An open-source home automation platform running on Python 3
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(actual branch main)
Last commit: 5 days, 19 hours ago (main branch)
The meta-homeassistant layer depends upon:
The meta-homeassistant layer recommends:
Recipe name | Version | Description |
container-homeassistant | 1.0 | A small container just capable of running Home Assistant |
core-image-homeassistant | 1.0 | A small image just capable of running Home Assistant |
core-image-homeassistant-full | 1.0 | A full featured image capable of running Home Assistant and has all available components installed |
python3-accuweather | 4.0.0 | Python wrapper for getting weather data from AccuWeather API. |
python3-acme | 3.0.1 | ACME protocol implementation in Python. |
python3-adax | 0.4.0 | A python3 library to communicate with Adax |
python3-adax-local | 0.1.5 | A python3 library to communicate with Adax |
python3-adext | 0.4.3 | AlarmDecoder extended |
python3-adguardhome | 0.7.0 | Asynchronous Python client for the AdGuard Home API. |
python3-advantage-air | 0.4.4 | API helper for Advantage Air's MyAir and e-zone API |
python3-aemet-opendata | 0.6.4 | AEMET OpenData Rest API library |
python3-aenum | 3.1.15 | Advanced Enumerations (compatible with Python's stdlib Enum), NamedTuples, and NamedConstants |
python3-agent-py | 0.0.24 | A python wrapper around the Agent REST API. |
python3-aioacaia | 0.1.13 | Async implementation of pyacaia |
python3-aioairq | 0.4.3 | Asynchronous library to retrieve data from air-Q devices. |
python3-aioairzone | 0.9.9 | Library to control Airzone devices |
python3-aioairzone-cloud | 0.6.10 | Library to control Airzone Cloud devices |
python3-aioambient | 2024.8.0 | A clean, async-friendly library for the Ambient Weather API |
python3-aiodhcpwatcher | 1.0.2 | Watch for DHCP packets with asyncio |
python3-aiodiscover | 2.1.0 | Discover hosts by arp and ptr lookup |
python3-aiogithubapi | 24.6.0 | Asynchronous Python client for the GitHub API |
python3-aiohasupervisor | 0.2.2b5 | Asynchronous python client for Home Assistant Supervisor. |
python3-aiohttp-cors | 0.7.0 | CORS support for aiohttp |
python3-aiohttp-fast-url-dispatcher | 0.3.0 | A faster URL dispatcher for aiohttp |
python3-aiohttp-fast-zlib | 0.2.0 | Use the fastest installed zlib compatible library with aiohttp |
python3-aiohttp-isal | 0.3.1 | isal support for aiohttp |
python3-aiomcache | 0.8.2 | Minimal pure python memcached client |
python3-aiooui | 0.1.9 | Async OUI lookups |
python3-aiopulse | 0.4.6 | Asynchronous library to control Rollease Acmeda Automate roller blinds via a version 1 Pulse Hub. |
python3-aioresponses | 0.7.6 | Mock out requests made by ClientSession from aiohttp package |
python3-aiorun | 2024.8.1 | A run function for asyncio-based apps that does all the boilerplate. |
python3-aioshelly | 12.2.0 | Python library to control Shelly |
python3-aiosqlite | 0.20.0 | Asyncio bridge to the standard sqlite3 module |
python3-aiozoneinfo | 0.2.1 | Tools to fetch zoneinfo with asyncio |
python3-airgradient | 0.9.1 | Asynchronous Python client for AirGradient. |
python3-airly | 1.1.0 | Python wrapper for getting air quality data from Airly sensors. |
python3-airthings-ble | 0.9.2 | Manage Airthings BLE devices |
python3-airthings-cloud | 0.2.0 | A python3 library to communicate with Airthings devices |
python3-airtouch4pyapi | 1.0.8 | An api allowing control of AC state (temperature, on/off, mode) of an Airtouch 4 controller locally over TCP |
python3-airtouch5py | 0.2.11 | Python client for the airtouch 5 |
python3-alarmdecoder | 1.13.11 | Python interface for the AlarmDecoder (AD2) family of alarm devices which includes the AD2USB, AD2SERIAL and AD2PI. |
python3-alpha-vantage | 3.0.0 | Python module to get stock data from the Alpha Vantage Api |
python3-amberelectric | 2.0.12 | Amber Electric Public API |
python3-anyio | 3.6.2 | High level asynchronous concurrency and networking framework that works on top of either trio or asyncio |
python3-asmog | 0.0.6 | Python API for Ampio Smog Sensors |
python3-astral | 2.2 | Calculations for the position of the sun and moon |
