With this layer the board support package (BSP) for ARM based Intel (ALTERA) SoC-FPGAs (SoCFPGA) is added to the Yocto Project. It can bring with the rstools useful tools to interact with the FPGA fabric (e.g. Changing the FPGA configuration or accessing all ARM AXI Bride interfaces). In addition, is the ARM Development Studio (DS-5) Streamline Server gator included. Usually the Yocto Project can generate all required components (rootfs, device tree, bootloaders,...) to boot up a final embedded Linux. But this is not compatible with Intel's Boot flow. This Bootflow uses the Intel Embedded Design Suite (SoC EDS) to build the Linux Device Tree and all necessary bootloaders. For that reason, I designed a version that is compatible with Intel's development tools. This includes the board specific u-boot- and device tree-generation and the support for only the .tar.gz-file type for the rootfs. I used this layer to build rsyocto, an open source embedded Linux Distribution for Intel SoC-FPGAs, by myself. The flexibility of my own rsyocto build system allows you to use it for your own projects with your custom embedded Linux. I designed a Python script that can automate the boot image desgin with a specifiable partition table. It can generate a bootable image file with Kernel-,bootloader- and user-files. With the flexibility of this script it is compatible with Intel SoC-EDS build flow for example it can pre-install FPGA configuration files. You can find step-by-step instructions for using this BSP layer on Github.

Setup information

Git repository

https://github.com/robseb/meta-intelfpga web repo

Last commit: 7 months, 2 weeks ago (master branch)



The meta-intelfpga layer depends upon:

Recipe name Version Description
dumpbridge cyclone5 Write all Intel SoC-FPGA AXI Bridges (lw2fpga; hps2fpga bridge)
gator gitX ARM Development Studio (DS-5) Streamline Gator daemon
gator gitX ARM Development Studio (DS-5) Streamline Gator daemon
gator gitX ARM Development Studio (DS-5) Streamline Gator daemon
initscript 0.10.0
linux-altera 6.7 Linux kernel
linux-altera 6.6 Linux kernel
linux-altera 6.5 Linux kernel
linux-altera 6.2 Linux kernel
linux-altera 6.1 Linux kernel
linux-altera 6.0 Linux kernel
linux-altera 5.8 Linux kernel
linux-altera-lts 6.1.68-lts Linux kernel
linux-altera-lts 6.1.55-lts Linux kernel
linux-altera-lts 6.1.38-lts Linux kernel
linux-altera-lts 6.1.20-lts Linux kernel
linux-altera-lts 5.4.54-lts Linux kernel
linux-altera-lts 5.15.90-lts Linux kernel
linux-altera-lts 5.15.80-lts Linux kernel
linux-altera-lts 5.15.70-lts Linux kernel
linux-altera-lts 5.10.60-lts Linux kernel
linux-altera-lts 5.10.100-lts Linux kernel
mselfpga cyclone5 Read Intel SOC-FPGA MSEL (mode select) tool
mselfpga arria10 Read Intel SOC-FPGA MSEL (mode select) tool
readbridgesfpga cyclone5 Read all Intel SoC-FPGA AXI Bridges (lw2fpga; hps2fpga bridge)
readbridgesfpga arria10 Read all Intel SoC-FPGA AXI Bridges (lw2fpga; hps2fpga bridge)
readfgpipg arria10 Read GPI (general purpose input) register of the Intel FPGA Manager
readfgpipga cyclone5 Read GPI (general purpose input) register of the Intel FPGA Manager
resetfabricfpga cyclone5 Reset the FPGA Fabric
resetfabricfpga arria10 Reset the FPGA Fabric
resetfpga cyclone5 Reset the FPGA Fabric
statusfpga cyclone5 Read the FPGA Fabric Status
statusfpga arria10 Read the FPGA Fabric Status
writebridgefpga cyclone5 Write all Intel SoC-FPGA AXI Bridges (lw2fpga; hps2fpga bridge)
writebridgefpga arria10 Write all Intel SoC-FPGA AXI Bridges (lw2fpga; hps2fpga bridge)
writeconfigfpga cyclone5 Tool to load a new FPGA Configuration for Intel SoC-FPGAs
writeconfigfpga arria10 Tool to load a new FPGA Configuration for Intel SoC-FPGAs
writegpofpga cyclone5 Write to the GPO (general purpose output) register of the Intel FPGA Manager
writegpofpga arria10 Write to the GPO (general purpose output) register of the Intel FPGA Manager
agilex Layer for the Intel PSG Agilex
arria10 Arria 10 SoC"
arria5 Arria V SoC"
cyclone5 cyclone5
stratix10 Layer for the Altera Stratix10