Recipes to build desktop environments and applications based on Qt5 e.g KDE5 / lxqt / hawaii / sddm ...

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Last commit: 4 years, 11 months ago (rocko branch)



The meta-qt5-extra layer depends upon:

Recipe name Version Description
adwaita-qt 1.0 Make Qt applications look gnomeish
amsynth 1.8.0 Software synth with a classic subtractive synthesizer topology
antimony 0.9.0c Antimony is a computer-aided design (CAD) tool from a parallel universe
ardour5 5.12 Ardour is a multi-channel digital audio workstation
ark 17.12.3 Ark is KDE's file archiver
arty-fx 1.3 ArtyFX is a plugin bundle of artistic real-time audio effects
attica 5.44.0 Open Collaboration Services API
aubio 0.4.6 aubio is designed for the extraction of annotations from audio signals
avldrums.lv2 0.2.2+gitX Dedicated AVLDrumkits LV2 Plugin
baloo 5.44.0 Baloo provides searching and indexing infrastucture with an emphasis on files
baloo-widgets 17.12.3 Widgets for Baloo
bluedevil 5.12.4 Integrate Bluetooth within KDE workspace and applications
bluez-qt 5.44.0 Qt wrapper for BlueZ 5 DBus AP
bovo 17.12.3 Bovo is a Gomoku like game for two players
breeze 5.12.4 Artwork, styles and assets for the Breeze visual style for the Plasma Desktop
breeze-gtk 5.12.4 Widget theme for GTK 2 and 3
breeze-icons 5.44.0 Breeze icon theme
breeze-plymouth 5.12.4 Breeze theme for Plymouth
calf 0.90.0 High quality open source audio plugins for musicians
carla 1.9.7b+gitX Audio plugin host
chromaprint 1.4.2 Chromaprint is library that extracts fingerprints from audio sources
clthreads 2.4.0 C++ wrapper library around the POSIX threads API
clxclient 3.9.0 C++ wrapper library around the X Window System API
cmst 2018.01.06 QT GUI for Connman with system tray icon
compton v0.1-beta2+gitX Compton is a compositor for X
compton-conf 0.3.0 GUI configuration tool for compton X composite manager
discover 5.12.4 A collection of package management tools for Debian-based systems
distrho-ports 0.0.0+gitX Collection of synthesizers and plugins
dolphin 17.12.3 KDE File Manager
dolphin-plugins 17.12.3 Plugins for Dolphin
dragon 17.12.3 Simple KDE multimedia player
drumkv1 0.9.0 An old-school drum kit sampler
drumstick 1.1.0 C++/Qt5 wrapper around multiple MIDI interfaces
dssi 1.1.1 DSSI is an audio plugin API for soft synths and effects
dssi-vst 0.9.2+gitX DSSI plugin wrapper for VST plugins
exiv2 0.26 Exif, Iptc and XMP metadata manipulation library and tools
extra-cmake-modules 5.44.0 Extra modules and scripts for CMake
fil4.lv2 0.4.4+gitX 4 Band Parametric EQ
filelight 17.12.3 KDE graphical diskspace analyser
fluid 0.9.0+gitX A collection of cross-platform QtQuick components for building fluid and dynamic applications
fluidsynth-dssi 1.0.0+gitX A wrapper for the FluidSynth, allowing it to function as a DSSI plugin
fluxbox 1.3.7 Fluxbox is a lightweight windowmanager for X
frameworkintegration 5.44.0 Workspace and cross-framework integration plugins
ftgl 2.1.3-rc5 OpenGL frontend to Freetype 2
ganv 1.4.2 Ganv is a Gtk widget for interactive graph-like environments
gmidimonitor 3.6 GTK+ application that shows MIDI events
gottet 1.1.5 A tetris clone using the Qt GUI toolkit
grantlee 5.1.0 Libraries for text templating with Qt
guitarix 0.36.1 A virtual guitar amplifier
gwenview 17.12.3 A fast and easy to use image viewer for KDE
helm 0.9.0 Helm - a free polyphonic synth with lots of modulation
hexalate 1.1.2 A color matching game
hexter 1.1.0 Yamaha DX7 modeling DSSI plugin
hotspot 1.1.0+gitX The Linux perf GUI for performance analysis
