OpenEmbedded layer to add support for multiple cloud service provider solutions including IBM Bluemix, Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services (AWS) & Google Cloud Platform.
Git repository web repo
Last commit: 4 years, 11 months ago (thud branch)
- Scott Ware email
Recipe name | Version | Description |
alexa | 1.5 | This is a client for Amazon's Alexa service. |
aws-iot-device-sdk-cpp | 1.3.0 | SDK for connecting to AWS IoT from a device using C++ |
azure-c-shared-utility | 1.1.4 | Azure C Shared Utility |
azure-iot-sdk-c | 1.2.4 | Microsoft Azure IoT SDKs and libraries for C |
azure-uamqp-c | 1.2.4 | uAMQP is a general purpose C library for AMQP |
azure-umqtt-c | 1.1.4 | Microsoft Azure MQTT |
cjson | 1.4.6 | Ultralightweight JSON parser in ANSI C |
dotnet | 2.0.3 | .NET Core Runtime, SDK & CLI tools |
google-cloud-sdk | 206.0.0 | Command-line interface for Google Cloud Platform products and services |
http-parser | 2.8.1 | Parser for HTTP messages written in C |
ibm-iotf-embeddedc | 1.0 | Embedded C client for interacting with the IBM Watson Internet of Things Platform |
maven | 3.3.9 | Apache Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool. Based on the concept of a Project Object Model (POM), Maven can manage a project's build, reporting and documentation from a central piece of information. |
node-iothub-explorer | 1.1.19 | IoT Hub Explorer is a tool that allows you to explore and test Azure IoT Hub features |
node-red | 0.18.5 | Node-RED |
node-red-contrib-azureiothubnode | 0.1.23 | Node-Red node for Azure IoT Hub |
node-red-contrib-google-cloud | 0.0.1 | Node-RED nodes for Google Cloud Platform |
node-red-contrib-ibm-watson-iot | 0.2.8 | Connect to IBM Watson Internet of Things Plaform as a Device or Gateway |
oisp-cli | 1.0.0-beta1 | OISP Command Line Interface |
packagegroup-cloud-aws | 0.13 | Packages for Amazon Web Services. |
packagegroup-cloud-azure | 0.16 | Packages for Microsoft Azure IoT. |
packagegroup-cloud-google | 0.4 | Packages for the Google Cloud Platform. |
packagegroup-cloud-ibm | 0.7 | Packages for IBM Cloud & Watson platforms. |
parson | 1.0.0 | Lightweight JSON library written in C |
python-adal | 1.0.1 | Microsoft Azure Active Directory Authentication Library (ADAL) for Python |
python-applicationinsights | 0.11.4 | This project extends the Application Insights API surface to support Python. |
python-argcomplete | 1.9.4 | Bash tab completion for argparse |
python-aws-iot-device-sdk | 1.3.1 | SDK for connecting to AWS IoT from a device using Python. |
python-awscli | 1.11.105 | This package provides a unified command line interface to Amazon Web Services. |
python-azure-batch | 4.1.3 | Microsoft Azure Batch Client Library for Python |
python-azure-batch-extensions | 1.0.0 | Microsoft Azure Batch Extended Features |
python-azure-cli | 2.0.38 | Next generation multi-platform command line experience for Azure. |
python-azure-cli-acr | 2.0.27 | Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools ACR Command Module |
python-azure-cli-acs | 2.1.1 | Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools ACS Command Module |
python-azure-cli-advisor | 0.5.1 | Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Advisor Command Module |
python-azure-cli-ams | 0.1.1 | Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools AMS Command Module |
python-azure-cli-appservice | 0.1.35 | Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools AppService Command Module |
python-azure-cli-backup | 1.1.1 | Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Recovery Services Command Module |
python-azure-cli-batch | 3.2.4 | Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Batch Command Module |
python-azure-cli-batchai | 0.3.0 | Microsoft Azure Batch AI Client Command-Line Tools |
python-azure-cli-billing | 0.1.8 | Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Billing Command Module |
python-azure-cli-cdn | 0.0.14 | Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Content Delivery Network (CDN) Command Module |
python-azure-cli-cloud | 2.0.14 | Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Cloud Command Module |
python-azure-cli-cognitiveservices | 0.1.13 | Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Cognitive Services Command Module |
python-azure-cli-command-modules-nspkg | 2.0.1 | Microsoft Azure CLI Command modules Namespace Package |
python-azure-cli-configure | 2.0.16 | Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Configure Command Module |
