aandd-ekew-driver-py |
acado-vendor |
ackermann-msgs |
ackermann-steering-controller |
2.30.0-1 |
Steering controller for Ackermann kinematics. Rear fixed wheels are powering the vehicle and front wheels are steering it. |
action-msgs |
action-tutorials-cpp |
action-tutorials-interfaces |
action-tutorials-py |
actionlib-msgs |
actuator-msgs |
adaptive-component |
admittance-controller |
2.30.0-1 |
Implementation of admittance controllers for different input and output interface. |
aerostack2 |
1.0.6-1 |
Aerostack2 is a ROS2-based framework for the development of autonomous systems for aerial robotics. |
affordance-primitives |
ament-acceleration |
ament-black |
0.2.3-1 |
The ability to check code against style conventions using black and generate xUnit test result files. |
ament-clang-format |
0.12.9-1 |
The ability to check code against style conventions using clang-format and generate xUnit test result files. |
ament-clang-tidy |
0.12.9-1 |
The ability to check code against style conventions using clang-tidy and generate xUnit test result files. |
ament-cmake |
1.3.6-1 |
The entry point package for the ament buildsystem in CMake. |
ament-cmake-auto |
1.3.6-1 |
The auto-magic functions for ease to use of the ament buildsystem in CMake. |
ament-cmake-black |
0.2.3-1 |
The CMake API for ament_black to lint Python code using black. |
ament-cmake-catch2 |
ament-cmake-clang-format |
0.12.9-1 |
The CMake API for ament_clang_format to lint C / C++ code using clang format. |
ament-cmake-clang-tidy |
0.12.9-1 |
The CMake API for ament_clang_tidy to lint C / C++ code using clang tidy. |
ament-cmake-copyright |
0.12.9-1 |
The CMake API for ament_copyright to check every source file contains copyright reference. |
ament-cmake-core |
1.3.6-1 |
The core of the ament buildsystem in CMake. Several subcomponents provide specific funtionalities: * environment: provide prefix-level setup files * environment_hooks: provide package-level setup files and environment hooks * index: store information in an index and retrieve them without crawling * package_templates: templates from the ament_package Python package * symlink_install: use symlinks for CMake install commands |
ament-cmake-cppcheck |
0.12.9-1 |
The CMake API for ament_cppcheck to perform static code analysis on C/C++ code using Cppcheck. |
ament-cmake-cpplint |
0.12.9-1 |
The CMake API for ament_cpplint to lint C / C++ code using cpplint. |
ament-cmake-export-definitions |
1.3.6-1 |
The ability to export definitions to downstream packages in the ament buildsystem. |
ament-cmake-export-dependencies |
1.3.6-1 |
The ability to export dependencies to downstream packages in the ament buildsystem in CMake. |
ament-cmake-export-include-directories |
1.3.6-1 |
The ability to export include directories to downstream packages in the ament buildsystem in CMake. |
ament-cmake-export-interfaces |
1.3.6-1 |
The ability to export interfaces to downstream packages in the ament buildsystem in CMake. |
ament-cmake-export-libraries |
1.3.6-1 |
The ability to export libraries to downstream packages in the ament buildsystem in CMake. |
ament-cmake-export-link-flags |
1.3.6-1 |
The ability to export link flags to downstream packages in the ament buildsystem. |
ament-cmake-export-targets |
1.3.6-1 |
The ability to export targets to downstream packages in the ament buildsystem in CMake. |
ament-cmake-flake8 |
0.12.9-1 |
The CMake API for ament_flake8 to check code syntax and style conventions with flake8. |
ament-cmake-gen-version-h |
1.3.6-1 |
Generate a C header containing the version number of the package |
ament-cmake-gmock |
1.3.6-1 |
The ability to add Google mock-based tests in the ament buildsystem in CMake. |
ament-cmake-google-benchmark |
1.3.6-1 |
The ability to add Google Benchmark tests in the ament buildsystem in CMake. |
ament-cmake-gtest |
1.3.6-1 |
The ability to add gtest-based tests in the ament buildsystem in CMake. |
ament-cmake-include-directories |
1.3.6-1 |
The functionality to order include directories according to a chain of prefixes in the ament buildsystem in CMake. |
ament-cmake-libraries |
1.3.6-1 |
The functionality to deduplicate libraries in the ament buildsystem in CMake. |
ament-cmake-lint-cmake |
0.12.9-1 |
The CMake API for ament_lint_cmake to lint CMake code using cmakelint. |
ament-cmake-mypy |
0.12.9-1 |
The CMake API for ament_mypy to perform static type analysis on python code with mypy. |
ament-cmake-nose |
1.3.6-1 |
The ability to add nose-based tests in the ament buildsystem in CMake. |
ament-cmake-pclint |
0.12.9-1 |
The CMake API for ament_pclint to perform static code analysis on C/C++ code using PC-lint. |
ament-cmake-pep257 |
0.12.9-1 |
The CMake API for ament_pep257 to check code against the docstring style conventions in PEP 257. |
ament-cmake-pycodestyle |
0.12.9-1 |
The CMake API for ament_pycodestyle to check code against the style conventions in PEP 8. |
ament-cmake-pyflakes |
0.12.9-1 |
The CMake API for ament_pyflakes to check code using pyflakes. |
ament-cmake-pytest |
1.3.6-1 |
The ability to run Python tests using pytest in the ament buildsystem in CMake. |
ament-cmake-python |
1.3.6-1 |
The ability to use Python in the ament buildsystem in CMake. |
ament-cmake-ros |
ament-cmake-target-dependencies |
1.3.6-1 |
The ability to add definitions, include directories and libraries of a package to a target in the ament buildsystem in CMake. |
ament-cmake-test |
1.3.6-1 |
The ability to add tests in the ament buildsystem in CMake. |
ament-cmake-uncrustify |
0.12.9-1 |
The CMake API for ament_uncrustify to check code against styleconventions using uncrustify. |
ament-cmake-vendor-package |
1.3.6-1 |
Macros for maintaining a 'vendor' package. |
ament-cmake-version |
1.3.6-1 |
The ability to override the exported package version in the ament buildsystem. |
ament-cmake-xmllint |
0.12.9-1 |
The CMake API for ament_xmllint to check XML file using xmmlint. |
ament-copyright |
0.12.9-1 |
The ability to check source files for copyright and license information. |
ament-cppcheck |
0.12.9-1 |
The ability to perform static code analysis on C/C++ code using Cppcheck and generate xUnit test result files. |
ament-cpplint |
0.12.9-1 |
The ability to check code against the Google style conventions using cpplint and generate xUnit test result files. |
ament-download |
ament-flake8 |
0.12.9-1 |
The ability to check code for style and syntax conventions with flake8. |
ament-index-cpp |
ament-index-python |
ament-lint |
0.12.9-1 |
Providing common API for ament linter packages. |
ament-lint-auto |
0.12.9-1 |
The auto-magic functions for ease to use of the ament linters in CMake. |
ament-lint-cmake |
0.12.9-1 |
The ability to lint CMake code using cmakelint and generate xUnit test result files. |
ament-lint-common |
0.12.9-1 |
The list of commonly used linters in the ament build system in CMake. |
ament-mypy |
0.12.9-1 |
Support for mypy static type checking in ament. |
ament-nodl |
ament-package |
ament-pclint |
0.12.9-1 |
The ability to perform static code analysis on C/C++ code using PC-lint and generate xUnit test result files. |
ament-pep257 |
0.12.9-1 |
The ability to check code against the docstring style conventions in PEP 257 and generate xUnit test result files. |
ament-pycodestyle |
0.12.9-1 |
The ability to check code against the style conventions in PEP 8 and generate xUnit test result files. |
ament-pyflakes |
0.12.9-1 |
The ability to check code using pyflakes and generate xUnit test result files. |
ament-uncrustify |
0.12.9-1 |
The ability to check code against style conventions using uncrustify and generate xUnit test result files. |
ament-vitis |
ament-xmllint |
0.12.9-1 |
The ability to check XML files like the package manifest using xmllint and generate xUnit test result files. |
andino-base |
0.1.0-1 |
The andino_base package |
andino-bringup |
0.1.0-1 |
