A Yocto/OpenEmbedded layer providing PELUX images. PELUX is a Linux based platform used for developing automotive infotainment projects. The layer provides the PELUX distro that is derived from poky. Furthermore, this layer provides core-image-pelux recipes, along with necessary additions to software components to enable a functional In-Vehicle Infotainment (IVI) base image. The software component additions and appendments found in this layer are specific for the PELUX image but can be used outside of this context.

Git repository

https://github.com/pelagicore/meta-pelux web repo

Last commit: 4 years, 9 months ago (master branch)



The meta-pelux layer depends upon:

Recipe name Version Description
acrn-vm-init 1.0.0 Systemd targets for starting ACRN VMs
acrn-vm-targets 1.0.0 Systemd targets for starting ACRN VMs
android-x86-vm 1.0.0 Installs an android-x86 VM
core-image-pelux-minimal 1.0 Image for creating a PELUX image
core-image-pelux-minimal-dev 1.0 Image for creating a PELUX image
core-image-pelux-minimal-dev-update 1.0 SWUpdate artifacts for core-image-pelux-minimal-dev
core-image-pelux-minimal-update 1.0 SWUpdate artifacts for core-image-pelux-minimal
core-image-pelux-qtauto-neptune 1.0 Class for inheriting a Pelux image with Qt frontend
core-image-pelux-qtauto-neptune-dev 1.0 Class for inheriting a Pelux image with Qt frontend
core-image-pelux-qtauto-neptune-dev-update 1.0 SWUpdate artifacts for core-image-pelux-qtauto-neptune-dev
core-image-pelux-qtauto-neptune-update 1.0 SWUpdate artifacts for core-image-pelux-qtauto-neptune
core-image-pelux-template 1.0 PELUX image that contains the template service
mopidy 2.3.1 Music server with MPD and Spotify support
pelux-vm 1.0.0 Script that starts a PELUX-VM
qtivi-mopidy-plugin git Qt IVI Mopidy media playback plugin
systemd-resource-control 1.0 Configures and controls systemd resources for PELUX