The layer contains the various dependencies and images for installing REDHAWK SDR onto a target platform. The platform can run as a stand-alone or as a Node integrated with a Domain (default expectation).

Setup information

Git repository web repo

Last commit: 7 years, 6 months ago (pyro branch)



The meta-redhawk-sdr layer depends upon:

Recipe name Version Description
bulkiointerfaces 2.0.6 REDHAWK Framework BulkIO Interfaces
burstiointerfaces 2.0.6 REDHAWK Framework BurstIO Interfaces
domain-init 1.0 REDHAWK Domain Init.D Script
frontendinterfaces 2.3.6 REDHAWK Framework FrontEnd Interfaces
giflib 4.1.6 shared library for GIF images
gpp 2.0.6 REDHAWK Core Framework GPP
log4cxx 0.10.0 Apache logging framework for C++ library
node-deployer 1.0.0 REDHAWK Node Deployer
omnievents 2.7.1 OmniEvents
omnievents-init 1.0 OmniEvents init script
omniorb 4.2.0 OmniORB High Performance ORB
omniorb-init 1.0 OmniORB High Performance ORB (init script)
omniorbpy 4.2.0 Python bindings for omniORB
packagegroup-redhawk-basic-components 1.0
packagegroup-redhawk-basic-softpkgs 1.0
packagegroup-redhawk-core 1.0
packagegroup-redhawk-node 1.0
redhawk 2.0.6 REDHAWK Core Framework
redhawk-base-image 1.0 Console-only image with the REDHAWK Core Framework installed
redhawk-codegen 2.0.6 REDHAWK Codegen
redhawk-gpp-image 1.0 Console-only REDHAWK Node with the GPP device
redhawk-node-image 1.0 Console-only REDHAWK Node consisting of all user-installed devices
redhawk-test-image 1.0 Console-only REDHAWK with Domain, GPP and omni init scripts for verifying a build
redhawk-usrp-uhd-image 1.0 Console-only REDHAWK Node with the USRP UHD device
rh-agc 2.0.0 REDHAWK AGC Component (CPP)
rh-amfmpmbasebanddemod 2.0.0 REDHAWK AM FM PM Baseband Demod Component
rh-arbitraryrateresampler 2.0.0 REDHAWK Arbitrary Rate Resampler Component (CPP)
rh-autocorrelate 2.0.0 REDHAWK Autocorrelate Component (CPP)
rh-bluefilelib 2.0.1 REDHAWK BlueFile Lib SoftPkg
rh-dsp 2.0.0 REDHAWK DSP SoftPkg
rh-fastfilter 2.0.1 REDHAWK fastfilter Component (CPP)
rh-fftlib 2.0.0 REDHAWK FFTLIB SoftPkg
rh-filereader 4.0.3 REDHAWK File Reader Component (CPP)
rh-filewriter 4.0.3 REDHAWK File Writer Component (CPP)
rh-hardlimit 2.0.0 REDHAWK File Reader Component (CPP)
rh-psd 2.0.2 REDHAWK PSD Component (CPP)
rh-psk-soft 2.0.1 REDHAWK PSK Soft (Decision) Component (CPP)
rh-rbdsdecoder 2.0.1 REDHAWK RBDS Decoder Component (CPP)
rh-redhawkdevutils 4.0.1 REDHAWK Dev Utils SoftPkg
rh-siggen 2.0.1 REDHAWK SigGen Component (CPP)
rh-sinksdds 1.0.0 REDHAWK SinkSDDS Component (CPP)
rh-sinksocket 2.0.1 REDHAWK Sink Socket Component (CPP)
rh-sinkvita49 3.0.2 REDHAWK SinkVITA49 (CPP)
rh-sourcesdds 1.1.0 REDHAWK SourceSDDS Component (CPP)
rh-sourcesocket 2.1.0 REDHAWK Source Socket Component (CPP)
rh-sourcevita49 3.0.1 REDHAWK SinkVITA49 (CPP)
rh-tunefilterdecimate 2.0.1 REDHAWK Tune Filter Decimate Component (CPP)
rh-vita49 3.0.1 REDHAWK VITA49 Libraries SoftPkg
rtl2832u 2.0.1 REDHAWK Device for the RTL2832U
rtlsdr 0.5.2 Driver for RTL-SDR device maintained by REDHAWK SDR
usrp-uhd 5.0.0 REDHAWK Device for the USRP UHD
xsd 4.0.0 XSD Libraries for XML parsing