Name libimport-into-perl
Version 1.002004
Summary Import::Into - import packages into other packages
Description Writing exporters is a pain. Some use \"Exporter\", some use \"Sub::Exporter\", some use \"Moose::Exporter\", some use \"Exporter::Declare\"... and some things are pragmas.Exporting on someone else's behalf is harder. The exporters don't provide a consistent API for this, and pragmas need to have their import method called directly, since they effect the current unit of compilation. \"Import::Into\" provides global methods to make this painless.
Section libs
License Artistic-1.0 | GPL-1.0+
Recipe file recipes-perl/libimport/
Layer meta-perl (honister branch)
  • cpan
  • cpan-base
  • perl-version
  • perlnative
  • perl
  • perl-native
  • virtual/i686-oe-linux-compilerlibs
  • virtual/i686-oe-linux-gcc
  • virtual/libc




Other branches

This recipe in other branches of meta-perl:

Branch Recipe
master libimport-into-perl 1.002004
styhead (Yocto Project 5.1) libimport-into-perl 1.002004
scarthgap (Yocto Project 5.0) libimport-into-perl 1.002004
nanbield (Yocto Project 4.3) libimport-into-perl 1.002004
mickledore (Yocto Project 4.2) libimport-into-perl 1.002004
langdale (Yocto Project 4.1) libimport-into-perl 1.002004
kirkstone (Yocto Project 4.0) libimport-into-perl 1.002004
honister (Yocto Project 3.4) libimport-into-perl 1.002004 (this recipe)
hardknott (Yocto Project 3.3) libimport-into-perl 1.002004
gatesgarth (Yocto Project 3.2) libimport-into-perl 1.002004
dunfell (Yocto Project 3.1) libimport-into-perl 1.002004
zeus (Yocto Project 3.0) libimport-into-perl 1.002004
warrior (Yocto Project 2.7) libimport-into-perl 1.002004
thud (Yocto Project 2.6) libimport-into-perl 1.002004
sumo (Yocto Project 2.5) libimport-into-perl 1.002004
rocko (Yocto Project 2.4) libimport-into-perl 1.002004
pyro (Yocto Project 2.3) libimport-into-perl 1.002004
morty (Yocto Project 2.2) libimport-into-perl 1.002004
krogoth (Yocto Project 2.1) libimport-into-perl 1.002004
jethro (Yocto Project 2.0) libimport-into-perl 1.002004