hydrogen 0.9.7+gitX Hydrogen is an advanced drum machine for GNU/Linux
infamousplugins 0.2.04 Audio plugins in the LV2 format
kactivities 5.44.0 Runtime and library to organize the user work in separate activities
kactivities-stats 5.44.0 A library for accessing the usage data collected by the activities system
kactivitymanagerd 5.12.4 System service to manage user's activities
kalzium 17.12.3 Periodic Table of Elements
kapman 17.12.3 Kapman is a clone of the well known game Pac-Man
karchive 5.44.0 Qt 5 addon providing access to numerous types of archives
karchive-native 5.44.0 Qt 5 addon providing access to numerous types of archives
kate 17.12.3 An advanced editor component which is used in numerous KDE applications requiring a text editing component
katomic 17.12.3 Katomic is a fun and educational game built around molecular geometry
kauth 5.44.0 Abstraction to system policy and authentication features
kauth-native 5.44.0 Abstraction to system policy and authentication features
kbookmarks 5.44.0 Support for bookmarks and the XBEL format
kbounce 17.12.3 KBounce is a single player arcade game with the elements of puzzle
kcalc 17.12.3 KDE's calculator application
kcmutils 5.44.0 Utilities for working with KCModules
kcodecs 5.44.0 KDE Text encoding library
kcolorchooser 17.12.3 A very small utility to select a color
kcompletion 5.44.0 Text completion helpers and widgets
kconfig 5.44.0 KDE configuration system
kconfig-native 5.44.0 KDE configuration system
kconfigwidgets 5.44.0 Widgets for configuration dialog
kcoreaddons 5.44.0 Addons to QtCore
kcoreaddons-native 5.44.0 Addons to QtCore
kcrash 5.44.0 Support for application crash analysis and bug report from apps
kdbusaddons 5.44.0 Addons to QtDBus
kde-apps 1.0 KDE apps meta
kde-apps-world 1.0 All KDE applications packages - just for build test
kde-cli-tools 5.12.4 Tools based on KDE Frameworks 5 to better interact with the system
kde-games 1.0 KDE games meta
kde-gtk-config 5.12.4 GTK2 and GTK3 Configurator for KDE
kde-world 1.0 All kde packages - just for build test
kdeclarative 5.44.0 Provides integration of QML and KDE Frameworks
kdecoration 5.12.4 Plugin based library to create window decorations
kded 5.44.0 Extensible deamon for providing system level services
kdelibs4support 5.44.0 Porting aid from KDELibs4
kdelibs4support-native 5.44.0 Porting aid from KDELibs4
kdenlive 17.12.3 Kdenlive is an intuitive and powerful multi-track video editor
kdeplasma-addons 5.12.4 All kind of addons to improve your Plasma experience
kdesignerplugin 5.44.0 Integration of Frameworks widgets in Qt Designer/Creator
kdesignerplugin-native 5.44.0 Integration of Frameworks widgets in Qt Designer/Creator
kdesu 5.44.0 Integration with su for elevated privileges
kdewebkit 5.44.0 KDE Integration for QtWebKit
kdf 17.12.3 KDiskFree displays the file devices' information
kdiamond 17.12.3 KDiamond is a single player puzzle game
kdnssd 5.44.0 Abstraction to system DNSSD features
kdoctools 5.44.0 Documentation generation from docbook
kdoctools-native 5.44.0 Documentation generation from docbook
kemoticons 5.44.0 Support for emoticons and emoticons themes
kf5-world 1.0 All KF5 packages - just for build test
kfilemetadata 5.44.0 A file metadata and text extraction library
kgamma5 5.12.4 Adjust your monitor's gamma settings
kglobalaccel 5.44.0 Add support for global workspace shortcuts
kguiaddons 5.44.0 Addons to QtGui
khelpcenter 17.12.3 Application to show KDE Applications' documentation
kholidays 5.44.0 Library to assist determining when holidays occur
khotkeys 5.12.4 KHOTKEYS