Contains launch files to bring up andinobot robot. |
andino-control |
0.1.0-1 |
The andino_control package |
andino-description |
0.1.0-1 |
The andino_description package |
andino-firmware |
0.1.0-1 |
The andino_firmware package |
andino-gz-classic |
0.1.0-1 |
Launch Gazebo simulation with Andino |
andino-hardware |
0.1.0-1 |
The andino_hardware package |
andino-navigation |
0.1.0-1 |
Bring up nav2 package with Andino. |
andino-slam |
0.1.0-1 |
The andino_slam package |
angles |
apex-containers |
apex-test-tools |
apriltag |
apriltag-msgs |
apriltag-ros |
aruco |
5.0.4-1 |
The ARUCO Library has been developed by the Ava group of the Univeristy of Cordoba(Spain). It provides real-time marker based 3D pose estimation using AR markers. |
aruco-msgs |
5.0.4-1 |
The aruco_msgs package |
aruco-opencv |
aruco-opencv-msgs |
aruco-ros |
5.0.4-1 |
The ARUCO Library has been developed by the Ava group of the Univeristy of Cordoba(Spain). It provides real-time marker based 3D pose estimation using AR markers. |
as2-alphanumeric-viewer |
1.0.6-1 |
Alphanumeric Viewer |
as2-behavior |
1.0.6-1 |
Aerostack2 Behavior Class |
as2-behavior-tree |
1.0.6-1 |
AS2 behavior trees |
as2-behaviors-motion |
1.0.6-1 |
AS2 Movement Behaviors Behaviors Meta Package |
as2-behaviors-perception |
1.0.6-1 |
ArUco detector behavior |
as2-behaviors-platform |
1.0.6-1 |
Aerostack2 core package which contains launchers for the basic behaviors |
as2-behaviors-trajectory-generation |
1.0.6-1 |
Aerostack behaviors collection for trajectory generation |
as2-cli |
1.0.6-1 |
AS2 CLI Package |
as2-core |
1.0.6-1 |
Aerostack2 core package which contains the basic classes of the Aerostack2 framework |
as2-gazebo-classic-assets |
1.0.6-1 |
Gazebo classic resources |
as2-ign-gazebo-assets |
1.0.6-1 |
Ignition Gazebo resources |
as2-keyboard-teleoperation |
1.0.6-1 |
Keyboard Teleoperation |
as2-motion-controller |
1.0.6-1 |
AS2 Controller Package |
as2-motion-reference-handlers |
1.0.6-1 |
Motion handlers to ease the control of the UAVs inside the Aerostack2 framework |
as2-msgs |
1.0.6-1 |
Messages, services and action files for the AS2 stack |
as2-platform-crazyflie |
1.0.6-1 |
Package to communicate Crazyflie drones with Aerostack2 framework |
as2-platform-dji-osdk |
1.0.6-1 |
Package to communicate DJI OSDK with Aerostack2 framework |
as2-platform-ign-gazebo |
1.0.6-1 |
Package to communicate Ignition Gazebo Simulator with Aerostack2 framework |
as2-platform-tello |
1.0.6-1 |
Package to communicate DJI Tello drones with Aerostack2 framework |
as2-python-api |
1.0.6-1 |
AeroStack2 drone interface tool in python |
as2-realsense-interface |
1.0.6-1 |
Intel Realsense cameras driver |
as2-state-estimator |
1.0.6-1 |
Basic state estimator for AeroStack2 |
as2-usb-camera-interface |
1.0.6-1 |
USB camera driver |
asio-cmake-module |
async-web-server-cpp |
automotive-autonomy-msgs |
automotive-navigation-msgs |
automotive-platform-msgs |
autoware-auto-msgs |
avt-vimba-camera |
aws-robomaker-small-warehouse-world |
aws-sdk-cpp-vendor |
backward-ros |
bag2-to-image |
base2d-kinematics |
base2d-kinematics-msgs |
bcr-bot |
1.0.1-3 |
bcr_bot |
behaviortree-cpp |
4.4.3-2 |
This package provides the Behavior Trees core library. |
behaviortree-cpp-v3 |
3.8.6-1 |
This package provides the Behavior Trees core library. |
bicycle-steering-controller |
2.30.0-1 |
Steering controller with bicycle kinematics. Rear fixed wheel is powering the vehicle and front wheel is steering. |
bno055 |
bond |
bond-core |
bondcpp |
boost-geometry-util |
boost-plugin-loader |
bosch-locator-bridge |
box2d |
git |
2D physics engine |
builtin-interfaces |
camera-calibration |
camera-calibration-parsers |
camera-info-manager |
camera-ros |
can-msgs |
cartographer |
cartographer-ros |
cartographer-ros-msgs |
cartographer-rviz |
cascade-lifecycle-msgs |
catch-ros2 |
0.2.0-1 |
Catch2 testing framework for ROS 2 unit and integration tests. |
chomp-motion-planner |
class-loader |
classic-bags |
clearpath-common |
0.2.2-1 |
Clearpath Common Metapackage |
clearpath-config |
0.2.1-1 |
Clearpath Configuration YAML Parser and Writer |
clearpath-config-live |
0.1.2-1 |
Live URDF Updater from Clearpath Configuration. |
clearpath-control |
0.2.2-1 |
Controllers for Clearpath Robotics platforms |
clearpath-description |
0.2.2-1 |
Clearpath URDF descriptions metapackage |
clearpath-desktop |
0.1.2-1 |
Packages for working with Clearpath Platforms from a ROS 2 desktop. |
clearpath-generator-common |
0.2.2-1 |
TODO: Package description |
clearpath-generator-gz |
0.2.1-1 |
Clearpath Gazebo Generator |
clearpath-gz |
0.2.1-1 |
Clearpath Gazebo Simulator |
clearpath-mounts-description |
0.2.2-1 |
Clearpath mounts URDF descriptions |
clearpath-msgs |
0.2.0-1 |
Metapackage for Clearapth messages. |
clearpath-nav2-demos |
clearpath-platform |
0.2.2-1 |
Clearpath Platform Drivers. |
clearpath-platform-description |
0.2.2-1 |
Clearpath Platform URDF descriptions |
clearpath-platform-msgs |
0.2.0-1 |
Messages for Clearpath Platforms. |
clearpath-sensors-description |
0.2.2-1 |
Clearpath sensors URDF descriptions |
clearpath-simulator |
0.2.1-1 |
Clearpath Simulator Metapackage |
clearpath-viz |
0.1.2-1 |
Visualization launchers for Clearpath Platforms. |
cmake |
cmake-native |
cob-actions |
2.7.9-1 |
This Package contains Care-O-bot specific action definitions. |
cob-msgs |
2.7.9-1 |
Messages for representing state information, such as battery information and emergency stop status. |
cob-srvs |
2.7.9-1 |
This Package contains Care-O-bot specific service definitions. |
collision-log-msgs |
color-names |
color-util |
common-interfaces |
composition |
composition-interfaces |
compressed-depth-image-transport |
compressed-image-transport |
console-bridge-vendor |
control-box-rst |
control-msgs |
control-toolbox |
3.2.0-1 |
The control toolbox contains modules that are useful across all controllers. |
controller-interface |
2.36.0-1 |
Description of controller_interface |
controller-manager |
2.36.0-1 |
Description of controller_manager |
controller-manager-msgs |
2.36.0-1 |
Messages and services for the controller manager. |
costmap-queue |
crane-plus |
crane-plus-control |
crane-plus-description |
crane-plus-examples |
crane-plus-gazebo |
crane-plus-moveit-config |
crazyflie-cpp |
0.0.1+gitX |
C++ Library to communicate with Bitcraze Crazyflie |
create-bringup |
create-description |
create-driver |
create-msgs |
create-robot |
cudnn-cmake-module |
cv-bridge |
cyclonedds |
dataspeed-can |
dataspeed-can-msg-filters |
dataspeed-can-usb |
dataspeed-dbw-common |
dataspeed-dbw-gateway |
dataspeed-dbw-msgs |
dataspeed-ulc |
dataspeed-ulc-can |
dataspeed-ulc-msgs |
dbw-fca |
dbw-fca-can |
dbw-fca-description |
dbw-fca-joystick-demo |
dbw-fca-msgs |
dbw-ford |
dbw-ford-can |
dbw-ford-description |
dbw-ford-joystick-demo |
dbw-ford-msgs |
dbw-polaris |
dbw-polaris-can |
dbw-polaris-description |
dbw-polaris-joystick-demo |
dbw-polaris-msgs |
delphi-esr-msgs |
delphi-mrr-msgs |
delphi-srr-msgs |
demo-nodes-cpp |
demo-nodes-cpp-rosnative |
demo-nodes-py |
depth-image-proc |
depthai |
2.23.0-1 |
DepthAI core is a C++ library which comes with firmware and an API to interact with OAK Platform |
depthai-bridge |
2.8.2-1 |
The depthai_bridge package |
depthai-descriptions |
2.8.2-1 |
The depthai_descriptions package |
depthai-examples |
2.8.2-1 |
The depthai_examples package |
depthai-filters |
2.8.2-1 |
Depthai filters package |
depthai-ros |
2.8.2-1 |
The depthai-ros package |
depthai-ros-driver |
2.8.2-1 |
Depthai ROS Monolithic node. |
depthai-ros-msgs |
2.8.2-1 |
Package to keep interface independent of the driver |
depthimage-to-laserscan |
derived-object-msgs |
desktop |
desktop-full |
diagnostic-aggregator |
diagnostic-common-diagnostics |
diagnostic-msgs |
diagnostic-updater |
diagnostics |
diff-drive-controller |
2.30.0-1 |
Controller for a differential drive mobile base. |
