Contains machine definition, kernel configuration, u-boot configuration and image setup for Orange Pi R1+ Boards.
Git repository web repo
Last commit: 1 month ago (master branch)
Recipe name | Version | Description |
datapartition | 1.0 | Data partition construction and mount services |
linux-orangepi | 6.4+gitX | Linux kernel |
orangepi-image-initramfs | 1.0 | Small image capable of booting the orangepi R1+. Inspired of core-image-minimal-initramfs. |
rk-binary-native | 1.0+gitX | Rockchip binary tools |
rockchip-libmali | 1.0+gitX | Userspace Mali GPU drivers for Rockchip SoCs |
u-boot-rockchip | 2017.09+gitX | Universal Boot Loader for embedded devices |
orangepi-r1plus | Orangepi R1 plus (RK3328 CPU) |
orangepi-r1plus-lts | Orangepi R1 plus LTS (RK3328 CPU) |