khtml 5.44.0 KHTML
ki18n 5.44.0 Advanced internationalization framework
ki18n-native 5.44.0 Advanced internationalization framework
kiconthemes 5.44.0 Support for icon themes
kidletime 5.44.0 Monitoring user activity
kimageformats 5.44.0 Image format plugins for Qt
kinfocenter 5.12.4 KINFOCENTER
kinit 5.44.0 Process launcher to speed up launching KDE applications
kio 5.44.0 Resource and network access abstraction
kio-extras 17.12.3 Additional components to increase the functionality of KIO
kirigami2 5.44.0 QtQuick plugins to build user interfaces based on the KDE UX guidelines
kitemmodels 5.44.0 Models for Qt Model/View system
kitemviews 5.44.0 Widget addons for Qt Model/View
kjobwidgets 5.44.0 Widgets for tracking KJob instances
kjs 5.44.0 Support for JS scripting in applications
kjs-native 5.44.0 Support for JS scripting in applications
kjsembed 5.44.0 Embedded JS
kmag 17.12.3 KMag is a screen magnifier
kmenuedit 5.12.4 KMENUEDIT
kmix 17.12.3 KDE's audio mixer
knewstuff 5.44.0 Support for downloading application assets from the network
knotifications 5.44.0 Abstraction for system notifications
knotifyconfig 5.44.0 Configuration system for KNotify
kolourpaint 17.12.3 KolourPaint - Paint Program
konsole 17.12.3 KDE's terminal emulator
kpackage 5.44.0 Library to load and install packages of non binary files as they were a plugin
kpackage-native 5.44.0 Library to load and install packages of non binary files as they were a plugin
kparts 5.44.0 Document centric plugin system
kpeople 5.44.0 Provides access to all contacts
kplotting 5.44.0 Lightweight plotting framework
kpmcore 2.0.0 Library for managing partitions
kpty 5.44.0 Pty abstraction
kreversi 17.12.3 KReversi is is a simple strategy game played against the computer
krita 3.3.3 Krita is a free digital painting application
kross 5.44.0 Multi-language application scripting
krunner 5.44.0 Framework for providing different actions given a string query
kscreen 5.12.4 KDE's screen management software
kscreenlocker 5.12.4 Library and components for secure lock screen architecture
kservice 5.44.0 Advanced plugin and service introspection
ksshaskpass 5.12.4 ssh-add helper that uses kwallet and kpassworddialog
ksysguard 5.12.4 KSYSGUARD
ksystemlog 17.12.3 KDE SystemLog Application
ktexteditor 5.44.0 Advanced embeddable text editor
ktextwidgets 5.44.0 Advanced text editing widgets
kunitconversion 5.44.0 Support for unit conversion
kwallet 5.44.0 Secure and unified container for user passwords
kwallet-pam 5.12.4 Unlock KWallet using PAM
kwalletmanager 17.12.3 KDE Wallet Manager is a tool to manage the passwords on your KDE system
kwave 17.12.3 Kwave is a sound editor for KDE
kwayland 5.44.0 KWayland provides a Qt-style Client and Server library wrapper for the Wayland libraries
kwayland-integration 5.12.4 Integration plugins for wayland windowing system
kwidgetsaddons 5.44.0 Addons to QtWidgets
kwin 5.12.4 KDE's window manager
kwindowsystem 5.44.0 Access to the windowing system
kwrited 5.12.4 KWriteD: Listen to traditional system notifications
kxmlgui 5.44.0 User configurable main windows
kxmlrpcclient 5.44.0 Interaction with XMLRPC services
ladspa-sdk 1.13 Linux Audio Developer's Simple Plug-in API, examples and tools
libcddb 1.3.2 Library to access CDDB data
libcdio-paranoia 10.2+0.93+1 CD paranoia libraries from libcdio
libdbusmenu-qt5 0.9.3+16.04.20160218 A library that provides a Qt implementation of the DBusMenu spec
libdebconf-kde 1.0.2 A library that talks debconf protocol
libdmtx 0.7.4 libdmtx is a library for reading and writing Data Matrix barcodes
