acado-vendor |
ackermann-msgs |
ackermann-steering-controller |
action-msgs |
action-tutorials-cpp |
action-tutorials-interfaces |
action-tutorials-py |
actionlib-msgs |
actuator-msgs |
adaptive-component |
admittance-controller |
ament-acceleration |
ament-clang-format |
ament-clang-tidy |
ament-cmake |
ament-cmake-auto |
ament-cmake-catch2 |
ament-cmake-clang-format |
ament-cmake-clang-tidy |
ament-cmake-copyright |
ament-cmake-core |
ament-cmake-cppcheck |
ament-cmake-cpplint |
ament-cmake-export-definitions |
ament-cmake-export-dependencies |
ament-cmake-export-include-directories |
ament-cmake-export-interfaces |
ament-cmake-export-libraries |
ament-cmake-export-link-flags |
ament-cmake-export-targets |
ament-cmake-flake8 |
ament-cmake-gen-version-h |
ament-cmake-gmock |
ament-cmake-google-benchmark |
ament-cmake-gtest |
ament-cmake-include-directories |
ament-cmake-libraries |
ament-cmake-lint-cmake |
ament-cmake-mypy |
ament-cmake-pclint |
ament-cmake-pep257 |
ament-cmake-pycodestyle |
ament-cmake-pyflakes |
ament-cmake-pytest |
ament-cmake-python |
ament-cmake-ros |
ament-cmake-target-dependencies |
ament-cmake-test |
ament-cmake-uncrustify |
ament-cmake-vendor-package |
ament-cmake-version |
ament-cmake-xmllint |
ament-copyright |
ament-cppcheck |
ament-cpplint |
ament-download |
ament-flake8 |
ament-index-cpp |
ament-index-python |
ament-lint |
ament-lint-auto |
ament-lint-cmake |
ament-lint-common |
ament-mypy |
ament-nodl |
ament-package |
ament-pclint |
ament-pep257 |
ament-pycodestyle |
ament-pyflakes |
ament-uncrustify |
ament-vitis |
ament-xmllint |
angles |
apex-test-tools |
apriltag |
apriltag-msgs |
apriltag-ros |
aruco-opencv |
aruco-opencv-msgs |
asio-cmake-module |
async-web-server-cpp |
automotive-autonomy-msgs |
automotive-navigation-msgs |
automotive-platform-msgs |
autoware-auto-msgs |
avt-vimba-camera |
aws-robomaker-small-warehouse-world |
aws-sdk-cpp-vendor |
backward-ros |
bag2-to-image |
behaviortree-cpp-v3 |
bicycle-steering-controller |
bno055 |
bond |
bond-core |
bondcpp |
boost-geometry-util |
bosch-locator-bridge |
box2d |
git |
2D physics engine |
builtin-interfaces |
camera-calibration |
camera-calibration-parsers |
camera-info-manager |
can-msgs |
canopen |
canopen-402-driver |
canopen-base-driver |
canopen-core |
canopen-fake-slaves |
canopen-interfaces |
canopen-master-driver |
canopen-proxy-driver |
canopen-ros2-control |
canopen-ros2-controllers |
canopen-tests |
canopen-utils |
cartographer |
cartographer-ros |
cartographer-ros-msgs |
cartographer-rviz |
cascade-lifecycle-msgs |
catch-ros2 |
0.2.0-1 |
Catch2 testing framework for ROS 2 unit and integration tests. |
chomp-motion-planner |
class-loader |
classic-bags |
cmake |
3.22.3 |
Cross-platform, open-source make system |
cmake-native |
3.22.3 |
Cross-platform, open-source make system |
color-names |
color-util |
common-interfaces |
composition |
composition-interfaces |
compressed-depth-image-transport |
compressed-image-transport |
console-bridge-vendor |