dolly |
dolly-follow |
dolly-gazebo |
dolly-ignition |
domain-bridge |
domain-coordinator |
draco |
1.5.6+gitX |
Draco is a library for compressing and decompressing 3D geometric meshes and point clouds. It is intended to improve the storage and transmission of 3D graphics. |
draco-point-cloud-transport |
1.0.9-1 |
draco_point_cloud_transport provides a plugin to point_cloud_transport for sending point clouds encoded with KD tree compression. |
dummy-map-server |
dummy-robot-bringup |
dummy-sensors |
dwb-core |
dwb-critics |
dwb-msgs |
dwb-plugins |
dynamic-edt-3d |
dynamixel-sdk |
dynamixel-sdk-custom-interfaces |
dynamixel-sdk-examples |
dynamixel-workbench |
dynamixel-workbench-msgs |
dynamixel-workbench-toolbox |
ecal |
ecl-build |
ecl-license |
ecl-tools |
effort-controllers |
2.30.0-1 |
Generic controller for forwarding commands. |
eigen-stl-containers |
eigen3-cmake-module |
eigenpy |
3.1.4-1 |
Bindings between Numpy and Eigen using Boost.Python |
etsi-its-cam-coding |
2.0.0-1 |
C++ compatible C source code for ETSI ITS CAMs generated from ASN.1 using asn1c |
etsi-its-cam-conversion |
2.0.0-1 |
Conversion functions for converting ROS messages to and from ASN.1-encoded ETSI ITS CAMs |
etsi-its-cam-msgs |
2.0.0-1 |
ROS messages for ETSI ITS CAM |
etsi-its-coding |
2.0.0-1 |
C++ compatible C source code for ETSI ITS messages generated from ASN.1 using asn1c |
etsi-its-conversion |
2.0.0-1 |
Converts ROS messages to and from ASN.1-encoded ETSI ITS messages |
etsi-its-denm-coding |
2.0.0-1 |
C++ compatible C source code for ETSI ITS DENMs generated from ASN.1 using asn1c |
etsi-its-denm-conversion |
2.0.0-1 |
Conversion functions for converting ROS messages to and from ASN.1-encoded ETSI ITS DENMs |
etsi-its-denm-msgs |
2.0.0-1 |
ROS messages for ETSI ITS DENM |
etsi-its-messages |
2.0.0-1 |
ROS support for ETSI ITS messages |
etsi-its-msgs |
2.0.0-1 |
ROS messages for ETSI ITS messages |
etsi-its-msgs-utils |
2.0.0-1 |
ROS messages and utility functions for ETSI ITS messages |
etsi-its-primitives-conversion |
2.0.0-1 |
Conversion functions for converting ROS primitives to and from ASN.1-encoded primitives |
etsi-its-rviz-plugins |
2.0.0-1 |
RViz plugin for ROS 2 messages based on ETSI ITS messages |
event-camera-codecs |
1.1.2-1 |
package to encode and decode event_camera_msgs |
event-camera-msgs |
1.1.5-1 |
messages for event based cameras |
event-camera-py |
event-camera-renderer |
example-interfaces |
examples-rclcpp-async-client |
examples-rclcpp-cbg-executor |
examples-rclcpp-minimal-action-client |
examples-rclcpp-minimal-action-server |
examples-rclcpp-minimal-client |
examples-rclcpp-minimal-composition |
examples-rclcpp-minimal-publisher |
examples-rclcpp-minimal-service |
examples-rclcpp-minimal-subscriber |
examples-rclcpp-minimal-timer |
examples-rclcpp-multithreaded-executor |
examples-rclcpp-wait-set |
examples-rclpy-executors |
examples-rclpy-guard-conditions |
examples-rclpy-minimal-action-client |
examples-rclpy-minimal-action-server |
examples-rclpy-minimal-client |
examples-rclpy-minimal-publisher |
examples-rclpy-minimal-service |
examples-rclpy-minimal-subscriber |
examples-rclpy-pointcloud-publisher |
examples-tf2-py |
0.25.5-1 |
Has examples of using the tf2 Python API. |
executive-smach |
fadecandy-driver |
fadecandy-msgs |
fastcdr |
fastrtps |
fastrtps-cmake-module |
2.2.2-2 |
Provide CMake module to find eProsima FastRTPS. |
ffmpeg-image-transport-msgs |
1.1.2-1 |
messages for ffmpeg image transport plugin |
fields2cover |
1.2.1-1 |
Robust and efficient coverage paths for autonomous agricultural vehicles. A modular and extensible Coverage Path Planning library |
filters |
find-object-2d |
flexbe-behavior-engine |
flexbe-core |
flexbe-input |
flexbe-mirror |
flexbe-msgs |
flexbe-onboard |
flexbe-states |
flexbe-testing |
flexbe-widget |
flir-camera-description |
2.0.8-2 |
FLIR camera Description package |
flir-camera-msgs |
2.0.8-2 |
messages related to flir camera driver |
fluent-rviz |
fmi-adapter |
fmi-adapter-examples |
fmilibrary-vendor |
fogros2 |
fogros2-examples |
foonathan-memory-vendor |
force-torque-sensor-broadcaster |
2.30.0-1 |
Controller to publish state of force-torque sensors. |
foros |
foros-examples |
foros-inspector |
foros-msgs |
forward-command-controller |
2.30.0-1 |
Generic controller for forwarding commands. |
four-wheel-steering-msgs |
foxglove-bridge |
0.7.4-1 |
ROS Foxglove Bridge |
foxglove-msgs |
2.3.0-1 |
foxglove_msgs provides visualization messages that are supported by Foxglove Studio. |
gazebo-model-attachment-plugin |
1.0.3-2 |
Model Attachment Plugin |
gazebo-model-attachment-plugin-msgs |
1.0.3-2 |
Model Attachment Plugin |
gazebo-msgs |
gazebo-plugins |
gazebo-ros |
gazebo-ros-pkgs |
gazebo-ros2-control |
0.4.5-1 |
gazebo_ros2_control |
gazebo-ros2-control-demos |
0.4.5-1 |
gazebo_ros2_control_demos |
gazebo-rosdev |
gazebo-video-monitor-interfaces |
0.8.1-1 |
gazebo_video_monitor_interfaces defines interfaces for the gazebo_video_monitor_plugins package. |
gazebo-video-monitor-plugins |
0.8.1-1 |
gazebo_video_monitor_plugins is a package that lets the user record videos of a <a href="http://gazebosim.org/">Gazebo</a> simulation. It provides a multicamera sensor that can be used for creating different types of videos with multiple views from inside the gazebo world. There is a number of plugins already available in the package, but more can be developed by the user, with minimal effort, to fit arbitrary use cases. |
gazebo-video-monitor-utils |
0.8.1-1 |
Contains utility scripts that are meant to interact with the gazebo video monitor plugins. |
gazebo-video-monitors |
0.8.1-1 |
Metapackage that groups together the gazebo_video_monitors packages. |
gc-spl-2022 |
gdal |
3.8.3+gitX |
A translator library for raster and vector geospatial data formats |
generate-parameter-library |
generate-parameter-library-example |
generate-parameter-library-py |
generate-parameter-module-example |
geodesy |
geographic-info |
geographic-msgs |
geometric-shapes |
geometry-msgs |
geometry-tutorials |
geometry2 |
0.25.5-1 |
A metapackage to bring in the default packages second generation Transform Library in ros, tf2. |
gmock-vendor |
google-benchmark-vendor |
gps-msgs |
gps-tools |
gps-umd |
gpsd-client |
graph-msgs |
grasping-msgs |
grbl-msgs |
grbl-ros |
grid-map |
grid-map-cmake-helpers |
grid-map-core |
grid-map-costmap-2d |
grid-map-cv |
grid-map-demos |
grid-map-filters |
grid-map-loader |
grid-map-msgs |
grid-map-octomap |
grid-map-pcl |
grid-map-ros |
grid-map-rviz-plugin |
grid-map-sdf |
grid-map-visualization |
gripper-controllers |
2.30.0-1 |
The gripper_controllers package |
gscam |
gtest-vendor |
gtsam |
gurumdds-cmake-module |
hardware-interface |
2.36.0-1 |
ros2_control hardware interface |
hash-library-vendor |
heaphook |
hey5-description |
hls-lfcd-lds-driver |
hpp-fcl |
2.4.0-1 |
An extension of the Flexible Collision Library. |
ibeo-msgs |
iceoryx-binding-c |
2.0.5-1 |
Eclipse iceoryx inter-process-communication (IPC) middleware C-Language Binding |
iceoryx-hoofs |
2.0.5-1 |
Eclipse iceoryx inter-process-communication (IPC) middleware basic building blocks |
iceoryx-introspection |
2.0.5-1 |
Eclipse iceoryx inter-process-communication (IPC) middleware introspection client |
iceoryx-posh |
2.0.5-1 |
Eclipse iceoryx inter-process-communication (IPC) middleware Posix Shared Memory Library and middleware daemon (RouDi) |
ifm3d-core |
ign-ros2-control |
0.7.4-1 |
Ignition ros2_control package allows to control simulated robots using ros2_control framework. |
ign-ros2-control-demos |
0.7.4-1 |
ign_ros2_control_demos |
ignition-cmake2-vendor |
ignition-math6-vendor |
image-common |
image-geometry |
image-pipeline |
image-proc |
image-publisher |
image-rotate |
image-tools |
image-transport |
image-transport-plugins |
image-view |
imu-complementary-filter |
imu-filter-madgwick |
