Provides kernel, bootloader and other support for the TOPIC Miami family of system-on-modules and carriers

Git repository web repo

Last commit: 5 years, 2 months ago (master branch)



The meta-topic layer depends upon:

Recipe name Version Description
dtb-miami-florida-gen-reference 1.0 Devicetree overlay for Topic Miami Florida GEN board
dtb-xdp-reference 1.0 Devicetree overlay for XDP reference FPGA image
fpga-bit-to-bin 3.1 FPGA bitstream image loader, loads fpga.bin early at boot
fpga-firmware-load 1.0 FPGA bitstream image loader, loads fpga.bin early at boot
fpga-image-adi-vivado 2.X FPGA bitstream image from userspace and tools. Requires Vivado or XPS on the build host to build.
fpga-image-load 1.0 FPGA bitstream image loader, loads fpga.bin early at boot
fpga-image-miami-florida-gen-reference v3r0.1 FPGA bitstream for Miami Florida GEN boards
fpga-image-miami-florida-pci-reference v1r2 FPGA bitstream for Miami Florida PCIe boards
fpga-image-miamimp-florida-gen-reference v3r0.4 FPGA bitstream for Miami Florida GEN boards
fpga-image-wizard 1.0 FPGA bitstream from local wizard
fpga-image-xdp-reference 0 FPGA bitstream for XDP board reference design
ifplugd-auto-net 1 Automatically start and stop network interfaces on link status
linux-topic 4.9+gitX Xilinx Zynq kernel with ADI and Topic extensions
linux-xilinx 4.19-v2019.1+gitX Linux kernel
modutils-loadscript 3 modutils configuration files
murata-firmware 1.0 Temporary provider for Murata BLE and SDIO firmware additions
my-image 1.0 An image
my-image-squashfs 1.0 An image
sd-bootscript 1 Bootscript for MMC/SD card
udhcpd-iface-config 4 Supplies interface-based startup of DHCP server udhcpd
xdp-hwdetect 1.0 Hardware detection script for XDP
tiny OpenEmbedded
tiny-systemd OpenEmbedded