control-box-rst |
control-msgs |
control-toolbox |
controller-interface |
controller-manager |
controller-manager-msgs |
crazyflie-cpp |
0.0.1+gitX |
C++ Library to communicate with Bitcraze Crazyflie |
cudnn-cmake-module |
cv-bridge |
cyclonedds |
delphi-esr-msgs |
delphi-mrr-msgs |
delphi-srr-msgs |
demo-nodes-cpp |
demo-nodes-cpp-rosnative |
demo-nodes-py |
depth-image-proc |
depthimage-to-laserscan |
derived-object-msgs |
desktop |
desktop-full |
diagnostic-aggregator |
diagnostic-common-diagnostics |
diagnostic-msgs |
diagnostic-updater |
diagnostics |
diff-drive-controller |
dolly |
dolly-follow |
dolly-gazebo |
dolly-ignition |
domain-bridge |
domain-coordinator |
draco |
1.5.6+gitX |
Draco is a library for compressing and decompressing 3D geometric meshes and point clouds. It is intended to improve the storage and transmission of 3D graphics. |
draco-point-cloud-transport |
dual-arm-panda-moveit-config |
dummy-map-server |
dummy-robot-bringup |
dummy-sensors |
dynamic-edt-3d |
dynamixel-hardware |
dynamixel-sdk |
dynamixel-sdk-custom-interfaces |
dynamixel-sdk-examples |
dynamixel-workbench |
dynamixel-workbench-msgs |
dynamixel-workbench-toolbox |
ecal |
ecl-build |
ecl-command-line |
ecl-concepts |
ecl-config |
ecl-console |
ecl-containers |
ecl-converters |
ecl-converters-lite |
ecl-core |
ecl-core-apps |
ecl-devices |
ecl-eigen |
ecl-errors |
ecl-exceptions |
ecl-filesystem |
ecl-formatters |
ecl-geometry |
ecl-io |
ecl-ipc |
ecl-license |
ecl-linear-algebra |
ecl-lite |
ecl-manipulators |
ecl-math |
ecl-mobile-robot |
ecl-mpl |
ecl-sigslots |
ecl-sigslots-lite |
ecl-statistics |
ecl-streams |
ecl-threads |
ecl-time |
ecl-time-lite |
ecl-tools |
ecl-type-traits |
ecl-utilities |
effort-controllers |
eigen-stl-containers |
eigen3-cmake-module |
eigenpy |
event-camera-codecs |
event-camera-msgs |
event-camera-py |
event-camera-renderer |
example-interfaces |
examples-rclcpp-async-client |
examples-rclcpp-cbg-executor |
examples-rclcpp-minimal-action-client |
examples-rclcpp-minimal-action-server |
examples-rclcpp-minimal-client |
examples-rclcpp-minimal-composition |
examples-rclcpp-minimal-publisher |
examples-rclcpp-minimal-service |
examples-rclcpp-minimal-subscriber |
examples-rclcpp-minimal-timer |
examples-rclcpp-multithreaded-executor |
examples-rclcpp-wait-set |
examples-rclpy-executors |
examples-rclpy-guard-conditions |
examples-rclpy-minimal-action-client |
examples-rclpy-minimal-action-server |
examples-rclpy-minimal-client |
examples-rclpy-minimal-publisher |
examples-rclpy-minimal-service |
examples-rclpy-minimal-subscriber |
examples-rclpy-pointcloud-publisher |
examples-tf2-py |
executive-smach |
fastcdr |
fastrtps |
fastrtps-cmake-module |
filters |
find-object-2d |
fluent-rviz |
fmi-adapter |
fmi-adapter-examples |
fmilibrary-vendor |
foonathan-memory-vendor |
force-torque-sensor-broadcaster |
forward-command-controller |
four-wheel-steering-msgs |
foxglove-bridge |
0.7.3-1 |
ROS Foxglove Bridge |