imu-pipeline |
0.4.1-1 |
imu_pipeline |
imu-processors |
0.4.1-1 |
Processors for sensor_msgs::Imu data |
imu-sensor-broadcaster |
2.30.0-1 |
Controller to publish readings of IMU sensors. |
imu-tools |
imu-transformer |
0.4.1-1 |
Node/components to transform sensor_msgs::Imu data from one frame into another. |
interactive-marker-twist-server |
interactive-markers |
intra-process-demo |
io-context |
irobot-create-common-bringup |
irobot-create-control |
irobot-create-description |
irobot-create-gazebo-bringup |
irobot-create-gazebo-plugins |
irobot-create-gazebo-sim |
irobot-create-ignition-bringup |
irobot-create-ignition-plugins |
irobot-create-ignition-sim |
irobot-create-ignition-toolbox |
irobot-create-msgs |
irobot-create-nodes |
irobot-create-toolbox |
joint-limits |
2.36.0-1 |
Interfaces for handling of joint limits for controllers or hardware. |
joint-state-broadcaster |
2.30.0-1 |
Broadcaster to publish joint state |
joint-state-publisher |
joint-state-publisher-gui |
joint-trajectory-controller |
2.30.0-1 |
Controller for executing joint-space trajectories on a group of joints |
joy |
3.3.0-1 |
The joy package contains joy_node, a node that interfaces a generic joystick to ROS 2. This node publishes a "Joy" message, which contains the current state of each one of the joystick's buttons and axes. |
joy-linux |
3.3.0-1 |
ROS2 driver for a generic Linux joystick. Will contain a MacOS and Windows version later. The joy package contains joy_node, a node that interfaces a generic Linux joystick to ROS2. This node publishes a "Joy" message, which contains the current state of each one of the joystick's buttons and axes. |
joy-teleop |
1.5.0-1 |
A (to be) generic joystick interface to control a robot |
joy-tester |
kartech-linear-actuator-msgs |
kdl-parser |
key-teleop |
1.5.0-1 |
A text-based interface to send a robot movement commands. |
keyboard-handler |
kinematics-interface |
0.2.0-1 |
Kinematics interface for ROS 2 control |
kinematics-interface-kdl |
0.2.0-1 |
KDL implementation of ros2_control kinematics interface |
kinova-gen3-6dof-robotiq-2f-85-moveit-config |
kinova-gen3-7dof-robotiq-2f-85-moveit-config |
kobuki-ros-interfaces |
kobuki-velocity-smoother |
kortex-api |
kortex-bringup |
kortex-description |
kortex-driver |
lanelet2 |
lanelet2-core |
lanelet2-examples |
lanelet2-io |
lanelet2-maps |
lanelet2-matching |
lanelet2-projection |
lanelet2-python |
lanelet2-routing |
lanelet2-traffic-rules |
lanelet2-validation |
laser-filters |
laser-geometry |
laser-proc |
launch |
launch-pal |
0.0.14-1 |
Utilities for launch files |
launch-param-builder |
launch-pytest |
launch-ros |
launch-system-modes |
launch-testing |
launch-testing-ament-cmake |
launch-testing-examples |
launch-testing-ros |
launch-xml |
launch-yaml |
leo |
1.2.0-1 |
Metapackage of software for Leo Rover common to the robot and ROS desktop |
leo-bringup |
1.4.0-1 |
Scripts and launch files for starting basic Leo Rover functionalities. |
leo-description |
1.2.0-1 |
URDF Description package for Leo Rover |
leo-desktop |
leo-fw |
1.4.0-1 |
Binary releases of Leo Rover firmware and related utilities |
leo-gz-bringup |
1.0.0-1 |
Bringup package for Leo Rover Gazebo simulation in ROS 2 |
leo-gz-plugins |
1.0.0-1 |
Plugins for Leo Rover Gazebo simulation in ROS 2 |
leo-gz-worlds |
1.0.0-1 |
Gazebo worlds for Leo Rover simulation in ROS 2 |
leo-msgs |
1.2.0-1 |
Message and Service definitions for Leo Rover |
leo-robot |
1.4.0-1 |
Metapackage of software to install on Leo Rover. |
leo-simulator |
1.0.0-1 |
Metapackage for Leo Rover Gazebo simulation in ROS2 |
leo-teleop |
1.2.0-1 |
Scripts and launch files for Leo Rover teleoperation |
leo-viz |
lgsvl-msgs |
libcaer |
1.1.1-1 |
library for event based sensors |
libcamera |
libcreate |
libcurl-vendor |
libg2o |
libmavconn |
libnabo |
libphidget22 |
2.3.2-1 |
This package wraps the libphidget22 to use it as a ROS dependency |
libphidget22-upstream |
1.13.20230224 |
This package wraps the libphidget22 to use it as a ROS dependency |
libpointmatcher |
librealsense2 |
libserial |
1.0.0+gitX |
libstatistics-collector |
libtins |
4.4 |
packet crafting and sniffing library |
libyaml-vendor |
lifecycle |
lifecycle-msgs |
lifecycle-py |
lms1xx |
logging-demo |
lsc-ros2-driver |
lusb |
magic-enum |
0.9.5-1 |
Static reflection for enums (to string, from string, iteration) for modern C++, work with any enum type without any macro or boilerplate code |
map-msgs |
mapviz |
mapviz-interfaces |
mapviz-plugins |
marker-msgs |
marti-can-msgs |
1.5.2-1 |
marti_can_msgs |
marti-common-msgs |
1.5.2-1 |
marti_common_msgs |
marti-dbw-msgs |
1.5.2-1 |
marti_dbw_msgs |
marti-introspection-msgs |
1.5.2-1 |
marti_introspection_msgs |
marti-nav-msgs |
1.5.2-1 |
marti_nav_msgs |
marti-perception-msgs |
1.5.2-1 |
marti_perception_msgs |
marti-sensor-msgs |
1.5.2-1 |
marti_sensor_msgs |
marti-status-msgs |
1.5.2-1 |
marti_status_msgs |
marti-visualization-msgs |
1.5.2-1 |
marti_visualization_msgs |
marvelmind-ros2 |
marvelmind-ros2-msgs |
mavlink |
mavros |
mavros-extras |
mavros-msgs |
mcap-vendor |
menge-vendor |
message-filters |
message-tf-frame-transformer |
metavision-driver |
1.1.8-1 |
ROS1 and ROS2 drivers for metavision based event cameras |
metro-benchmark-msgs |
metro-benchmark-pub |
micro-ros-diagnostic-bridge |
micro-ros-diagnostic-msgs |
micro-ros-msgs |
microstrain-inertial-driver |
3.2.0-2 |
The ros_mscl package provides a driver for the LORD/Microstrain inertial products. |
microstrain-inertial-examples |
3.2.0-2 |
Example listener for Parker LORD Sensing inertial device driver ros_mscl (C++). |
microstrain-inertial-msgs |
3.2.0-2 |
A package that contains ROS message corresponding to microstrain message types. |
microstrain-inertial-rqt |
3.2.0-2 |
The microstrain_inertial_rqt package provides several RQT widgets to view the status of Microstrain devices |
mimick-vendor |
mobileye-560-660-msgs |
mod |
mola-common |
0.3.0-1 |
Common CMake scripts to all MOLA modules |
mouse-teleop |
1.5.0-1 |
A mouse teleop tool for holonomic mobile robots. |
moveit |
moveit-chomp-optimizer-adapter |
moveit-common |
moveit-configs-utils |
moveit-core |
moveit-hybrid-planning |
moveit-kinematics |
moveit-msgs |
moveit-planners |
moveit-planners-chomp |
moveit-planners-ompl |
moveit-plugins |
moveit-resources |
moveit-resources-fanuc-description |
moveit-resources-fanuc-moveit-config |
moveit-resources-panda-description |
moveit-resources-panda-moveit-config |
moveit-resources-pr2-description |
moveit-resources-prbt-ikfast-manipulator-plugin |
moveit-resources-prbt-moveit-config |
moveit-resources-prbt-pg70-support |
moveit-resources-prbt-support |
moveit-ros |
moveit-ros-benchmarks |
moveit-ros-control-interface |
moveit-ros-move-group |
moveit-ros-occupancy-map-monitor |
moveit-ros-perception |
moveit-ros-planning |
moveit-ros-planning-interface |
moveit-ros-robot-interaction |
moveit-ros-visualization |
moveit-ros-warehouse |
moveit-runtime |
moveit-servo |
moveit-setup-app-plugins |
moveit-setup-assistant |
moveit-setup-controllers |
moveit-setup-core-plugins |
moveit-setup-framework |
moveit-setup-srdf-plugins |
moveit-simple-controller-manager |
moveit-visual-tools |
mqtt-client |
2.2.0-1 |
Node that enables connected ROS-based devices or robots to exchange ROS messages via an MQTT broker using the MQTT protocol. |
mqtt-client-interfaces |
2.2.0-1 |
Message and service definitions for mqtt_client |
mrpt-msgs |
mrpt-path-planning |
mrpt2 |
2.11.5-1 |
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) version 2.x |
mrt-cmake-modules |
multires-image |
mvsim |
0.8.3-1 |
A lightweight multivehicle simulation framework. |
nao-button-sim |
nao-command-msgs |
nao-lola |
nao-meshes |
2.1.1-1 |
ROS2 Meshes for the NAO robot |
nao-sensor-msgs |
naoqi-bridge-msgs |
2.1.0-1 |
The naoqi_bridge_msgs package provides custom messages for running Aldebaran's robots in ROS2. |