python3-async-interrupt | 1.2.0 | Context manager to raise an exception when a future is done |
python3-async-upnp-client | 0.42.0 | Async UPnP Client for Python |
python3-atomicwrites-homeassistant | 1.4.1 | Powerful Python library for atomic file writes. Fork from homeassistant |
python3-audioop-lts | 0.2.1 | LTS Port of Python audioop |
python3-av | 13.1.0 | Pythonic bindings for FFmpeg's libraries. |
python3-axis | 64 | Python library enabling easy communication with Axis devices and its metadatastream |
python3-backoff | 2.2.1 | Python library providing function decorators for configurable backoff and retry |
python3-bellows | 0.42.6 | Library implementing EZSP |
python3-betterproto | 2.0.0b6 | A better Protobuf / gRPC generator & library |
python3-bleak-retry-connector | 3.6.0 | A connector for Bleak Clients that handles transient connection failures |
python3-bluetooth-adapters | 0.20.2 | Tools to enumerate and find Bluetooth Adapters |
python3-bluetooth-auto-recovery | 1.4.2 | Recover bluetooth adapters that are in an stuck state |
python3-bluetooth-data-tools | 1.20.0 | Tools for converting bluetooth data and packets |
python3-boto3 | 1.34.131 | AWS SDK for Python |
python3-botocore | 1.34.131 | Low-level, data-driven core of boto 3. |
python3-bt-proximity | 0.2.1 | Allows for querying of the RSSI values for nearby devices using pybluez. Ported to Python 3, based on |
python3-btsocket | 0.2.0 | Python library to interact with the Bluez Bluetooth Management API communicating with the kernel using a so-called Bluetooth Management sockets |
python3-cached-ipaddress | 0.8.0 | Cache construction of ipaddress objects |
python3-ciso8601 | 2.3.2 | Fast ISO8601 date time parser for Python written in C |
python3-click-log | 0.4.0 | Logging integration for Click |
python3-crc | 7.1.0 | Pure Python CRC library |
python3-crccheck | 1.3.0 | Calculation library for CRCs and checksums |
python3-cronsim | 2.6 | Cron expression parser and evaluator |
python3-dacite | 1.8.1 | Simple creation of data classes from dictionaries. |
python3-debugpy | 1.8.11 | An implementation of the Debug Adapter Protocol for Python |
python3-decora-wifi | 1.4 | Python API for controlling Leviton Decora Smart WiFi switches |
python3-deepmerge | 1.1.0 | Deepmerge: merging nested data structures |
python3-envs | 1.3 | Easy access of environment variables from Python with support for typing (ex. booleans, strings, lists, tuples, integers, floats, and dicts). Now with CLI settings file converter. |
python3-evohome-async | 0.4.21 | An asyncio Python client to access the Evohome web service |
python3-fnv-hash-fast | 1.0.2 | A fast version of fnv1a |
python3-fnvhash | 0.1.0 | Pure Python FNV hash implementation |
python3-fritzconnection | 1.14.0 | Python-Tool to communicate with the AVM Fritz!Box by the TR-064 protocol and the AHA-HTTP-Interface |
python3-frozendict | 2.4.6 | A simple immutable dictionary |
python3-geographiclib | 2.0 | The geodesic routines from GeographicLib |
python3-geopy | 2.4.1 | Python Geocoding Toolbox |
python3-getmac | 0.9.4 | Platform-independent pure-Python module to get a MAC address |
python3-go2rtc-client | 0.1.2 | Python client for go2rtc |
python3-gpiozero | 2.0.1 | A simple interface to GPIO devices with Raspberry Pi |
python3-grpclib | 0.4.7 | Pure-Python gRPC implementation for asyncio |
python3-gtts | 2.2.4 | Python library and CLI tool to interface with Google Translate's text-to-speech API |
python3-ha-ffmpeg | 3.2.2 | A library that handling with ffmpeg for home-assistant |
python3-habluetooth | 3.7.0 | High availability Bluetooth |
python3-hass-nabucasa | 0.87.0 | Issues related to the cloud integration in Nabu Casa |
python3-hassil | 2.1.0 | Intent parsing for Home Assistant |
python3-home-assistant-bluetooth | 1.13.0 | Basic bluetooth models used by Home Assistant. |
python3-home-assistant-chip-clusters | 2024.9.0 | Matter (formerly Project CHIP) creates more connections between more objects, simplifying development for manufacturers and increasing compatibility for consumers, guided by the Connectivi |
python3-home-assistant-frontend | 20250109.2 | Frontend for Home Assistant |