foxglove-msgs |
fuse |
fuse-constraints |
fuse-core |
fuse-doc |
fuse-graphs |
fuse-loss |
fuse-models |
fuse-msgs |
fuse-optimizers |
fuse-publishers |
fuse-ros |
1.0.1-2 |
The fuse metapackage. |
fuse-ros-doc |
1.0.1-2 |
The fuse_doc package provides documentation and examples for the fuse package. |
fuse-tutorials |
fuse-variables |
fuse-viz |
gazebo-msgs |
gazebo-plugins |
gazebo-ros |
gazebo-ros-pkgs |
gazebo-ros2-control |
gazebo-ros2-control-demos |
gazebo-rosdev |
gc-spl-2022 |
generate-parameter-library |
generate-parameter-library-example |
generate-parameter-library-py |
generate-parameter-module-example |
geodesy |
geographic-info |
geographic-msgs |
geometric-shapes |
geometry-msgs |
geometry-tutorials |
geometry2 |
gmock-vendor |
google-benchmark-vendor |
gps-msgs |
gps-tools |
gps-umd |
gpsd-client |
graph-msgs |
grbl-msgs |
grbl-ros |
gripper-controllers |
gscam |
gtest-vendor |
gtsam |
gurumdds-cmake-module |
gz-ros2-control |
gz-ros2-control-demos |
hardware-interface |
hash-library-vendor |
heaphook |
hls-lfcd-lds-driver |
hpp-fcl |
ibeo-msgs |
iceoryx-binding-c |
iceoryx-hoofs |
iceoryx-posh |
ifm3d-core |
ignition-cmake2-vendor |
ignition-math6-vendor |
image-common |
image-geometry |
image-pipeline |
image-proc |
image-publisher |
image-rotate |
image-tools |
image-transport |
image-transport-plugins |
image-view |
imu-complementary-filter |
imu-filter-madgwick |
imu-sensor-broadcaster |
imu-tools |
interactive-marker-twist-server |
2.1.0-1 |
Interactive control for generic Twist-based robots using interactive markers |
interactive-markers |
intra-process-demo |
io-context |
irobot-create-msgs |
joint-limits |
joint-state-broadcaster |
joint-state-publisher |
joint-state-publisher-gui |
joint-trajectory-controller |
joy |
3.3.0-1 |
The joy package contains joy_node, a node that interfaces a generic joystick to ROS 2. This node publishes a "Joy" message, which contains the current state of each one of the joystick's buttons and axes. |
joy-linux |
3.3.0-1 |
ROS2 driver for a generic Linux joystick. Will contain a MacOS and Windows version later. The joy package contains joy_node, a node that interfaces a generic Linux joystick to ROS2. This node publishes a "Joy" message, which contains the current state of each one of the joystick's buttons and axes. |
joy-teleop |
joy-tester |
kartech-linear-actuator-msgs |
kdl-parser |
key-teleop |
keyboard-handler |
kinematics-interface |
kinematics-interface-kdl |
kinova-gen3-6dof-robotiq-2f-85-moveit-config |
kinova-gen3-7dof-robotiq-2f-85-moveit-config |
kobuki-core |
kobuki-ros-interfaces |
kobuki-velocity-smoother |
kortex-api |
kortex-bringup |
kortex-description |
kortex-driver |
lanelet2 |
lanelet2-core |
lanelet2-examples |
lanelet2-io |
lanelet2-maps |
lanelet2-matching |
lanelet2-projection |
lanelet2-python |
lanelet2-routing |
lanelet2-traffic-rules |
lanelet2-validation |
laser-filters |
laser-geometry |
laser-proc |
launch |
launch-param-builder |
launch-pytest |
launch-ros |
