This layer add support to STMicroelectronics STM32MP board (

Git repository web repo

Last commit: 4 years, 10 months ago (warrior branch)


  • Christophe Priouzeau email


The meta-st-stm32mp layer depends upon:

Recipe name Version Description
alsa-state-stm32mp1 1.0 Alsa scenario files to enable alsa state restoration
gcc-arm-none-eabi-native 7 Baremetal GCC for ARM
gcnano-driver-stm32mp 6.2.4.p4 GCNano kernel drivers
gcnano-userland-multi-binary-debug-stm32mp 6.2.4.p4 [DEBUG] Vivante libraries OpenGL ES, OpenVG and EGL (multi backend)
gcnano-userland-multi-binary-stm32mp 6.2.4.p4 Vivante libraries OpenGL ES, OpenVG and EGL (multi backend)
hidapi-stm32mp 0.8.0-rc1 Multi-platform library to interface with USB and Bluetooth HID-Class devices
libopencsd 0.10.0 CoreSight Trace Decode library
linux-examples-stm32mp1 4.19+X ST STM32MP1 projects for Linux examples
linux-firmware-bluetooth-bcm4343 1.0 Bluetooth firmware for BCM4343
linux-stm32mp 4.19 Linux STM32MP Kernel
m4fwcoredump 1.0 Script to manage coredump of cortexM4
m4projects-stm32mp1 1.1.0 STM32MP1 Firmware examples for CM4
nativesdk-gcc-arm-none-eabi 7 Baremetal GCC for ARM
openocd-stm32mp 0.10.0 Free and Open On-Chip Debugging, In-System Programming and Boundary-Scan Testing
optee-os-stm32mp 3.3.0 OPTEE TA development kit for stm32mp
sdcard-raw-tools 1.0 Script for creating raw SDCARD image ready to flash
st-image-bootfs 1.0 STM32MP bootfs Image
st-image-userfs 1.0 STM32MP userfs Image
st-image-vendorfs 1.0 STM32MP vendorfs Image
sysdig-driver 0.24.2+gitX A New System Troubleshooting Tool Built for the Way You Work
tf-a-stm32mp 2.0 Trusted Firmware-A for STM32MP1
u-boot-stm32mp 2018.11 Universal Boot Loader for embedded devices for stm32mp
u-boot-stm32mp-extlinux 2.0 Provide 'extlinux.conf' file for U-Boot
u-boot-stm32mp-splash 2018.11 Universal Boot Loader Splash Screen for stm32mp embedded devices
wifi-suspend 1.0 Systemd service to suspend/resume correctly the wifi
stm32mp1 Configuration for all STM32MP1 boards (EV, DK, ...)
stm32mp1-disco Configuration for STM32MP157C-DK2 board (Trusted boot and SDcard only)
stm32mp1-eval Configuration for STM32MP157C-EV1 board (Trusted boot and SDcard only)