python3-home-assistant-intents | 2025.1.1 | Intent parsing for Home Assistant |
python3-homeassistant | 2025.1.4 | Open-source home automation platform running on Python 3 |
python3-ical | 8.3.1 | Python iCalendar implementation (rfc 2445) |
python3-id | 1.4.0 | A tool for generating OIDC identities |
python3-inflect | 7.5.0 | Correctly generate plurals, singular nouns, ordinals, indefinite articles |
python3-isal | 1.7.1 | Faster zlib and gzip compatible compression and decompression by providing python bindings for the isa-l library. |
python3-janus | 1.0.0 | Thread-safe asyncio-aware queue for Python |
python3-josepy | 1.13.0 | JOSE protocol implementation in Python using cryptography. |
python3-luftdaten | 0.7.4 | Python API for interacting with |
python3-mac-vendor-lookup | 0.1.12 | This Python library provides an easy way to get vendor information from a MAC address |
python3-mashumaro | 3.13.1 | Fast serialization library on top of dataclasses |
python3-mutagen | 1.47.0 | Python module for handling audio metadata |
python3-netmap | | This is a python class to use nmap and access scan results from python3 |
python3-orjson | 3.10.12 | Fast, correct Python JSON library supporting dataclasses, datetimes, and numpy |
python3-pdunehd | 1.3.2 | A Python wrapper for Dune HD media player API |
python3-peblar | 0.4.0 | Asynchronous Python client for Peblar EV chargers. |
python3-peco | 0.1.2 | A library for interacting with the PECO outage map to gain the numbers from it. |
python3-psutil-home-assistant | 0.0.1 | Wrapper of psutil that removes reliance on globals |
python3-pure-pcapy3 | 1.0.1 | Pure Python reimplementation of pcapy. This package is API compatible and a drop-in replacement. |
python3-py-zabbix | 1.1.7 | Python module to work with zabbix. |
python3-pyaftership | 21.11.0 | Async Python wrapper for the AfterShip API. |
python3-pyairnow | 1.2.2 | A lightweight Python wrapper for EPA AirNow Air Quality API |
python3-pyairvisual | 2023.8.1 | A simple API for AirVisual air quality data |
python3-pyatag | | Python module to talk to Atag One. |
python3-pyblu | 2.0.0 | BluOS API client |
python3-pycognito | 2024.5.1 | Python library for using AWS Cognito. With support for SRP. |
python3-pycountry | 24.6.1 | A Python library to access ISO country, subdivision, language, currency and script definitions and their translations. |
python3-pyfritzhome | 0.6.12 | Python Library to access AVM Fritz!Box homeautomation |
python3-pyipp | 0.17.0 | Asynchronous Python client for Internet Printing Protocol (IPP) |
python3-pykwb | 0.0.8 | KWB Easyfire serial library, for inclusion into homeassistant |
python3-pymicro-vad | 1.0.1 | Self-contained voice activity detector |
python3-pyoctoprintapi | 0.1.12 | Octoprint API wrapper |
python3-pyotp | 2.8.0 | Python One Time Password Library |
python3-pyqwikswitch | 0.94 | Library to interface Qwikswitch USB Hub |
python3-pyrfc3339 | 1.1 | Python library for generating and parsing RFC 3339-compliant timestamps. |
python3-pyric | | Python library to interact with the Bluez Bluetooth Management API communicating with the kernel using a so-called Bluetooth Management sockets |
python3-pysdcp | 1 | SDCP library to control Sony Projectors |
python3-pyserial-asyncio-fast | 0.14 | Python Serial Port Extension - Asynchronous I/O support |
python3-pysmb | 1.2.10 | pysmb is an experimental SMB/CIFS library written in Python to support file sharing between Windows and Linux machines |
python3-pyspeex-noise | 1.0.2 | Noise suppression and automatic gain with speex |
python3-pyswitchbot | 0.55.4 | A library to communicate with Switchbot |
python3-python-didl-lite | 1.4.0 | DIDL-Lite (Digital Item Declaration Language) tools for Python |
python3-python-jose-cryptography | 3.2.0 | A JOSE implementation in Python |
python3-python-matter-server | 6.6.0 | Python server to interact with Matter |
python3-python-memcached | 1.62 | Pure python memcached client |
python3-python-slugify | 8.0.4 | A Python Slugify application that handles Unicode |
python3-pytrafikverket | 1.1.1 | Retrieve values from public API at the Swedish Transport Administration (Trafikverket). |
