Please use pyro branch whenever possible. master branch or nexell branch is no longer formally updated.

Yocto BSP meta layer for Nexell based devices. s5p4418, s5p6818 boards and variation products. Support image types are qt5, tiny, sato and ubuntu homepage :

Setup information

Git repository web repo


meta-nexell-distro web subdirectory

Last commit: 6 years, 3 months ago (sumo branch)


Recipe name Version Description
amixer-conf 1.0 amixer setup - for nexell board
android-tools-nexell 4.2.2 Different utilities from Android - based on the corresponding ubuntu package
arm-eabi-4.8 1.0 arm-eabi-4.8
arm-trusted-firmware NEXELL ATF for s5p6818
bl1-s5p4418 NEXELL
bl1-s5p6818 NEXELL Nexell 2ndboot secure set
bl2-s5p4418 NEXELL
common-api-c++ 3.1.12 CommonAPI
common-api-c++-dbus 3.1.12 CommonAPI-DBus
dispatcher-s5p4418 NEXELL
eglfs-kms NEXELL Qt5 qpa eglfs kms configuration
farfield-update 1.0 Nexell customize files for farfield
fswebcam git Webcam image grabber and manipulation application.
gcc-linaro-4.9-2014.11-x86-64-arm-linux-gnueabihf 1.0 gcc-linaro external toolchain
gcc-linaro-4.9-2015.05-x86-64-aarch64-linux-gnu 1.0 gcc-linaro aarch64 external toolchain
gst-plugins-camera 1 gst-plugins-camera
gst-plugins-renderer 1 gst-plugins-renderer
gst-plugins-scaler 1 gst-plugins-scaler
gst-plugins-video-dec NEXELL gst-plugins-video-dec
gst-plugins-video-sink NEXELL gst-plugins-video-sink
l-loader NEXELL l-loader for s5p6818
libdrm-nx NEXELL nexell libdrm
libgsm 1.0.14 GSM Audio Library
linux-s5p4418 4.4.83 Linux kernel
linux-s5p6818 4.4.83 Linux kernel
nexell-bluetooth 1.0 Nexell bluetooth stack service daemon
nexell-bootanim 1.0 Nexell bootanimation
nexell-drm-mali-qt 1.0 waylanddrm-dma_buf libraries
nexell-drm-mali-sato 1.0 x11 drm-dma_buf libraries
nexell-drm-mali-sdl-fb 1.0 waylanddrm-dma_buf libraries
nexell-drm-mali-sdl-wayland 1.0 waylanddrm-dma_buf libraries
nexell-nxlogrotate 1.0 Nexell log management service daemon
nexell-nxreboot 1.0 Nexell Reboot
nexell-nxupdate 1.0 Nexell firmware update service
nexell-qt 1.0 A very basic Wayland image with a terminal
nexell-qt5-touchsetup 1.0 Qt5 touch setup script
nexell-qtbootlauncher NEXELL Nexell Qt bootlauncher
nexell-qtx11 1.0 Image with Sato, a mobile environment and visual style for mobile devices. The image supports X11 with a Sato theme, Pimlico applications, and contains terminal, editor, and file manager.
nexell-ramdisk 1.0
nexell-ramdisk-tiny 1.0
nexell-sato 1.0 Image with Sato, a mobile environment and visual style for mobile devices. The image supports X11 with a Sato theme, Pimlico applications, and contains terminal, editor, and file manager.
nexell-sdl-fb 1.0 A small image just capable of allowing a device to boot.
nexell-sdl-wayland 1.0 A very basic Wayland image with a terminal
nexell-smartvoice 1.0 A small image just capable of allowing a device to boot.
nexell-smartvoiceui 1.0 A small image just capable of allowing a device to boot.
nexell-tiny 1.0 A small image just capable of allowing a device to boot.
nexell-ubuntu 1.0 A console-only image that fully supports the target device hardware.
nx-drm-allocator 1 nx-drm-allocator
nx-gst-meta 1 nx-gst-meta
nx-renderer 1 nx-renderer
nx-scaler 1 nx-scaler
nx-v4l2 1 nx-v4l2
nx-video-api 1 nx-video-api
nx-vidtex 1 nx-vidtex
packagegroup-nexell-qt 1.0 QT requirements
packagegroup-nexell-qt-x11 1.0 QT requirements
packagegroup-nexell-sato 1.0 SATO requirements
packagegroup-nexell-sdl 1.0 SDL requirements
packagegroup-nexell-smartvoice 1.0 SMARTVOICE requirements
packagegroup-nexell-smartvoiceui 1.0 QT requirements
packagegroup-nexell-ubuntu 1.0 ubuntu requirements
qt5-smarthome-launcher 1.0 Qt5 demo smarthome auto running
qt5-x11-init 1.0 systemd qtapplication autostart
qtcinema-launcher 1.0 Qt5 demo cinema auto running
rtl-8188eus-32 1.0 Copy wlan.ko to image deployment area
rtl-8188eus-64 1.0 Copy wlan.ko to image deployment area
sdl-helloworld 1.0 sdl test
sdl-imageview-test 1.0 sdl test
sdl2-opengles-test 1.0.6+gitrX SDL2 OpenGL ES Test Applications
testsuite NEXELL Nexell testsuite
tinyalsa git tinyalsa
tslib-nexell 1.0 tslib re-calibration files
u-boot-nexell NEXELL U-Boot for NEXELL
ubuntu-support 1.0 ubuntu extra support images
user-fonts 1.0 User fonts
weston-conf 1.0 Weston configuration files
xf86-video-armsoc-nexell r7 X driver
s5p4418-avn-ref nexell systems
s5p4418-convergence-svmc nexell systems
s5p4418-daudio-covi nexell systems
s5p4418-daudio-ref nexell systems
s5p4418-ff-voice nexell systems
s5p4418-navi-ref nexell systems
s5p4418-smart-voice nexell systems
s5p4418-zh-dragon nexell systems
s5p6818-avn-ref nexell systems
s5p6818-kick-st nexell systems