launch-system-modes |
launch-testing |
launch-testing-ament-cmake |
launch-testing-examples |
launch-testing-ros |
launch-xml |
launch-yaml |
lely-core |
2.3.2+gitX |
A collection of C and C++ libraries and tools, providing hih-performance I/O and sensor/actuator control for robotics and IoT applications |
lely-core-libraries |
lgsvl-msgs |
libcurl-vendor |
libg2o |
libmavconn |
libnabo |
libphidget22 |
libphidget22-upstream |
1.13.20230224 |
This package wraps the libphidget22 to use it as a ROS dependency |
libpointmatcher |
libstatistics-collector |
1.6.3-1 |
Lightweight aggregation utilities to collect statistics and measure message metrics. |
libtins |
4.4 |
packet crafting and sniffing library |
libyaml-vendor |
lifecycle |
lifecycle-msgs |
lifecycle-py |
logging-demo |
magic-enum |
map-msgs |
mapviz |
mapviz-interfaces |
mapviz-plugins |
marti-can-msgs |
marti-common-msgs |
marti-dbw-msgs |
marti-introspection-msgs |
marti-nav-msgs |
marti-perception-msgs |
marti-sensor-msgs |
marti-status-msgs |
marti-visualization-msgs |
mavlink |
mavros |
mavros-extras |
mavros-msgs |
mcap-vendor |
menge-vendor |
message-filters |
message-tf-frame-transformer |
metavision-driver |
micro-ros-diagnostic-bridge |
micro-ros-diagnostic-msgs |
micro-ros-msgs |
microstrain-inertial-driver |
microstrain-inertial-examples |
microstrain-inertial-msgs |
microstrain-inertial-rqt |
mimick-vendor |
mobileye-560-660-msgs |
mola-common |
mola-demos |
mola-imu-preintegration |
mola-input-euroc-dataset |
mola-input-kitti-dataset |
mola-input-rawlog |
mola-input-ros2 |
mola-kernel |
mola-launcher |
mola-test-datasets |
mola-viz |
mola-yaml |
mouse-teleop |
moveit |
moveit-chomp-optimizer-adapter |
moveit-common |
moveit-configs-utils |
moveit-core |
moveit-hybrid-planning |
moveit-kinematics |
moveit-msgs |
moveit-planners |
moveit-planners-chomp |
moveit-planners-ompl |
moveit-planners-stomp |
moveit-plugins |
moveit-py |
moveit-resources |
moveit-resources-fanuc-description |
moveit-resources-fanuc-moveit-config |
moveit-resources-panda-description |
moveit-resources-panda-moveit-config |
moveit-resources-pr2-description |
moveit-resources-prbt-ikfast-manipulator-plugin |
moveit-resources-prbt-moveit-config |
moveit-resources-prbt-pg70-support |
moveit-resources-prbt-support |
moveit-ros |
moveit-ros-benchmarks |
moveit-ros-control-interface |
moveit-ros-move-group |
moveit-ros-occupancy-map-monitor |
moveit-ros-perception |
moveit-ros-planning |
moveit-ros-planning-interface |
moveit-ros-robot-interaction |
moveit-ros-visualization |
moveit-ros-warehouse |
moveit-runtime |
moveit-servo |
moveit-setup-app-plugins |
moveit-setup-assistant |
moveit-setup-controllers |
moveit-setup-core-plugins |
moveit-setup-framework |
moveit-setup-srdf-plugins |
moveit-simple-controller-manager |
moveit-visual-tools |
mp2p-icp |
mqtt-client |
mqtt-client-interfaces |
mrpt-msgs |
mrpt-path-planning |
mrpt2 |
2.11.2-1 |
Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (MRPT) version 2.x |