python3-pyturbojpeg | 1.7.5 | A Python wrapper of libjpeg-turbo for decoding and encoding JPEG image. |
python3-pyw800rf32 | 0.4 | A library to communicate with the W800rf32 family of devices |
python3-radios | 0.3.2 | Asynchronous Python client for the Radio Browser APIt |
python3-respx | 0.21.1 | A utility for mocking out the Python HTTPX and HTTP Core libraries. |
python3-s3transfer | 0.10.0 | An Amazon S3 Transfer Manager |
python3-securesystemslib | 1.1.0 | A library that provides cryptographic and general-purpose routines for Secure Systems Lab projects at NYU |
python3-securetar | 2024.11.0 | Secure Tarfile library |
python3-setuptools-git-versioning | 2.0.0 | Use git repo data for building a version number according PEP-440 |
python3-sigstore | 1.1.2 | A tool for signing Python package distributions |
python3-sigstore-protobuf-specs | 0.3.2 | A library for serializing and deserializing Sigstore messages |
python3-simplisafe-python | 2024.1.0 | A Python3, async interface to the SimpliSafe API |
python3-sniffio | 1.3.0 | Sniff out which async library your code is running under |
python3-snitun | 0.39.1 | End-to-End encryption with SNI proxy on top of a TCP multiplexer. |
python3-standard-aifc | 3.13.0 | Standard library aifc redistribution. "dead battery". |
python3-standard-chunk | 3.13.0 | Standard library chunk redistribution. "dead battery". |
python3-standard-telnetlib | 3.13.0 | Standard library telnetlib redistribution. "dead battery". |
python3-syrupy | 4.8.0 | Pytest Snapshot Test Utility |
python3-text-unidecode | 1.3 | Text unidecode |
python3-tuf | 2.1.0 | A secure updater framework for Python |
python3-types-paho-mqtt | | Typing stubs for paho-mqtt |
python3-tzdata | 2024.1 | Python package wrapping the IANA time zone database |
python3-uart-devices | 0.1.0 | UART Devices for Linux |
python3-ulid-transform | 1.0.2 | Convert Voluptuous schemas to dictionaries so they can be serialized. |
python3-unicode-rbnf | 2.2 | Rule-based number formatting using Unicode CLDR data |
python3-universal-silabs-flasher | 0.0.26 | Tool to flash firmware onto any Silicon Labs radio running EmberZNet, CPC multi-PAN, or just a bare Gecko Bootloader |
python3-url-normalize | 1.4.3 | URL normalization for Python |
python3-usb-devices | 0.4.5 | Tools for mapping, describing, and resetting USB devices. |
python3-voluptuous | 0.15.2 | Voluptuous is a Python data validation library |
python3-voluptuous-openapi | 0.0.5 | Convert voluptuous schemas to OpenAPI Schema object |
python3-voluptuous-serialize | 2.6.0 | Convert Voluptuous schemas to dictionaries so they can be serialized. |
python3-webrtc-models | 0.3.0 | Python WebRTC models |
python3-webrtc-noise-gain | 1.2.3+git0.32a122569ca3 | Tiny wrapper around webrtc-audio-processing for noise suppression/auto gain only |
python3-wirelesstagpy | 0.8.1 | Simple python wrapper over wirelesstags REST API |
python3-zha | 0.0.45 | Library implementing ZHA for Home Assistant |
python3-zha-quirks | 0.0.130 | Library implementing Zigpy quirks for ZHA in Home Assistant |
python3-zigpy | 0.74.0 | Library implementing a Zigbee stack |
python3-zigpy-deconz | 0.24.1 | A library which communicates with Deconz radios for zigpy |
python3-zigpy-xbee | 0.21.0 | A library which communicates with XBee radios for zigpy |
python3-zigpy-zigate | 0.13.2 | A library which communicates with ZiGate radios for zigpy |
python3-zigpy-znp | 0.13.1 | A library for zigpy which communicates with TI ZNP radios |
python3-zm-py | 0.5.4 | A loose python wrapper around the ZoneMinder REST API. |
python3-zwave-js-server-python | 0.60.0 | Python wrapper for zwave-js-server |
python3-zwave-me-ws | 0.4.3 | Library, implementing websocket connection to ZWave-Me |
update-image-core-image-homeassistant |
core-image-homeassistant.bbappend |
python3-aiohttp_%.bbappend |
python3-async-timeout_%.bbappend |
python3-propcache_%.bbappend |
python3-yarl_%.bbappend |
Date/time | Errors | Warnings |
March 21, 2025, 3:02 p.m. | 1 | |
March 16, 2025, 9:01 p.m. | 1 | |
March 16, 2025, 3:01 p.m. | 2 | |
March 15, 2025, 12:02 a.m. | 3 |