meta-security-isafw is an OE layer that allows enabling the Image Security Analysis Framework (isafw) for your image builds. The primary purpose of isafw is to provide an extensible framework for analysing different security aspects of images during the build process. The isafw project itself can be found at The framework supports a number of callbacks (such as process_package(), process_filesystem(), and etc.) that are invoked by the bitbake during different stages of package and image build. These callbacks are then forwarded for processing to the available ISA FW plug-ins that have registered for these callbacks. Plug-ins can do their own processing on each stage of the build process and produce security reports.

Setup information

Git repository web repo

Last commit: 6 years, 2 months ago (master branch)



The meta-security-isafw layer depends upon:

Recipe name Version Description
checksec 1.5-1 Checksec tool