mrt-cmake-modules |
multires-image |
mvsim |
nao-button-sim |
nao-command-msgs |
nao-lola |
nao-lola-client |
nao-lola-command-msgs |
nao-lola-conversion |
nao-lola-sensor-msgs |
nao-sensor-msgs |
nav-msgs |
neo-simulation2 |
neobotix-usboard-msgs |
nlohmann-json-schema-validator-vendor |
nmea-hardware-interface |
nmea-msgs |
nmea-navsat-driver |
nodl-python |
nodl-to-policy |
novatel-gps-driver |
novatel-gps-msgs |
ntpd-driver |
ntrip-client |
object-recognition-msgs |
octomap |
octomap-mapping |
octomap-msgs |
octomap-ros |
octomap-rviz-plugins |
octomap-server |
octovis |
odom-to-tf-ros2 |
ompl |
open3d-conversions |
openni2-camera |
orocos-kdl-vendor |
osqp-vendor |
osrf-pycommon |
osrf-testing-tools-cpp |
ouster-msgs |
ouxt-common |
ouxt-lint-common |
packagegroup-ros-world-rolling |
1.0 |
All non-test packages for the target from files/rolling/cache.yaml |
pal-statistics |
pal-statistics-msgs |
parameter-traits |
pcl-conversions |
pcl-msgs |
pcl-ros |
pendulum-control |
pendulum-msgs |
perception |
perception-pcl |
performance-test |
performance-test-fixture |
phidgets-accelerometer |
phidgets-analog-inputs |
phidgets-analog-outputs |
phidgets-api |
phidgets-digital-inputs |
phidgets-digital-outputs |
phidgets-drivers |
phidgets-gyroscope |
phidgets-high-speed-encoder |
phidgets-ik |
phidgets-magnetometer |
phidgets-motors |
phidgets-msgs |
phidgets-spatial |
phidgets-temperature |
pick-ik |
picknik-ament-copyright |
picknik-reset-fault-controller |
picknik-twist-controller |
pilz-industrial-motion-planner |
pilz-industrial-motion-planner-testutils |
pinocchio |
plotjuggler |
plotjuggler-msgs |
plotjuggler-ros |
pluginlib |
point-cloud-interfaces |
point-cloud-msg-wrapper |
point-cloud-transport |
point-cloud-transport-plugins |
point-cloud-transport-py |
point-cloud-transport-tutorial |
0.0.1-1 |
Tutorial for point_cloud_transport. |
pointcloud-to-laserscan |
polygon-demos |
polygon-msgs |
polygon-rviz-plugins |
polygon-utils |
pose-cov-ops |
position-controllers |
proxsuite |
py-trees |
py-trees-js |
py-trees-ros |
py-trees-ros-interfaces |
pybind11-json-vendor |
pybind11-vendor |
python-cmake-module |
python-orocos-kdl-vendor |
python-qt-binding |
qpoases-vendor |
qt-dotgraph |
qt-gui |
qt-gui-app |
qt-gui-core |
qt-gui-cpp |
qt-gui-py-common |
quality-of-service-demo-cpp |
quality-of-service-demo-py |
quaternion-operation |
r2r-spl-7 |
radar-msgs |
random-numbers |
range-sensor-broadcaster |
range-v3 |
0.12.0+gitX |
rc-common-msgs |
rc-dynamics-api |
rc-genicam-api |
rc-genicam-driver |
rc-reason-clients |
rc-reason-msgs |
rcdiscover |
rcgcd-spl-14 |
rcgcd-spl-14-conversion |
rcgcrd-spl-4 |
rcgcrd-spl-4-conversion |
rcl |
rcl-action |
rcl-interfaces |
rcl-lifecycle |
rcl-logging-interface |
rcl-logging-noop |
rcl-logging-spdlog |
rcl-yaml-param-parser |
rclc |
rclc-examples |
rclc-lifecycle |
rclc-parameter |
rclcpp |
rclcpp-action |
rclcpp-cascade-lifecycle |
rclcpp-components |
rclcpp-lifecycle |
rclpy |
rclpy-message-converter |
