinyclos | 1.8.6 | Gregor Kiczales TinyCLOS object system |
chicken-egg-tinyclos-xerox | 0.0.4 | Experimental copy of the original Xerox PARC copy of tiny-clos |
chicken-egg-tk | 1.9 | An interface to the Tk GUI toolkit |
chicken-egg-token-substitution | 0.2.2 | Token substitution |
chicken-egg-toml | 1.0.0 | A TOML parser built with comparse |
chicken-egg-trace | 1.0 | tracing and breakpoints |
chicken-egg-traversal | 1.6 | Various list operations |
chicken-egg-treap | 1.7 | A sorted dictionary data structure based on randomized search trees. |
chicken-egg-treaps | 0.1.2 | A functional interface to Oleg Kiselyov's and Ivan Raikov's treap egg |
chicken-egg-tree-rewrite | 1.0 | Term rewriting for tree structures. |
chicken-egg-trie | 0.0.1 | A trie (prefix tree) implementation |
chicken-egg-tween | 1.1.2 | Tweens |
chicken-egg-twilio | 0.2.5 | Bindings to the Twilio API |
chicken-egg-type-extensions | 0.0.1 | Type system extensions |
chicken-egg-type-stubs | 0.0.1 | Type syntax stubs for Chicken < 4.7.5 |
chicken-egg-typeclass | 1.3 | Type classes |
chicken-egg-typed-lists | 2.3 | Immutable typed lists and sets |
chicken-egg-typed-modules | 0.1 | Modules with optional type signatures |
chicken-egg-typed-records | 0.6 | Typed variants of various record-definition macros |
chicken-egg-udev | 0.0.1 | libudev bindings |
chicken-egg-udp | 1.18 | An interface to User Datagram Protocol sockets |
chicken-egg-ugarit | 2.0 | A backup/archival system based on content-addressed storage |
chicken-egg-ugarit-manifest-maker | 0.1 | A tool to generate manifests for Ugarit archival mode |
chicken-egg-unitconv | 2.8 | Conversion of units of measurement |
chicken-egg-unix-sockets | 1.8 | UNIX domain sockets |
chicken-egg-uri-common | 1.4 | Parser for common URI schemes |
chicken-egg-uri-dispatch | 1.2 | Simple dispatch based on the supplied uri |
chicken-egg-uri-generic | 2.43 | URI generic syntax (RFC 3986) parsing and manipulation. |
chicken-egg-uri-match | 0.7 | A flexible URI matcher |
chicken-egg-usage | 0.1 | A very small and simple helper to create usage messages |
chicken-egg-usb | 0.1.3 | Bindings to libusb |
chicken-egg-utf8 | 3.4.4 | Unicode support |
chicken-egg-uuid | 0.1 | A native implementation of UUID generation |
chicken-egg-uuid-ossp | 1.4.2 | OSSP UUID |
chicken-egg-vandusen | 0.13 | A cheeky IRC bot |
chicken-egg-variable-item | 1.3.1 | variable-item |
chicken-egg-varsubst | 1.4 | Parameterized variable substitution procedures. |
chicken-egg-vector-lib | 1.2.2 | Port of the SRFI-43 reference implementation |
chicken-egg-versions | 1.15 | Procedures for extraction and comparison of version strings |
chicken-egg-vfs | 0.2.0 | TinyCLOS wrappers for file operations |
chicken-egg-vlist | 1.0 | An implementation of vlists, a functional list-like data structure. |
chicken-egg-with-current-directory | 0.1.0 | Convenience procedure for changing directories |
chicken-egg-wmiirc | 0.5 | A library for writing wmii configuration scripts |
chicken-egg-x11-colors | 1.0 | named standard colors as available in X11 |
chicken-egg-x11-keysyms | 0.2 | Encoding and decoding of the most common X11 Keysym-names |
chicken-egg-xbmc-api | 0.1.1 | Implementation of the JSON-RPC based API for XBMC |
chicken-egg-xlib | 1.2 | Xlib bindings |
chicken-egg-xlib-utils | 0.4.3 | utils for xlib programming |
chicken-egg-xml-rpc | 2.1 | XML-RPC client/server |
chicken-egg-yahoo-finance | 0.2.0 | Retrieve stock quotes from Yahoo! Finance |
chicken-egg-yaml | 0.1.3 | Bindings to libyaml |
chicken-egg-yasos | 1.4 | A very simple OOP system |
chicken-egg-yelp | 1.0.4 | An interface to the (deprecated) Yelp v1.0 API |
chicken-egg-z3 | 1.44 | A gzip (RFC1952) compression and decompression library |
chicken-egg-zlib | 0.5.1 | Bindings for zlib |
chicken-test-image | 1.0 | |
chicken-test-image-sdk | 1.0 | |
core-image-chicken | 1.0 | |
core-image-chicken-sdk | 1.0 |