Name iptraf-ng
Version 1.1.4
Summary A console-based network monitoring utility
Description IPTraf-ng is a console-based network monitoring utility. IPTraf gathers data like TCP connection packet and byte counts, interface statistics and activity indicators, TCP/UDP traffic breakdowns, and LAN station packet and byte counts. IPTraf-ng features include an IP traffic monitor which shows TCP flag information, packet and byte counts, ICMP details, OSPF packet types, and oversized IP packet warnings; interface statistics showing IP, TCP, UDP, ICMP, non-IP and other IP packet counts, IP checksum errors, interface activity and packet size counts; a TCP and UDP service monitor showing counts of incoming and outgoing packets for common TCP and UDP application ports, a LAN statistics module that discovers active hosts and displays statistics about their activity; TCP, UDP and other protocol display filters so you can view just the traffic you want; logging; support for Ethernet, FDDI, ISDN, SLIP, PPP, and loopback interfaces; and utilization of the built-in raw socket interface of the Linux kernel, so it can be used on a wide variety of supported network cards.
Section base
License GPL-2.0
Recipe file recipes-devtools/iptraf/
Layer meta-oe (gatesgarth branch)
  • autotools
  • autotools-brokensep
  • pkgconfig
  • siteconfig
  • siteinfo
  • autoconf-native
  • automake-native
  • gnu-config-native
  • libtool-cross
  • libtool-native
  • ncurses
  • pkgconfig-native
  • virtual/i686-oe-linux-compilerlibs
  • virtual/i686-oe-linux-gcc
  • virtual/libc



Patch Status
iptraf-ng/ncurses-config.patch Pending
iptraf-ng/0001-Fix-printd-formatting-strings.patch Pending

Other branches

This recipe in other branches of meta-oe:

Branch Recipe
master iptraf-ng 1.2.1
styhead (Yocto Project 5.1) iptraf-ng 1.2.1
scarthgap (Yocto Project 5.0) iptraf-ng 1.2.1
nanbield (Yocto Project 4.3) iptraf-ng 1.2.1
mickledore (Yocto Project 4.2) iptraf-ng 1.2.1
langdale (Yocto Project 4.1) iptraf-ng 1.2.1
kirkstone (Yocto Project 4.0) iptraf-ng 1.2.1
honister (Yocto Project 3.4) iptraf-ng 1.1.4
hardknott (Yocto Project 3.3) iptraf-ng 1.1.4
gatesgarth (Yocto Project 3.2) iptraf-ng 1.1.4 (this recipe)
dunfell (Yocto Project 3.1) iptraf-ng 1.1.4
zeus (Yocto Project 3.0) iptraf-ng 1.1.4
warrior (Yocto Project 2.7) iptraf-ng 1.1.4
thud (Yocto Project 2.6) iptraf-ng 1.1.4
sumo (Yocto Project 2.5) iptraf-ng 1.1.4
rocko (Yocto Project 2.4) iptraf-ng 1.1.4