rclpy-message-converter-msgs |
rcpputils |
rcss3d-agent |
rcss3d-agent-basic |
rcss3d-agent-msgs |
rcss3d-agent-msgs-to-soccer-interfaces |
rcss3d-nao |
rcutils |
realtime-tools |
resource-retriever |
rig-reconfigure |
rmf-api-msgs |
rmf-battery |
rmf-building-map-msgs |
rmf-building-map-tools |
rmf-building-sim-common |
rmf-building-sim-gz-classic-plugins |
rmf-building-sim-gz-plugins |
rmf-charger-msgs |
rmf-cmake-uncrustify |
rmf-dispenser-msgs |
rmf-door-msgs |
rmf-fleet-adapter |
rmf-fleet-adapter-python |
rmf-fleet-msgs |
rmf-ingestor-msgs |
rmf-lift-msgs |
rmf-obstacle-msgs |
rmf-robot-sim-common |
rmf-robot-sim-gz-classic-plugins |
rmf-robot-sim-gz-plugins |
rmf-rosdev |
rmf-scheduler-msgs |
rmf-site-map-msgs |
rmf-task |
rmf-task-msgs |
rmf-task-ros2 |
rmf-task-sequence |
rmf-traffic |
rmf-traffic-editor |
rmf-traffic-editor-assets |
rmf-traffic-editor-test-maps |
rmf-traffic-examples |
rmf-traffic-msgs |
rmf-traffic-ros2 |
rmf-utils |
rmf-visualization |
rmf-visualization-building-systems |
rmf-visualization-fleet-states |
rmf-visualization-floorplans |
rmf-visualization-msgs |
rmf-visualization-navgraphs |
rmf-visualization-obstacles |
rmf-visualization-rviz2-plugins |
rmf-visualization-schedule |
rmf-websocket |
rmf-workcell-msgs |
rmw |
rmw-connextdds |
rmw-connextdds-common |
rmw-cyclonedds-cpp |
rmw-dds-common |
rmw-fastrtps-cpp |
rmw-fastrtps-dynamic-cpp |
rmw-fastrtps-shared-cpp |
rmw-gurumdds-cpp |
rmw-implementation |
rmw-implementation-cmake |
robot-calibration |
robot-calibration-msgs |
robot-localization |
robot-state-publisher |
robotiq-controllers |
robotiq-description |
ros-base |
ros-core |
ros-environment |
ros-gz |
ros-gz-bridge |
ros-gz-image |
ros-gz-interfaces |
ros-gz-sim |
ros-gz-sim-demos |
ros-ign |
ros-ign-bridge |
ros-ign-gazebo |
ros-ign-gazebo-demos |
ros-ign-image |
ros-ign-interfaces |
ros-image-to-qimage |
ros-industrial-cmake-boilerplate |
ros-testing |
ros-workspace |
ros2-control |
ros2-control-test-assets |
ros2-controllers |
ros2-controllers-test-nodes |
ros2-ouster |
ros2-socketcan |
ros2-socketcan-msgs |
ros2acceleration |
ros2action |
ros2bag |
ros2cli |
ros2cli-common-extensions |
ros2cli-test-interfaces |
ros2component |
ros2controlcli |
ros2doctor |
ros2interface |
ros2launch |
ros2launch-security |
ros2launch-security-examples |
ros2lifecycle |
ros2lifecycle-test-fixtures |
ros2multicast |
ros2node |
ros2nodl |
ros2param |
ros2pkg |
ros2run |
ros2service |
ros2test |
ros2topic |
ros2trace |
ros2trace-analysis |
rosapi |
rosapi-msgs |
rosbag2 |
rosbag2-compression |
rosbag2-compression-zstd |
rosbag2-cpp |
rosbag2-examples-cpp |
rosbag2-examples-py |
rosbag2-interfaces |
rosbag2-performance-benchmarking |
rosbag2-performance-benchmarking-msgs |
rosbag2-py |
rosbag2-storage |
rosbag2-storage-default-plugins |
rosbag2-storage-mcap |
rosbag2-storage-sqlite3 |
rosbag2-test-common |
rosbag2-test-msgdefs |
rosbag2-tests |
rosbag2-transport |
rosbridge-library |
rosbridge-msgs |
rosbridge-server |