naoqi-driver |
2.1.1-1 |
Driver module between Aldebaran's NAOqiOS and ROS2. It publishes all sensor and actuator data as well as basic diagnostic for battery, temperature. It subscribes also to RVIZ simple goal and cmd_vel for teleop. |
naoqi-libqi |
3.0.2-1 |
Aldebaran's libqi: a core library for NAOqiOS development |
naoqi-libqicore |
3.0.0-1 |
Aldebaran's libqicore: a layer on top of libqi |
nav-2d-msgs |
nav-2d-utils |
nav-msgs |
nav2-amcl |
nav2-behavior-tree |
nav2-behaviors |
nav2-bringup |
nav2-bt-navigator |
nav2-collision-monitor |
nav2-common |
nav2-constrained-smoother |
nav2-controller |
nav2-core |
nav2-costmap-2d |
nav2-dwb-controller |
nav2-lifecycle-manager |
nav2-map-server |
nav2-mppi-controller |
nav2-msgs |
nav2-navfn-planner |
nav2-planner |
nav2-regulated-pure-pursuit-controller |
nav2-rotation-shim-controller |
nav2-rviz-plugins |
nav2-simple-commander |
nav2-smac-planner |
nav2-smoother |
nav2-system-tests |
nav2-theta-star-planner |
nav2-util |
nav2-velocity-smoother |
nav2-voxel-grid |
nav2-waypoint-follower |
navigation2 |
neo-simulation2 |
neobotix-usboard-msgs |
nerian-stereo |
network-interface |
nlohmann-json-schema-validator-vendor |
nmea-hardware-interface |
nmea-msgs |
nmea-navsat-driver |
nodl-python |
nodl-to-policy |
novatel-gps-driver |
novatel-gps-msgs |
novatel-oem7-driver |
novatel-oem7-msgs |
ntpd-driver |
ntrip-client |
ntrip-client-node |
0.5.2-1 |
Publishes RTCM ntrip messages from an external mountpoint |
object-recognition-msgs |
octomap |
octomap-mapping |
octomap-msgs |
octomap-ros |
octomap-rviz-plugins |
octomap-server |
octovis |
odom-to-tf-ros2 |
ompl |
open3d-conversions |
openni2-camera |
orocos-kdl-vendor |
osqp-vendor |
osrf-pycommon |
osrf-testing-tools-cpp |
ouster-msgs |
ouxt-common |
ouxt-lint-common |
packagegroup-ros-world-humble |
1.0 |
All non-test packages for the target from files/humble/cache.yaml |
pal-gazebo-plugins |
4.0.5-1 |
Robot-independent Gazebo plugins used by PAL Robotics. |
pal-gazebo-worlds |
4.0.3-1 |
Simulation worlds for PAL robots. |
pal-gripper |
3.0.7-1 |
The pal_gripper package |
pal-gripper-controller-configuration |
3.0.7-1 |
The pal_gripper_controller_configuration package |
pal-gripper-description |
3.0.7-1 |
The pal_gripper_description package |
pal-hey5 |
4.0.1-1 |
The pal_hey5 package |
pal-hey5-controller-configuration |
4.0.1-1 |
The pal_hey5_controller_configuration package |
pal-hey5-description |
4.0.1-1 |
This package contains the description (mechanical, kinematic, visual, etc.) of the Hey5 hand. The files in this package are parsed and used by a variety of other components. Most users will not interact directly with this package. |
pal-navigation-cfg |
3.0.6-1 |
PAL Navigation Configuration metapackage |
pal-navigation-cfg-bringup |
3.0.6-1 |
Central storage of PAL Navigation launch files |
pal-navigation-cfg-params |
3.0.6-1 |
Central storage of navigation configuration parameters |
pal-statistics |
2.2.3-1 |
The pal_statistics package |
pal-statistics-msgs |
2.2.3-1 |
Statistics msgs package |
pal-urdf-utils |
2.0.1-1 |
This package contains the color materials of common elements of PAL Robotics' robot. The files in this package are parsed and used by a variety of other components. Most users will not interact directly with this package. |
parameter-traits |
pcl-conversions |
pcl-msgs |
pcl-ros |
pendulum-control |
pendulum-msgs |
pepper-meshes |
3.0.0-1 |
Meshes for the Pepper robot, for ROS2 |
perception |
perception-pcl |
performance-test |
performance-test-fixture |
phidgets-accelerometer |
2.3.2-1 |
Driver for the Phidgets Accelerometer devices |
phidgets-analog-inputs |
2.3.2-1 |
Driver for the Phidgets Analog Input devices |
phidgets-analog-outputs |
2.3.2-1 |
Driver for the Phidgets Analog Output devices |
phidgets-api |
2.3.2-1 |
A C++ Wrapper for the Phidgets C API |
phidgets-digital-inputs |
2.3.2-1 |
Driver for the Phidgets Digital Input devices |
phidgets-digital-outputs |
2.3.2-1 |
Driver for the Phidgets Digital Output devices |
phidgets-drivers |
2.3.2-1 |
API and ROS drivers for Phidgets devices |
phidgets-gyroscope |
2.3.2-1 |
Driver for the Phidgets Gyroscope devices |
phidgets-high-speed-encoder |
2.3.2-1 |
Driver for the Phidgets high speed encoder devices |
phidgets-ik |
2.3.2-1 |
Driver for the Phidgets InterfaceKit devices |
phidgets-magnetometer |
2.3.2-1 |
Driver for the Phidgets Magnetometer devices |
phidgets-motors |
2.3.2-1 |
Driver for the Phidgets Motor devices |
phidgets-msgs |
2.3.2-1 |
Custom ROS messages for Phidgets drivers |
phidgets-spatial |
2.3.2-1 |
Driver for the Phidgets Spatial 3/3/3 devices |
phidgets-temperature |
2.3.2-1 |
Driver for the Phidgets Temperature devices |
pick-ik |
1.1.0-1 |
Inverse Kinematics solver for MoveIt |
picknik-ament-copyright |
picknik-reset-fault-controller |
picknik-twist-controller |
pilz-industrial-motion-planner |
pilz-industrial-motion-planner-testutils |
pinocchio |
2.6.21-1 |
A fast and flexible implementation of Rigid Body Dynamics algorithms and their analytical derivatives. |
plansys2-bringup |
plansys2-bt-actions |
plansys2-core |
plansys2-domain-expert |
plansys2-executor |
plansys2-lifecycle-manager |
plansys2-msgs |
plansys2-pddl-parser |
plansys2-planner |
plansys2-popf-plan-solver |
plansys2-problem-expert |
plansys2-terminal |
plansys2-tools |
play-motion2 |
0.0.13-1 |
Play a pre-recorded motion on a robot |
play-motion2-msgs |
0.0.13-1 |
Play a pre-recorded motion on a robot |
plotjuggler |
3.8.5-1 |
PlotJuggler: juggle with data |
plotjuggler-msgs |
plotjuggler-ros |
2.0.0-3 |
PlotJuggler plugin for ROS |
pluginlib |
pmb2-2dnav |
4.0.9-1 |
PMB2-specific launch files needed to run navigation on the PMB2 robot. |
pmb2-bringup |
5.0.15-1 |
Launch files and scripts needed to bring up the ROS nodes of a PMB2 robot. |
pmb2-controller-configuration |
5.0.15-1 |
Launch files and scripts needed to configure the controllers of the PMB2 robot. |
pmb2-description |
5.0.15-1 |
Mechanical, kinematic, visual, etc. description of the PMB2 robot. The files in this package are parsed and used by a variety of other components. Most users will not interact directly with this package. |
pmb2-gazebo |
4.0.6-1 |
Simulation files for the PMB2 robot. |
pmb2-laser-sensors |
4.0.9-1 |
Launch files and scripts needed to bring up the ROS nodes of a PMB2 robot. |
pmb2-maps |
4.0.9-1 |
PMB2-specific maps and launch files. |
pmb2-navigation |
4.0.9-1 |
PMB2 navigation metapackage |
pmb2-robot |
5.0.15-1 |
PMB2 robot description and launch files |
pmb2-simulation |
4.0.6-1 |
PMB2-specific simulation components. These include plugins and launch scripts necessary for running PMB2 in simulation. |
point-cloud-interfaces |
1.0.9-1 |
msg definitions for use with point_cloud_transport plugins. |
point-cloud-msg-wrapper |
point-cloud-transport |
1.0.15-1 |
Support for transporting PointCloud2 messages in compressed format and plugin interface for implementing additional PointCloud2 transports. |
point-cloud-transport-plugins |
1.0.9-1 |
Metapackage with common point_cloud_transport plugins |
point-cloud-transport-py |
1.0.15-1 |
Python API for point_cloud_transport |
pointcloud-to-laserscan |
polygon-demos |
polygon-msgs |
polygon-rviz-plugins |
polygon-utils |
popf |
pose-cov-ops |
position-controllers |
2.30.0-1 |
Generic controller for forwarding commands. |
proxsuite |
py-trees |
py-trees-js |
py-trees-ros |
py-trees-ros-interfaces |
pybind11-json-vendor |
pybind11-vendor |
python-cmake-module |
python-orocos-kdl-vendor |
python-qt-binding |
1.1.2-1 |
This stack provides Python bindings for Qt. There are two providers: pyside and pyqt. PySide2 is available under the GPL, LGPL and a commercial license. PyQt is released under the GPL. Both the bindings and tools to build bindings are included from each available provider. For PySide, it is called "Shiboken". For PyQt, this is called "SIP". Also provided is adapter code to make the user's Python code independent of which binding provider was actually used which makes it very easy to switch between these. |