python-azure-cli-consumption | 0.3.1 | Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Consumption Command Module |
python-azure-cli-container | 0.1.24 | Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools container Command Module |
python-azure-cli-core | 2.0.38 | Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Core Module |
python-azure-cli-cosmosdb | 0.1.21 | Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Cosmos DB Command Module |
python-azure-cli-dla | 0.1.0 | Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Data Lake Analytics Command Module |
python-azure-cli-dls | 0.0.22 | Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Data Lake Store Command Module |
python-azure-cli-dms | 0.0.1 | Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools for the Data Migration Service (DMS) Command Module |
python-azure-cli-eventgrid | 0.1.12 | Microsoft Azure Command-Line EventGrid Command Module |
python-azure-cli-eventhubs | 0.1.3 | Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Event Hubs Command Module |
python-azure-cli-extension | 0.0.15 | Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Extension Command Module |
python-azure-cli-feedback | 2.1.3 | Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Feedback Command Module |
python-azure-cli-find | 0.2.11 | Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Find Command Module |
python-azure-cli-interactive | 0.3.25 | Microsoft Azure Command-Line Interactive Shell |
python-azure-cli-iot | 0.1.21 | Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools IoT Command Module |
python-azure-cli-keyvault | 2.0.23 | Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Keyvault Command Module |
python-azure-cli-lab | 0.0.22 | Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools DevTestLabs Command Module |
python-azure-cli-maps | 0.2.0 | Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Maps Command Module |
python-azure-cli-monitor | 0.1.8 | Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Monitor Command Module |
python-azure-cli-network | 2.1.5 | Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Network Command Module |
python-azure-cli-nspkg | 3.0.2 | Microsoft Azure CLI Namespace Package |
python-azure-cli-policyinsights | 0.1.0 | Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Policy Insights Command Module |
python-azure-cli-profile | 2.0.27 | Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Profile Command Module |
python-azure-cli-rdbms | 0.2.5 | Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools MySQL and PostgreSQL Command Module |
python-azure-cli-redis | 0.2.14 | Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Redis Command Module |
python-azure-cli-reservations | 0.2.1 | Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Reservations Command Module |
python-azure-cli-resource | 2.0.32 | Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Resource Command Module |
python-azure-cli-role | 2.0.26 | Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Role Command Module |
python-azure-cli-servicebus | 0.1.2 | Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Service Bus Command Module |
python-azure-cli-servicefabric | 0.0.12 | Microsoft Azure Service Fabric Command-Line Tools |
python-azure-cli-sql | 2.0.27 | Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools SQL Command Module |
python-azure-cli-storage | 2.0.35 | Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Storage Command Module |
python-azure-cli-vm | 2.0.35 | Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools VM Command Module |
python-azure-common | 1.1.12 | Microsoft Azure Client Library for Python (Common) |
python-azure-datalake-store | 0.0.22 | Azure Data Lake Store Filesystem Client Library for Python |
python-azure-graphrbac | 0.40.0 | Microsoft Azure Graph RBAC Resource Management Client Library for Python |
python-azure-iot-provisioning-device-client | 1.2.2 | Azure IoT Provisioning Device Client Library |
python-azure-iothub-device-client | 1.2.2 | Azure IoT Hub Device Client Library |
python-azure-iothub-provisioningserviceclient | 1.0.0 | Azure IoT Hub Provisioning Service Client Library |
python-azure-iothub-service-client | 1.2.2 | Azure IoT Hub Service Client Library |
python-azure-keyvault | 1.0.0 | Microsoft Azure Key Vault Client Library for Python |
python-azure-mgmt-advisor | 1.0.1 | Microsoft Azure Advisor Client Library for Python |
