ttf-droid 20111207
Name | ttf-droid |
Version | 20111207 |
Summary | General-purpose fonts released by Google as part of Android |
Description | The Droid typeface family was designed in the fall of 2006 by Ascender's Steve Matteson, as a commission from Google to create a set of system fonts for its Android platform. The goal was to provide optimal quality and comfort on a mobile handset when rendered in application menus, web browsers and for |
Section | x11/fonts |
License | ASL 2.0 |
Homepage | |
Recipe file | recipes-graphics/ttf-fonts/ |
Layer | meta-guacamayo (master branch) |
Inherits |
Dependencies | |
Sources |
Other branches
This recipe in other branches of meta-guacamayo:
Branch | Recipe |
master | ttf-droid 20111207 (this recipe) |
dylan (Yocto Project 1.4) | ttf-droid 20111207 |