Name |
powerdevil |
Version |
5.19.5 |
Summary |
Manages the power consumption settings of a Plasma Shell |
Description |
Section |
base |
License |
GPLv2 |
Homepage |
Recipe file |
Layer |
meta-qt5-extra (dunfell branch) |
Inherits |
- cmake
- cmake_extra_sanity
- cmake_qt5
- cmake_qt5_extra
- cmake_sysroot
- gettext
- kde-base
- kde-plasma
- python3-dir
- python3native
- qmake5_paths
Dependencies |
- bluez-qt
- cmake-native
- extra-cmake-modules-native
- gettext-native
- kactivities
- kauth-native
- kconfig
- kconfig-native
- kcoreaddons-native
- kdelibs4support
- kdelibs4support-native
- kdesignerplugin-native
- kdoctools-native
- kglobalaccel
- ki18n
- kidletime
- kio
- knotifyconfig
- kscreen
- kwayland
- libxcb
- libxml2-native
- ninja-native
- plasma-workspace
- python3-native
- qtbase
- qtbase-native
- qtx11extras
- solid
- sonnet-native
- virtual/i686-oe-linux-compilerlibs
- virtual/i686-oe-linux-gcc
- virtual/libc