python-azure-mgmt-authorization | 0.50.0 | Microsoft Azure Authorization Management Client Library for Python |
python-azure-mgmt-batch | 5.0.1 | Microsoft Azure Batch Management Client Library for Python |
python-azure-mgmt-batchai | 2.0.0 | Microsoft Azure BatchAI Management Client Library for Python |
python-azure-mgmt-billing | 0.2.0 | Microsoft Azure Billing Client Library for Python |
python-azure-mgmt-cdn | 3.0.0 | Microsoft Azure CDN Resource Management Client Library for Python |
python-azure-mgmt-cognitiveservices | 3.0.0 | Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services Management Client Library for Python |
python-azure-mgmt-commerce | 0.30.0rc6 | Microsoft Azure Commerce Client Library for Python |
python-azure-mgmt-compute | 3.0.1 | Microsoft Azure Compute Management Client Library for Python |
python-azure-mgmt-consumption | 2.0.0 | Microsoft Azure Consumption Management Client Library for Python |
python-azure-mgmt-containerinstance | 1.0.0 | Microsoft Azure Container Instance Client Library for Python |
python-azure-mgmt-containerregistry | 2.0.0 | Microsoft Azure Container Registry Client Library for Python |
python-azure-mgmt-containerservice | 4.1.0 | Microsoft Azure Container Service Client Library for Python |
python-azure-mgmt-cosmosdb | 0.4.1 | Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB Management Client Library for Python |
python-azure-mgmt-datalake-analytics | 0.6.0 | Microsoft Azure Data Lake Analytics Management Client Library for Python |
python-azure-mgmt-datalake-nspkg | 2.0.0 | Microsoft Azure Data Lake Management Namespace Package |
python-azure-mgmt-datalake-store | 0.5.0 | Microsoft Azure Data Lake Store Management Client Library for Python |
python-azure-mgmt-datamigration | 1.0.0 | Microsoft Azure Data Migration Client Library for Python |
python-azure-mgmt-devtestlabs | 2.2.0 | Microsoft Azure DevTestLabs Management Client Library for Python |
python-azure-mgmt-dns | 1.2.0 | Microsoft Azure DNS Management Client Library for Python |
python-azure-mgmt-eventgrid | 1.0.0 | Microsoft Azure EventGrid Management Client Library for Python |
python-azure-mgmt-eventhub | 2.0.0 | Microsoft Azure EventHub Management Client Library for Python |
python-azure-mgmt-iothub | 0.5.0 | Microsoft Azure IoTHub Management Client Library for Python |
python-azure-mgmt-iothubprovisioningservices | 0.2.0 | Microsoft Azure IoTHub Provisioning Services Client Library for Python |
python-azure-mgmt-keyvault | 1.0.0 | Microsoft Azure Key Vault Management Client Library for Python |
python-azure-mgmt-loganalytics | 0.2.0 | Microsoft Azure Media Services Management Client Library for Python |
python-azure-mgmt-logic | 1.0.0 | Microsoft Azure LogicApps Management Client Library for Python |
python-azure-mgmt-managementgroups | 0.1.0 | Microsoft Azure Management Groups Client Library for Python |
python-azure-mgmt-maps | 0.1.0 | Microsoft Azure Maps Client Library for Python |
python-azure-mgmt-marketplaceordering | 0.1.0 | Microsoft Azure Market Place Ordering Client Library for Python |
python-azure-mgmt-media | 0.2.0 | Microsoft Azure Media Services Management Client Library for Python |
python-azure-mgmt-monitor | 0.5.2 | Microsoft Azure Monitor Management Client Library for Python |
python-azure-mgmt-msi | 0.2.0 | Microsoft Azure MSI Management Client Library for Python |
python-azure-mgmt-network | 1.7.1 | Microsoft Azure Network Management Client Library for Python |
python-azure-mgmt-notificationhubs | 0.30.0 | Microsoft Azure Notification Hubs Resource Management Client Library for Python |
python-azure-mgmt-nspkg | 2.0.0 | Microsoft Azure Resource Management Namespace Package |
python-azure-mgmt-policyinsights | 0.1.0 | Microsoft Azure Policy Insights Client Library for Python |
python-azure-mgmt-powerbiembedded | 0.30.0rc6 | Microsoft Azure PowerBI Embedded Client Library for Python |
python-azure-mgmt-rdbms | 1.2.0 | Microsoft Azure RDBMS Management Client Library for Python |
python-azure-mgmt-recoveryservices | 0.3.0 | Microsoft Azure Recovery Services Client Library for Python |
python-azure-mgmt-recoveryservicesbackup | 0.3.0 | Microsoft Azure Recovery Services Backup Management Client Library for Python |
python-azure-mgmt-redis | 5.0.0 | Microsoft Azure Redis Cache Management Client Library for Python |
python-azure-mgmt-reservations | 0.2.1 | Microsoft Azure Reservations Client Library for Python |