qpoases-vendor |
qt-dotgraph |
qt-gui |
qt-gui-app |
qt-gui-core |
qt-gui-cpp |
qt-gui-py-common |
quality-of-service-demo-cpp |
quality-of-service-demo-py |
quaternion-operation |
r2r-spl-7 |
radar-msgs |
random-numbers |
range-sensor-broadcaster |
2.30.0-1 |
Controller to publish readings of Range sensors. |
range-v3 |
0.12.0+gitX |
raspimouse |
raspimouse-description |
1.1.0-1 |
The raspimouse_description package |
raspimouse-fake |
2.0.0-1 |
The raspimouse_control package |
raspimouse-gazebo |
2.0.0-1 |
The raspimouse_gazebo package |
raspimouse-msgs |
raspimouse-navigation |
raspimouse-ros2-examples |
2.1.0-1 |
Raspberry Pi Mouse examples |
raspimouse-sim |
2.0.0-1 |
ROS 2 package suite for Raspberry Pi Mouse Simulator |
raspimouse-slam |
raspimouse-slam-navigation |
rc-common-msgs |
rc-dynamics-api |
rc-genicam-api |
rc-genicam-driver |
rc-reason-clients |
rc-reason-msgs |
rcdiscover |
rcgcd-spl-14 |
rcgcd-spl-14-conversion |
rcgcrd-spl-4 |
rcgcrd-spl-4-conversion |
rcl |
5.3.6-1 |
The ROS client library common implementation. This package contains an API which builds on the ROS middleware API and is optionally built upon by the other ROS client libraries. |
rcl-action |
5.3.6-1 |
Package containing a C-based ROS action implementation |
rcl-interfaces |
rcl-lifecycle |
5.3.6-1 |
Package containing a C-based lifecycle implementation |
rcl-logging-interface |
rcl-logging-noop |
rcl-logging-spdlog |
rcl-yaml-param-parser |
5.3.6-1 |
Parse a YAML parameter file and populate the C data structure. |
rclc |
rclc-examples |
rclc-lifecycle |
rclc-parameter |
rclcpp |
16.0.7-1 |
The ROS client library in C++. |
rclcpp-action |
16.0.7-1 |
Adds action APIs for C++. |
rclcpp-cascade-lifecycle |
rclcpp-components |
16.0.7-1 |
Package containing tools for dynamically loadable components |
rclcpp-lifecycle |
16.0.7-1 |
Package containing a prototype for lifecycle implementation |
rclpy |
3.3.11-1 |
Package containing the Python client. |
rclpy-message-converter |
rclpy-message-converter-msgs |
rcpputils |
rcss3d-agent |
rcss3d-agent-basic |
rcss3d-agent-msgs |
rcutils |
5.1.4-1 |
Package containing various utility types and functions for C |
reach |
reach-ros |
realsense2-camera |
realsense2-camera-msgs |
realsense2-description |
realtime-tools |
resource-retriever |
rig-reconfigure |
1.4.0-1 |
Standalone GUI tool for editing node parameters at runtime. |
rmf-api-msgs |
rmf-battery |
rmf-building-map-msgs |
rmf-building-map-tools |
rmf-building-sim-common |
rmf-building-sim-gz-classic-plugins |
rmf-building-sim-gz-plugins |
rmf-charger-msgs |
3.0.4-1 |
This package contains messages regarding charging and discharging |
rmf-cmake-uncrustify |
rmf-dispenser-msgs |
3.0.4-1 |
A package containing messages used to interface to dispenser workcells |
rmf-door-msgs |
3.0.4-1 |
Messages used to interface to doors |
rmf-fleet-adapter |
2.1.8-1 |
Fleet Adapter package for RMF fleets. |
rmf-fleet-adapter-python |
2.1.8-1 |
Python bindings for the rmf_fleet_adapter |
rmf-fleet-msgs |
3.0.4-1 |
A package containing messages used to interface to fleet managers |
rmf-ingestor-msgs |
3.0.4-1 |
A package containing messages used to interface to ingestor workcells |
rmf-lift-msgs |
3.0.4-1 |
Messages used to interface to lifts. |
rmf-obstacle-msgs |
3.0.4-1 |
A package containing messages for describing obstacles in the environment |
rmf-robot-sim-common |
rmf-robot-sim-gz-classic-plugins |
rmf-robot-sim-gz-plugins |
rmf-rosdev |
rmf-scheduler-msgs |
3.0.4-1 |
Messages used by rmf_scheduler_msgs |
rmf-site-map-msgs |
3.0.4-1 |
Messages that contain GeoPackage maps |
rmf-task |
2.1.8-1 |
Package for managing tasks in the Robotics Middleware Framework |
rmf-task-msgs |
3.0.4-1 |
A package containing messages used to specify tasks |
rmf-task-ros2 |
2.1.8-1 |
A package managing the dispatching of tasks in RMF system. |
rmf-task-sequence |
2.1.8-1 |
Implementation of phase-sequence tasks for the Robotics Middleware Framework |
rmf-traffic |
3.0.3-1 |
Package for managing traffic in the Robotics Middleware Framework |
rmf-traffic-editor |
rmf-traffic-editor-assets |
rmf-traffic-editor-test-maps |
rmf-traffic-examples |
3.0.3-1 |
Examples of how to use the rmf_traffic library |
rmf-traffic-msgs |
3.0.4-1 |
A package containing messages used by the RMF traffic management system. |
rmf-traffic-ros2 |
2.1.8-1 |
A package containing messages used by the RMF traffic management system. |
rmf-utils |
rmf-visualization |
rmf-visualization-building-systems |
rmf-visualization-fleet-states |
rmf-visualization-floorplans |
rmf-visualization-msgs |
rmf-visualization-navgraphs |
rmf-visualization-obstacles |
rmf-visualization-rviz2-plugins |
rmf-visualization-schedule |
rmf-websocket |
2.1.8-1 |
A package managing the websocket api endpoints in RMF system. |
rmf-workcell-msgs |
3.0.4-1 |
A package containing messages used by all workcells generically to interfact with rmf_core |
rmw |
rmw-connextdds |
rmw-connextdds-common |
rmw-cyclonedds-cpp |
rmw-dds-common |
rmw-fastrtps-cpp |
6.2.5-1 |
Implement the ROS middleware interface using eProsima FastRTPS static code generation in C++. |
rmw-fastrtps-dynamic-cpp |
6.2.5-1 |
Implement the ROS middleware interface using introspection type support. |
rmw-fastrtps-shared-cpp |
6.2.5-1 |
Code shared on static and dynamic type support of rmw_fastrtps_cpp. |
rmw-gurumdds-cpp |
rmw-implementation |
rmw-implementation-cmake |
robot-calibration |
0.8.1-1 |
Calibrate a Robot |
robot-calibration-msgs |
0.8.1-1 |
Messages for calibrating a robot |
robot-controllers |
robot-controllers-interface |
robot-controllers-msgs |
robot-localization |
3.5.2-1 |
Provides nonlinear state estimation through sensor fusion of an abritrary number of sensors. |
robot-state-publisher |
robot-upstart |
robotiq-controllers |
robotiq-description |
robotraconteur |
1.0.0-1 |
The robotraconteur package |
ros-base |
ros-core |
ros-environment |
ros-gz |
0.244.12-1 |
Meta-package containing interfaces for using ROS 2 with <a href="https://gazebosim.org">Gazebo</a> simulation. |
ros-gz-bridge |
0.244.12-1 |
Bridge communication between ROS and Gazebo Transport |
ros-gz-image |
0.244.12-1 |
Image utilities for Gazebo simulation with ROS. |
ros-gz-interfaces |
0.244.12-1 |
Message and service data structures for interacting with Gazebo from ROS2. |
ros-gz-sim |
0.244.12-1 |
Tools for using Gazebo Sim simulation with ROS. |
ros-gz-sim-demos |
0.244.12-1 |
Demos using Gazebo Sim simulation with ROS. |
ros-ign |
0.244.12-1 |
Shim meta-package to redirect to <a href="https://github.com/gazebosim/ros_gz/tree/ros2/ros_gz">ros_gz</a>. |
ros-ign-bridge |
0.244.12-1 |
Shim package to redirect to ros_gz_bridge. |
ros-ign-gazebo |
0.244.12-1 |
Shim package to redirect to ros_gz_sim. |
ros-ign-gazebo-demos |
0.244.12-1 |
Shim package to redirect to ros_gz_sim_demos. |
ros-ign-image |
0.244.12-1 |
Shim package to redirect to ros_gz_image. |
ros-ign-interfaces |
0.244.12-1 |
Shim package to redirect to ros_gz_interfaces. |
ros-image-to-qimage |
ros-industrial-cmake-boilerplate |
ros-testing |
ros-workspace |
ros2-control |
2.36.0-1 |
Metapackage for ROS2 control related packages |
ros2-control-test-assets |
2.36.0-1 |
The package provides shared test resources for ros2_control stack |
ros2-controllers |
2.30.0-1 |
Metapackage for ROS2 controllers related packages |
ros2-controllers-test-nodes |
2.30.0-1 |
Demo nodes for showing and testing functionalities of the ros2_control framework. |
ros2-ouster |
ros2-socketcan |
ros2acceleration |
ros2action |
ros2bag |
ros2cli |
ros2cli-common-extensions |
ros2cli-test-interfaces |
ros2component |
ros2controlcli |
2.36.0-1 |