rosbridge-suite |
rosbridge-test-msgs |
rosgraph-msgs |
rosidl-adapter |
rosidl-cli |
rosidl-cmake |
rosidl-core-generators |
rosidl-core-runtime |
rosidl-default-generators |
rosidl-default-runtime |
rosidl-dynamic-typesupport |
rosidl-dynamic-typesupport-fastrtps |
rosidl-generator-c |
rosidl-generator-cpp |
rosidl-generator-dds-idl |
rosidl-generator-py |
rosidl-generator-type-description |
rosidl-parser |
rosidl-pycommon |
rosidl-runtime-c |
rosidl-runtime-cpp |
rosidl-runtime-py |
rosidl-typesupport-c |
rosidl-typesupport-cpp |
rosidl-typesupport-fastrtps-c |
rosidl-typesupport-fastrtps-cpp |
rosidl-typesupport-interface |
rosidl-typesupport-introspection-c |
rosidl-typesupport-introspection-cpp |
rot-conv |
rplidar-ros |
rpyutils |
rqt |
rqt-action |
rqt-bag |
rqt-bag-plugins |
rqt-common-plugins |
rqt-console |
rqt-controller-manager |
rqt-graph |
rqt-gui |
rqt-gui-cpp |
rqt-gui-py |
rqt-image-overlay |
rqt-image-overlay-layer |
rqt-image-view |
rqt-joint-trajectory-controller |
rqt-moveit |
rqt-msg |
rqt-plot |
rqt-publisher |
rqt-py-common |
rqt-py-console |
rqt-reconfigure |
rqt-robot-dashboard |
rqt-robot-monitor |
rqt-robot-steering |
rqt-runtime-monitor |
rqt-service-caller |
rqt-shell |
rqt-srv |
rqt-tf-tree |
rqt-topic |
rsl |
rt-manipulators-cpp |
rt-manipulators-examples |
rtabmap |
rtcm-msgs |
rti-connext-dds-cmake-module |
rttest |
ruckig |
rviz-2d-overlay-msgs |
rviz-2d-overlay-plugins |
rviz-assimp-vendor |
rviz-common |
rviz-default-plugins |
rviz-imu-plugin |
rviz-ogre-vendor |
rviz-rendering |
rviz-rendering-tests |
rviz-visual-testing-framework |
rviz-visual-tools |
rviz2 |
sdformat-test-files |
sdformat-urdf |
sdl2-vendor |
3.3.0-1 |
Vendor library for SDL2. |
self-test |
sensor-msgs |
sensor-msgs-py |
septentrio-gnss-driver |
serial-driver |
service-msgs |
shape-msgs |
shared-queues-vendor |
simple-actions |
simple-launch |
simulation |
slider-publisher |
smacc2 |
smacc2-msgs |
smach |
smach-msgs |
smach-ros |
smclib |
snowbot-operating-system |
soccer-interfaces |
soccer-marker-generation |
soccer-object-msgs |
soccer-vision-2d-msgs |
soccer-vision-3d-msgs |
soccer-vision-3d-rviz-markers |
soccer-vision-attribute-msgs |
sol-vendor |
sophus |
spacenav |
3.3.0-1 |
ROS interface to the 3Dconnexion SpaceNavigator 6DOF joystick. |
spdlog-vendor |
splsm-7 |
splsm-7-conversion |
sqlite3-vendor |
srdfdom |
sros2 |
sros2-cmake |
statistics-msgs |
std-msgs |
std-srvs |
steering-controllers-library |
stereo-image-proc |
stereo-msgs |
stomp |
stubborn-buddies |
stubborn-buddies-msgs |
swri-cli-tools |
swri-console |
swri-console-util |
swri-dbw-interface |
swri-geometry-util |
swri-image-util |
swri-math-util |
swri-opencv-util |
swri-prefix-tools |
swri-roscpp |
swri-route-util |
swri-serial-util |
swri-system-util |
swri-transform-util |
system-fingerprint |
system-modes |
system-modes-examples |
system-modes-msgs |
tango-icons-vendor |
tcb-span |
teleop-tools |
teleop-tools-msgs |
teleop-twist-joy |
teleop-twist-keyboard |