python-azure-mgmt-resource | 1.2.2 | Microsoft Azure Resource Management Client Library for Python |
python-azure-mgmt-scheduler | 1.1.1 | Microsoft Azure Scheduler Management Client Library for Python |
python-azure-mgmt-search | 1.1.1 | Microsoft Azure Search Management Client Library for Python |
python-azure-mgmt-servermanager | 1.1.0 | Microsoft Azure ServerManager Management Client Library for Python |
python-azure-mgmt-servicebus | 0.5.0 | Microsoft Azure Service Bus Management Client Library for Python |
python-azure-mgmt-servicefabric | 0.1.0 | Microsoft Azure Service Fabric Management Client Library for Python |
python-azure-mgmt-sql | 0.9.1 | Microsoft Azure SQL Management Client Library for Python |
python-azure-mgmt-storage | 1.5.0 | Microsoft Azure Storage Management Client Library for Python |
python-azure-mgmt-trafficmanager | 0.50.0 | Microsoft Azure Traffic Manager Client Library for Python |
python-azure-mgmt-web | 0.35.0 | Microsoft Azure Web Apps Resource Management Client Library for Python |
python-azure-multiapi-storage | 0.2.0 | Microsoft Azure Storage Client Library for Python with multi API version support. |
python-azure-nspkg | 2.0.0 | Microsoft Azure Namespace Package |
python-azure-servicebus | 0.21.0 | Microsoft Azure Service Bus Client Library for Python |
python-azure-servicemanagement-legacy | 0.20.5 | Microsoft Azure Legacy Service Management Client Library for Python |
python-azure-storage | 0.34.3 | Microsoft Azure Storage Client Library for Python |
python-azure-storage-blob | 1.3.0 | Microsoft Azure Storage Blob Client Library for Python |
python-azure-storage-common | 1.3.0 | Microsoft Azure Storage Common Client Library for Python |
python-azure-storage-file | 1.3.0 | Microsoft Azure Storage File Client Library for Python |
python-azure-storage-nspkg | 3.0.0 | Microsoft Azure Storage Namespace Package |
python-azure-storage-queue | 1.3.0 | Microsoft Azure Storage Queue Client Library for Python |
python-botocore | 1.10.11 | Low-level, data-driven core of boto 3. |
python-cachetools | 2.0.0 | Extensible memoizing collections and decorators |
python-cheroot | 6.4.0 | Highly-optimized, pure-python HTTP server |
python-cherrypy | 17.3.0 | Object-Oriented HTTP framework |
python-colorama | 0.3.9 | Cross-platform colored terminal text. |
python-coloredlogs | 6.0 | Colored terminal output for Python's logging module |
python-contextlib2 | 0.5.5 | Backports and enhancements for the contextlib module |
python-dicttoxml | 1.7.4 | Converts a Python dictionary or other native data type into a valid XML string. |
python-dill | 0.2.6 | Serialize all of python |
python-entrypoints | 0.2.3 | Discover and load entry points from installed packages. |
python-httplib2 | 0.11.3 | A comprehensive HTTP client library. |
python-humanfriendly | 4.12.1 | Human friendly output for text interfaces using Python |
python-ibmiotf | 0.3.4 | Python Client for IBM Watson IoT Platform |
python-isodate | 0.6.0 | An ISO 8601 date/time/duration parser and formatter |
python-jaraco-functools | 1.20 | Additional functools in the spirit of stdlib’s functools. |
python-jmespath | 0.9.3 | JSON Matching Expressions |
python-keyring | 13.1.0 | Store and access your passwords safely. |
python-knack | 0.4.1 | A Python command line interface framework |
python-memcached | 1.59 | Pure python memcached client |
python-more-itertools | 4.3.0 | More routines for operating on iterables, beyond itertools |
python-msrest | 0.5.1 | AutoRest swagger generator Python client runtime. |
python-msrestazure | 0.4.33 | AutoRest swagger generator Python client runtime. Azure-specific module. |
python-oisp | 0.1.0 | An object oriented API for Open IoT Service Platform |
python-paramiko | 2.4.1 | SSH2 protocol library |
python-pathlib2 | 2.2.1 | Object-oriented filesystem paths |
python-pocketsphinx | 0.1.3 | Python interface to CMU Sphinxbase and Pocketsphinx libraries |
python-portend | 2.3 | TCP port monitoring utilities |
python-pydocumentdb | 2.3.2 | Azure DocumentDB Python SDK |
python-pygments | 2.2.0 | Pygments is a syntax highlighting package written in Python. |
python-repoze-lru | 0.6 | A tiny LRU cache implementation and decorator |
python-requests-oauthlib | 1.0.0 | OAuthlib authentication support for Requests. |
python-requests-toolbelt | 0.8.0 | A utility belt for advanced users of python-requests. |
python-routes | 2.4.1 | Routing Recognition and Generation Tools |
python-rsa | 3.4.2 | Pure-Python RSA implementation |
