This layer tries to provide similar or better functionality as the factory supplied version, but with up-to-date versions of U-Boot, Linux kernel and Poky.

Setup information

Git repository web repo


meta-intel-edison-bsp web subdirectory

Last commit: 3 years, 11 months ago (zeus branch)


Recipe name Version Description
bcm43340-addr 0.1 Systemd service that sets the public BD_ADDR from the factory provided address
bcm43340-fw 6.20.190 Bluetooth firmware files for use with Linux kernel
bootsuccess 1.0 Bootsucces service, indicates to U-Boot that the kernel booted succefully
gadget 0.1 Install udev rule to configure gadget
linux-yocto 5.6.0 Linux kernel
mcu-fw-bin 0.1 This is edison mcu fw binary.
mcu-fw-load 0.1 This is intel mcu app download daemon.
perf 1.0 Performance analysis tools for Linux
pwr-button-handler 0.1 Daemon listening to Edison PWR long button press, and starting OOBE service when it happens
sketch-check 1.0 sketch check
sof-fw 1.5 SOF firmware files for use with Linux kernel
u-boot 2020.10 Universal Boot Loader for embedded devices
u-boot-fw-utils 2020.10 U-Boot is both a first-stage and second-stage bootloader. It is loaded by the system's ROM or BIOS from a supported boot device, such as an SD card, SATA drive, NOR flash (e.g. using SPI or I²C), or N
u-boot-mkimage 2020.10 U-Boot is both a first-stage and second-stage bootloader. It is loaded by the system's ROM or BIOS from a supported boot device, such as an SD card, SATA drive, NOR flash (e.g. using SPI or I²C), or N