C.H.I.P. and C.H.I.P. PRO are two boards created by NextThingCo. This layer add support to both boards with kernel, u-boot and the wifi drivers. This layer has been updated with new repositories following the end of NextThingCo ans is currently the only one which is up to date to build the images for both boards. Some examples are also available on the github of the same author.

Setup information

Git repository

https://github.com/myfreescalewebpage/meta-chip web repo

Last commit: 1 year, 11 months ago (master branch)



The meta-chip-legacy layer depends upon:

Recipe name Version Description
chip-image-minimal 1.0 A small image just capable of allowing a device to boot.
chip-packagegroup-java 1.0 Package group JAVA
chip-packagegroup-java-dio 1.0 Package group JAVA with OpenJDK DIO
chip-packagegroup-wifi 1.0 Package group WiFi
chip-packagegroup-wifi-hotspot 1.0 Package group WiFi
libhwsunxi git libhwsunxi
linux-chip 4.4+gitX Linux kernel
openjdk-dio hg OpenJDK DIO
rtl8723bs git RTL8723BS SDIO WiFi Driver
rtl8723ds git RTL8723DS SDIO WiFi Driver
u-boot-chip 2016.01+gitX Universal Boot Loader for embedded devices
chip C.H.I.P. board
chip-pro C.H.I.P. PRO board