python-s3transfer | 0.1.13 | An Amazon S3 Transfer Manager |
python-scandir | 1.5 | A better directory iterator and faster os.walk() |
python-scp | 0.11.0 | SCP module for Paramiko |
python-secretstorage | 2.3.1 | Python bindings to Secret Service API |
python-setuptools-scm-git-archive | 1.0 | setuptools_scm plugin for git archives |
python-sshtunnel | 0.1.4 | Pure python SSH tunnels |
python-tabulate | 0.8.2 | Pretty-print tabular data in Python, a library and a command-line utility |
python-tempora | 1.13 | Objects and routines pertaining to date and time |
python-unittest2 | 1.1.0 | The new features in unittest backported to Python 2.4+ |
python-vsts-cd-manager | 1.0.2 | Python wrapper around some of the VSTS APIs |
python-webob | 1.7.2 | WSGI request and response object |
python-webrtcvad | 2.0.10 | Python interface to the Google WebRTC Voice Activity Detector (VAD) |
python-websocket-client | 0.48.0 | WebSocket client for python. hybi13 is supported. |
python-wheel | 0.31.1 | A built-package format for Python. |
python-xmltodict | 0.11.0 | Makes working with XML feel like you are working with JSON |
python-zc-lockfile | 1.3.0 | Basic inter-process locks |
python3-adal | 1.0.1 | Microsoft Azure Active Directory Authentication Library (ADAL) for Python |
python3-applicationinsights | 0.11.4 | This project extends the Application Insights API surface to support Python. |
python3-argcomplete | 1.9.4 | Bash tab completion for argparse |
python3-aws-iot-device-sdk | 1.3.1 | SDK for connecting to AWS IoT from a device using Python. |
python3-awscli | 1.11.105 | This package provides a unified command line interface to Amazon Web Services. |
python3-azure-batch | 4.1.3 | Microsoft Azure Batch Client Library for Python |
python3-azure-cli | 2.0.38 | Next generation multi-platform command line experience for Azure. |
python3-azure-cli-acr | 2.0.27 | Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools ACR Command Module |
python3-azure-cli-acs | 2.1.1 | Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools ACS Command Module |
python3-azure-cli-advisor | 0.5.1 | Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Advisor Command Module |
python3-azure-cli-ams | 0.1.1 | Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools AMS Command Module |
python3-azure-cli-appservice | 0.1.35 | Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools AppService Command Module |
python3-azure-cli-backup | 1.1.1 | Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Recovery Services Command Module |
python3-azure-cli-batch | 3.2.4 | Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Batch Command Module |
python3-azure-cli-batchai | 0.3.0 | Microsoft Azure Batch AI Client Command-Line Tools |
python3-azure-cli-billing | 0.1.8 | Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Billing Command Module |
python3-azure-cli-cdn | 0.0.14 | Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Content Delivery Network (CDN) Command Module |
python3-azure-cli-cloud | 2.0.14 | Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Cloud Command Module |
python3-azure-cli-cognitiveservices | 0.1.13 | Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Cognitive Services Command Module |
python3-azure-cli-command-modules-nspkg | 2.0.1 | Microsoft Azure CLI Command modules Namespace Package |
python3-azure-cli-configure | 2.0.16 | Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Configure Command Module |
python3-azure-cli-consumption | 0.3.1 | Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Consumption Command Module |
python3-azure-cli-container | 0.1.24 | Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools container Command Module |
python3-azure-cli-core | 2.0.38 | Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Core Module |
python3-azure-cli-cosmosdb | 0.1.21 | Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Cosmos DB Command Module |
python3-azure-cli-dla | 0.1.0 | Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Data Lake Analytics Command Module |
python3-azure-cli-dls | 0.0.22 | Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Data Lake Store Command Module |
python3-azure-cli-dms | 0.0.1 | Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools for the Data Migration Service (DMS) Command Module |
python3-azure-cli-eventgrid | 0.1.12 | Microsoft Azure Command-Line EventGrid Command Module |
python3-azure-cli-eventhubs | 0.1.3 | Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Event Hubs Command Module |