libfm-qt 0.12.0 Qt port of libfm - a library to build desktop file managers
libkdcraw 17.12.3 Libkdcraw is a C++ interface around LibRaw library
libkdegames 17.12.3 Common code and data for many KDE games
libkexiv2 17.12.3 Libkexiv2 is a wrapper around Exiv2 library
libkscreen 5.12.4 KDE's screen management software
libksysguard 5.12.4 KSE sysguard library
liblo 0.29 liblo is an implementation of the Open Sound Control protocol
libltc 1.3.0 Linear/Logitudinal Time Code (LTC) Library
liblxqt 0.12.0 Core utility library for all LXQt components
libmp4v2 2.1.0+gitX The MP4v2 library provides an API to create and modify mp4 files
libqapt 3.0.3 A Qt wrapper library/APT implementation around the libapt-pkg library
libqtxdg 3.1.0 libqtxdg is An Qt implementation of xdg specifications
libraw 0.18.8 raw image decoder
libsmf 1.3+gitX C library for handling Standard MIDI Files
libstatgrab 0.91 libstatgrab provides access to statistics about the system
libsysstat 0.4.0 Library used to query system info and statistics
libvisual 0.4.0 Audio visualisation library
libxmp 4.4.1 Extended Module Player Library
lilv 0.24.2 C library providing simple use of LV2 plugins
liri-appcenter 0.1.0+gitX Software store
liri-browser 0.0.0+gitX LIRI Web browser
liri-calculator 0.0.0+gitX LIRI Calculator
liri-files 0.1.0+gitX File manager
liri-settings 0.9.0+gitX Settings application for Liri OS
liri-shell 0.9.0+gitX Responsive shell for Liri OS
liri-terminal 0.0.0+gitX Terminal emulator
liri-themes 0.9.0+gitX Themes for a uniform look throughout Liri OS
liri-wallpapers 0.9.0+gitX Wallpapers for Liri OS
liri-wayland Support library to make Qt-based Wayland compositors development easier
liri-workspace 0.9.0+gitX Workspace, programs and plugins for Liri OS
liri-world 1.0 Liri OS package collection
lmdb 0.9.21 Symas Lightning Memory-Mapped Database (LMDB)
lmms 1.2.0-rc5 Qt based sequencer
lmms-native 1.2.0-rc5 Qt based sequencer
lokalize 17.12.3 Computer-aided translation
lrdf 0.5.0+gitX Lightweight RDF
lumina 1.4.0+gitX Lumina Desktop Environment
lv2 1.14.0 LV2 is an open standard for audio plugins
lv2-native 1.14.0 LV2 is an open standard for audio plugins
lv2-ttl-generator 0.0.0+gitX lv2-ttl-generator-native
lximage-qt 0.6.0 LXQt system settings center
lxmenu-data 0.1.5 Desktop menu files for LXDE
lxqt-about 0.12.0 The standalone LXQt "About" dialog
lxqt-admin 0.12.0 GUI tools to adjust settings of the operating system
lxqt-build-tools 0.4.0 Various packaging tools and scripts for LXQt applications
lxqt-config 0.12.0 LXQt system settings center
lxqt-connman-applet 0 LXQt system-tray applet for connman
lxqt-globalkeys 0.12.0 Daemon used to register global keyboard shortcuts
lxqt-l10n 0.12.0 Translations of LXQt
lxqt-notificationd 0.12.0 The LXQt notification daemon
lxqt-openssh-askpass 0.12.0 This is a very small helper app for ssh-agent
lxqt-panel 0.12.0 The LXQt desktop panel
lxqt-policykit 0.12.0 The LXQt PolicyKit agent
lxqt-powermanagement 0.12.0 Power management module for LXQt
lxqt-qtplugin 0.12.0 LXQt Qt platform integration plugin
lxqt-runner 0.12.0 Tool used to launch programs quickly by typing their names
lxqt-session 0.12.0 An alternative session manager ported from the original razor-session
lxqt-sudo 0.12.0 GUI frontend for sudo/su
lxqt-themes 0.12.0 Themes, graphics and icons for LXQt
lxqt-world 1.0 All lxqt packages - just for build test
marble 17.12.3 Marble is a Virtual Globe and World Atlas
mda-lv2 1.2.2 MDA-LV2 is an LV2 port of the MDA plugins by Paul Kellett
meta-qt5-extra-world 1.0 All layer packages - just for build test