The ROS 2 command line tools for ROS2 Control. |
ros2doctor |
ros2interface |
ros2launch |
ros2launch-security |
ros2launch-security-examples |
ros2lifecycle |
ros2lifecycle-test-fixtures |
ros2multicast |
ros2node |
ros2nodl |
ros2param |
ros2pkg |
ros2run |
ros2service |
ros2test |
ros2topic |
ros2trace |
ros2trace-analysis |
rosapi |
rosapi-msgs |
rosbag2 |
rosbag2-compression |
rosbag2-compression-zstd |
rosbag2-cpp |
rosbag2-interfaces |
rosbag2-performance-benchmarking |
rosbag2-py |
rosbag2-storage |
rosbag2-storage-default-plugins |
rosbag2-storage-mcap |
rosbag2-storage-mcap-testdata |
rosbag2-test-common |
rosbag2-tests |
rosbag2-transport |
rosbridge-library |
rosbridge-msgs |
rosbridge-server |
rosbridge-suite |
rosbridge-test-msgs |
rosgraph-msgs |
rosidl-adapter |
rosidl-cli |
rosidl-cmake |
rosidl-default-generators |
rosidl-default-runtime |
rosidl-generator-c |
rosidl-generator-cpp |
rosidl-generator-dds-idl |
rosidl-generator-py |
rosidl-parser |
rosidl-runtime-c |
rosidl-runtime-cpp |
rosidl-runtime-py |
rosidl-typesupport-c |
rosidl-typesupport-cpp |
rosidl-typesupport-fastrtps-c |
2.2.2-2 |
Generate the C interfaces for eProsima FastRTPS. |
rosidl-typesupport-fastrtps-cpp |
2.2.2-2 |
Generate the C++ interfaces for eProsima FastRTPS. |
rosidl-typesupport-interface |
rosidl-typesupport-introspection-c |
rosidl-typesupport-introspection-cpp |
rot-conv |
rplidar-ros |
rpyutils |
rqt |
rqt-action |
rqt-bag |
rqt-bag-plugins |
rqt-common-plugins |
rqt-console |
rqt-controller-manager |
2.36.0-1 |
Graphical frontend for interacting with the controller manager. |
rqt-graph |
rqt-gui |
rqt-gui-cpp |
rqt-gui-py |
rqt-image-overlay |
rqt-image-overlay-layer |
rqt-image-view |
rqt-joint-trajectory-controller |
2.30.0-1 |
Graphical frontend for interacting with joint_trajectory_controller instances. |
rqt-moveit |
rqt-msg |
rqt-plot |
rqt-publisher |
rqt-py-common |
rqt-py-console |
rqt-reconfigure |
1.1.2-1 |
This rqt plugin provides a way to view and edit parameters on nodes. |
rqt-robot-dashboard |
rqt-robot-monitor |
rqt-robot-steering |
rqt-runtime-monitor |
rqt-service-caller |
rqt-shell |
rqt-srv |
rqt-tf-tree |
rqt-topic |
rsl |
1.1.0-1 |
ROS Support Library |
rt-manipulators-cpp |
rt-manipulators-examples |
rt-usb-9axisimu-driver |
rtabmap |
0.21.3-1 |
RTAB-Map's standalone library. RTAB-Map is a RGB-D SLAM approach with real-time constraints. |
rtabmap-conversions |
0.21.3-1 |
RTAB-Map's conversions package. This package can be used to convert rtabmap_msgs's msgs into RTAB-Map's library objects. |
rtabmap-demos |
0.21.3-1 |
RTAB-Map's demo launch files. |
rtabmap-examples |
0.21.3-1 |
RTAB-Map's example launch files. |
rtabmap-launch |
0.21.3-1 |
RTAB-Map's main launch files. |
rtabmap-msgs |
0.21.3-1 |
RTAB-Map's msgs package. |
rtabmap-odom |
0.21.3-1 |
RTAB-Map's odometry package. |
rtabmap-python |
0.21.3-1 |
RTAB-Map's python package. |
rtabmap-ros |
0.21.3-1 |
RTAB-Map Stack |
rtabmap-rviz-plugins |
0.21.3-1 |
RTAB-Map's rviz plugins. |
rtabmap-slam |
0.21.3-1 |
RTAB-Map's SLAM package. |
rtabmap-sync |
0.21.3-1 |
RTAB-Map's synchronization package. |
rtabmap-util |
0.21.3-1 |
RTAB-Map's various useful nodes and nodelets. |
rtabmap-viz |
0.21.3-1 |
RTAB-Map's visualization package. |
rtcm-msgs |
rti-connext-dds-cmake-module |
rttest |
ruckig |
rviz-2d-overlay-msgs |
rviz-2d-overlay-plugins |
rviz-assimp-vendor |
11.2.9-1 |
Wrapper around assimp, providing nothing but a dependency on assimp, on some systems. On others, it provides a fixed CMake module or even an ExternalProject build of assimp. |
rviz-common |
11.2.9-1 |
Common rviz API, used by rviz plugins and applications. |
rviz-default-plugins |
11.2.9-1 |
Several default plugins for rviz to cover the basic functionality. |
rviz-imu-plugin |
rviz-ogre-vendor |
11.2.9-1 |
Wrapper around ogre3d, it provides a fixed CMake module and an ExternalProject build of ogre. |
rviz-rendering |
11.2.9-1 |
Library which provides the 3D rendering functionality in rviz. |
rviz-rendering-tests |
11.2.9-1 |
Example plugin for RViz - documents and tests RViz plugin development |
rviz-satellite |
rviz-visual-testing-framework |
11.2.9-1 |
3D testing framework for RViz. |
rviz-visual-tools |
rviz2 |
11.2.9-1 |
3D visualization tool for ROS. |
schunk-svh-description |
schunk-svh-driver |
schunk-svh-library |
schunk-svh-tests |
sdformat-test-files |
sdformat-urdf |
sdl2-vendor |
3.3.0-1 |
Vendor library for SDL2. |
self-test |
sensor-msgs |
sensor-msgs-py |
septentrio-gnss-driver |
1.3.2-2 |
ROSaic: C++ driver for Septentrio's mosaic receivers and beyond |
serial-driver |
shape-msgs |
shared-queues-vendor |
sick-safetyscanners-base |
sick-safetyscanners2 |
sick-safetyscanners2-interfaces |
sick-safevisionary-base |
1.0.1-1 |
The package provides the basic hardware interface to the SICK Safevisionary sensor |
sick-safevisionary-driver |
1.0.3-1 |
Provides an interface to read the sensor output of a SICK Safevisionary sensor in ROS 2 |
sick-safevisionary-interfaces |
1.0.3-1 |
Provides interface descriptions to communicate with a SICK Safevisionary Sensor over ROS 2 |
sick-safevisionary-tests |
1.0.3-1 |
Integration tests for the Sick SafeVisionary2 driver |
simple-actions |
simple-launch |
1.9.0-1 |
Python helper class for the ROS 2 launch system |
simple-term-menu-vendor |
simulation |
slam-toolbox |
slider-publisher |
2.3.0-1 |
This packages proposes a slider-based publisher node similar to the joint_state_publisher, but that can publish any type of message or call services. |
smacc2 |
smacc2-msgs |
smach |
smach-msgs |
smach-ros |
smclib |
snowbot-operating-system |
soccer-interfaces |
soccer-marker-generation |
soccer-object-msgs |
soccer-vision-2d-msgs |
soccer-vision-3d-msgs |
soccer-vision-attribute-msgs |
social-nav-msgs |
social-nav-util |
sol-vendor |
sophus |
spacenav |
3.3.0-1 |
ROS interface to the 3Dconnexion SpaceNavigator 6DOF joystick. |
spdlog-vendor |
spinnaker-camera-driver |
2.0.8-2 |
ROS2 driver for flir spinnaker sdk |
splsm-7 |
splsm-7-conversion |
sqlite3-vendor |
srdfdom |
sros2 |
sros2-cmake |
statistics-msgs |
std-msgs |
std-srvs |
steering-controllers-library |
2.30.0-1 |
Package for steering robot configurations including odometry and interfaces. |
stereo-image-proc |
stereo-msgs |
stomp |
stubborn-buddies |
stubborn-buddies-msgs |
swri-cli-tools |
swri-console |
swri-console-util |
swri-dbw-interface |
swri-geometry-util |
swri-image-util |
swri-math-util |
swri-opencv-util |
swri-prefix-tools |
swri-roscpp |
swri-route-util |
swri-serial-util |
swri-system-util |
swri-transform-util |
system-fingerprint |
system-modes |
system-modes-examples |
system-modes-msgs |
tango-icons-vendor |
tcb-span |
teleop-tools |
1.5.0-1 |
A set of generic teleoperation tools for any robot. |
teleop-tools-msgs |
1.5.0-1 |
The teleop_tools_msgs package |
teleop-twist-joy |
teleop-twist-keyboard |
tensorrt-cmake-module |
test-apex-test-tools |
test-interface-files |
test-msgs |
tf-transformations |
tf2 |
0.25.5-1 |
tf2 is the second generation of the transform library, which lets the user keep track of multiple coordinate frames over time. tf2 maintains the relationship between coordinate frames in a tree structure buffered in time, and lets the user transform points, vectors, etc between any two coordinate frames at any desired point in time. |
tf2-bullet |
0.25.5-1 |
tf2_bullet |
tf2-eigen |
0.25.5-1 |
tf2_eigen |
tf2-eigen-kdl |
0.25.5-1 |
Conversion functions between: - Eigen and KDL |
tf2-geometry-msgs |
0.25.5-1 |
tf2_geometry_msgs |
tf2-kdl |
0.25.5-1 |
KDL binding for tf2 |
tf2-msgs |
0.25.5-1 |
tf2_msgs |
tf2-py |
0.25.5-1 |
The tf2_py package |
tf2-ros |
0.25.5-1 |
This package contains the C++ ROS bindings for the tf2 library |
tf2-ros-py |
0.25.5-1 |
This package contains the ROS Python bindings for the tf2 library |
tf2-sensor-msgs |
0.25.5-1 |