python3-azure-cli-extension | 0.0.15 | Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Extension Command Module |
python3-azure-cli-feedback | 2.1.3 | Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Feedback Command Module |
python3-azure-cli-find | 0.2.11 | Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Find Command Module |
python3-azure-cli-interactive | 0.3.25 | Microsoft Azure Command-Line Interactive Shell |
python3-azure-cli-iot | 0.1.21 | Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools IoT Command Module |
python3-azure-cli-keyvault | 2.0.23 | Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Keyvault Command Module |
python3-azure-cli-lab | 0.0.22 | Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools DevTestLabs Command Module |
python3-azure-cli-maps | 0.2.0 | Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Maps Command Module |
python3-azure-cli-monitor | 0.1.8 | Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Monitor Command Module |
python3-azure-cli-network | 2.1.5 | Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Network Command Module |
python3-azure-cli-nspkg | 3.0.2 | Microsoft Azure CLI Namespace Package |
python3-azure-cli-policyinsights | 0.1.0 | Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Policy Insights Command Module |
python3-azure-cli-profile | 2.0.27 | Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Profile Command Module |
python3-azure-cli-rdbms | 0.2.5 | Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools MySQL and PostgreSQL Command Module |
python3-azure-cli-redis | 0.2.14 | Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Redis Command Module |
python3-azure-cli-reservations | 0.2.1 | Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Reservations Command Module |
python3-azure-cli-resource | 2.0.32 | Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Resource Command Module |
python3-azure-cli-role | 2.0.26 | Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Role Command Module |
python3-azure-cli-servicebus | 0.1.2 | Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Service Bus Command Module |
python3-azure-cli-servicefabric | 0.0.12 | Microsoft Azure Service Fabric Command-Line Tools |
python3-azure-cli-sql | 2.0.27 | Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools SQL Command Module |
python3-azure-cli-storage | 2.0.35 | Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools Storage Command Module |
python3-azure-cli-vm | 2.0.35 | Microsoft Azure Command-Line Tools VM Command Module |
python3-azure-common | 1.1.12 | Microsoft Azure Client Library for Python (Common) |
python3-azure-datalake-store | 0.0.22 | Azure Data Lake Store Filesystem Client Library for Python |
python3-azure-graphrbac | 0.40.0 | Microsoft Azure Graph RBAC Resource Management Client Library for Python |
python3-azure-iothub-provisioningserviceclient | 1.0.0 | Azure IoT Hub Provisioning Service Client Library |
python3-azure-keyvault | 1.0.0 | Microsoft Azure Key Vault Client Library for Python |
python3-azure-mgmt-advisor | 1.0.1 | Microsoft Azure Advisor Client Library for Python |
python3-azure-mgmt-authorization | 0.50.0 | Microsoft Azure Authorization Management Client Library for Python |
python3-azure-mgmt-batch | 5.0.1 | Microsoft Azure Batch Management Client Library for Python |
python3-azure-mgmt-batchai | 2.0.0 | Microsoft Azure BatchAI Management Client Library for Python |
python3-azure-mgmt-billing | 0.2.0 | Microsoft Azure Billing Client Library for Python |
python3-azure-mgmt-cdn | 3.0.0 | Microsoft Azure CDN Resource Management Client Library for Python |
python3-azure-mgmt-cognitiveservices | 3.0.0 | Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services Management Client Library for Python |
python3-azure-mgmt-commerce | 0.30.0rc6 | Microsoft Azure Commerce Client Library for Python |
python3-azure-mgmt-compute | 3.0.1 | Microsoft Azure Compute Management Client Library for Python |
python3-azure-mgmt-consumption | 2.0.0 | Microsoft Azure Consumption Management Client Library for Python |
python3-azure-mgmt-containerinstance | 1.0.0 | Microsoft Azure Container Instance Client Library for Python |
python3-azure-mgmt-containerregistry | 2.0.0 | Microsoft Azure Container Registry Client Library for Python |
python3-azure-mgmt-containerservice | 4.1.0 | Microsoft Azure Container Service Client Library for Python |
