The layer contains the various dependencies and images for installing REDHAWK SDR onto a target platform. The platform can run as a stand-alone or as a Node integrated with a Domain (default expectation).
Git repository web repo
Last commit: 7 years, 6 months ago (pyro branch)
- Thomas Goodwin email
The meta-redhawk-sdr layer depends upon:
Recipe name | Version | Description |
bulkiointerfaces | 2.0.6 | REDHAWK Framework BulkIO Interfaces |
burstiointerfaces | 2.0.6 | REDHAWK Framework BurstIO Interfaces |
domain-init | 1.0 | REDHAWK Domain Init.D Script |
frontendinterfaces | 2.3.6 | REDHAWK Framework FrontEnd Interfaces |
giflib | 4.1.6 | shared library for GIF images |
gpp | 2.0.6 | REDHAWK Core Framework GPP |
log4cxx | 0.10.0 | Apache logging framework for C++ library |
node-deployer | 1.0.0 | REDHAWK Node Deployer |
omnievents | 2.7.1 | OmniEvents |
omnievents-init | 1.0 | OmniEvents init script |
omniorb | 4.2.0 | OmniORB High Performance ORB |
omniorb-init | 1.0 | OmniORB High Performance ORB (init script) |
omniorbpy | 4.2.0 | Python bindings for omniORB |
packagegroup-redhawk-basic-components | 1.0 | |
packagegroup-redhawk-basic-softpkgs | 1.0 | |
packagegroup-redhawk-core | 1.0 | |
packagegroup-redhawk-node | 1.0 | |
redhawk | 2.0.6 | REDHAWK Core Framework |
redhawk-base-image | 1.0 | Console-only image with the REDHAWK Core Framework installed |
redhawk-codegen | 2.0.6 | REDHAWK Codegen |
redhawk-gpp-image | 1.0 | Console-only REDHAWK Node with the GPP device |
redhawk-node-image | 1.0 | Console-only REDHAWK Node consisting of all user-installed devices |
redhawk-test-image | 1.0 | Console-only REDHAWK with Domain, GPP and omni init scripts for verifying a build |
redhawk-usrp-uhd-image | 1.0 | Console-only REDHAWK Node with the USRP UHD device |
rh-agc | 2.0.0 | REDHAWK AGC Component (CPP) |
rh-amfmpmbasebanddemod | 2.0.0 | REDHAWK AM FM PM Baseband Demod Component |
rh-arbitraryrateresampler | 2.0.0 | REDHAWK Arbitrary Rate Resampler Component (CPP) |
rh-autocorrelate | 2.0.0 | REDHAWK Autocorrelate Component (CPP) |
rh-bluefilelib | 2.0.1 | REDHAWK BlueFile Lib SoftPkg |
rh-dsp | 2.0.0 | REDHAWK DSP SoftPkg |
rh-fastfilter | 2.0.1 | REDHAWK fastfilter Component (CPP) |
rh-fftlib | 2.0.0 | REDHAWK FFTLIB SoftPkg |
rh-filereader | 4.0.3 | REDHAWK File Reader Component (CPP) |
rh-filewriter | 4.0.3 | REDHAWK File Writer Component (CPP) |
rh-hardlimit | 2.0.0 | REDHAWK File Reader Component (CPP) |
rh-psd | 2.0.2 | REDHAWK PSD Component (CPP) |
rh-psk-soft | 2.0.1 | REDHAWK PSK Soft (Decision) Component (CPP) |
rh-rbdsdecoder | 2.0.1 | REDHAWK RBDS Decoder Component (CPP) |
rh-redhawkdevutils | 4.0.1 | REDHAWK Dev Utils SoftPkg |
rh-siggen | 2.0.1 | REDHAWK SigGen Component (CPP) |
rh-sinksdds | 1.0.0 | REDHAWK SinkSDDS Component (CPP) |
rh-sinksocket | 2.0.1 | REDHAWK Sink Socket Component (CPP) |
rh-sinkvita49 | 3.0.2 | REDHAWK SinkVITA49 (CPP) |
rh-sourcesdds | 1.1.0 | REDHAWK SourceSDDS Component (CPP) |
rh-sourcesocket | 2.1.0 | REDHAWK Source Socket Component (CPP) |
rh-sourcevita49 | 3.0.1 | REDHAWK SinkVITA49 (CPP) |
rh-tunefilterdecimate | 2.0.1 | REDHAWK Tune Filter Decimate Component (CPP) |
rh-vita49 | 3.0.1 | REDHAWK VITA49 Libraries SoftPkg |
rtl2832u | 2.0.1 | REDHAWK Device for the RTL2832U |
rtlsdr | 0.5.2 | Driver for RTL-SDR device maintained by REDHAWK SDR |
usrp-uhd | 5.0.0 | REDHAWK Device for the USRP UHD |
xsd | 4.0.0 | XSD Libraries for XML parsing |