This layer provides recipes to build jupyter notebook and its requirements on openembedded-based systems
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Last commit: 5 years, 4 months ago (zeus branch)
Recipe name | Version | Description |
graphviz | 2.40.1 | Graph Visualization Tools |
packagegroup-python3-jupyter | 1.0 | Python packages to build jupyter notebook |
python3-backcall | 0.1.0 | Backcall: Specifications for callback functions passed in to an API |
python3-backports-shutil-get-terminal-size | 1.0.0 | A backport of the get_terminal_size function from Python 3.3's shutil. |
python3-bleach | 3.1.0 | An easy safelist-based HTML-sanitizing tool. |
python3-cycler | 0.10.0 | Allow easy cycling over arbitrary kwargs the Cycler class |
python3-dateutil | 2.8.1 | Extensions to the standard Python datetime module |
python3-defusedxml | 0.5.0 | XML bomb protection for Python stdlib modules |
python3-entrypoints | 0.3 | Discover and load entry points from installed packages |
python3-enum34 | 1.1.6 | backport of Python 3.4's enum package |
python3-ipykernel | 5.1.3 | Jupyter notebook |
python3-ipython | 7.9.0 | IPython: Productive Interactive Computing |
python3-ipython-genutils | 0.2.0 | Vestigial utilities from IPython |
python3-ipywidgets | 7.5.1 | IPython HTML widgets for Jupyter |
python3-jedi | 0.15.1 | JEDI: An autocompletion tool for Python that can be used for text editors |
python3-jupyter | 1.0.0 | Jupyter notebook |
python3-jupyter-client | 5.3.4 | Jupyter protocol implementation and client libraries |
python3-jupyter-console | 6.0.0 | Jupyter notebook |
python3-jupyter-core | 4.6.1 | Jupyter core package |
python3-jupyterlab | 1.2.3 | The JupyterLab notebook server extension |
python3-jupyterlab-server | 1.0.6 | JupyterLab Server |
python3-kiwisolver | 1.0.1 | Kiwi is an efficient C++ implementation of the Cassowary constraint solving algorithm |
python3-matplotlib | 3.1.1 | matplotlib is a python 2D plotting library which produces publication quality figures in a variety of hardcopy formats |
python3-mistune | 0.8.4 | The fastest markdown parser in pure Python |
python3-mpmath | 1.1.0 | Computer algebra system (CAS) in Python |
python3-nbconvert | 5.6.1 | Converting Jupyter Notebooks |
python3-nbformat | 4.4.0 | The Jupyter Notebook format |
python3-notebook | 6.0.2 | Jupyter notebook |
python3-pandocfilters | 1.4.2 | Discover and load entry points from installed packages |
python3-parso | 0.5.1 | parso: A Python Parse |
python3-pathlib2 | 2.3.5 | Object-oriented filesystem paths |
python3-pickleshare | 0.7.5 | Tiny 'shelve'-like database with concurrency support |
python3-pillow | 6.2.0 | Python library that provides an easy interface to read and write a wide range of image data, including animated images, video, volumetric data, and scientific formats. |
python3-prometheus-client | 0.7.1 | Python client for the Prometheus monitoring system |
python3-pydot | 1.4.1 | Python interface to Graphviz's Dot |
python3-pygments | 2.4.2 | Pygments is a syntax highlighting package written in Python |
python3-qtconsole | 4.6.0 | Jupyter Qt console |
python3-scandir | 1.10.0 | scandir, a better directory iterator and faster os.walk() |
python3-send2trash | 1.5.0 | Send file to trash natively under Mac OS X, Windows and Linux |
python3-simplegeneric | 0.8.1 | Simple generic functions |
python3-singledispatch | | functools.singledispatch from Python 3.4 |
python3-sympy | 1.4 | Computer algebra system (CAS) in Python |
python3-terminado | 0.8.3 | Terminals served to term.js using Tornado websockets |
python3-testpath | 0.4.4 | Test utilities for code working with files and commands |
python3-traitlets | 4.3.3 | Traitlets Python config system |
python3-widgetsnbextension | 3.5.1 | IPython HTML widgets for Jupyter |