ROS (Robot Operating System) support layer Common layer for ROS2 distributions

Git repository web repo


meta-ros2 web subdirectory

Last commit: 3 weeks, 3 days ago (master branch)



The meta-ros2 layer depends upon:

Recipe name Version Description
box2d git 2D physics engine
crazyflie-cpp 0.0.1+gitX C++ Library to communicate with Bitcraze Crazyflie
draco 1.5.7 Draco is a library for compressing and decompressing 3D geometric meshes and point clouds. It is intended to improve the storage and transmission of 3D graphics.
draco 1.5.6+gitX Draco is a library for compressing and decompressing 3D geometric meshes and point clouds. It is intended to improve the storage and transmission of 3D graphics.
dynamic-trajectory-generator 1.0+gitX
fmilibrary 2.2.3 Extensible Modelica-based platform for optimization, simulation and analysis of complex dynamic systems.
foonathan-memory 0.7.3+gitX Library to work around various flaws in the C++ STL allocator model
google-benchmark 1.8.3 A library to benchmark code snippets, similar to unit tests.
graphicsmagick 1.3.45 Swiss army knife of image processing
lely-core 2.3.2+gitX A collection of C and C++ libraries and tools, providing hih-performance I/O and sensor/actuator control for robotics and IoT applications
libfyaml 0.9 Fully feature complete YAML parser and emitter, supporting the latest YAML spec and passing the full YAML testsuite.
libphidget22-upstream 1.19.20240304 This package wraps the libphidget22 to use it as a ROS dependency
libserial 1.0.0+gitX
libtins 4.5 packet crafting and sniffing library
libtins 4.4 packet crafting and sniffing library
matio 1.5.26+gitX
nlopt 2.7.1+gitX Library for nonlinear optimization, wrapping many algorithms for global and local, constrained or unconstrained, optimization
openni2 OpenNI2 framework
openscenegraph 3.6.5+gitX
packagegroup-ros2-demos 1.0 ros2-demos package group
pid-controller 1.0+gitX
python3-black 23.12.1 The uncompromising code formatter.
python3-construct 2.10.68 Declarative data structures for python
python3-fiona 1.9.5 Fiona reads and writes spatial data files
python3-flake8-blind-except 0.2.1 Flake8 extension that checks for blind, catch-all except statements
python3-flake8-class-newline 1.6.0 Flake8 extension to check if a new line is present after a class definition.
python3-flake8-deprecated 2.2.1 Flake8 plugin that warns about deprecated method calls
python3-mock 4.0.1
python3-pydantic 2.5.3 Data validation using Python type hints
python3-pymap3d 3.0.1 pure-Python (Numpy optional) 3D coordinate conversions for geospace ecef enu eci
python3-rtree 1.1.0 R-Tree spatial index for Python GIS
python3-shapely 2.0.2 Manipulation and analysis of geometric objects
python3-unidiff 0.7.5 Unified diff parsing/metadata extraction library
python3-uvloop 0.19.0 Fast implementation of asyncio event loop on top of libuv
python3-virtualenv 1.11.4 Virtual Python Environment builder
python3-whichcraft 0.4.1 cross-platform cross-python shutil.which
range-v3 0.12.0+gitX
ros2-image-sdktest 1.0 ROS 2 SDK Test Image
simde 0.7.6+gitX
xsimd 11.2.0+gitX
xtensor 0.24.7+gitX
xtl 0.7.7+gitX
ros2 Robot Operating System 2 (ROS 2) with OpenEmbedded Linux
Date/time Errors Warnings
March 1, 2025, 6:02 p.m. 1