OpenEmbedded BSP Layer for Radxa boards

Setup information

Git repository web repo

Last commit: 4 years, 8 months ago (thud branch)


  • Nishant Poorswani (Entire Layer) email


The meta-radxa layer depends upon:

Recipe name Version Description
brcm-tools 1.0 Broadcom develop tools
linux-rockpi-4b 4.4.154 Linux kernel
linux-rockpi-e 4.4.194 Linux kernel
linux-rockpi-s 4.4.143 Linux kernel
packagegroup-radxa 1.0 Organize packages to avoid duplication across all images
radxa-binary-loader git Rockchip-Radxa binary loader
radxa-binary-native git Rockchip-Radxa binary tools
radxa-console-image 1.0 Basic console image for Radxa boards
radxa-minimal-image 1.0 Minimal image for Radxa boards
rkwifibt-firmware 1.0 Rockchip WIFI/BT firmware files
rtl-tools 1.0 Realtek develop tools
u-boot-mkimage-radxa 1.0 U-Boot bootloader image creation tool
u-boot-rockpi-4 1.0 Universal Boot Loader for embedded devices
u-boot-rockpi-e 1.0 Universal Boot Loader for embedded devices
u-boot-rockpi-s 1.0 Universal Boot Loader for embedded devices
rockpi-4b-rk3399 RockPi-4b development board config file
rockpi-e-rk3328 RockPi-e development board config file
rockpi-s-rk3308 RockPi-S development board config file