Yocto/OE BSP meta layer for Rockchip-based devices (mostly development boards and public products)

Git repository

git://git.yoctoproject.org/meta-rockchip web repo

Last commit: 6 years, 11 months ago (morty branch)


  • Romain Perier (Project leader, maintainer, reviewer, developer) email
  • Trevor Woerner (Maintainer, reviewer, developer) email


The meta-rockchip layer depends upon:

Recipe name Version Description
brcm-patchram-plus git+4070e71 Chromium OS Broadcom patchram utility
initramfs-boot-petitboot 1.0 Extremely basic init script which starts Petitboot
linux 4.7.10 Linux kernel
linux-firmware-bcm-veyron Firmware and system files for Broadcom BCM4354 to be used with Linux kernel
linux-petitboot 4.0 Linux kernel
linux-rockchip 3.0.36 Linux kernel
linux-veyron 3.14.0 Linux kernel
mkbootimg-native 0.1+gitdcfdea23d8a223ec68f09789ebf38fc8b832e5d6 Tools to create firmware / boot images for Rockchip devices
net-kexec 1.0 Extremely basic script to kexec over the network
petitboot git+20141211-e330e3 Petitboot kexec bootloader
petitboot-initramfs-image 1.0
prebuilt-gcc-linaro 4.9-2016.02
rkflashtool-native 0.1+gitAUTOINC Tools for flashing Rockchip devices
rockchip-basic-image 1.0 A small image just capable of allowing a device to boot.
rockchip-bootloader 2.13 Rockchip bootloader collection
vboot-utils-native 43.6946 Chromium OS verified boot utilities
xf86-video-armsoc-rockchip 261+git+67d4cff X driver
firefly-rk3288 Firefly-RK3288 is a high-performance platform, with strong computing power, graphic processing and video decoding ability.
marsboard-rk3066 The Marsboard-RK3066 is powered by the popular Rockchip dual core SOC combining a power dual core ARM Cortex A9 CPU and Quad core Mali400MP4 GPU.
radxarock Radxa Rock is SBC designed by Radxa.It has quad-core ARM cortex-a9 processor, 80 pin headers, which makes easy to connect other I/O or GPIO
rock2-square Radxa Rock2 is a series of the second single board computer from Radxa. This is the square baseboard.
veyron-speedy Google Veyron Speedy Rev 1+ board (formally known as Chromebook Asus C201)