Small lib to transform sensor_msgs with tf. Most notably, PointCloud2 |
tf2-tools |
0.25.5-1 |
tf2_tools |
theora-image-transport |
tiago-2dnav |
4.0.9-1 |
TIAGo-specific launch files needed to run navigation on a TIAGo robot. |
tiago-bringup |
4.0.28-1 |
Launch files to upload the robot description and start the controllers |
tiago-controller-configuration |
4.0.28-1 |
Configuration and launch files of TIAGo's controllers |
tiago-description |
4.0.28-1 |
This package contains the description (mechanical, kinematic, visual, etc.) of the TIAGO robot. The files in this package are parsed and used by a variety of other components. Most users will not interact directly with this package. |
tiago-gazebo |
4.0.7-1 |
The tiago_gazebo package |
tiago-laser-sensors |
4.0.9-1 |
Launch files and scripts needed to bring up the ROS nodes of a TIAGo robot. |
tiago-moveit-config |
3.0.7-1 |
An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the tiago with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework |
tiago-navigation |
4.0.9-1 |
TIAGo navigation metapackage |
tiago-robot |
4.0.28-1 |
Description and controller configuration of TIAGo |
tiago-simulation |
4.0.7-1 |
The tiago_simulation package |
tile-map |
tinyspline-vendor |
tinyxml-vendor |
tinyxml2-vendor |
0.7.6-1 |
Wrapper around tinyxml2, providing nothing but a dependency on tinyxml2, on some systems. On others, it provides a fixed CMake module or even an ExternalProject build of tinyxml2. |
tl-expected |
tlsf |
tlsf-cpp |
topic-based-ros2-control |
topic-monitor |
topic-statistics-demo |
topic-tools |
1.1.1-1 |
Tools for directing, throttling, selecting, and otherwise messing with ROS 2 topics at a meta level. |
topic-tools-interfaces |
1.1.1-1 |
topic_tools_interfaces contains messages and services for topic_tools |
tracetools |
tracetools-acceleration |
tracetools-analysis |
tracetools-image-pipeline |
tracetools-launch |
tracetools-read |
tracetools-test |
tracetools-trace |
trajectory-msgs |
transmission-interface |
2.36.0-1 |
transmission_interface contains data structures for representing mechanical transmissions, methods for propagating values between actuator and joint spaces and tooling to support this. |
tricycle-controller |
2.30.0-1 |
Controller for a tricycle drive mobile base |
tricycle-steering-controller |
2.30.0-1 |
Steering controller with tricycle kinematics. Rear fixed wheels are powering the vehicle and front wheel is steering. |
turbojpeg-compressed-image-transport |
turtle-tf2-cpp |
turtle-tf2-py |
turtlebot3 |
turtlebot3-bringup |
turtlebot3-cartographer |
turtlebot3-description |
turtlebot3-example |
turtlebot3-fake-node |
turtlebot3-gazebo |
turtlebot3-manipulation |
turtlebot3-manipulation-bringup |
turtlebot3-manipulation-cartographer |
turtlebot3-manipulation-description |
turtlebot3-manipulation-hardware |
turtlebot3-manipulation-moveit-config |
turtlebot3-manipulation-navigation2 |
turtlebot3-manipulation-teleop |
turtlebot3-msgs |
turtlebot3-navigation2 |
turtlebot3-node |
turtlebot3-simulations |
turtlebot3-teleop |
turtlebot4-base |
1.0.2-1 |
Turtlebot4 Base Node |
turtlebot4-bringup |
1.0.2-1 |
Turtlebot4 Robot Bringup |
turtlebot4-cpp-tutorials |
turtlebot4-description |
1.0.4-1 |
Turtlebot4 Description package |
turtlebot4-desktop |
turtlebot4-diagnostics |
1.0.2-1 |
Turtlebot4 Diagnostics |
turtlebot4-ignition-bringup |
1.0.1-1 |
TurtleBot 4 Ignition Simulator bringup |
turtlebot4-ignition-gui-plugins |
1.0.1-1 |
Turtlebot4 Ignition Simulator GUI Plugins |
turtlebot4-ignition-toolbox |
1.0.1-1 |
Turtlebot4 Ignition Toolbox |
turtlebot4-msgs |
1.0.4-1 |
Turtlebot4 Messages |
turtlebot4-navigation |
1.0.4-1 |
Turtlebot4 Navigation |
turtlebot4-node |
1.0.4-1 |
Turtlebot4 Node |
turtlebot4-python-tutorials |
turtlebot4-robot |
1.0.2-1 |
Turtlebot4 Robot Metapackage |
turtlebot4-setup |
1.0.3-1 |
Turtlebot4 setup scripts |
turtlebot4-simulator |
1.0.1-1 |
TODO: Package description |
turtlebot4-tests |
1.0.2-1 |
Turtlebot4 System Tests |
turtlebot4-tutorials |
turtlebot4-viz |
turtlesim |
tuw-airskin-msgs |
tuw-geometry |
tuw-geometry-msgs |
tuw-msgs |
tuw-multi-robot-msgs |
tuw-nav-msgs |
tuw-object-msgs |
tvm-vendor |
twist-mux |
4.3.0-1 |
Twist multiplexer, which multiplex several velocity commands (topics) and allows to priorize or disable them (locks). |
twist-mux-msgs |
twist-stamper |
ublox |
ublox-dgnss |
0.5.2-1 |
Provides a ublox_dgnss node for a u-blox GPS DGNSS receiver using Gen 9 UBX Protocol |
ublox-dgnss-node |
0.5.2-1 |
Provides a ublox_gnss node for a u-blox GPS GNSS receiver using Gen 9 UBX Protocol |
ublox-gps |
ublox-msgs |
ublox-nav-sat-fix-hp-node |
0.5.2-1 |
Provides a NavSatFix node for a u-blox GPS GNSS receiver using Gen 9 UBX Protocol |
ublox-serialization |
ublox-ubx-interfaces |
0.5.2-1 |
UBLOX UBX Interfaces |
ublox-ubx-msgs |
0.5.2-1 |
udp-driver |
udp-msgs |
uncrustify-vendor |
unique-identifier-msgs |
ur |
2.2.10-1 |
Metapackage for universal robots |
ur-bringup |
2.2.10-1 |
Launch file and run-time configurations, e.g. controllers. |
ur-calibration |
2.2.10-1 |
Package for extracting the factory calibration from a UR robot and change it such that it can be used by ur_description to gain a correct URDF |
ur-client-library |
ur-controllers |
2.2.10-1 |
Provides controllers that use the speed scaling interface of Universal Robots. |
ur-dashboard-msgs |
2.2.10-1 |
Messages around the UR Dashboard server. |
ur-description |
2.1.3-1 |
URDF description for Universal Robots |
ur-moveit-config |
2.2.10-1 |
An example package with MoveIt2 configurations for UR robots. |
ur-msgs |
ur-robot-driver |
2.2.10-1 |
The new driver for Universal Robots UR3, UR5 and UR10 robots with CB3 controllers and the e-series. |
urdf |
urdf-launch |
urdf-parser-plugin |
urdf-sim-tutorial |
urdf-test |
2.0.2-1 |
The urdf_test package |
urdf-tutorial |
urdfdom |
urdfdom-headers |
urdfdom-py |
urg-c |
urg-node |
urg-node-msgs |
usb-cam |
0.8.0-1 |
A ROS Driver for V4L USB Cameras |
v4l2-camera |
velocity-controllers |
2.30.0-1 |
Generic controller for forwarding commands. |
velodyne |
velodyne-description |
velodyne-driver |
velodyne-gazebo-plugins |
velodyne-laserscan |
velodyne-msgs |
velodyne-pointcloud |
velodyne-simulator |
vision-msgs |
vision-msgs-layers |
vision-msgs-rviz-plugins |
vision-opencv |
visp |
visualization-msgs |
vitis-common |
vrpn |
vrpn-mocap |
wall-follower-ros2 |
warehouse-ros |
warehouse-ros-sqlite |
webots-ros2 |
webots-ros2-control |
webots-ros2-driver |
webots-ros2-epuck |
webots-ros2-importer |
webots-ros2-mavic |
webots-ros2-msgs |
webots-ros2-tesla |
webots-ros2-tests |
webots-ros2-tiago |
webots-ros2-turtlebot |
webots-ros2-universal-robot |
weight-scale-interfaces |
wiimote |
3.3.0-1 |
The wiimote package allows ROS nodes to communicate with a Nintendo Wiimote and its related peripherals, including the Nunchuk, Motion Plus, and (experimentally) the Classic. The package implements a ROS node that uses Bluetooth to communicate with the Wiimote device, obtaining accelerometer and gyro data, the state of LEDs, the IR camera, rumble (vibrator), buttons, joystick, and battery state. The node additionally enables ROS nodes to control the Wiimote's LEDs and vibration for feedback to the human Wiimote operator. LEDs and vibration may be switched on and off, or made to operate according to a timed pattern. |
wiimote-msgs |
3.3.0-1 |
Messages used by wiimote package. |
wireless-msgs |
wireless-watcher |
xacro |
xsimd |
11.2.0+gitX |
xtensor |
0.24.7+gitX |
xtl |
0.7.7+gitX |
yaml-cpp-vendor |
zbar-ros |
zenoh-bridge-dds |
zlib-point-cloud-transport |
1.0.9-1 |
zlib_point_cloud_transport provides a plugin to point_cloud_transport for sending point clouds encoded with zlib |
zmqpp-vendor |
zstd-point-cloud-transport |
1.0.9-1 |
zstd_point_cloud_transport provides a plugin to point_cloud_transport for sending point clouds encoded with lib |
zstd-vendor |