meters.lv2 0.9.4+gitX Collection of LV2 plugins for audio-level metering
midifilter.lv2 0.4.7+gitX LV2 plugins to filter midi events
milou 5.12.4 A dedicated search application built on top of Baloo
minuet 17.12.3 A KDE Software for Music Education
mixxx 2.0.0+gitX Qt based DJ software
mlt 6.4.1 MLT Multimedia Framework
modemmanager-qt 5.44.0 Qt wrapper for ModemManager API
molequeue 0.8.0 Desktop integration of high performance computing resources
muon 5.5.0 A collection of package management tools for Debian-based systems
muparser 2.2.5 Fast Math Parser Library
muse 3.0.2 MusE is a digital audio workstation
mxml 2.10 Mini-XML is a small XML library
nekobee 0.2+gitX A softsynth recreation of a classic single-oscillator bass monosynth
networkmanager-qt 5.44.0 Qt wrapper for NetworkManager API
ntk 1.3.1000 NTK is a fork of FLTK
obconf-qt 0.12.0 Qt port of obconf, the Openbox configuration tool
okteta 17.12.3 Okteta is a simple hex editor
okular 17.12.3 KDE document viewer
openbabel 2.4.1 The Open Source Chemistry Toolbox
oxygen 5.12.4 OXYGEN
oxygen-fonts 5.4.3 oxygen fonts
oxygen-icons5 5.44.0 KDE oxygen icons
packagegroup-lxqt-base 1.0 All lxqt packages for a working system
padthv1 0.9.0 An old-school polyphonic additive synthesizer
paper-icon-theme 1.4.0 Paper is an icon theme for GTK based desktops and fits perfectly the paper-gtk-theme
partitionmanager 2.0.0 KDE Partition Manage
patchage 1.0.0 Patchage is a modular patch bay for audio and MIDI systems
pavucontrol-qt 0.3.0 pavucontrol-qt is the Qt port of pulseaudio volume control pavucontrol
pcmanfm-qt 0.12.0 File manager and desktop icon manager (Qt port of PCManFM and libfm)
peg-e 1.2.4 Peg-E is a peg solitaire game
phonon 4.10.0 The Phonon multimedia library
plasma-desktop 5.12.4 KDE Plasma Desktop
plasma-framework 5.44.0 Plugin based UI runtime used to write primary user interfaces
plasma-integration 5.12.4 Qt Platform Theme integration plugins for the Plasma workspaces
plasma-mobile 0.0.0+gitX A complete Plasma workspace targeted from small handheld devices to larger tablets
plasma-nm 5.12.4 KSE sysguard library
plasma-pa 5.12.4 Plasma applet for audio volume management using PulseAudio
plasma-vault 5.12.4 A collection of package management tools for Debian-based systems
plasma-workspace 5.12.4 Plasma workspace, applications and applets
plasma-workspace-wallpapers 5.12.4 Plasma wallpapers
plasma-world 1.0 All KF5 packages - just for build test
polkit-kde-agent-1 5.12.4 Daemon providing a polkit authentication UI for KDE
polkit-qt-1 0.112.0 PolicyKit Qt wrapper
polyphone 1.9 Soundfont editor
portmidi 217 Real-time Midi I/O Library
powerdevil 5.12.4 Manages the power consumption settings of a Plasma Shell
premake3 3.7 A simple build configuration and project generation tool using lua
premake4 4.3 A simple build configuration and project generation tool using lua
prison 5.44.0 Barcode abstraction layer
projectm 2.2.0+gitX projectM is a MilkDrop compatible opensource music visualizer
purpose 5.44.0 Offers available actions for a specific purpose
python3-pyqt5 5.8.2 Python Qt5 Bindings
qca 2.1.1 QCA provides a straightforward and cross-platform crypto API
qcustomplot 1.3.2 QCustomPlot is a Qt C++ widget for plotting and data visualization
qjackctl 0.5.0 JACK Audio Connection Kit - Qt GUI Interface
qm-dsp 1.7.1 A C++ library of functions for DSP and Music Informatics purposes
qmidiarp 0.6.5 A Linux MIDI Arpeggiator, Step Sequencer and LFO
qmidictl 0.5.1 A MIDI Network Gateway via UDP/IP Multicast