python3-azure-mgmt-cosmosdb | 0.4.1 | Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB Management Client Library for Python |
python3-azure-mgmt-datalake-analytics | 0.6.0 | Microsoft Azure Data Lake Analytics Management Client Library for Python |
python3-azure-mgmt-datalake-nspkg | 2.0.0 | Microsoft Azure Data Lake Management Namespace Package |
python3-azure-mgmt-datalake-store | 0.5.0 | Microsoft Azure Data Lake Store Management Client Library for Python |
python3-azure-mgmt-datamigration | 1.0.0 | Microsoft Azure Data Migration Client Library for Python |
python3-azure-mgmt-devtestlabs | 2.2.0 | Microsoft Azure DevTestLabs Management Client Library for Python |
python3-azure-mgmt-dns | 1.2.0 | Microsoft Azure DNS Management Client Library for Python |
python3-azure-mgmt-eventgrid | 1.0.0 | Microsoft Azure EventGrid Management Client Library for Python |
python3-azure-mgmt-eventhub | 2.0.0 | Microsoft Azure EventHub Management Client Library for Python |
python3-azure-mgmt-iothub | 0.5.0 | Microsoft Azure IoTHub Management Client Library for Python |
python3-azure-mgmt-iothubprovisioningservices | 0.2.0 | Microsoft Azure IoTHub Provisioning Services Client Library for Python |
python3-azure-mgmt-keyvault | 1.0.0 | Microsoft Azure Key Vault Management Client Library for Python |
python3-azure-mgmt-loganalytics | 0.2.0 | Microsoft Azure Media Services Management Client Library for Python |
python3-azure-mgmt-logic | 1.0.0 | Microsoft Azure LogicApps Management Client Library for Python |
python3-azure-mgmt-managementgroups | 0.1.0 | Microsoft Azure Management Groups Client Library for Python |
python3-azure-mgmt-maps | 0.1.0 | Microsoft Azure Maps Client Library for Python |
python3-azure-mgmt-marketplaceordering | 0.1.0 | Microsoft Azure Market Place Ordering Client Library for Python |
python3-azure-mgmt-media | 0.2.0 | Microsoft Azure Media Services Management Client Library for Python |
python3-azure-mgmt-monitor | 0.5.2 | Microsoft Azure Monitor Management Client Library for Python |
python3-azure-mgmt-msi | 0.2.0 | Microsoft Azure MSI Management Client Library for Python |
python3-azure-mgmt-network | 1.7.1 | Microsoft Azure Network Management Client Library for Python |
python3-azure-mgmt-notificationhubs | 0.30.0 | Microsoft Azure Notification Hubs Resource Management Client Library for Python |
python3-azure-mgmt-nspkg | 2.0.0 | Microsoft Azure Resource Management Namespace Package |
python3-azure-mgmt-policyinsights | 0.1.0 | Microsoft Azure Policy Insights Client Library for Python |
python3-azure-mgmt-powerbiembedded | 0.30.0rc6 | Microsoft Azure PowerBI Embedded Client Library for Python |
python3-azure-mgmt-rdbms | 1.2.0 | Microsoft Azure RDBMS Management Client Library for Python |
python3-azure-mgmt-recoveryservices | 0.3.0 | Microsoft Azure Recovery Services Client Library for Python |
python3-azure-mgmt-recoveryservicesbackup | 0.3.0 | Microsoft Azure Recovery Services Backup Management Client Library for Python |
python3-azure-mgmt-redis | 5.0.0 | Microsoft Azure Redis Cache Management Client Library for Python |
python3-azure-mgmt-reservations | 0.2.1 | Microsoft Azure Reservations Client Library for Python |
python3-azure-mgmt-resource | 1.2.2 | Microsoft Azure Resource Management Client Library for Python |
python3-azure-mgmt-scheduler | 1.1.1 | Microsoft Azure Scheduler Management Client Library for Python |
python3-azure-mgmt-search | 1.1.1 | Microsoft Azure Search Management Client Library for Python |
python3-azure-mgmt-servermanager | 1.1.0 | Microsoft Azure ServerManager Management Client Library for Python |
python3-azure-mgmt-servicebus | 0.5.0 | Microsoft Azure Service Bus Management Client Library for Python |
python3-azure-mgmt-servicefabric | 0.1.0 | Microsoft Azure Service Fabric Management Client Library for Python |
python3-azure-mgmt-sql | 0.9.1 | Microsoft Azure SQL Management Client Library for Python |
python3-azure-mgmt-storage | 1.5.0 | Microsoft Azure Storage Management Client Library for Python |
python3-azure-mgmt-trafficmanager | 0.50.0 | Microsoft Azure Traffic Manager Client Library for Python |
python3-azure-mgmt-web | 0.35.0 | Microsoft Azure Web Apps Resource Management Client Library for Python |
python3-azure-multiapi-storage | 0.2.0 | Microsoft Azure Storage Client Library for Python with multi API version support. |
python3-azure-nspkg | 2.0.0 | Microsoft Azure Namespace Package |
python3-azure-servicebus | 0.21.0 | Microsoft Azure Service Bus Client Library for Python |