tensorrt-cmake-module |
test-apex-test-tools |
test-bond |
test-interface-files |
test-msgs |
tf-transformations |
tf2 |
tf2-2d |
tf2-bullet |
tf2-eigen |
tf2-eigen-kdl |
tf2-geometry-msgs |
tf2-kdl |
tf2-msgs |
tf2-py |
tf2-ros |
tf2-ros-py |
tf2-sensor-msgs |
tf2-tools |
theora-image-transport |
tile-map |
tinyspline-vendor |
tinyxml-vendor |
tinyxml2-vendor |
tl-expected |
tlsf |
tlsf-cpp |
topic-based-ros2-control |
topic-monitor |
topic-statistics-demo |
topic-tools |
topic-tools-interfaces |
tracetools |
tracetools-acceleration |
tracetools-analysis |
tracetools-image-pipeline |
tracetools-launch |
tracetools-read |
tracetools-test |
tracetools-trace |
trajectory-msgs |
transmission-interface |
tricycle-controller |
tricycle-steering-controller |
turbojpeg-compressed-image-transport |
turtle-tf2-cpp |
turtle-tf2-py |
turtlebot3-fake-node |
turtlebot3-gazebo |
turtlebot3-msgs |
turtlebot3-simulations |
turtlesim |
tuw-geometry |
tvm-vendor |
twist-mux |
twist-mux-msgs |
twist-stamper |
type-description-interfaces |
ublox |
ublox-gps |
ublox-msgs |
ublox-serialization |
udp-driver |
udp-msgs |
uncrustify-vendor |
unique-identifier-msgs |
ur |
ur-calibration |
ur-client-library |
ur-controllers |
ur-dashboard-msgs |
ur-description |
ur-moveit-config |
ur-msgs |
ur-robot-driver |
urdf |
urdf-launch |
urdf-parser-plugin |
urdf-tutorial |
urdfdom |
urdfdom-headers |
urdfdom-py |
urg-c |
urg-node |
urg-node-msgs |
usb-cam |
v4l2-camera |
velocity-controllers |
velodyne |
velodyne-description |
velodyne-driver |
velodyne-gazebo-plugins |
velodyne-laserscan |
velodyne-msgs |
velodyne-pointcloud |
velodyne-simulator |
vision-msgs |
vision-msgs-layers |
vision-msgs-rviz-plugins |
vision-opencv |
visp |
visualization-msgs |
vitis-common |
vrpn |
vrpn-mocap |
warehouse-ros |
warehouse-ros-sqlite |
webots-ros2 |
webots-ros2-control |
webots-ros2-driver |
webots-ros2-epuck |
webots-ros2-importer |
webots-ros2-mavic |
webots-ros2-msgs |
webots-ros2-tesla |
webots-ros2-tests |
webots-ros2-tiago |
webots-ros2-turtlebot |
webots-ros2-universal-robot |
wiimote |
3.3.0-1 |
The wiimote package allows ROS nodes to communicate with a Nintendo Wiimote and its related peripherals, including the Nunchuk, Motion Plus, and (experimentally) the Classic. The package implements a ROS node that uses Bluetooth to communicate with the Wiimote device, obtaining accelerometer and gyro data, the state of LEDs, the IR camera, rumble (vibrator), buttons, joystick, and battery state. The node additionally enables ROS nodes to control the Wiimote's LEDs and vibration for feedback to the human Wiimote operator. LEDs and vibration may be switched on and off, or made to operate according to a timed pattern. |
wiimote-msgs |
3.3.0-1 |
Messages used by wiimote package. |
xacro |
xsimd |
11.2.0+gitX |
xtensor |
0.24.7+gitX |
xtl |
0.7.7+gitX |
yaml-cpp-vendor |
zbar-ros |
zenoh-bridge-dds |
zlib-point-cloud-transport |
zmqpp-vendor |
zstd-point-cloud-transport |
zstd-vendor |