qmidinet 0.5.0 JA MIDI Remote Controller via UDP/IP Multicast
qmmp 1.1.12 Qt5 based audio-player
qpdfview 0.4.16 Light-weight tabbed PDF, DJVU and PostScript viewer
qqc2-desktop-style 5.44.0 QtQuickControls 2 style that integrates with the desktop
qsynth 0.5.0 Qt GUI Interface for FluidSynth
qt-gstreamer 1.2.0 QtGStreamer is a set of libraries providing C++ bindings for GStreamer
qtaccountsservice 0.7.0+gitX Qt-style API to use's AccountsService DBus service
qterminal 0.8.0 Lightweight terminal emulator written in Qt
qtermwidget 0.8.0 The qterminal widget
qtiohelper 0.3.99+gitX A Qt5 library with input/output helpers
qtractor 0.8.6+gitX An Audio/MIDI multi-track sequencer
rosegarden 17.12 Rosegarden is a music composition and editing environment
rtmidi 2.1.1 Real-time Midi I/O C++ Library
rubberband 1.8.1 Rubber Band Library library for audio time-stretching and pitch-shifting
samplv1 0.9.0 An old-school polyphonic sampler
sddm 0.17.0 SDDM is a modern display manager for X11
sddm-kcm 5.12.4 Manages the power consumption settings of a Plasma Shell
serd 0.28.0 C library for RDF syntax which supports accessing Turtle and NTriples
setbfree 0.8.5 A DSP Tonewheel Organ emulator
simsu 1.3.5 Simsu is a basic Sudoku game
sip3 4.19.2 SIP is a C++/Python Wrapper Generator
slime-engine 0.0.0+gitX A QML webview wrapper to support both QtWebEngine and Oxide
solid 5.44.0 Hardware integration and detection
sonnet 5.44.0 Support for spellchecking
sonnet-native 5.44.0 Support for spellchecking
sord 0.16.0 C library for storing RDF data in memory
soundfont-collection 0.0.2 A collection of free soundfonts
soundtouch 1.9.2 Library for changing Tempo/ Pitch/ PlaybackRates of audio streams/ files
spectacle 17.12.3 The new screenshot capture utility, replaces KSnapshot
spglib 1.9.9 C library for finding and handling crystal symmetries
sratom 0.6.0 Sratom is a library for serialising LV2 atoms to and from RDF
stk 4.5.1 The Synthesis ToolKit in C++
suil 0.10.0 Suil is a lightweight C library for loading and wrapping LV2 plugin UIs
syntax-highlighting 5.44.0 Syntax highlighting Engine for Structured Text and Code
syntax-highlighting-native 5.44.0 Syntax highlighting Engine for Structured Text and Code
synthv1 0.9.0 An old-school all-digital 4-oscillator subtractive polyphonic synthesizer
systemsettings 5.12.4 KDE system settings
threadweaver 5.44.0 High-level multithreading framework
timidity++ 2.14.0 A software wavetable MIDI synthesizer
timidity++-native 2.14.0 A software wavetable MIDI synthesizer
touchegg-qt5 1.1.1+gitX Linux multitouch gesture recognizer
translate-toolkit 1.13.0 Tools to assist with translation and software localization
triceratops-lv2 0.3.1 Polyphonic synthesizer LV2 plugin
tuna.lv2 0.4.3+gitX Musical Instrument Tuner
umbrello 17.12.3 GUI for diagramming Unified Modelling Language (UML)
user-manager 5.12.4 A simple system settings module to manage the users of your system
vamp-plugin-sdk 2.7.1 The Vamp audio analysis plugin system - SDK
vibe 0.9.0+gitX A collection of core classes used throught Liri
whysynth 20170701 WhySynth — A DSSI Softsynth Plugin
xapian-core 1.4.0 Xapian is an Open Source Search Engine Library
xcb-util-cursor 0.1.2 XCB: The X protocol C binding utilities
xsynth-dssi 0.9.4 A classic-analog style software synthesizer plugin
yoshimi 1.5.7 Yoshimi is a software synthesizer for Linux, a fork of ZynAddSubFX
zita-convolver 3.1.0 A fast, partitioned convolution engine library
zita-resampler 1.6.0 A C++ library for resampling audio signals
zynaddsubfx 3.0.3 ZynAddSubFX is an open source software synthesizer