python3-azure-servicemanagement-legacy | 0.20.5 | Microsoft Azure Legacy Service Management Client Library for Python |
python3-azure-storage | 0.34.3 | Microsoft Azure Storage Client Library for Python |
python3-azure-storage-blob | 1.3.0 | Microsoft Azure Storage Blob Client Library for Python |
python3-azure-storage-common | 1.3.0 | Microsoft Azure Storage Common Client Library for Python |
python3-azure-storage-file | 1.3.0 | Microsoft Azure Storage File Client Library for Python |
python3-azure-storage-nspkg | 3.0.0 | Microsoft Azure Storage Namespace Package |
python3-azure-storage-queue | 1.3.0 | Microsoft Azure Storage Queue Client Library for Python |
python3-botocore | 1.10.11 | Low-level, data-driven core of boto 3. |
python3-cachetools | 2.0.0 | Extensible memoizing collections and decorators |
python3-cheroot | 6.4.0 | Highly-optimized, pure-python HTTP server |
python3-cherrypy | 17.3.0 | Object-Oriented HTTP framework |
python3-colorama | 0.3.9 | Cross-platform colored terminal text. |
python3-coloredlogs | 6.0 | Colored terminal output for Python's logging module |
python3-contextlib2 | 0.5.5 | Backports and enhancements for the contextlib module |
python3-dicttoxml | 1.7.4 | Converts a Python dictionary or other native data type into a valid XML string. |
python3-dill | 0.2.6 | Serialize all of python |
python3-entrypoints | 0.2.3 | Discover and load entry points from installed packages. |
python3-httplib2 | 0.11.3 | A comprehensive HTTP client library. |
python3-humanfriendly | 4.12.1 | Human friendly output for text interfaces using Python |
python3-ibmiotf | 0.3.1 | Python Client for IBM Watson IoT Platform |
python3-isodate | 0.6.0 | An ISO 8601 date/time/duration parser and formatter |
python3-jaraco-functools | 1.20 | Additional functools in the spirit of stdlib’s functools. |
python3-jeepney | 0.3.1 | Low-level, pure Python DBus protocol wrapper. |
python3-jmespath | 0.9.3 | JSON Matching Expressions |
python3-keyring | 13.1.0 | Store and access your passwords safely. |
python3-knack | 0.4.1 | A Python command line interface framework |
python3-memcached | 1.59 | Pure python memcached client |
python3-more-itertools | 4.3.0 | More routines for operating on iterables, beyond itertools |
python3-msrest | 0.5.1 | AutoRest swagger generator Python client runtime. |
python3-msrestazure | 0.4.33 | AutoRest swagger generator Python client runtime. Azure-specific module. |
python3-oisp | 0.1.0 | An object oriented API for Open IoT Service Platform |
python3-paramiko | 2.4.1 | SSH2 protocol library |
python3-pathlib2 | 2.2.1 | Object-oriented filesystem paths |
python3-pocketsphinx | 0.1.3 | Python interface to CMU Sphinxbase and Pocketsphinx libraries |
python3-portend | 2.3 | TCP port monitoring utilities |
python3-pydocumentdb | 2.3.2 | Azure DocumentDB Python SDK |
python3-pygments | 2.2.0 | Pygments is a syntax highlighting package written in Python. |
python3-repoze-lru | 0.6 | A tiny LRU cache implementation and decorator |
python3-requests-oauthlib | 1.0.0 | OAuthlib authentication support for Requests. |
python3-requests-toolbelt | 0.8.0 | A utility belt for advanced users of python-requests. |
python3-routes | 2.4.1 | Routing Recognition and Generation Tools |
python3-rsa | 3.4.2 | Pure-Python RSA implementation |
python3-s3transfer | 0.1.13 | An Amazon S3 Transfer Manager |
python3-scandir | 1.5 | A better directory iterator and faster os.walk() |
python3-scp | 0.11.0 | SCP module for Paramiko |
python3-secretstorage | 3.0.1 | Python bindings to Secret Service API |
python3-setuptools-scm-git-archive | 1.0 | setuptools_scm plugin for git archives |
python3-sshtunnel | 0.1.4 | Pure python SSH tunnels |
python3-tabulate | 0.8.2 | Pretty-print tabular data in Python, a library and a command-line utility |
python3-tempora | 1.13 | Objects and routines pertaining to date and time |
python3-vsts-cd-manager | 1.0.2 | Python wrapper around some of the VSTS APIs |
python3-webob | 1.7.2 | WSGI request and response object |
python3-webrtcvad | 2.0.10 | Python interface to the Google WebRTC Voice Activity Detector (VAD) |
python3-websocket-client | 0.48.0 | WebSocket client for python. hybi13 is supported. |
python3-wheel | 0.31.1 | A built-package format for Python. |
python3-xmltodict | 0.11.0 | Makes working with XML feel like you are working with JSON |
python3-zc-lockfile | 1.3.0 | Basic inter-process locks |
sox | 14.4.2 | SoX is the Swiss Army knife of sound processing programs. |