NOTE: This recipe is for OE-Classic, the older monolithic version of OpenEmbedded which is no longer actively developed. See below for migration information. If no replacement is available in current OpenEmbedded layers, you may be able to migrate the recipe yourself.
oe-classic OpenEmbedded
Name module-init-tools kmod (Replaced) verified
Version 3.4 33
Summary Tools for managing Linux kernel modules
Description This package contains a set of programs for loading, inserting, and removing kernel modules for Linux (versions 2.5.48 and above). It serves the same function that the modutils package serves for Linux 2.4. kmod is a set of tools to handle common tasks with Linux kernel modules like insert, remove, list, check properties, resolve dependencies and aliases.
Section base base
License GPLv2 GPL-2.0-or-later & LGPL-2.1-or-later
Package/recipe file recipes/module-init-tools/ recipes-kernel/kmod/
Origin openembedded-core (master branch)
Extra links


oe-classic OpenEmbedded


oe-classic OpenEmbedded
Patch Status
kmod/avoid_parallel_tests.patch Inappropriate (disable feature incompatible with ptest)
kmod/gtkdocdir.patch Submitted []

configure options

oe-classic OpenEmbedded